RE: How to get a Dom? (Full Version)

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Jeffff -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 6:30:51 AM)

A joke?..... there is nothing funny about Dom hunting.  One must be wily when stalking a wild Dom.

If you corner us we can turn and shred you! Nothing is more dangerous than a corned Dom.

Marlin Perkins

AquaticSub -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 6:32:00 AM)

Pft... I find doms very easy to hunt. Just bait a live trap with a set of freshly made floggers so the scent of leather is still in the air.

kittinSol -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 6:32:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: VirginPotty


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Lie down with your nose to the floor and your arse up in the air: one is sure to come by your way and take advantage of you [8D] .


I thought no one would laugh. Thanks, Pots :-) .

juliaoceania -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 6:39:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

Pft... I find doms very easy to hunt. Just bait a live trap with a set of freshly made floggers so the scent of leather is still in the air.

But the doms with the great racks have been hunted almost to extinction

goalie1801 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:08:53 AM)

I am sorry. I didnt understand the 'joke'. I dont understand alot of the jokes and phases on here.

Jeffff -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:10:48 AM)

That in it self says something.............

I truly wish you the best, but I am not overly optimistic.


goalie1801 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:14:41 AM)

says what?

LaTigresse -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:38:42 AM)



That in it self says something.............

I truly wish you the best, but I am not overly optimistic.


Bad anteater.

The key to good passive aggressive snark. The intended victim has to be able to understand the humour.

Dear Goalie,

Here is your problem as I see it. You have obviously low self esteem and are looking for some white knight to ride in and save you from yourself. Honey, it's not going to happen. Your negativity and low self esteem makes you a target for the very sort of guys you have already experienced. AND you bought what they were selling. Until you recognize your responsibility in that, your not going to fix it and it will happen again and again. GAAAAROANNNNTEEEEEEED!!

As others have said, your social skills are a bit lacking. That can be fixed but probably will not be fixed until you work on your self esteem issues. To successfully work on your self esteem issues, you are going to have to own your mistakes, take responsibility for your mistakes and your part in the past relationships. BUT, do so without beating yourself up for them. Just watch yourself and be aware. To do that, you are going to have to quit being so bloody defensive and passive aggressive. It ain't easy but chica, it can be done. Quit making excuses and own your shit babeee! It won't hurt, in fact it feels FAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS! Trust me, I was a snarky, passive aggressive, oh woe is me, victim about 25ish years ago. It sucked.

The part you are not willing to accept yet is that, it doesn't fuckin matter that you are submissive, you are still 100% responsible for yourself. Ain't no one gonna be able to save you from you but you. And right now, you are not even seeing that you need to. You are being negative and whiny........SNAP OUT OF IT! You want Suuuuuuuuuuper Dom, then you've gotta be sUUUUUUUUPER sUB (notice my less than clever play on capitalization there??)

My suggestion. Either find a submissive that you really admire and learn from them, what personality traits make them awesome? OR, find a dominant that you really admire that has a submissive, in a committed relationship and watch and learn what makes that submissive so awesome in their dominant's eyes. Watch and learn what makes that submissive such an awesome human being? I promise you it isn't being passive aggressive,  whiny and negative.

And, work on making yourself more interesting. Get involved in the world! Pay attention to whats going on, learn about it, be able to discuss things that don't always involve poor little ole you! Take some classes! Check out your local community college, learn to cook. Grocery stores and health food stores quite often offer cooking classes. Sometimes local restaurant chefs will teach at one, 'How to make the Perfect, from scratch Pizza' or something like that. Not only will you learn something you are lacking will meet people. How cool! Do volunteer work. It helps your community, takes you out of yourself, you can make friends, AND do something you will feel good about. Better self esteem!

Now, if you ignore these amazing words of wisdom, I suggest you go delete your profile and never return here again. Just kidding........kinda.

People here are amazingly cool and most really want to see other people succeed. Just go read the Random Stupidity section and watch the interactions. How people encourage and support one another.

But if you ignore the helpful hands that reach out to you, or just snap at them, trust me, you will not be treated with kid gloves. This is a forum for adults and we do, at some point, expect people to take responsibility for themselves like adults. Something you will need to work on.

Edited to add..........and this post was my second good deed of the week. I need help. A serious infusion of sadistic bitch snarkishness. I am being far to nice.

juliaoceania -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:41:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

says what?

I am going to say this in the most straight forward, yet kindest way I can....

You seem either emotionally immature or perhaps like you have issues with social cues. This is NOT an insult, just observing your responses to this thread. You do not seem to understand humor, especially the stuff that is not at all pointed at you.

I am going to be blunt, I do not  think you are ready for prime time. I think that you should find a submissive that is more experienced in the ways of the world that could mentor you in looking at your strengths and weaknesses and in how to become more pleasing for a dominant man. I would recommend logging off the internet and going to a munch to meet like minded people. I usually do not recommend that because for many it isn't necessary, even if it could be helpful... for you, it seems very necessary.

I am totally making one last effort to be helpful here, because I think you need help, and because you seem so very gullible and naive... you are so much so that I fear for your future safety in meeting men from over the internet... be thankful it is only your heart that has been walked on and that you haven't met a predator, because your misreading or social cues is very worrying in thinking how that translates to your judgment skills. PLEASE take this the way it is intended, you come off as someone that would be easily victimized. It is like you have a big target on your back that says "kick me".

Now I can't save every person in the world, hopefully you will save yourself and meet people in the real world that can talk face to face with you about how you can grow as a submissive woman.... or as a woman in general....

goalie1801 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:47:43 AM)

I dont think that there any of these munch meetings where I am at. And besides my anxiety at times can prevent me from doing group things.

juliaoceania -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:50:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

I dont think that there any of these munch meetings where I am at. And besides my anxiety at times can prevent me from doing group things.

Where is the nearest city to you?

LaTigresse -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:51:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

I dont think that there any of these munch meetings where I am at. And besides my anxiety at times can prevent me from doing group things.

Out of ALL of the advice of the last two posts you got that???

Go to the other side and do a search for submissive women that live near you and contact some of them. Tell them you are looking for someone to get to know in your area. I bet a year's salary that you would get some very positive feedback.

juliaoceania -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:54:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

I dont think that there any of these munch meetings where I am at. And besides my anxiety at times can prevent me from doing group things.

Out of ALL of the advice of the last two posts you got that???

Go to the other side and do a search for submissive women that live near you and contact some of them. Tell them you are looking for someone to get to know in your area. I bet a year's salary that you would get some very positive feedback.

Even better advice....LaT, I am seeing the mommy in you come out....[:D]

goalie1801 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:55:09 AM)

I am in the omaha, NE area.

Jeffff -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:56:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

I dont think that there any of these munch meetings where I am at. And besides my anxiety at times can prevent me from doing group things.

Out of ALL of the advice of the last two posts you got that???

Go to the other side and do a search for submissive women that live near you and contact some of them. Tell them you are looking for someone to get to know in your area. I bet a year's salary that you would get some very positive feedback.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Come to the anteater, I will make it all better!

LaTigresse -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:57:59 AM)

I've never beat an ant eater before, animal abuse, but I might need to.

Just to feel like the evil bad ass bitch I am supposed to be and all.

Jeffff -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 7:59:14 AM)

That's my girl!   [:D]

lally2 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 8:03:30 AM)

ok, so goalie, obviously the advice youve had so far isnt the advice you were looking for, so what advice were you looking for.

you reckon youre profile is ok. so if you dont think its youre profile then what do you think it is that keeps you from finding the right guy.

you know it can take people a long while to find the right mix of personality, chemistry, bdsm and Ds. its alot to fit into one relationship.

what are the problems you keep coming up against.

juliaoceania -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 8:05:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: goalie1801

I am in the omaha, NE area.

There are munches near you

there is a facebook sort of site called fetlife that posts events and such for different cities.. here is Nebraska

There are nearly 1000 kinksters registered in Nebraska... email some of the submissive ones and see what happens

goalie1801 -> RE: How to get a Dom? (2/5/2010 8:08:17 AM)

Why a sub? Why not a Dom?

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