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RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 8:57:39 AM   

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My apology:

Comparing politicians to chimps is an abomination.  My sincere apologies to chimps everywhere.  You deserve much better.

(in reply to Lorr47)
Profile   Post #: 141
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 12:59:02 PM   

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What a wonderful set of distractors...


ORIGINAL: domiguy

You all have a problem keeping on track. The post was about whether the cartoon in the Post was rascist? 

Ity appears that many think it is.  It appears that many white people think that it is not....Which is not surprising in that it is estimated that twenty percent of our population doubts that the holocaust ocurred.

Not one contributor to this discussion has claimed that many people don't think the cartoon is racist. Obviously, many people think it's racist. Thinking something is something does not make it what you think. People have thought that pyrite is gold, zironium is diamond, the Earth is flat, etc. The fact is, the political cartoonist did not conceive and draw, nor the NYP print the cartoon with racist intent. The post has flatly said this.
Therefor, the cartoon cannot be racist, no matter what other people may think, regardless of their number, or willingness to vocalize their conviction that the cartoon is racist. I believe most of the people are sincere. That does not make them correct. The people who thought the earth is flat, were either ignorant, accepting of what "everyone" knew, or had turf to protect. The negative response to the cartoon, from Rev. Al Sharpton on down, seems to share the same attributes.
To continue to insist this cartoon is racist, when you now know that it was not printed as such, can only indicate racist attitudes of the protestors.

I have no doubt that mastershakey and pandaguy and the guy who hypnotizes subs cannot see the connection that the cartoon could possibly be rascist.  Just a quick question, have you guys ever heard of the holocaust?

The guy who hypnotizes subs, hypnotizes anyone who wants to use hypnotism in a way that interests him. Money helps, since it is my profession. So, to use your same logic, you must be the guy who doms. ~shrugs~ 
Heard of the holocaust, believe the historical evidence, grieve man's inhumanity to man.

Anyways,  I believe that some posters would be better served watching star trek, or hypnotizing women so they might be persuaded to submit, or trading fictitious online stocks.

It is hard for some to stay on track...A debate requires a certain amount of intelligence and savvy in order for one to be successful.  It is truly lacking out here.

A debate requires an agreed upon topic, and adherence to documented facts and loss of credibility when caught out. The documented facts of this subject are that the NYP states the cartoon is not racist, and that some people choose to not believe them.

If one depicts Condi in a rascist manner it is wrong.  Is that so hard to grasp?

Here's a comment I was outraged about (although I did not post anything) , Sen. Joe Biden complimenting Sen. Obama as being "...clean. Clean and very articulate." And now the man is our VP. Even Limbaugh didn't let that pass!

If George Bush was black it would take on racial implications to portray him as a monkey.  What many of you have difficulty in understanding is that George Bush happens to be white and a very dumb white person at that.  He  is dumber than a monkey.

GWB dumber than a monkey... you do realize this is an ad hominem attack which indicates weakness in argument, and attempts to distract, but adds no content to a discussion? In addition... I'm sorry, but some people, regardless of race, do look like certain animals. There have been commercials, contests, and television shows of how people look like animals. It ain't race, it's just the way it is.

I hope this helps clear this matter up. 

Hope is in fashion, you betcha! Here's a toast... "Let us hope for the day when cartoons of shot apes or monkeys only offend members of PETA and the SPCA."
All the best,

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 142
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 1:03:20 PM   

Posts: 17033
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From: Dirty Jersey
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Don`t confuse hypnotic with putting people to sleep.


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to MasterHypnotist)
Profile   Post #: 143
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 1:18:07 PM   

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Let me chunk this down for you, even further.


"It was meant to mock an ineptly written federal stimulus bill.

I guess I misunderstand.  The cartoon in the NYP was not racist because the NYP says it was not racist.  That is like letting Cheney define torture. And, the NYP post saying it was not racist is a "fact."  Surely you jest. 

The intent IS the intent. That it was then misintepreted (see previous explanations about "Projection,") as being racist, does not make it racist. The NYP apologized for using an image that people could take out of context and consider it racist.
The chimp was not redundantly labled, nor was the quotation of and infinite number of monkeys, and an infinite number of typewriters. but gosh, it's a one panel political cartoon! ~shrugs~ I got it. Granted, being a white mid-western male, I don't have the cultural projections that other people have. I am still dealing with the German American guilt of finding Ole and Lena jokes funny.
When I jest, I usually post an appropriate emote. So, no, no jesting here. Not even the last line of the above paragraph. ;-)
All the best,

(in reply to Lorr47)
Profile   Post #: 144
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 1:19:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MichiganHeadmast

My apology:

Comparing politicians to chimps is an abomination.  My sincere apologies to chimps everywhere.  You deserve much better.

In total agreement with this post. Shuda used an "ass"...

(in reply to MichiganHeadmast)
Profile   Post #: 145
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 1:22:36 PM   

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Don`t confuse hypnotic with putting people to sleep.

Yeah, Owner59... when you don't have facts or logic, disparage. How's that workin for ya?
Gotta love it,

(in reply to Owner59)
Profile   Post #: 146
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 2:17:52 PM   

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Selective memory loss?  And the press cannot force the decision on who is picked for a VP.
Typing in "VP Biden + racial remarks" showed 11 pages of results just on one search engine.
A sampling of the videos available on the subject are here -'s++

Back to the OP of this thread.


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69
the outrage was so intense on the left that he was rewarded with the job as VP. ;)  

And the press never made his comments a real issue. Think the same would have occured to ms palin?

If the press made it a real issue they could have forced Obama to pick a new VP.  Remember his pick wasnt popular because most democrats wanted Hillary Clinton.


"Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
great day, I will tease you all the same."

(in reply to MasterShake69)
Profile   Post #: 147
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 3:01:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: domiguy
It is a rather ridiculous notion to say that it could not be interpreted to be directed at Obama....I have seen way too many posters come out here and refer to the stimulus package as being "his."

So it can easily be interpretated that Obama is the "one black man" responsible for the stimulus bill.  If you do not have the capability to reach this as a possible conclusion then I don't know what else to say.

Possible conclusion? Mmmm.... I suppose. I guess if you stretch hard enough, you could figure out a way to decide that this is a possible conclusion.

But then again, a logical conclusion? To paraphrase you, if you seriously think this is the most logical conclusion, then I don't know what else to say to you.

Again, please stay on track.   If my conclusion is incorrect then please grace us with your interpretation?  Please explain how it is would be more probable that the monkey represents "the congress?"  Or some other convoluted rationale, Please explain how a chimp that removed a woman's face and eyes is humorous or has any connection to the stimulus bill?

I believe my conclusion is the most viable. 

I also don't really think that most blacks really give a flying fuck one way or the other.  

Black America...."It's probably rascist...Is there really something new here? Now what's for lunch."


(in reply to ThatDamnedPanda)
Profile   Post #: 148
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 3:15:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic


ORIGINAL: domiguy

What many of you have difficulty in understanding is that George Bush happens to be white and a very dumb white person at that.  He  is dumber than a monkey.

I hope this helps clear this matter up. 

      That's exactly right, DG.  And yet somehow he managed to lie, or trick the Dems into doing what he wanted time after time.  If George II was dumber than a monkey, what does that make them dumber than?

      Yeah.  I get it.  Free speech wins anyway. 

You are entirely correct.  It does make them his beeyatches....And I believe that would place them somewhere lower on the foodchain.

But we know politicians. They will bow down to public pressure and opinion everytime. Very few ever have the stones to actually take a stand if they know that means having to endure some heat and actually have to live by your own words or moral compass.

The gate swings both ways.  Now we have this stimulus bill...Personally, not a big fan.  So many have criticized it.  The plan is essentially Obama's (which does relate directly back to the thread at hand) and many on the right have said that "doing nothing" is the right path to take.  When the dollars hit the hands, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to have an idea what line everyone will be in. 

Now the zillion dollar question!  If you took the money do you really have the right to criticize the manner in which it was spent?  Or have you forfeited that right?

I don't know.  I always had the smarts to acknowledge that the votes "for" war were largely uninformed votes.  How does one justify taking these dollars if they believe the best course of action is to do nothing?

I personally would take the money... Have a bangin' stimulus party...I would be highly stimulated.


(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 149
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 3:39:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterHypnotist

The intent IS the intent.All the best,

You need to work on "the quote thingy."

Anywhoooooo,  I am afaid that I know longer have the capablitly to determine "intent" as it happens in print or e-mails.  After awhile you get a feel that no one cares any longer about intent or the responsibility in acting with civility or decency.

You read enough emails about what a cunt Cindy Sheehan is.  how she got divorced from her husband at a young age and was never even a part of her son's life....Or how Rush has to say that he never heard of "Curious George."  Or that Biden has to apologize for being a bonehead....There is one thing I have definitely learned from watching sports...If someone is labeled as "articulate" he is always going to be black, aferall, all white people are known to be articulate.

It is hard ot discern from what been reported if the Posts' employees were disgusted and aware of the ramifications of the cartoon prior to print or not.  It would be nice to have been a fly on the wall during the discussion of whether to run the cartoon or not.  I have a feeling that the "intent" of the cartoon might take on an entirely different flavor if we were privvy to those conversations.

This is what I can tell you without doubt.  I possess somewhat of a calloused sense of humor. I have friends that are white, black, japanese, chinese, buddhists and blah blah blah...If I drew this cartoon and handed it to them and asked what do you think?  I don't believe there would be one person in the group that would not warn me of the potentiality of the racial implications.

So that is how I am forced to see this. Out of my own eyes and from  the experiences of my own life as well as those that I have had the pleasure of sharing it with.

So I have to wonder  how someone can find it so easy to come to an opposing conclusion?

< Message edited by domiguy -- 2/22/2009 3:40:13 PM >


(in reply to MasterHypnotist)
Profile   Post #: 150
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 4:17:22 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy
Again, please stay on track.   If my conclusion is incorrect then please grace us with your interpretation?  Please explain how it is would be more probable that the monkey represents "the congress?"

The simplest explanation makes the most sense to me. The cartoon refers to the party who wrote the stimulus bill - Obama did not write it, and in fact had very little direct input into it. So why would anyone interpret it as being about him? OK, he's black, and racist assholes have historically denigrated blacks by comparing them to monkeys, and while I agree that's a sickening, disgusting, infuriating fact no matter what race I happen to be, I don't see any logical relationship between the party who wrote the stimulus bill and Obama.

It was a stupid cartoon, and in very poor taste on a lot of levels no matter who the cartoonist was referring to, but let me turn your question back at you - given that Obama did not write the stimulus bill, why would you conclude that a cartoon about the party who did write it would be referring to Obama? Maybe you've already answered that somewhere in here and I missed it, but if you can give me a  logical answer to that, it might persuade me to change my point of view.


ORIGINAL: domiguy
Or some other convoluted rationale, Please explain how a chimp that removed a woman's face and eyes is humorous or has any connection to the stimulus bill?

I can't answer that, because it's not a position I share or even understand. It was an idiotic, disgusting cartoon, and I don't see anything the least bit amusing about it. Nor is it the least bit politically topical. The cartoonist ought be ashamed of himself, and the newspaper ought to be ashamed for having the appallingly bad judgement to print it.


Panda, panda, burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Made you all black and white and roly-poly like that?

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 151
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:00:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

The simplest explanation makes the most sense to me. The cartoon refers to the party who wrote the stimulus bill - Obama did not write it, and in fact had very little direct input into it. So why would anyone interpret it as being about him? OK, he's black, and racist assholes have historically denigrated blacks by comparing them to monkeys, and while I agree that's a sickening, disgusting, infuriating fact no matter what race I happen to be, I don't see any logical relationship between the party who wrote the stimulus bill and Obama.

It was a stupid cartoon, and in very poor taste on a lot of levels no matter who the cartoonist was referring to, but let me turn your question back at you - given that Obama did not write the stimulus bill, why would you conclude that a cartoon about the party who did write it would be referring to Obama? Maybe you've already answered that somewhere in here and I missed it, but if you can give me a  logical answer to that, it might persuade me to change my point of view.


All of these include references to Obama's or the President's stimulus plan....Notice the last four are from "The Post."

Maybe now is the time to reconsider their "intent."


(in reply to ThatDamnedPanda)
Profile   Post #: 152
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:15:02 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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These people are like the OJ jurors.....ain`t nut`n gonna get them to convict,not even


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 153
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:26:03 PM   

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I am just giving you clear examples of democrats doing things that are wrong and the lack of a reaction to them.  Then compare it to the reaction of something that is debatable. ;)
That's why I said I don't think it was racist.   But what if it truly was racist and had Obamas name on the image.  My point is if liberals can be racist and get away with it without suffering real consequences then why not conservatives too. :)



So because you`ve mangaged to reason that Biden`s comments were racists/bigoted,that then excuses the Post`s bigotry?


Try again.

This thread is about the Post and what they did.

Nothing to do with what happened some other time and place, to other people over other things and how the "media" reacted,back then compared to now/whenever.

(in reply to Owner59)
Profile   Post #: 154
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:34:43 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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You can`t have it both ways.

If you say that somethings wrong, shown by your examples,you can`t then say there`s nothing wrong with the Post`s cartoon.

If there`s nothing wrong with the Post piece,then you have nothing to complain about.

< Message edited by Owner59 -- 2/22/2009 5:35:11 PM >


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to MasterShake69)
Profile   Post #: 155
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:50:39 PM   

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The Post also has numerous articles referring to "Obama's Stimulus plan."


(in reply to Owner59)
Profile   Post #: 156
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 5:51:24 PM   

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When the press wants to they can create pressure causing such an event to occur.  I have seen it before especially with Bush sr.  Even though the media is liberal they are still sharks.  So if you put out enough blood in the water the media will go hunting.  They forced out Bush Sr chief of staff John Sununu and almost did the same with VP Dan Quayle.  The media was the ones that push for Clintons impeachment after it was shown Bill lied under oath.
What would have happened to Sarah Palin if she said the same words that biden did?
anybody can google any story's, hell that what i do all the time.  If the press on abc,nbc,cbs nightly news reports the comments.  Then the reports puts added pressure creating follow up story's for several days going on again about the words and the aftermath.  Basically milking the story creating a major issue.


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

Selective memory loss?  And the press cannot force the decision on who is picked for a VP.
Typing in "VP Biden + racial remarks" showed 11 pages of results just on one search engine.
A sampling of the videos available on the subject are here -'s++

Back to the OP of this thread.


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69
the outrage was so intense on the left that he was rewarded with the job as VP. ;)  

And the press never made his comments a real issue. Think the same would have occured to ms palin?

If the press made it a real issue they could have forced Obama to pick a new VP.  Remember his pick wasnt popular because most democrats wanted Hillary Clinton.

(in reply to Vendaval)
Profile   Post #: 157
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 7:57:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy


ORIGINAL: MasterHypnotist

The intent IS the intent.All the best,

I am afaid that I know longer have the capablitly to determine "intent" as it happens in print or e-mails.

Domiguy... Your posts, and this whole fracus, is about people presuming the intent of the political cartoon author, and the NYP. Then, when the NYP clearly posts to the people who assumed the incorrect intent, No, that was not our intent, they refuse to believe the NYP. So, if, as stated, you do not have the capability of determining intent, then take their word for the mixup, and apology that they printed something that was taken in a way that they did not intend. People/organizations are misinterpreted, all the time. It is not a person's or organization's fault when they try to make ammends, and are not given the grace to do so.
So, to Domiguy, Owner59, hardbodysub, et al, let's try this out.
BAD: The cartoon is racist. Clearly that dead chimp represents President Obama. The NYP is lying when they claim anything else.
Better: I believe that is a racist cartoon, and I will accept nothing but a full apology, (insert any additional requirements) and retraction, regardless of what the NYP states.
Best: I saw it as racist, but yeah, the unlabeled, uncaricatured chimp could also represent a different cultural metaphor. I guess this one is a push, but I'm not happy.

It is hard ot discern from what been reported if the Posts' employees were disgusted and aware of the ramifications of the cartoon prior to print or not.  It would be nice to have been a fly on the wall during the discussion of whether to run the cartoon or not.  I have a feeling that the "intent" of the cartoon might take on an entirely different flavor if we were privvy to those conversations.

This is what I can tell you without doubt.  I possess somewhat of a calloused sense of humor. I have friends that are white, black, japanese, chinese, buddhists and blah blah blah...If I drew this cartoon and handed it to them and asked what do you think?  I don't believe there would be one person in the group that would not warn me of the potentiality of the racial implications.

A paper chooses to run a political cartoon that might be misinterpreted if looked at from different points of view? This is surprising? Let's see... Freedom of Speech verses Potential Implications... which should I choose... which should I choose?
What MasterShake69 and I are trying to get across is this. Sometimes a chimp is just a chimp, especially when it is a current event. To insist the chimp must be President Obama is racist. It is certainly a further stretch of imagination than calling or depicting Dr. Condoleeza Rice as a house Negro.

So that is how I am forced to see this. Out of my own eyes and from  the experiences of my own life as well as those that I have had the pleasure of sharing it with.

So I have to wonder  how someone can find it so easy to come to an opposing conclusion?

It's easy. We are not forced, nor can we be forced, to fall to racial baiting. We can come together and say that certain icons are culturally offensive, in spite of whatever their heritage might be. The Stars and Bars? Too much baggage. Nigger? Too much baggage. (Unless it's in a classic SNL skit that was dynamic!) Swastika? Too much baggage. Chimps and apes... sometimes are just chimps and apes.
Domiguy, that you and others take offense at this political cartoon, is your right. Refusing to accept an apology and explanation, is your right. To insist that yours is the only acceptable view, and that you are forced to take it, therefor I must be wrong in not seeing it as you do, is not your right.
The last word is yours. Take it,

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 158
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 8:15:30 PM   

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Some stories stay on top of the information overload pile and others disappear.  There has to be a response in the audience for the stories released by the press to have an effect one way or the other.


ORIGINAL: MasterShake69
anybody can google any story's, hell that what i do all the time.  If the press on abc,nbc,cbs nightly news reports the comments.  Then the reports puts added pressure creating follow up story's for several days going on again about the words and the aftermath.  Basically milking the story creating a major issue


"Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
great day, I will tease you all the same."

(in reply to MasterShake69)
Profile   Post #: 159
RE: New York Post Cartoon: Is Obama the chimp... - 2/22/2009 9:37:07 PM   

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From: Dirty Jersey
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The shake is a one man issue keeper aliver,with this thread.he-he

No wonder it won`t go away.


"As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

President Obama

(in reply to Vendaval)
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