RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (Full Version)

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Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 10:12:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: painpup

Well i've always been for Term limits if You don't get results for The People then out You Go .... I also believe in K.I.S.S princapull too I really believe Gov't has indeed Grown far to big

Failure to implement term limits was one of the Republican's greatest mistakes.


You mean one of the republican`s greatest broken promises.


There are term limits.

The dems limited the terms of a dozens of republicans in the last election.

Just as the Founders wanted,by election.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 11:27:19 PM)





Failure to implement term limits was one of the Republican's greatest mistakes.


You mean one of the republican`s greatest broken promises.


There are term limits.

The dems limited the terms of a dozens of republicans in the last election.

Just as the Founders wanted,by election.

The founders also wanted the State Legislatures to appoint all Senators. Electing them by popular vote was an abomination to the system of checks and balances against Federal power, transferring their primary allegiance from their State governments, to the Federal government. But we changed that anyway.

The founders also did not forsee a National Federal Income tax. And there is a good reason to believe that the 16th Admendment authorizing it was never legally ratified. But we did it anyway.

Should I go on?

The founders assumed that elected officials would be citizens who take time off from their normal careers and lives to perform a short period of public service. They did not envision a professional political class. This professional political class has come into being due to the increased usurpation of individual and state's rights by the federal government of which the two examples above are important, but not the only examples.

We changed part of the structure of the checks and balances, which now allows this parasitic political class at the national level, but we did not take sufficient care to rebalance the system, and now we see the unintended consequences.

Term limits seems to be about the only realistic method to return some of the required balance.

Unless you want to repeal the income tax, and return the right to appoint Senators to the States ....?


ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 12:29:49 AM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda
Well, let's start kicking around some of the ramifications of this. First of all, when Franken is seated the Dems will have a filibuster-proof majority. For better or worse. I'm not entirely happy about that, but as obstinate and obstructive as the Republicans have been the first few months of the Obama Administration, overall I'd say it's a positive.

I think it's a short term positive but a long term negative. You're right that the Republican party has made its own bed by its unwillingness to work together. Anytime either party has absolute control it tends to breed arrogance over time and particularly so after following a period when said party did not have the upper hand. Our system only works well when we have two strong parties that are willing to work together for the common good.

As far as the whole filibuster issue is concerned there is a difference between having the theoretical numbers and getting 60 of them when you need it. There are very few if any senators who vote with their party's majority all of the time.

Absolutely, and that's precisely why I finally decided this was something I can live with. The principal value of this is that it may keep the republicans a little more tractable. It's really nothing more than a psychological motivator - the republicans will always have to factor into their calculations the possibility that no matter how hard they may want to fight a particular piece of legislation, it's now mathematically possible (or, a little more possible)  that they would have no way to block it. This is not going to change things much, but it does give the dems a slightly stronger hand to play.

Sanity -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 3:56:32 AM)

I think you would find that most Conservatives are happy that Specter is leaving, and only wish that he's take all the other Rinos such as McCain and Lindsey Graham with him.

Yeah... Give the Democrats more rope. That's okay with me.


Hmm, but 72 year old McCain with a history of heart problems is fine?  Just curious on how that works...

popeye1250 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 4:54:02 AM)




ORIGINAL: popeye1250

I saw that on the News tonight.
They also said that he's SEVENTY NINE YEARS OLD!
He won't LIVE 'till the next election!
What the hell is it with those senators? Their "median age" has to be in the 70's by now!
Another good reason for term limits and *age limits!*   ***Seventy and O-U-T!***!"
Look at Bird and Kennedy, Bird is 90, in a wheelchair and slobers on himself and is senile!
Kennedy's always been senile and now he's having seizures on a regular basis and not the booze kind either.
The American People need to start putting these guys out to pasture. No-one should be in office for 20 years let alone 40!
And if Spector's constituents don't like him as a R why would they like him as a D? If he lives that long he'll probably be defeated. Let some young guy in his 50's run.
These guys are BUICK drivers, Herbert Hoover was president when they were born! Hell, Woodrow Wilson was president when Bird was born!
C'mon out there people, we need "Change" if your senator's been in office for more than two terms shitcan him/her!

Hmm, but 72 year old McCain with a history of heart problems is fine?  Just curious on how that works...

BKSir, me too!
These guys should be shopping at Costco for the giant boxes of "Depends" undergarments not trying for another six years to make it to 40 years in the senate or whatever.
Why don't we just scour the nursing homes for potential candidates?
Cripes, the guy's *79* is there no-one else in the whole state of PA. who wants to run?
We need to clean out that *geriatric ward* called the "senate" in the next few elections. Gawd, it must stink in there with all of those old farts crapping themselves.
Can you imagine being a Democrat and hearing that news that Spector wants to join your party? "Oh no! You're fucking kidding me!" Sheesh, I'm starting to feel sorry for the Democrats now!
I just can't see a lot of young people getting "excited" over Spector when he can't even get "excited."
"Spector, Spector, he's our man, couldn't get a boner in the promised land!"

PanthersMom -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 4:58:08 AM)

does it really matter which team of crooks he plays with? 


DomKen -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 5:25:21 AM)


there is a good reason to believe that the 16th Admendment authorizing it was never legally ratified.

Present your case then.

MarsBonfire -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 5:31:49 AM)

Yeah, all kidding aside, Spectre has always been his own guy. His switch to the Dem side really doesn't count for crap, other than maybe getting him a shot at making it to the general election. (You can be sure he'll "play ball" at least until the primaries are over, after that, it's anybody's guess.) He's a moderate (which these days means he's generally NOT a right wing extremist asshole). The most enjoyaboe thing about his switch over was his parting shot to the GOP: "There should be a rebellion within the party. The GOP has become far too extremist for it's own good."

Cagey18 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 6:02:11 AM)



I think you would find that most Conservatives are happy that Specter is leaving, and only wish that he's take all the other Rinos such as McCain and Lindsey Graham with him.

Yeah... Give the Democrats more rope. That's okay with me.

Translation into reality-speak:  Give the Democrats in Congress more power to advance their agenda, and that of President Obama. 

"Conservatives" might be happy, but Republicans are shitting their pants.

Cagey18 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 6:05:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire

Yeah, all kidding aside, Spectre has always been his own guy. His switch to the Dem side really doesn't count for crap, other than maybe getting him a shot at making it to the general election.

Actually that was the main reason for the switch.  And now he's not only going to make it to the GE, he's favored to win a sixth term, since the GOP doesn't have a decent moderate candidate who can win increasingly-blue Pennsylvania.

Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 6:50:33 AM)

Philosophy was his 1st and strongest reason.He was quite honest,almost brutally so that he didn`t want to be judged by the Pennsylvania`s con primary voters (ie ,folks similar to what leads the GOP presently).They after all, are what`s leading the party off the cliff,......right Sanity?("more rope",bwah-ha ha ha!)

Also there`s a "sore loser" law in Pennsi that doesn`t allow a primary loser to quit his party and then run as an independent,like sore loser Joe Lieberman did.

I really don`t think it`s a super big deal either way,but it book marks history quite well and reaffirms what everybody already knows.

I do enjoy the discomfiture


I suggest anyone wanting a belly laugh and some insight into the GOP should tune in today to any righy-wingy radio talk show.

Some of the words I heard used to describe Specter yesterday.  Listed in order of said most.





Let a murderer skip bail (not sure what that was about but I promise we all will know soon)


philosophy -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 8:14:54 AM)



Philosophy was his 1st and strongest reason.

...i had nothing to do with it. Nothing, i say. [8|]

Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 8:19:33 AM)


UncleNasty -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 9:30:30 AM)

Given the degree to which our elected officials disregard their own constituents and the law I don't believe it makes any difference which party any of them are affiliated with, or who is in any given office.

Not a solution oriented comment.

I like the idea of holding them accountable to their oathes of office, to the limits and disabilities of the US Constitution, and the Constitutions of their respective states.

Uncle Nasty

slvemike4u -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 9:36:16 AM)





ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Okay Firm,that is where we part company in my eyes a middle course is not only preferable but it is to be desired. An unfettered free market leaves too many on the outside looking in,not to mention leads to far too many abuses of the working class.While a "collectivism" tends to stifle the entrepenurial streak that makes this country great.Better a tight rope walk of balance that keeps the best of both methods uneasily co-existing.

Of course there needs to be a balance. The question is, where should the balance point be?
Therein lies the crux of the issue,it is my beleif that right now we are too far right....and are in need of a correction to the left
And collectivism doesn't just stifle the "entrepreneurial streak". It stifles the very core of humanity and individual freedom. a point....attatching the label collectivism would seem to be a tactic used by some to paint as evil any attempt to see to the common good....sometimes at the expence of individualism.And that is a necessary evil.
Government is a necessary evil. Necessary - but by definition and inherent structure - evil in that it intrudes on the sovereignty of the individual.
Couldn't disagree with this more.Government is not,and should not be viewed as an evil.Government doesn't posess intrinsic evil is up to the electorate to ensure that their representatives address their issues.Anarchy is evil....the tyranny of the majority is evil.Government is our only defence against either of these excesses.
When the the majority ... or even a large minority ... of the voters rely upon the government for the forcible transfer of funds from the other half ... then there can be nothing more than increasing demands for such support.
When the minority perverts Government to nefarious ends...and as a consequence the majority fall further and further behind.....the middle class faces extinction.

We are currently at about that half-way point. I suspect the current administration - before it is out of office - will see it tip over.
I suspect the current administration will spend most of its first term redressing the inequities of the last 8 years....amid much hand wringing from the minority that had benefited from those failed policies.Too soon to know what will be the focus of the second
And you confuse "unfettered free-market" with a desire for rapacious greed. An increasing collective government turns into a much worse system, with much worst rapacious greed going on.
No Firm,unfortunatly an "unfettered free market" inevitably leads to rapacious greed...much like day follows night.It is the human condition....

In fact, a strong, centralized, collective government gets in bed with the worst of companies and individuals who will always seek to use the growing power of government to increase their profits and personal power, and turn the power of government to their advantage.
Checks and balances Firm...and the ultimate power of the electorate ...the voting booth.

So, by demonizing the free enterprise system, and encouraging the growth of government you are philosophically responsible for the growth of a much more tyrannical and unfair system.
No one here(least not me) is demonising the free enterprise system,just recognising a need for checks on such a system ...a balance between open markets with fairness and transparency to all,not just a select few who "game" the system.

The correct way to effectively control greed, and the worst of excess is internally, through a moral system and structure which teaches internal self-control, delayed gratification, social conscience, the dignity of the individual, and encourages private and free associational charity.
You show an amasing amount of beleif in your fellow man,while evidencing a strong disbeleif in that same moral code if the man enters public service.....please explain the loss of morality and structure once a man enters public life?

This is the only type of system which will actually achieve a stable, livable society in which the sovereignty of the individual can be respected, and in which true freedom can flourish.
Our current situation would seem to belie your beleif in a self governing market...

The growing power of government turns this on it's head, and makes all social controls a matter of law, not personal choice, and social approval or disapproval. It is a system based on force, not freedom.
Again it would seem to me you fear the control of government ,while granting to the market place the ultimate in economic control.


popeye1250 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 10:27:16 AM)



Philosophy was his 1st and strongest reason.He was quite honest,almost brutally so that he didn`t want to be judged by the Pennsylvania`s con primary voters (ie ,folks similar to what leads the GOP presently).They after all, are what`s leading the party off the cliff,......right Sanity?("more rope",bwah-ha ha ha!)

Also there`s a "sore loser" law in Pennsi that doesn`t allow a primary loser to quit his party and then run as an independent,like sore loser Joe Lieberman did.

I really don`t think it`s a super big deal either way,but it book marks history quite well and reaffirms what everybody already knows.

I do enjoy the discomfiture


I suggest anyone wanting a belly laugh and some insight into the GOP should tune in today to any righy-wingy radio talk show.

Some of the words I heard used to describe Specter yesterday.  Listed in order of said most.





Let a murderer skip bail (not sure what that was about but I promise we all will know soon)


Owner, that's the problem in this country, our government is crippled by only having two political parties that rarely cooperate to get The People's business done.
So Specter's on his fifth term already?  Thirty years? What do Kennedy and Bird call him, "hey kid?" That's if Bird can even talk anymore.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 10:44:30 AM)

And you know this how?


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Anita Hill was a liar.

Truthiness -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 3:50:45 PM)



Philosophy was his 1st and strongest reason.He was quite honest,almost brutally so that he didn`t want to be judged by the Pennsylvania`s con primary voters (ie ,folks similar to what leads the GOP presently).They after all, are what`s leading the party off the cliff,......right Sanity?("more rope",bwah-ha ha ha!)

Also there`s a "sore loser" law in Pennsi that doesn`t allow a primary loser to quit his party and then run as an independent,like sore loser Joe Lieberman did.

I really don`t think it`s a super big deal either way,but it book marks history quite well and reaffirms what everybody already knows.

I do enjoy the discomfiture


I suggest anyone wanting a belly laugh and some insight into the GOP should tune in today to any righy-wingy radio talk show.

Some of the words I heard used to describe Specter yesterday.  Listed in order of said most.





Let a murderer skip bail (not sure what that was about but I promise we all will know soon)


He's been a RINO and called such for a long long time.  That's nothing new.

Truthiness -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 3:53:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u
Therein lies the crux of the issue,it is my beleif that right now we are too far right....and are in need of a correction to the left

Nah, right now we're going from "far left" to "extreme ludicrious left".

Bush was one of the most fiscally liberal presidents we've had - he met every problem and situation with more spending, and more government.

I think we need a correction in the opposite way, not even MORE left.

kittinSol -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/29/2009 3:58:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Truthiness

Nah, right now we're going from "far left" to "extreme ludicrious left".

Bush was one of the most fiscally liberal presidents we've had - he met every problem and situation with more spending, and more government.

Yes, because Bush was such a leftie [8|] .

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