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Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 2:54:27 PM   

Posts: 9008
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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
Status: offline
Have been watching a thread in the “Ask a Master” forum entitled “Work in BDSM relationships”. It has been interesting and informative. However there is an off shoot which I am curious what members think.

Too often we have the illusion that Doms have some wealth. Usually with good wages or salaries and perhaps even own their own businesses. I’ll agree that this is an ideal scenario for sub/slaves to enter into as it indicates the possibility of greater security which may be what they require especially if they have been through the mill financially. What about the other end of the spectrum then?

The Dominants with little income who live on the financial edge or have little money to play with?

Those who sometimes (usually dependent on bill time) have to scrimp and scrape to pay the bills and have money left over for food?

In their situation as long as they are not about to be made homeless, should they be cast aside by the majority of the lifestyle?

Do their character, experience and good name as a sensible and safe Dominant count for nothing?

In other words, is there a financial level in which we as a lifestyle turn our backs and try to forget that they exist?

What say you Dominants and what say you sub/slaves?


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:04:32 PM   

Posts: 1317
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From: from in wisconsin
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In other words, is there a financial level in which we as a lifestyle turn our backs and try to forget that they exist?

ya mean there are RICH dommes?


i aint met one yet!


drugs sex and rock n roll,...drugs are good and so is the rock n roll, sex is over rated"
"go straight to hell, do not pass go and do not collect $200"

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:13:36 PM   

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The Dominants with little income who live on the financial edge or have little money to play with?

Those who sometimes (usually dependent on bill time) have to scrimp and scrape to pay the bills and have money left over for food?

In their situation as long as they are not about to be made homeless, should they be cast aside by the majority of the lifestyle?

Do their character, experience and good name as a sensible and safe Dominant count for nothing?

In other words, is there a financial level in which we as a lifestyle turn our backs and try to forget that they exist?

What say you Dominants and what say you sub/slaves?

Well, I have been with some who had money, and been with some who had none. Personally I could care less as long as he was doing something with his time. I have no qualms about working to make ends meet, but I will not under any circumstances support another who is capable of at least contributing something....whether it be financial, or some other material need that has to be met (ie, work around the house that has to be done etc ). But this is just my experience and my opinion.


~~May Bright Blessings Be Bestowed Upon You and Yours~~

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:14:19 PM   

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For me while having a potential Dom who is comfortable is a plus it is not a necessity. I have struggeled all my life to make ends meet so it would be nothing new for me. Rather I tend to look at what he does with what he has. Does he live responsiblly with in his means? What takes priorty in his life, the big sporting event or food on the table? To me those things say so much more about someones true character then the amout of their yearly income does.


(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:20:53 PM   

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Have been watching a thread in the “Ask a Master” forum entitled “Work in BDSM relationships”. It has been interesting and informative. However there is an off shoot which I am curious what members think.

Too often we have the illusion that Doms have some wealth. Usually with good wages or salaries and perhaps even own their own businesses. I’ll agree that this is an ideal scenario for sub/slaves to enter into as it indicates the possibility of greater security which may be what they require especially if they have been through the mill financially. What about the other end of the spectrum then?

The Dominants with little income who live on the financial edge or have little money to play with?

Those who sometimes (usually dependent on bill time) have to scrimp and scrape to pay the bills and have money left over for food?

In their situation as long as they are not about to be made homeless, should they be cast aside by the majority of the lifestyle?

Do their character, experience and good name as a sensible and safe Dominant count for nothing?

In other words, is there a financial level in which we as a lifestyle turn our backs and try to forget that they exist?

What say you Dominants and what say you sub/slaves?

I'd say it's none of my business.



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:43:43 PM   

Posts: 746
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From: Sydney Australia
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I've never been too bothered about a person's financial status. I could have stayed in New Zealand and had a beneficial relationship with an older "sugar daddy" if I was that interested in the money. He had a high paying managerial job, a wallet full of plastic cards and he only stayed in the best hotels and ate at the best restaurants. But there was no "caring", no love. It was just sex and not very good sex at that. So I gave him the flick

Master has been on a disability pension for over 10 years. He has no job, no savings and lives in subsidised public housing. We met each other online 3 years ago but only developed a relationship other than friendship in the second half of 2003. He lived in Sydney I in a small rural area in New Zealand's North Island. I am now His official carer and get a payment from the Australian government. We have been living together for 2 years, just had our anniversary a few days ago.

I should say that I have my own money from my divorce from my ex husband but Master has no interest in touching it. It is my security in case something should happen to Him which is on the cards with all His health problems. The only thing that is different now with Him is I have a credit card which we both use and a little of the money I have is used to provide little luxuries that we would not be able to have otherwise.

If I could have a wish come true it would be for Him to have His health back. There are things much more important than money

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:53:12 PM   

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IronBear, I'll spot you 20 till payday.


For those who are like Roman Candles leaving bright trails in the night sky while the crowd watches until the dark blue center light bursts into magnificent colors and the crowd goes, ahhhhhhhhhh.

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:54:18 PM   

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Being poor is not a crime. I believe far more satisfaction is derived from a good relationship (regardless of how that is defined).

That being said ....

There are some universal truths not about Doms vs. subs but more about men vs. women. We are each hard wired (in BROAD generalities) different;y and attracted to different things.

Women (again, gross generalies) are attracted to one who can provide. Either a physically strong, and or financially secure mate speaks to that primordial desire.

I know what some may say about htat in regards to today's society and what not, but 10,000 years of culture does not over come a million years of human evolution. It is merely an instinct (albeit a strong one).

Now, another wonderful trait of humanity is infinate variation. So, generalities aside, there is someone for everyone.

Here's the rub, however. Apparent in this lifestyle is a HUGELY disproportionate number of men to women. So, even though a woman might not have financial security as top on her list of priorities, with so many to choose from, she can probably get a better 'package deal'.

All that means to us poor types is more patience, and an ability to let our better qualities shine through ;)


(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 3:56:51 PM   

Posts: 9008
Joined: 6/19/2005
From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
Status: offline



I've never been too bothered about a person's financial status. I could have stayed in New Zealand and had a beneficial relationship with an older "sugar daddy" if I was that interested in the money. He had a high paying managerial job, a wallet full of plastic cards and he only stayed in the best hotels and ate at the best restaurants. But there was no "caring", no love. It was just sex and not very good sex at that. So I gave him the flick

Master has been on a disability pension for over 10 years. He has no job, no savings and lives in subsidised public housing. We met each other online 3 years ago but only developed a relationship other than friendship in the second half of 2003. He lived in Sydney I in a small rural area in New Zealand's North Island. I am now His official carer and get a payment from the Australian government. We have been living together for 2 years, just had our anniversary a few days ago.

I should say that I have my own money from my divorce from my ex husband but Master has no interest in touching it. It is my security in case something should happen to Him which is on the cards with all His health problems. The only thing that is different now with Him is I have a credit card which we both use and a little of the money I have is used to provide little luxuries that we would not be able to have otherwise.

If I could have a wish come true it would be for Him to have His health back. There are things much more important than money

Bless you Rayne, your Master is a lucky man. Both Lady Neets and I have been on disability pensions for some years now, and she also gets the carer’s allowance too. All my wealth went in two divorces so the support funds are non existent. Yep we make ends meet and between the endless struggles of balancing finances, we enjoy life with a god number of friends. The only tight time is when all the bills land at the same time but I’m good at making deals to late pay some but there are times when I chose food over getting my diabetes meds and the morphine for my leg. We make do and at times, I am able to raise a little extra cash from reading tarot cards or pay for a few luxuries by contract counseling work for the right people…..Knowing a few people who are in the same boat in the lifestyle, I have noticed that their lack of income doesn’t create any difficulty here but I know others in other states where there seems to be a financial limit before subs will even talk to Doms.


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


(in reply to Rayne58)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:15:18 PM   

Posts: 9930
Joined: 1/3/2006
From: Increasingly further from reality
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God I hope there isn't a minimum financial means test to be a Dom...I was really getting to enjoy myself


Big man! Pig Man!
Ha Ha...Charade you are!

Why do they leave out the letter b on "Garage Sale" signs?

CM's #1 All-Time Also-Ran

(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:16:13 PM   

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iron bear
some people go off the deep end over class issues so you have to be worldly to understand everyones customs;intolerance is athoritarian and lower class and altruistic is the hands off attitude and upper class ;which produce without effort self acheivers
i know you have to grin and bear it ;being snubbed sometimes; but there are residual rules; or unspoken rules; if you dont brake those; such as eating yogurt ;out of a plastic see-thru baggie ;with no spoon; in the middle of a meeting ;you have smooth sailing; but if you hang ;you have to hang with out being dependant on anyone; never borrow;i know gossip travels fast ;and beautiful young girls ;who were dominants; because they were poor ;and wouldnt take well fare; were left out of bar scenes and clubs ;cause they never bot anything ;generous people are nice people ;and dont think twice; but others are indigent minded; and want you to run into a brick wall ;just for living ;and with offspring; they produce monsters ;raging out on society ;so
clean and serene ;is undeniable- virtue ;and accepatable; anywhere !there's an issue of purity,with s and m people ; and the higher up you go; the less rules;there are ;
always dress codes ;and signals ;and unspoken rules; just dont embarass someones image; and everybodies fine;no one will embarrass yours.
tops are few and far between to me; and so is character ;which carries a lot of weight ;as much as a reliable slave ;or one that can never be depended upon
...sometimes' basic needs 'are so great and unfilled ,that we can't think of higher things like ;actual preferences; lifestyles;love and ,other motives like ambition,
basic-needs have to be filled first ;so you can be free to love ;and think of higher motivations; once our needs for food; water ;and clothes; are filled ;we can go on to feel for the next level of desire,
only love possible ,or lifestyle possible under, concentration camp conditions or extreme poverty; and amoung prisoners who had nothing and no basic needs served was
" bliss"
bliss is ;a form of instant love ,for comfort;
or forced-serial-intimacy ;for security;
the only warmth we can find,in dangerous places;
orgasm is a whole other thing
in snuff films ;youre, in forced serial intamacy,
filmed, against your will ,(watergated)after you are threatened ,
it yeilds far more, and better;even more versatile variety,for dramatic intamacy films ;
;to hand over to hollywood ;of course;
who writes scripts ,or has to direct;!?
they havent written or directed in over 3 decades; ,not most of your multimillion dollar films ,with tons of oscars;some actors became so famous and so so independant ;they put themselves down as directors ;leading actors ,and threw their own oscar party ,when anyone found out anything;
;words and actions are verbatim plagiarized;the victim is instantly intimate ,with almost anyone ;one after another;especially once sepparated ,from their partners and usual-support-systems;(isolated for the kill.)
rich ;affluent ;some even famous womin are displaced ,and vagratized; and, bliss is the only escape from the hell they lived in ,till death.there's no escape from a multi billiondollar criminal industry and enterprize like snuff ,so i heard and found matter who you are; you are garbage; next to the money to be had and circles it penetrates;
so be poor; but make sure you follow customs ,and have your basic- needs satisfied....or it's ,not a preference and ,not a choice lifestyle.everybody knows the game....

< Message edited by jamesthehumanrug -- 1/28/2006 5:16:08 PM >



(in reply to IronBear)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:35:41 PM   

Posts: 9008
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From: Beenleigh, Qld, Australia
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to some degree james I'll agree. I was brought up with the requirements of class and the correct etticate, which fork or spoon to use as a batter of basic training. However you can be dead broke and on a pension and still be accepted into functions and homes at the highest level if you have the name and breeding. (you know, the right old school tie). You are so right about what socual rules you can nor break and still be acceptable. I must confess I bend some of these when with friends but never with family or strangers. (family have certain standards which I am required to keep ~ The bane of beig head of the Family and Clan)

But damnit life is still a load of fun and who knows I may regain some lose riches which two Governments have locked away from me... I may be poor in financial standards but I'm the wealthiest joker in the world with a treasury filled with rich and loving memories and a family and friends who are close. My greatest treasure of Lady Neets bless her.


Iron Bear

Master of Bruin Cottage

Your attitude, words & actions are yours. Take responsibility for them and the consequences they incur.


(in reply to jamesthehumanrug)
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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:46:03 PM   

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It occurs to me that this subject is the male equivelent to the "BBW" question.

Why don't men like BBW Dommes?



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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:52:09 PM   

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We dont make 'a lot' of money. But we have a roof over our heads, food in our mouthes and clothes on our backs. What else is there??

1st Girl Phoenix


**Pain is just pleasure with a twist**

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 4:57:14 PM   

Posts: 746
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From: Sydney Australia
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But damnit life is still a load of fun and who knows I may regain some lose riches which two Governments have locked away from me... I may be poor in financial standards but I'm the wealthiest joker in the world with a treasury filled with rich and loving memories and a family and friends who are close. My greatest treasure of Lady Neets bless her.

We recently found out where Master's lost superannuation is, but the kerfuffle He'd have to go through to get it makes it a huge struggle that He can't be bothered with right now. If He can hang on for another 2 years then He can get His hands on it without a problem. I know they have to make it hard for people to withdraw these funds early but pages of questions that He can't provide the info to (how many employers and when did you work for them, hell He had several jobs over the years and can't remember all the details!) and TWO medical reports from two different doctors plus a statutory declaration and 100 ID points.......might as well try to climb Everest!

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 6:12:51 PM   

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To my mind it is all to do with who he is and not how large his bank account is.

Honesty, a sense of honour, trustworthy and in control of his life... are to me baselines of what I expect of myself. That control doesn't require me to have much, but to live reasonably well on what I've got.

I've only to look out at many of the vanilla's in London here who are part of the credit culture and upto their necks in debt after trying to live above their means.... yet they manage a lower standard of living. A scruffy top with a desgner lable is still a scruffy top but they must have it, trainers with a fashionable design that cost four times what I pay for a good pair of boots, a car that is more 'pimped up' that the one their mate has yet london has a good (If old) public transport system.

Compaired to many of them, I live well AND I've no debt. I'm pretty much in control to my mind.

I'm not a sub so can't say what they might look for in a Dom... but I'd think "Honesty, a sense of honour, trustworthy and in control of his life" would be pretty high on the list with most of the ones I'm likely to be looking toward anything long term with.

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 6:20:33 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ExistentialSteel

IronBear, I'll spot you 20 till payday.

Now thats funny

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 6:26:39 PM   

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Dear Sirs and Madams,

I am also a low income dominant, is this where I sign up for assistance?


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 6:31:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I am also a low income dominant, is this where I sign up for assistance?

lol, do I get half-assitance for being a switch?


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RE: Low Income Dominants. - 1/28/2006 6:32:05 PM   

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ok, this is going down hill, all this assistance abuse, pretty soon all the doms will be sitting on the front porch waiting for their checks...


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