RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (Full Version)

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servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:03:58 PM)

Thanks for the link, painpup. It the republicans had an article like that all hell would break loose... 

painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:11:38 PM)

You're welcome and You're Right

popeye1250 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:19:20 PM)

I saw that on the News tonight.
They also said that he's SEVENTY NINE YEARS OLD!
He won't LIVE 'till the next election!
What the hell is it with those senators? Their "median age" has to be in the 70's by now!
Another good reason for term limits and *age limits!*   ***Seventy and O-U-T!***!"
Look at Bird and Kennedy, Bird is 90, in a wheelchair and slobers on himself and is senile!
Kennedy's always been senile and now he's having seizures on a regular basis and not the booze kind either.
The American People need to start putting these guys out to pasture. No-one should be in office for 20 years let alone 40!
And if Spector's constituents don't like him as a R why would they like him as a D? If he lives that long he'll probably be defeated. Let some young guy in his 50's run.
These guys are BUICK drivers, Herbert Hoover was president when they were born! Hell, Woodrow Wilson was president when Bird was born!
C'mon out there people, we need "Change" if your senator's been in office for more than two terms shitcan him/her!

painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:20:38 PM) try this one lol Serv

painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:22:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

I saw that on the News tonight.
They also said that he's SEVENTY NINE YEARS OLD!
He won't LIVE 'till the next election!
What the hell is it with those senators? Their "median age" has to be in the 70's by now!
Another good reason for term limits and *age limits!*   ***Seventy and O-U-T!***!"
Look at Bird and Kennedy, Bird is 90, in a wheelchair and slobers on himself and is senile!
Kennedy's always been senile and now he's having seizures on a regular basis and not the booze kind either.
The American People need to start putting these guys out to pasture. No-one should be in office for 20 years let alone 40!
And if Spector's constituents don't like him as a R why would they like him as a D? If he lives that long he'll probably be defeated. Let some young guy in his 50's run.
These guys are BUICK drivers, Herbert Hoover was president when they were born! Hell, Woodrow Wilson was president when Bird was born!
C'mon out there people, we need "Change" if your senator's been in office for more than two terms shitcan him/her!

We're working on it popeye damn Pelosi stutters under fire snickers

servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:33:00 PM)

I'd like to f++k her but I'd have to tape her mouth shut. Thanks again. I don't know how to do links, so I might be asking for some help in the near future. The conservatives on here are few and far between...Mike  (sanity is great)

slvemike4u -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:42:44 PM)

Well right there is the end of what little credibility you had would like to fuck Pelosi,why...why on gods green earth would any man not contractually beholden to fuck her....choose to fuck her.
I will have a hard time keeping a straight face when I think of you stchupping Madame Pelosi each and every post you make from here on in.LOL...fucking Pelosi...why?

painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:46:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

I'd like to f++k her but I'd have to tape her mouth shut. Thanks again. I don't know how to do links, so I might be asking for some help in the near future. The conservatives on here are few and far between...Mike  (sanity is great)
Its easy if  You go to something You like You go to the address bar [top of page right click Your mousie you get copy you click copy then You paste it where ever You want to share it  oh by the way there still not sure about what to do with this swine flu thing be swell J here

painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:49:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Well right there is the end of what little credibility you had would like to fuck Pelosi,why...why on gods green earth would any man not contractually beholden to fuck her....choose to fuck her.
I will have a hard time keeping a straight face when I think of you stchupping Madame Pelosi each and every post you make from here on in.LOL...fucking Pelosi...why?
Why not after all  She's fucking US everybody got to have some kind of relief  and Why did You call Her a Madame [Thats a Head Ms to a brothel ]

TheHeretic -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:54:51 PM)

      I recall a case with our current court where it was ruled completely legitimate for a local gov't to take land under eminent domain for a private business enterprise.  Hardly a 'conservative' decision with our current crop.

servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:56:23 PM)

Don't worry about this swine flu. No one has died in this Country yet. They are dying in Mexico because the doctors are treating hem like leppars and not treating them...34,000 in the US die of the flu every year. This year will be no different. Remember there are 350 million people in this Country.

slvemike4u -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:56:46 PM)

You do of course realise that Madame does have other uses than a Head Ms at a brothel......

Lordandmaster -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 8:58:35 PM)

Yeah, the same way he character-assassinated Anita Hill during the whole Clarence Thomas fiasco.

I think he's a putz, but he's Pennsylvania's putz (and happens to live very close to me), so I guess I have to cheer for him.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Now, we just have to wait for whatever's left of the Republicans to character assassinate Specter [:D] . It's only a matter of minutes now.

servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:00:12 PM)

Ya. She does have a private jet to fly her back and forth to California, ( at tax payer expence ) 

FirmhandKY -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:01:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Okay Firm,that is where we part company in my eyes a middle course is not only preferable but it is to be desired. An unfettered free market leaves too many on the outside looking in,not to mention leads to far too many abuses of the working class.While a "collectivism" tends to stifle the entrepenurial streak that makes this country great.Better a tight rope walk of balance that keeps the best of both methods uneasily co-existing.

Of course there needs to be a balance. The question is, where should the balance point be?

And collectivism doesn't just stifle the "entrepreneurial streak". It stifles the very core of humanity and individual freedom.

Government is a necessary evil. Necessary - but by definition and inherent structure - evil in that it intrudes on the sovereignty of the individual.

When the the majority ... or even a large minority ... of the voters rely upon the government for the forcible transfer of funds from the other half ... then there can be nothing more than increasing demands for such support.

We are currently at about that half-way point. I suspect the current administration - before it is out of office - will see it tip over.

And you confuse "unfettered free-market" with a desire for rapacious greed. An increasing collective government turns into a much worse system, with much worst rapacious greed going on.

In fact, a strong, centralized, collective government gets in bed with the worst of companies and individuals who will always seek to use the growing power of government to increase their profits and personal power, and turn the power of government to their advantage.

So, by demonizing the free enterprise system, and encouraging the growth of government you are philosophically responsible for the growth of a much more tyrannical and unfair system.

The correct way to effectively control greed, and the worst of excess is internally, through a moral system and structure which teaches internal self-control, delayed gratification, social conscience, the dignity of the individual, and encourages private and free associational charity.

This is the only type of system which will actually achieve a stable, livable society in which the sovereignty of the individual can be respected, and in which true freedom can flourish.

The growing power of government turns this on it's head, and makes all social controls a matter of law, not personal choice, and social approval or disapproval. It is a system based on force, not freedom.


painpup -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:02:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

Don't worry about this swine flu. No one has died in this Country yet. They are dying in Mexico because the doctors are treating hem like leppars and not treating them...34,000 in the US die of the flu every year. This year will be no different. Remember there are 350 million people in this Country.
oh I'm not worried about that try this link for a good laff

Cagey18 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:13:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

And if Spector's constituents don't like him as a R why would they like him as a D? If he lives that long he'll probably be defeated.

They liked him just fine as an R (Pa. voters re-elected him in 2004, and dumped the nutball conservative R Rick Santorum in 2006).  The problem was the (minority) Republican constituents think Specter is too moderate, so he faced losing the R primary for the 2010 election.

Now as a D, he will easily win re-election in 2010, since the R's don't have a strong enough candidate (plus Obama has already said he would campaign for him as a D).

servantforuse -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:24:51 PM)

Anita Hill was a liar. She never had one iota of proof to to back up any thing she ever said. The one good thing Arlan Spector ever did in his career was to debunk her and instill Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.  don't like him, but he did the right thing here..

TheHeretic -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:31:20 PM)



Of course there needs to be a balance. The question is, where should the balance point be?

And collectivism doesn't just stifle the "entrepreneurial streak". It stifles the very core of humanity and individual freedom.

Government is a necessary evil. Necessary - but by definition and inherent structure - evil in that it intrudes on the sovereignty of the individual.

When the the majority ... or even a large minority ... of the voters rely upon the government for the forcible transfer of funds from the other half ... then there can be nothing more than increasing demands for such support.

We are currently at about that half-way point. I suspect the current administration - before it is out of office - will see it tip over.

And you confuse "unfettered free-market" with a desire for rapacious greed. An increasing collective government turns into a much worse system, with much worst rapacious greed going on.

In fact, a strong, centralized, collective government gets in bed with the worst of companies and individuals who will always seek to use the growing power of government to increase their profits and personal power, and turn the power of government to their advantage.

So, by demonizing the free enterprise system, and encouraging the growth of government you are philosophically responsible for the growth of a much more tyrannical and unfair system.

The correct way to effectively control greed, and the worst of excess is internally, through a moral system and structure which teaches internal self-control, delayed gratification, social conscience, the dignity of the individual, and encourages private and free associational charity.

This is the only type of system which will actually achieve a stable, livable society in which the sovereignty of the individual can be respected, and in which true freedom can flourish.

The growing power of government turns this on it's head, and makes all social controls a matter of law, not personal choice, and social approval or disapproval. It is a system based on force, not freedom.


[sm=cheerleader.gif][sm=yourock.gif]   [sm=applause.gif]

BKSir -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (4/28/2009 9:44:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: popeye1250

I saw that on the News tonight.
They also said that he's SEVENTY NINE YEARS OLD!
He won't LIVE 'till the next election!
What the hell is it with those senators? Their "median age" has to be in the 70's by now!
Another good reason for term limits and *age limits!*   ***Seventy and O-U-T!***!"
Look at Bird and Kennedy, Bird is 90, in a wheelchair and slobers on himself and is senile!
Kennedy's always been senile and now he's having seizures on a regular basis and not the booze kind either.
The American People need to start putting these guys out to pasture. No-one should be in office for 20 years let alone 40!
And if Spector's constituents don't like him as a R why would they like him as a D? If he lives that long he'll probably be defeated. Let some young guy in his 50's run.
These guys are BUICK drivers, Herbert Hoover was president when they were born! Hell, Woodrow Wilson was president when Bird was born!
C'mon out there people, we need "Change" if your senator's been in office for more than two terms shitcan him/her!

Hmm, but 72 year old McCain with a history of heart problems is fine?  Just curious on how that works...

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