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Joined: 10/21/2005 Status: offline
iron bear some people go off the deep end over class issues so you have to be worldly to understand everyones customs;intolerance is athoritarian and lower class and altruistic is the hands off attitude and upper class ;which produce without effort self acheivers i know you have to grin and bear it ;being snubbed sometimes; but there are residual rules; or unspoken rules; if you dont brake those; such as eating yogurt ;out of a plastic see-thru baggie ;with no spoon; in the middle of a meeting ;you have smooth sailing; but if you hang ;you have to hang with out being dependant on anyone; never borrow;i know gossip travels fast ;and beautiful young girls ;who were dominants; because they were poor ;and wouldnt take well fare; were left out of bar scenes and clubs ;cause they never bot anything ;generous people are nice people ;and dont think twice; but others are indigent minded; and want you to run into a brick wall ;just for living ;and with offspring; they produce monsters ;raging out on society ;so clean and serene ;is undeniable- virtue ;and accepatable; anywhere !there's an issue of purity,with s and m people ; and the higher up you go; the less rules;there are ; always dress codes ;and signals ;and unspoken rules; just dont embarass someones image; and everybodies fine;no one will embarrass yours. tops are few and far between to me; and so is character ;which carries a lot of weight ;as much as a reliable slave ;or one that can never be depended upon ...sometimes' basic needs 'are so great and unfilled ,that we can't think of higher things like ;actual preferences; lifestyles;love and ,other motives like ambition, basic-needs have to be filled first ;so you can be free to love ;and think of higher motivations; once our needs for food; water ;and clothes; are filled ;we can go on to feel for the next level of desire, only love possible ,or lifestyle possible under, concentration camp conditions or extreme poverty; and amoung prisoners who had nothing and no basic needs served was " bliss" bliss is ;a form of instant love ,for comfort; or forced-serial-intimacy ;for security; the only warmth we can find,in dangerous places; orgasm is a whole other thing in snuff films ;youre, in forced serial intamacy, filmed, against your will ,(watergated)after you are threatened , it yeilds far more, and better;even more versatile variety,for dramatic intamacy films ; ;to hand over to hollywood ;of course; who writes scripts ,or has to direct;!? they havent written or directed in over 3 decades; ,not most of your multimillion dollar films ,with tons of oscars;some actors became so famous and so so independant ;they put themselves down as directors ;leading actors ,and threw their own oscar party ,when anyone found out anything; ;words and actions are verbatim plagiarized;the victim is instantly intimate ,with almost anyone ;one after another;especially once sepparated ,from their partners and usual-support-systems;(isolated for the kill.) rich ;affluent ;some even famous womin are displaced ,and vagratized; and, bliss is the only escape from the hell they lived in ,till death.there's no escape from a multi billiondollar criminal industry and enterprize like snuff ,so i heard and found out.no matter who you are; you are garbage; next to the money to be had and circles it penetrates; so be poor; but make sure you follow customs ,and have your basic- needs satisfied....or it's ,not a preference and ,not a choice lifestyle.everybody knows the game....
< Message edited by jamesthehumanrug -- 1/28/2006 5:16:08 PM >