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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 1:40:31 PM   

Posts: 1682
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ORIGINAL: KneelforAnne


ORIGINAL: calamitysandra

I have used "old fashioned" (i.e. non hormonal) IUD for years, because I did not want hormonal birth control. No problems to report so far, aside from 2-3 really painfull periods after the first IUD was placed. It seems like after that my uterus got accustomed to them, and all went back to normal.
No problems getting pregnant after they were removed, and no surprise pregnancies either.

Some doctors insist on giving them only to woman who have given birth at least once, as the cervix will be less tight, and placement will be easier. However, I had my first prior to any pregnancies, and there were no problems with insertion. You just need to find a doctor with enough experience.

  If she won't give me the IUD right away, do you think a diaphram would work in the mean time?

I have a lot of cramping and other issues during my periods... this won't cause it to come lose will it?  What happens during sex, can it come out?

Thanks for the help!

I can not help you with the diaphragm, those have never really caught on over here.

My IUD never came out, neither during sex, nor due to a heavy period, but if it is truly impossible, or simply very unlikely is not something I know.

< Message edited by calamitysandra -- 7/31/2009 1:50:45 PM >


"Whenever people are laughing, they are generally not killing one another"
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(in reply to KneelforAnne)
Profile   Post #: 41
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 1:50:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sirsholly


I have heard that about the Mirena as well...but that is actually the IUD with the hormones... I wonder if you have ever heard anything about the copper one? It's called ParaGard....?
i could be wrong, but i was under the impression a copper IUD is not a good option if you have never had a child...

I have had the copper one for the first time when I was 17, prior to any pregnancies. Never had any problems.
Many doctors prefer to give IUDs only to woman who have given birth, as the mouth of the uterus retains a bit of looseness in comparison to a cervix which has never undergone dilation.
However, a skilful gynaecologist should have no trouble inserting it, no prior birth notwithstanding. Inserting it during your period makes it a bid easier, as the cervix opens slightly to allow the blood and membranes to get out.


"Whenever people are laughing, they are generally not killing one another"
Alan Alda

(in reply to sirsholly)
Profile   Post #: 42
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 5:56:46 PM   

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ok as a larger women myself a few things to be aware of 1) because of the our size any type of BC will be less effective this is fact, studies so that after 190 lbs any type of BC decreases effectiveness 2) because of our size there is an increase change of blood clots

and the one i use was just touched on, i have used the patch for over 7 years now. LOVE IT!

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 43
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 7:24:40 PM   

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I'm not a woman but I can share with you Ma'am experiences and my own view/advice based on some knowledge and experience caring for young adults.

Depo: There are great things said about Depo and how great it is.... most of it is true but they always leave out the fact that a large majority of women have prolonged weight gain after about the first 6 months. When you stop depo it takes advertised 6 months to a year to return to normal hormones levels, but for many women it takes 12 -18 months. During that time weight gain can continue.

Marina (sp) IUD: This is basically a normal copper IUD covered in the same hormone as Depo. It has all the same side-effects, except that if it falls out our you remove it you have to wait for your hormone levels to return to normal before having it reinstalled. Most clinic will not install it unless they are really convinced you wont change your mind in 6 months. These IUD can not be left in for more than 5 yrs, and must be check during your yearly exam. When it is removed you will have to wait for normal hormones cycle to start a new form of hormonal birth control. Your partner needs to be prepared to have the tip of his willy poked by the string (which is basically fishing line) but that is dependent on his size and the length of you canal.

Copper IUD: Very little side effects, most come with insertion and can include cramping and bleeding. Women with an inverted uterus (it leans towards your tummy instead of spine) will have a harder time with the insertion. Since their are no hormones involved you will still have your normal cycle. Like the one above, partner needs to be prepared to get poked. This one can be left in much longer. It sounds creepy and maybe a little disgusting, but be prepared for a late cycle followed by a heavy than normal bleed and possibly a strange looking clump of matter. Basically the IUD floats around and cleans zygotes off the walls, sometimes it might take a few scrape attempts or might miss a few times. In other words (sorry if anyone cringes) it may remove a fetus that is already in 2-4 sometimes a week of development, which will cause the above heavier bleed and extra matter.

Pills: Most ladies seem to avoid them nowdays, you have the same possible hormone side effects but the additional possibility of forgetting one or two.

Personally the best options (my opinion) are the sponge, plain old condoms, or one of you getting snipped (I suggest the boy, it's less invasive and 75% of the time reversible if you two change your minds).


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(in reply to KneelforAnne)
Profile   Post #: 44
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 9:50:03 PM   

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Copper is a natural irritant; your body has an allergic reaction to it basically, and that's why it works.  Yes, it can make you produce more lubrication.  Also, my gyn told me a copper IUD would cause bad bleeding.  I asked how bad.  She's really frank with me and said, extreme bleeding is typical even in people who usually do not have a heavy flow...for upto a year.  Oh, and copper or mirena, a male large enough to get to the cervix (So, average on up), is likely to feel and potentially be poked by the strings of the IUD that hang out from the cervix so it doesn't navigate further in and for removal. 
Hormonal b.c. is bad news for me (Instant bipolar on even the lowest-dose pill.  The ring wasn't horrible but it did give me a perpetual cramp in my right foot). 
It's the 1st now, so you've already gone. 
Upon what did you decide? 
P.S.--If you decide on condoms, may I give a hearty cheer for Inspiral (Hard to find, expensive, worth every penny) or female condoms (God-awful expensive but not horrible and available at Planned Parenthood). 


May you live as long as you wish & love as long as you live
-Robert A Heinlein

It's about the person & the bond,not the bondage

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170NZ (Aka:Sex God Du Jour) pts

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(in reply to KneelforAnne)
Profile   Post #: 45
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 9:55:48 PM   

Posts: 1011
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This is a heck of a posting, but I thought it would be best to get it done in one, rather than many….


You’ve not had any mood swings or strangeness? I get weepy and crampy before anyway, so that wouldn’t be anything new to me… hmmm… I was talking to the nurse practitioner today and she said that if I wanted to go the pill route that she would put me on something that had a small continual dose verses one that added more and more to your system. She said that generally it’s the “Tri” pills that cause the emotional swings, as the hormones build and build and build over weeks.


I agree that there are horror stories for every kind of bc. I kind of freaked myself out reading all about it…lol…

I ended up going with the NuvaRing for now, even though the woman I talked to on the phone yesterday (AT NR) told me all that terrible stuff about it. The NP said that whatever I choose I would need to take it for 3 months before it would level out…so I have an appointment for December with them (and with the new doctor as well…it’s going to be a busy month!) to see how things are going. Right now, hour 12 (LOL), things seem to be going ok. I do have a slight headache, but that could be from other factors, I’m not sure.

I don’t like the doctor at this place, but the NP was great. I am actually tossing around the idea of staying with them because she was so cool. I asked her all of my questions and she wasn’t shocked by any of them, answered them completely and was extremely personable. I wonder if it’s worth staying because she kind of makes up for the curt nature of the doctor.

The NP also told me that the risks of heart attacks, strokes etc are higher because some women DO get pregnant and THAT raises their risks exponentially--but she says no one says that because it’s a baby and everyone thinks that’s worth the risk. *shrug*


Thank you so much for the links! It’s always so nice when people go out of their way to do a bit of research to help others!

I did talk to the NP about the IUD and she told me that they offer both types but that she would recommend the Mirena. It does not contain estrogen, which causes all the nasty side effects like breast cancer, heart and stroke issues and mood swings. It does contain progestin, which IS a hormone, but she said that it was such a small amount and it was released so slowly that it doesn’t even register in your brain…but that it’s in the area it needs to be in to prevent pregnancy. She said that it may stop my periods all together (which I had an issue with, as that didn’t seem like something I should mess with) but she explained that the progestin stops the growth of the lining of the uterus, so in fact there is no reason to have a period because there is nothing to get rid of. It made sense. She said that she has a few women in the office that love it.

There are a few down sides to both of the IUDs. One is that it can be expensive… it could cost me from $25 (my co-pay) or it could go all the way to being an outpatient procedure in the range of hundreds of dollars. I have to contact my insurance company to see what they say about price. I am contemplating going for the Mirena if it isn’t too pricey. I mean, with the NuvaRing… there is estrogen, and the Rx will cost me per month, so it seems like a better idea? Another down side is that if we ever decide not to use condoms (or if he and I don’t work out and I go to another partner and don’t use a condom--which I don’t see me ever not using a condom with someone new) as well then I would be at a much greater risk of STDs and infections due to the strings that hang down from the cervix, which would allow any infection direct access to my uterus. 

The NP said that she would NOT recommend the copper IUD as most women they see get it and want it removed in a few months due to heavy periods, cramping and general discomfort.


Thank you for sharing your experience with the ParaGard! You’re just the opposite of what the NP told me… LOL.

Had you used other forms of bc in the past? Did you have any issues while having sex? It sort of seems to me that it would be uncomfortable during sex? (Sorry if these seem very personal, I’m just curious.)


I agree that contraception has a long way to go. I mean really…why can’t a guy take a pill? Or get a shot?

I’ve never had a problem with spermicide burning or stinging and the NP was a little shocked at that, I think. She did tell me to NOT use a condom with spermicide, or a lube with spermicide while on the NuvaRing. She said it could cause irritation that could lead to a yeast infection.

He and I talked about bc and he was actually the one that said we need to use two forms… *smile* It’s an interesting switch for me to be with someone who’s responsible… LOL

Funny story… one of my friends was talking to me today about her bc and she had used the sponge… well, she put it in and couldn’t get it out! She had to go to Planned Parenthood and it took 3 nurses and 2 doctors before they could get the thing out of her! I guess her body is slanted and it got pushed up and to the side…so no one could really reach it!

Birth Control doesn’t seem to be a good idea if the person taking it is to crazy/bonkers to have sex with… LOL


She didn’t say that it wasn’t a good idea… she said that it would probably be more painful as my cervix has never been dilated. She showed me what they do and it looks kinda painful, I’m not going to lie…. But if it is something that I can just let go and forget about then I think it may be a good choice.

Thanks for answering the questions! The copper IUD is supposed to be good for 12 years, but the FDA wants it out in 10. The Mirena is good for 7, but they want it out in 5, according to the NP.


The NP said that removal was very common with the ParaGard… which is unfortunate because I was really looking for something non-hormonal.

With the NuvaRing, I leave it in for 21 days, out for I can pretty much plan my period too. She did tell me that if I am a bitch anyway, the bc isn’t a doctors Rx to go wild with it! *grins*


Hmmm…. I’ll suggest it and let ya know what he says… *laughs*


Thank you so much for this information!

I am going to talk to my Grandma about this. I haven’t heard that she was on anything, but she’s pretty closed mouthed about things of a sexual nature so I want to be sure.

I’m almost 100% sure that my mom didn’t take drugs for fertility (at least on purpose--wow it was in the vitamins too!) as she told me stories about how she tracked her temperature and all the jazz to have lil’ ole me. LOL


Again, thanks so much for sharing your perspective!


Thank you for pointing out that bc will be effected due to weight. We are planning on using a secondary method.

Have you had issues with the patch falling off at all?

I’m glad you found something you like! Did you get that right away or was their trial and error involved?


Thank you so much for your response!

Depo is not something I am comfortable with. There have been just too many stories about it. Weight gain is just one more reason for me not to do it!

The NP said that the IUDs would have a string … but that it was not something that he would be able to feel. If you don’t mind my asking… was it intrusive? Did it bother you?


Basically the NP told me that she didn’t recommend the copper IUD. I am contemplating the Mirena, simply because it seems like the best type of hormone, it’s less complicated and can be removed at any point.

Also, on the Planned Parenthood scale of effectiveness it was right up there with sterilization…which is scary, but since it’s immediately reversible…?

I had the appointment today at 11:30 ish…and I put the ring in there… I’ve had a slight headache since about we’ll see if it continues.

We’re using condoms anyway… Inspiral, hmm?

Thank you so much for your help!



Thank you ALL so VERY much for helping me in this! There is such a wealth of information here, and I am so happy that you would share your stories and experiences with me.

I’ll let you know shortly about the Mirena IUD (what the insurance co says) and I’ll let you know if I start to feel a little crazy with the NR in… muwa-ha-ha!

*Smooches to all!*


< Message edited by KneelforAnne -- 7/31/2009 10:07:44 PM >


~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

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(in reply to LittleMeganV)
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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 7/31/2009 10:15:18 PM   

Posts: 18
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If you are interested in an IUD, there are a bunch of IUD communities/forums across the web.  Many of them have accounts of nuliparious women (ie: women who have never had a child) that have had an IUD inserted.  Generally the biggest issue is that the odds of it being expelled are greater.  IUD Divas is one of the communities I know of off my head.

The cost can be an issue sometimes, but when you add up the cost compared to how much you'd pay to perscriptions for X years it usually ends up being about the same or a heck of a lot less.  When I was trying to find a doctor who would agree to it I ended up at planned parenthood - it was half of what my amount of yearly co-pay for just a year would have been (not even counting the fact that its good for 4-5).  I ended up not going for it (or anything else) because of another condition, but if I were to seek out hormonal birth control I'd go for Mirena again.

(in reply to KneelforAnne)
Profile   Post #: 47
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 12:11:33 AM   

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Kneelforanne said: 
Basically the NP told me that she didn’t recommend the copper IUD. I am contemplating the Mirena, simply because it seems like the best type of hormone, it’s less complicated and can be removed at any point.
Also, on the Planned Parenthood scale of effectiveness it was right up there with sterilization…which is scary, but since it’s immediately reversible…?
I had the appointment today at 11:30 ish…and I put the ring in there… I’ve had a slight headache since about we’ll see if it continues.
We’re using condoms anyway… Inspiral, hmm?
Thank you so much for your help!

You're welcome.  :> 
Yes, my gyn didn't favor the IUD for me either (She said, 'Look, you know and I know that hormonal birth control is not for you.  You did pretty well with monitoring your fertility and I would recommend you going back to that')> 
I own a fertility monitor (I can get you all of the info if you're interested: it cost about $300 and will tell you when you ovulate upto 5 days in advance: important as sperm can last in the vagina about that long). 
With hormone intolerance she said Mirena was a bad idea. 
Oh,yes, Inspiral are great: they're the closest I've ever felt to nothing at all in a condom.  They also don't stink like a lot of condoms.  They're hard to get in stores but can be purchased on-line and if you do some shopping around, you can get them for less than $1.00 each. 
The female condoms are better for sensation than standard condoms too, imo.  Easy to insert (They have a ring in them like the Nuvaring you're using but bigger and that holds it in against your pubic bone) and the idea is basically that you keep the outer rim outside, his penis goes in , you pull the condom out when you're finished.  Again, expensive (Shop around on-line if you are going to buy them, I think I got some for about $1.50-$2.00 each but nearly had a fit when I saw them selling for about $6 each some places.  Planned Parenthood will give them to you free, just ask). 
Best wishes, 


May you live as long as you wish & love as long as you live
-Robert A Heinlein

It's about the person & the bond,not the bondage

Waiting is

170NZ (Aka:Sex God Du Jour) pts

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(in reply to BrunetteContessa)
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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 12:20:54 AM   

Posts: 119
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Three pages and not one mention of a staircase? How absurd!

I hope you can laugh at that and its horrible innuendo. I only mentioned because every other response is a little novela, no doubt full of useful information, but lengthy nonetheless.

Good luck with the doctor. I've only dated people on the pill, but it's always been a different one. Sort of like trial and error for each individual I hear if you choose to go that route unfortunately.

As for condoms- if your male partner is enjoying it...STOP, ffs stop! It's broken! Start over.

(in reply to DavanKael)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 4:18:12 AM   

Posts: 6941
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From: Lehigh Valley, PA
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ORIGINAL: aphotic

Three pages and not one mention of a staircase? How absurd!

I hope you can laugh at that and its horrible innuendo. I only mentioned because every other response is a little novela, no doubt full of useful information, but lengthy nonetheless.

Good luck with the doctor. I've only dated people on the pill, but it's always been a different one. Sort of like trial and error for each individual I hear if you choose to go that route unfortunately.

As for condoms- if your male partner is enjoying it...STOP, ffs stop! It's broken! Start over.

what do you mean by a staircase?

Too often, and too many men believe that it's the woman's sole responsibility for birth control, as most of the time an unplanned pregnancy is the woman's problem to deal with.

It's refreshing to hear a male's input about birth control. Unfortunately, you will not experience first hand how hormones or things inserted inside your delicate parts affects your moods, sensitivity, and overall health. That sounds snarky, and I don't mean it to.


Patience, grasshopper.

Your stupidity does not impress me.

blame it on your hormones!!! - beerbug aka ydd

(in reply to aphotic)
Profile   Post #: 50
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 6:07:38 AM   

Posts: 438
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ORIGINAL: KneelforAnne


Thank you so much for your response!

Depo is not something I am comfortable with. There have been just too many stories about it. Weight gain is just one more reason for me not to do it!

The NP said that the IUDs would have a string … but that it was not something that he would be able to feel. If you don’t mind my asking… was it intrusive? Did it bother you?

The first couple times it definitely caught me by surprise, it is definitely a bit strange when your not expecting it, but after a few times I was used to it and so it didn't bug me much. Position has a lot to do with how deep he might go in and I am sure everyone is aware of that, so that also mitigated the amount of poking. Since Ma'am usually has me on my back it wasn't that bad, if she had me on top I would have to exercise conscious control over my actions so as not to poke myself. Hope that helps.


This is Kitty.. Copy and paste Kitty into your signature to help him gain world domination.

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(in reply to KneelforAnne)
Profile   Post #: 51
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 6:55:30 AM   

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ORIGINAL: BrunetteContessa

If you are interested in an IUD, there are a bunch of IUD communities/forums across the web.  Many of them have accounts of nuliparious women (ie: women who have never had a child) that have had an IUD inserted.  Generally the biggest issue is that the odds of it being expelled are greater.  IUD Divas is one of the communities I know of off my head.

The cost can be an issue sometimes, but when you add up the cost compared to how much you'd pay to perscriptions for X years it usually ends up being about the same or a heck of a lot less.  When I was trying to find a doctor who would agree to it I ended up at planned parenthood - it was half of what my amount of yearly co-pay for just a year would have been (not even counting the fact that its good for 4-5).  I ended up not going for it (or anything else) because of another condition, but if I were to seek out hormonal birth control I'd go for Mirena again.


Thank you for the information!  I will definitely access the link -- it's nice to have online forums to discuss things... haha!

I'm glad Planned Parenthood has it.  There is one not to far from here, if I can get around the protesting... *eye roll*

Thanks so much for your help!



~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

BDSM is what two people at the moment decide it should be...

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(in reply to BrunetteContessa)
Profile   Post #: 52
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 6:58:58 AM   

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You're welcome.  :> 
Yes, my gyn didn't favor the IUD for me either (She said, 'Look, you know and I know that hormonal birth control is not for you.  You did pretty well with monitoring your fertility and I would recommend you going back to that')> 
I own a fertility monitor (I can get you all of the info if you're interested: it cost about $300 and will tell you when you ovulate upto 5 days in advance: important as sperm can last in the vagina about that long). 
With hormone intolerance she said Mirena was a bad idea. 

Oh,yes, Inspiral are great: they're the closest I've ever felt to nothing at all in a condom.  They also don't stink like a lot of condoms.  They're hard to get in stores but can be purchased on-line and if you do some shopping around, you can get them for less than $1.00 each. 

The female condoms are better for sensation than standard condoms too, imo.  Easy to insert (They have a ring in them like the Nuvaring you're using but bigger and that holds it in against your pubic bone) and the idea is basically that you keep the outer rim outside, his penis goes in , you pull the condom out when you're finished.  Again, expensive (Shop around on-line if you are going to buy them, I think I got some for about $1.50-$2.00 each but nearly had a fit when I saw them selling for about $6 each some places.  Planned Parenthood will give them to you free, just ask). 
Best wishes, 


Thanks again!   I will look into the Inspiral...  I've heard conflicting opinions about the female condom, but it's good to know that it is an option. 

I have this picture in my head of me using ALL of these methods... LOL....

Sorry... mental image.

Thanks again!



~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

BDSM is what two people at the moment decide it should be...

Member of the Subbie Mafia
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(in reply to DavanKael)
Profile   Post #: 53
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 7:01:37 AM   

Posts: 1011
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ORIGINAL: aphotic

Three pages and not one mention of a staircase? How absurd!

I hope you can laugh at that and its horrible innuendo. I only mentioned because every other response is a little novela, no doubt full of useful information, but lengthy nonetheless.

Good luck with the doctor. I've only dated people on the pill, but it's always been a different one. Sort of like trial and error for each individual I hear if you choose to go that route unfortunately.

As for condoms- if your male partner is enjoying it...STOP, ffs stop! It's broken! Start over.


Thanks for weighing in... It's nice to have some perspective from a male POV.  Can you tell me... did you use alternative forms of BC when with the women that were on the pill? 

Thanks for your help! 



~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

BDSM is what two people at the moment decide it should be...

Member of the Subbie Mafia
Member of MoGa's IN crowd

(in reply to aphotic)
Profile   Post #: 54
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 7:08:26 AM   

Posts: 1011
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ORIGINAL: purepleasure


ORIGINAL: aphotic

Three pages and not one mention of a staircase? How absurd!

I hope you can laugh at that and its horrible innuendo. I only mentioned because every other response is a little novela, no doubt full of useful information, but lengthy nonetheless.

Good luck with the doctor. I've only dated people on the pill, but it's always been a different one. Sort of like trial and error for each individual I hear if you choose to go that route unfortunately.

As for condoms- if your male partner is enjoying it...STOP, ffs stop! It's broken! Start over.

what do you mean by a staircase?

He means that if you get preggers it's an option to throw yourself down them to induce a miscarriage.  The movie "Riding in Cars With Boys" (a waste of time imho) shows her trying this over and over, but being to scared to do it the right way.   
Don't kill him, he's just being silly. 

Too often, and too many men believe that it's the woman's sole responsibility for birth control, as most of the time an unplanned pregnancy is the woman's problem to deal with.

Indeed.  And I am NOT ready to be a mommy. 
One of the best things I have ever seen:  In one of my Women's Studies classes in college there was another student that had HIS cell phone alarm set so that he could call /text message his girlfriend to remember to take her pill.  I was very impressed. 

It's refreshing to hear a male's input about birth control. Unfortunately, you will not experience first hand how hormones or things inserted inside your delicate parts affects your moods, sensitivity, and overall health. That sounds snarky, and I don't mean it to.

Thanks PP! 

< Message edited by KneelforAnne -- 8/1/2009 7:12:47 AM >


~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

BDSM is what two people at the moment decide it should be...

Member of the Subbie Mafia
Member of MoGa's IN crowd

(in reply to purepleasure)
Profile   Post #: 55
RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 7:12:09 AM   

Posts: 1011
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ORIGINAL: LittleMeganV


ORIGINAL: KneelforAnne


Thank you so much for your response!

Depo is not something I am comfortable with. There have been just too many stories about it. Weight gain is just one more reason for me not to do it!

The NP said that the IUDs would have a string … but that it was not something that he would be able to feel. If you don’t mind my asking… was it intrusive? Did it bother you?

The first couple times it definitely caught me by surprise, it is definitely a bit strange when your not expecting it, but after a few times I was used to it and so it didn't bug me much. Position has a lot to do with how deep he might go in and I am sure everyone is aware of that, so that also mitigated the amount of poking. Since Ma'am usually has me on my back it wasn't that bad, if she had me on top I would have to exercise conscious control over my actions so as not to poke myself. Hope that helps.


Surprise I am sure he could deal with.  Pain, probly not a good deal.  As long as it wasn't painful, then I think I like the idea of the Mirena. 

I could also have the string snipped after a few months, but it would be a problem to get it out, and they would maybe have to use forcepts.  Which I don't think I am ok with. 

As an aside, the NP said he may be able to feel the NuvaRing... so we'll see.   She said that 90% of couples either didn't feel it or didn't mind. 

This is much more complicated that I thought.

Thanks for your help and input!!



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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 8:43:42 AM   

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On occasion when the patch has been wet for to long. It will move and once in a while "fall" off. I've had more of an issues the adhesive being bad in a batch! I was on the pill first and would get to the end and still have 3 to 4 pills left and wonder hmm when did i forget to take them. So when the patch come out I asked my doc about it and she was fine with it and i've been on it ever since. So I'm one of women who went on the the patch within the first year of it being out on the market. So almost 10 yrs later I still use it and love it.

I know about a year or 2 ago there was a big class action lawsuit about the patch. I did all the research and the patch's side effects and other things are no different then taking the pill. AS a larger women my weight effects all of them so I choose to stay on the patch.

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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 8:49:57 AM   

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I also use the patch (about four years now) and have had no problems with it. I have never had a problem with one falling off except maybe a little corner of it getting a bit loose but if you wear any kind of shirt or top that is dark colored you will have a dark-colored square outline from the lint sometimes when you remove it on the one day each week when you are to change it and you have to rub hard to get the glue off sometimes too it leaves behind.

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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 1:33:48 PM   

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Ooh, it just occurred to me: if the threads from an IUD could poke a penis < smirk > it strikes me as plausible that they could puncture a condom.  Anyone have experience or empirical data on this?  May be of help to the OP and I'm curious as well. 


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RE: Birth Control for Dummies - 8/1/2009 2:57:29 PM   

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Whis and Playful,

Thanks so much.  The patch wasn't really discussed here much and it's nice to have a well rounded view of what is availaible!

Good question!!!  It won't help that we're using condoms if the condoms tear...  anyone have this happen??



~Posting now as ForgetMeKnots~

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