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Joined: 6/10/2008 From: Somewhere Texas Status: offline
ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance I admit a friend of mine from Michigan is coming to TN to stay with us. I admit I promised myself and K I would stop collecting people but, BUT she's a good friend who is broken hearted and homeless. I admit just her, and her mini pin. No one else. I admit I'm not really feeling any Holiday warm fuzzies. I admit I told my sister I'd probably just shoot some rounds on the mountains and she was skeptical. Her exact words were, "yeah, shooting guns just SCREAMS Christmas." I admit it was refreshing to be reminded that I wasn't the only smart ass in our family. I admit, shooting rounds from a firearm is totally christmas, if say you are targeting the draft animals of an over grown, red dressed, fat voyeur who is probably into molesting members of the fae community and possibly the said draft animals. I admit that eight tiny reindeer, or average sized reindeer would ease the grocery bill significantly. Figure about 400 pounds of relatively lean venison in the freezer at least. I admit that I have heard of the fat slave driver and his elvish workers (yet has anyone actually seen or heard anything of this elf work force being paid for their labor?) I admit I am suspicious of some fat guy with a secret workshop who does not allow anyone to inspect to see if there are any human (or elf) rights violations I admit that the whole 'he knows when you are sleeping or awake thing' screams of some perverted voyeuristic tendencies, because it means that he is watching everyone, man, woman and child 24/7! which means that fat guy is watching you shower, shit, and everything else. I admit that the 'naughty or nice' list thing also bugs me, by which criteria is the determination of who is naughty or who is nice being used? And please remember folks, Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of prostitutes, so that in and of itself should indicate less than pious activities!
Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think? You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of. Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI