RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (Full Version)

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FirmhandKY -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/5/2009 8:07:43 PM)


Senate Democrats Deny Specter Committee Seniority


The Senate dealt a blow tonight to Sen. Arlen Specter's hold on seniority in several key committees, a week after the Pennsylvanian's party switch placed Democrats on the precipice of a 60-seat majority.

In a unanimous voice vote, the Senate approved a resolution that added Specter to the Democratic side of the dais on the five committees on which he serves, an expected move that gives Democrats larger margins on key panels such as Judiciary and Appropriations.

But Democrats placed Specter in one of the two most junior slots on each of the five committees for the remainder of this Congress, which goes through December 2010.


Without any assurance of seniority, Specter loses a major weapon in his campaign to win reelection in 2010: the ability to claim that his nearly 30 years of Senate service places him in key positions to benefit his constituents.

Sounds like Specter's 30 pieces of silver have met inflation ... and he has seen the Democrats' faithfulness.


Lorr47 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/5/2009 10:37:36 PM)


Sounds like Specter's 30 pieces of silver have met inflation ... and he has seen the Democrats' faithfulness.


The democrats have this habit of shooting themselves in the foot.  I think this will come back to haunt them.  I see that Reid announced it.  It figures.

DarkSteven -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/6/2009 1:59:23 AM)

Wow.  That was a short honeymoon.

DarkSteven -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/6/2009 6:13:13 AM)

Honeymoon's over, and transitioned to rocky, unstable marriage.

Spector deciding that Norm Coleman should be considered the winner of the Senatorial race that should have Al Franken seated, well, maybe in 2009.

GunTotingLiberal's predictably unhappy take on that.

Even if you don't agree with GTL's politics, you gotta get a chuckle from their designation of him as Specter (D-MyAss) and from the Obama pic in the upper right.

Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/6/2009 11:09:54 PM)

I want him to lose and get tossed out of the Senate.I have no use for and never respected him.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 3:48:41 AM)



I want him to lose and get tossed out of the Senate.I have no use for and never respected him.

Hell has frozen over, I guess.  [:)]


Sanity -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 7:43:51 AM)

At the very least I'd say it's been hit by a very hard frost. Satan's fruit trees won't be bearing much fruit this season...





I want him to lose and get tossed out of the Senate.I have no use for and never respected him.

Hell has frozen over, I guess.  [:)]


slvemike4u -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 8:12:22 AM)

Statn's fruit Sanity..I wouldn't think you can grow anything in hell.Fruit trees....really?

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 8:37:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Statn's fruit Sanity..I wouldn't think you can grow anything in hell.Fruit trees....really?

Satan's territory extends far beyond Hell. His greatest weapon is ignorance and there is plenty of evidence at hand that his seeds have flowered gloriously.

If there were a Satan of course.

Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 8:48:29 AM)

Hell froze over when the Eagles got back together.  [:D]

Not sure how my feelings on Specter have to do with that.

I`ll never forgive him or Utah`s Orin Hatch, for their savaging of Anita Hill.

philosophy -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 8:54:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: CruelNUnsual

If there were a Satan of course.

...of course there's a satan, er, dyslexia.......

Sanity -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 11:31:20 AM)

I understand he's been known to raise some really wicked apples...   [sm=evil.gif] 


ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

Statn's fruit Sanity..I wouldn't think you can grow anything in hell.Fruit trees....really?

thishereboi -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/7/2009 1:37:42 PM)



Hell froze over when the Eagles got back together.  [:D]

Not sure how my feelings on Specter have to do with that.

I`ll never forgive him or Utah`s Orin Hatch, for their savaging of Anita Hill.

That was an awesome tour. This was my favorite from the album well after Hotel California. That one is a classic.

Sanity -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/8/2009 4:02:00 AM)



...on Tuesday night, he retracted a statement, made in an interview, in which he said the Minnesota courts should rule in favor of the Republican, Norm Coleman, in the state’s disputed Senate race.


And the comment about Minnesota, where Democrats need Al Franken to become their crucial 60th vote in the Senate, prompted the majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, to confront Mr. Specter on the Senate floor.

“Arlen,” Mr. Reid said in his trademark low-volume growl, “What’s going on here?” Mr. Specter replied that he had forgotten “what team” he was on. Later, he told a reporter: “I conclusively misspoke.”

Owner59 -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/8/2009 6:00:20 AM)

Specter attempts to prevent Sen Jefford's from switching parties.Listen to all the reason Specter gives for not switching.Fuck`n hypocrite.

Arlen talks about switching from Dem to republican himself in '65'.

Seniority is a party`s prerogative.You earn it just like anyone working any type of job.Most lose it when they switch jobs/companies.My ex g/f was able to negotiate with her new boss to keep the seniority she had at her old job.But that is never automatic.It has to be agreed on.

Arlen says he`s entitled to it.


"MR. GREGORY: I want to move on, though, to the question of what it took for the Democrats to get you. What were you offered? What inducements have you been given to switch parties?
MR. GREGORY: You won't retain your seniority, as you move over, on, on key committees?
SEN. SPECTER: Well, that is, that is, that is true. But...
MR. GREGORY: That's not an inducement, Senator?
SEN. SPECTER: Well, no, that's an entitlement.
I've earned, I've earned the seniority. I was elected in 1980. And I think that's, that's not a bribe or a gift or something extraordinary. I will be treated by the Democrats as if I'd been elected as a Democrat."

Entitled?! lol  WTF?  lol

What a putz.And thinking he could act against his new party and not get spanked is a little presumptuous and a lot arrogant.

This isn`t really a good thing for dems and won`t change anything much.But it`s really bad for the cons.Now joe the plunger is leaving[image][/image].When will the bleeding end?!?!

Rush/Sarah in 2012!!![:D]

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/8/2009 9:01:01 AM)

Be that as it may, I think it just became a lot less likely that other Republicans who may have been sitting on the fence will now make the move. Not sure how likely that was to begin with, but the chances just went down a notch.

DomKen -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/8/2009 9:18:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

Be that as it may, I think it just became a lot less likely that other Republicans who may have been sitting on the fence will now make the move. Not sure how likely that was to begin with, but the chances just went down a notch.

I think in Republican senators thinking about switching sides would be well served to examine the timing of Spector's loss of seniority. Making comments that you'd prefer Norm Coleman over Franken right before you get your seniority status determined might not have been Arlen's smartest move.

CruelNUnsual -> RE: Sen. Arlen Specter Switches Parties - Becomes Democrat (5/8/2009 9:44:37 AM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

Be that as it may, I think it just became a lot less likely that other Republicans who may have been sitting on the fence will now make the move. Not sure how likely that was to begin with, but the chances just went down a notch.

I think in Republican senators thinking about switching sides would be well served to examine the timing of Spector's loss of seniority. Making comments that you'd prefer Norm Coleman over Franken right before you get your seniority status determined might not have been Arlen's smartest move.

Since when has Specter ever been accused of being smart?

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