RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (Full Version)

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kdsub -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 10:50:43 AM)

I thought he said he was going to be an independent...are you sure he is switching to the democrats?

I wouldn’t count out the Republicans just yet…America likes the underdog. If the Democrats can’t refrain from kicking a dog while it’s down they will have a tendency to vote Republican again.


servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 10:54:04 AM)

Spector has to run as a Republican to get elected, then ha votes with the Democrats. Now he feel he should run as a Democrat to stay elected. Not much personal conviction if you ask me. Just do whatever it takes regardless of your views...

kdsub -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 11:01:47 AM)

How about do what you believe regardless of your party... if the voters want you back in office they will elect you no matter what party you belong to.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 11:34:53 AM)


(in reply to kittinSol)

ORIGINAL: snappykappy

being that he is now a democrat what does this do to his status if he heads any committee and would his rank now be behind al franken time wise or do they just transfer his past time as a republican

He retains his seniority status relative to all other Senators, regardless of his party affiliation.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 11:46:34 AM)

OK, he's speaking now. He says yes, he's actually joining the Dems, but will not be an automatic 60th vote.  Joe Biden approached him several months ago and asked him to consider switching parties, and the Republican obstructionism on the stimulus bill was what he calls the "schism." He says the Republican Party has moved too far to the right, and can no longer represent the true interests of the country and the electorate. He's speaking quite passionately at the moment about how the party leadership has abandoned the moderate republicans over and over again in the interests of their own lunatic agenda - "They don't make any bones about whether they're willing to lose the general election as long as it helps them purify the party. I don't understand it, but they do it... There ought to be a rebellion to (take the party back.)" Sorry, I can't type as fast he speaks, but that was by far the most passionate, deeply felt answer he's given so far. Sounds pissed. Disgusted. Disillusioned. And absolutely certain he's making the right decision.

I'll say it again, the time is ripe for a new - sane - conservative party to form itself from the ashes of the Republicans and offer a home for the tens of millions of people alienated by Karl Rove and the Palinheads.

Raiikun -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 12:22:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda



ORIGINAL: servantforuse

This is no suprise to anyone. He consistantly votes with the Democrats anyway. He is doing this for personal reasons. He will probably be ousted by a conservative in 2010. He barely won his own primary in the last election. 

Ah, there's one. Right on schedule.

So right on schedule that he's been called a RINO for years.

Boy, those people are on the ball to be saying the same thing before this happened. ;)

awmslave -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 12:25:54 PM)


I thought he said he was going to be an independent...are you sure he is switching to the democrats?

Going to be independent would have made more sense unless he decided to join the winners. GOP future is bleak. Democrats have no brains but perhaps it is sometimes useful to join the party that runs things.

Vendaval -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 12:26:59 PM)

You nailed it, Panda.


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda
I'll say it again, the time is ripe for a new - sane - conservative party to form itself from the ashes of the Republicans and offer a home for the tens of millions of people alienated by Karl Rove and the Palinheads.

Raiikun -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 12:35:15 PM)

I agree too. I'd actually like to see a fiscally responsible party have a shot at power for a change.


ORIGINAL: Vendaval

You nailed it, Panda.


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda
I'll say it again, the time is ripe for a new - sane - conservative party to form itself from the ashes of the Republicans and offer a home for the tens of millions of people alienated by Karl Rove and the Palinheads.

kittinSol -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 2:43:13 PM)

I wonder what Jabba the Rush will make of it [8D] .

DomKen -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 3:00:16 PM)

Got to admire the GOP standard bearers. They've run out of their party one of the most respected members of the their own Senatorial caucus. I wondered if Senator Specter would stay in the GOP ever since the Santorum wing ran a stalking horse against him in the last primary. Note that PA voted Santorum out and kept Specter in not the other way around. Unless Specter retires he will have a cakewalk in his next campaign.

So that leaves a lone GOP Senator I really respect. Will they run Hatch out of the party next?

housesub4you -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 3:36:13 PM)

Part of the GOP response to the switch......

Sen. Mitch McConnell, said the switch posed a "threat to the country." The issue, he said, "really relates to ... whether or not in the United States of America our people want the majority party to have whatever it wants, without restraint, without a check or balance."

Has McConnell forgotten about the 6 years the GOP passed everything Bush asked for???  The problem with the GOP is they think no one remembers when they where in charge.  Why is it BAD for the country when the Dems have complete control but ok when it is the GOP?????

kittinSol -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 3:49:27 PM)

I asked that very same question on the 'GOP unraveling' thread [:D] .

rulemylife -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 3:53:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

I wonder what Jabba the Rush will make of it [8D] .

Something insane undoubtedly.

Did you see his rant blaming Obama for the swine flu?

kittinSol -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:00:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

I wonder what Jabba the Rush will make of it [8D] .

Something insane undoubtedly.

Did you see his rant blaming Obama for the swine flu?

What a dreadful shame: I missed it. But I didn't miss Michele Bachmann trying to draw a parallel between the swine flu and Democratic presidents. According to her, the last epidemic was under Carter - it was under Ford, of course. She's so sad. Perhaps the Botox froze her brain?

MarsBonfire -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:01:26 PM)

No doubt he and Jeffords will be sititng back in plush leather wing chairs, smoking cigars, a snifter of port in the other, and laugh and laugh and laugh about how they "fucked over those GOP cretins" that never paid them a lick of respect. Yet again, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves.

(lifting a toast to him)

Here's to you, Spec! The latest of people to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Vendaval -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:01:26 PM)

Say what now? 

MarsBonfire -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:06:25 PM)

In the early days of the Bush regime, he was steamrollering through legislation that was frankly, killing the country. Sen Jeffords switched to independant... and put the brakes on Bad King George's reign of terror. (I still send him an e-card now and then, thanking him for his patriotisim in the face of tyranny.)

Now, Spectre switches, giving the dems the fillibuster proof majority... literally taking the last vestige of power away from the GOP, like an angry mother pulling a loaded handgun away from their infant.

Thank you, God! We're finally safe from them! Finally and truly!!!!

FirmhandKY -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:44:57 PM)


You leftist are just so funny.

I think it's a good thing he switched, for several reasons:

1. It removes much doubt as to the liability (or credit) of the Democratic Party, for whatever will happen over the next 2 or 4 years.

This will make it much clearer where the credit or blame lies, and will give a lot of ammo in the next couple of elections.

2. Specter has always been a weak horse in the party, and as a member of the Judiciary Committee, where he has done no favors for the Republicans. Basically, he is out in the open now, and the Republicans won't have to be as "accommodating" to his wishes within the party when it comes to judicial appointments.

Some information about his career, taken from Wikipedia (this is selected sentences and paragraphs, not the entire article):


Specter became an assistant district attorney under District Attorney James Crumlish, and was a Democrat.

In 1965, Specter ran for District Attorney, on the Republican ticket as a registered Democrat. He handily beat incumbent Jim Crumlish, and subsequently changed his registration to Republican.

In 1976, Specter ran in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate and was defeated by John Heinz. In 1978, he was defeated in the primary for Governor of Pennsylvania by Dick Thornburgh.

Specter has a higher approval rating among Democrats in Pennsylvania than Republicans, 62-55 respectively

Specter voted in favor of the Senate's version of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 10, 2009; he was one of only three Republicans to break ranks with the party and support the bill, which was favored by President Barack Obama and was unanimously supported by the Democratic senators.[22] As a result of his support, many in the Republican mainstream have begun to set up attack ads calling for his removal from office.

In 2004, Specter faced a challenge in the Republican primary election from conservative Congressman Pat Toomey. Toomey's campaign theme was that Specter, a moderate, was not fiscally conservative enough. The match-up was closely watched nationally, being seen as a symbolic clash between the conservative and moderate wings of the Republican Party. However, most of the state and national Republican establishment, including the state's other senator at the time, Rick Santorum, (who was widely seen as only slightly less conservative than Toomey), closed ranks behind Specter. Specter was strongly supported by President George W. Bush. Specter narrowly avoided a major upset with 51 percent of the primary vote. Once Specter defeated the challenge from the right, he was able to enjoy great support from independents and some Democrats in his race against Hoeffe

Specter is up for re-election to the Senate in 2010, and he has expressed his plans to run again. On March 18, 2009, Specter said that he was not considering running as an independent, and that he planned to run for re-election "as a Republican on the Republican ticket".[28] Subsequently Specter's 2004 conservative GOP primary challenger Pat Toomey announced he will again run for the Republican nomination in the Republican senatorial primary.[29] On April 28, 2009, Specter stated that "As the Republican Party has moved farther and farther to the right, I have found myself increasingly at odds with the Republican philosophy and more in line with the philosophy of the Democratic Party",[8] and he said that is switching party affiliation and will run as a Democrat in the 2010 election.

It's obvious that Specter has never been what you would call a "party loyalist". He does have a pretty good insight into what it takes to get elected, and it obvious that he is very much aware that the chances of pulling out another "squeaker" election are pretty dim for him in the Republican primary.

But, because his electorate is more liberal than the Republican party, he would likely be able to win in a general election - but won't be able to get to one, if he doesn't win the Republican primary.

He's changed parties before to win elections. Nothing new with this change. I suspect his current talk about how the "Republican Party has left me." is camouflaging rhetoric, not actually fact. We heard the same thing in reverse in the 1980s and 1990s.

I will say, I have to respect the fact that while he has always been a RINO, he has generally never equivocated on his generally liberal stances and principles.

But I'm certainly not sorry to see him gone, either.

And, finally ... while all you lefties are jumping up and down with joy over the "destruction" of the Republican Party, as evidenced by this switch, check out these stats:

Party Switching.



slvemike4u -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 4:50:44 PM)

Firm,you almost sound giddy at the prospect of failure for the next couple of years.Such failure will be accompanied by much suffering and diminished prospects for a good portion of your fellow citizens.
Would success experienced under the umbrella of Democratic leadership be that distasteful?

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