RE: Freedom... (Full Version)

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thornhappy -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:36:23 PM)

If you and your buddies were doing this in reality, why isn't there a crime wave around Fort Walton Beach, Destin, etc.?

Damn, you sound like someone who'd spent way too much time with the beer.

ORIGINAL: cuckyman

but you see I live to insult liberal pukes....if that fails, then I will result to the age old tactic of putting their teeth into the back of their just makes a man feel good to bash a stupid fucking liberal....they just so richly deserve it!..... ahhhh.....I feel good just saying it.....nothing like the sound of breaking a liberals jaw and seeing the look on their stupid faces..... I miss it so....

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:38:30 PM)

I never knew that either, do tell


ORIGINAL: thornhappy

Damn, I never new RealOne was a lefty.  He be a sneaky sort!




ORIGINAL: cuckyman

so sue me you contenious asshole....this is not about a class on form....if you don't like'em...don't read'em....

I hate to say it cuckyman, but I'm with rule on this one.  Paragraphs, and white space go a long way to getting your message across.

Being intentionally obtrusive and making your points difficult to read reduce the effectiveness of your arguments.

Also, regardless of the provocation, allowing yourself to fall into the the left's game of personal insults also does not increase your credibility, nor improve your position. 


thornhappy -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:38:51 PM)





ORIGINAL: cuckyman

the 'point' of America is about freedom....rough around the edges as it might be...we raised the largest standard of living the world has ever witnessed....and more to what ever measure you disagree with freedom is only a symptom of your stupidity.... simple isn't it.....but you are too ignorant to trust in a 'free' society.... you are not one of are one of 'them'....and 'them' is about to become a vilified ex patriot.... one way or another...get with the program, or go show us how great you are by example somewhere else.....

again you qualify it with the borg collective.

freedom is singular and individual not based on the body politic.

sorry man

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:42:47 PM)

yep...pretty much....but the words to the song ring true....ever been to Bunker Hill.... ever been 10,000 miles from home and had rockets raining down on your ass...ever been so scared that you pissed in your pants and didn't know it...  There are many of us that know how high the price for freedom has been paid....and that subject is just not open for debate.... Either love what this land stands for, or just do everyone a favor and go find another place to run your mouth..... you can't talk the talk if you ain't walked the walk..... and rear echelon pukes have no right to talk about what they did not do..... you owe us respect...we don't owe you shit.....

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:43:33 PM)



ORIGINAL: cuckyman

Take your 'divesity' somewhere else.... you are either in the canoe, or out of the canoe..... take you hyphenated bullshit and cram it....either you believe in this land or you are an enemy of those that do..... we make NO apologies in realization of American exceptionalism..... if you think differently, then WHY in the HELL are you HERE????....we know who you are....and we have heard what you have to say, and it is BULLSHIT... don't like us....then why not just fucking LEAVE .....bye.bye....

the only way one can have freedom is in sovereignty and you keep talking about divesity and the Borg collective a total conflation of premises

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:49:06 PM)

and you are from Ohio...the place that let unions destroy the manufacturing base that was the ecomony up there....just like Ohio State U teams....they show up...but they find a way to lose..... I was born at Wright Patterson AFB in was a B-29 pilot in WW2... Air Force Museum is awesome...too bad Ohio is now a Obamaland.... guess youall miss those jobs don't cha?.... how's that Obama shit working out for ya?

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:50:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

yep...pretty much....but the words to the song ring true....ever been to Bunker Hill.... ever been 10,000 miles from home and had rockets raining down on your ass...ever been so scared that you pissed in your pants and didn't know it...  There are many of us that know how high the price for freedom has been paid....and that subject is just not open for debate.... Either love what this land stands for, or just do everyone a favor and go find another place to run your mouth..... you can't talk the talk if you ain't walked the walk..... and rear echelon pukes have no right to talk about what they did not do..... you owe us respect...we don't owe you shit.....

people really need to get a grip on reality.   All war is manufactured and the second anyone takes their eye off that ball they lose.

If government is involved and they always are then it is a war for and of the coporation.

If you think I am joking around go and find even one original jurisdiction constitutional court, you cant, they do not exist in the us.  (and I mean show it to me in the US code not some bullshit article you pick up from joe patriot)

TreasureKY -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:52:09 PM)

I hate to say this, but I suffer extreme embarrassment even thinking that, as a self-proclaimed patriot, I might in the slightest be associated with you and your ravings. 

Please grant us freedom from your crazed ranting.

InvisibleBlack -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:52:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman
the 'point' of America is about freedom....rough around the edges as it might be...

But if you believe in freedom, then shouldn't the so-called "progressives" be allowed to live in their "large metropolitian areas" and "grow nothing" and "create little other than words and 'products'..." if that's what they want to do? As long as it makes them happy and they don't come around any try to force you into moving to the city and working in the publishing industry or whatever?


we raised the largest standard of living the world has ever witnessed....and more to come.....

Wouldn't that "largest standard of living the world has ever witnessed" be due to the efforts of inventors and industrialists and scientists and thinkers who built the cities and the factories and increased the productivity of the average working man and be entirely unrelated to anything done by those "surviving out in the hinterlands"? And whether that's true or not, wouldn't freedom be allowing everyone to live the lifestyle they want to live, regardless of its location or nature? You don't have to like an "urban progressive" to grant him or her the right to exist and be left alone in their own "fantasy world".


by what ever measure you disagree with freedom is only a symptom of your stupidity....

So by your own definition - where you disagree with the freedoms of these others, you are only displaying the symptoms of your own stupidity?


but you are too ignorant to trust in a 'free' society....

You are, quite honestly, the first person in my entire life to ever accuse me of that.


you are not one of are one of 'them'....

I tend not to think in an us/them mindset but I suspect that even by your definitions I'm neither one of "us" nor "them". I don't think either group would have me.


and 'them' is about to become a vilified ex patriot....

I'm not following you there.


one way or another...get with the program, or go show us how great you are by example somewhere else.....

Actually, I think I'm doing quite well for myself these days and since I don't live anywhere near you, I'd suppose I am demonstrating the success of my worldview by example somewhere else even as we type.

My basic philosophy is that I pretty much don't care what you believe or what you do as long as you don't bother anyone else. Since I'm not imposing anything on you down in gatorland,  don't see why this should be a problem.

Anyways, work tomorrow so I'm off to bed. We'll pick this up when the day is done.

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:53:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman
how's that Obama shit working out for ya?

oh so the underlying agenda was to take a shot at leftees huh?  LOL

I thought it was a about freedom, one of my favorite topics and now you depress me with leftee rightee bullshit drama

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:55:34 PM)

In the finest traditions of special ops.... we are very very good at what we do.....and very discrete.... no crime.....but you will be happy to know the big ole gators out on Eglin are very well fed.....

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 10:57:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

In the finest traditions of special ops.... we are very very good at what we do.....and very discrete.... no crime.....but you will be happy to know the big ole gators out on Eglin are very well fed.....

now that we agree on

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:01:07 PM)

oh but you see....liberals make such juicy targets...just 'shots' is an admission of misses....and we don't wish to waste ammunition....we like big explosions of left wing flesh when we let one go..... its just a matter of professionalism not to waste a good round of ammo.... the snipers say it best...."one kill"...neat and tidy.... and oh so satisfying....just make one's day.....

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:04:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

oh but you see....liberals make such juicy targets...just 'shots' is an admission of misses....and we don't wish to waste ammunition....we like big explosions of left wing flesh when we let one go..... its just a matter of professionalism not to waste a good round of ammo.... the snipers say it best...."one kill"...neat and tidy.... and oh so satisfying....just make one's day.....

well you just blew it.  liberals as a rule are not the targets

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:14:24 PM)

as I stated early do what you wish on your patch, and allow us to do on ours...but you are up our noses with your socialist crap, so you are the one crossing the line.... I don't care what the fuck you long as you do not influence or try to change what we do.... we like this country..... do you?.... and why are you preaching your shit to us?.....we live and live is your philosphy of 'big government' that has us pissed..... Still mad at Robert E Lee for not listening to Longstreet and going to the right at Gettysburg.... but I digress..... Westminster was where he should have gone and set up a trenchline at the Pipe Creek ridge in Maryland.... thanks Newt for pointing that out.....dam gentlemen sometimes....but, here we are....with stupid fucking liberals in full infestation... just glad I live in the Southland..... it make this life get another chance to set it right....

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:17:19 PM)

leave it to a lib to alway find a way to take a shot at free enterprise.... corporations are owned by the little ladies down the street that own the stock....and you and your communist friends despise that.....

cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:19:41 PM)

baby, I hope that you and those like you are so embarrassed of being an American that youall decide that Yugoslavia is a much better place for you to what you think about this land, we don't give one tinkers dam..... and do us all a favor and stay the hell in Atlanta, and off our beaches.....

Real0ne -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:20:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuckyman

as I stated early do what you wish on your patch, and allow us to do on ours...but you are up our noses with your socialist crap, so you are the one crossing the line.... I don't care what the fuck you long as you do not influence or try to change what we do.... we like this country..... do you?.... and why are you preaching your shit to us?.....we live and live is your philosphy of 'big government' that has us pissed..... Still mad at Robert E Lee for not listening to Longstreet and going to the right at Gettysburg.... but I digress..... Westminster was where he should have gone and set up a trenchline at the Pipe Creek ridge in Maryland.... thanks Newt for pointing that out.....dam gentlemen sometimes....but, here we are....with stupid fucking liberals in full infestation... just glad I live in the Southland..... it make this life get another chance to set it right....

what should have happened is they should have overthrown the crown and granted the king fishing rights instead of the king granting them to us.

If you really want to change this country abolish the idea that everyone is a 14th subject by prescription and reverse the courts back to their original intention which was an easy method by which the PEOPLE COULD COMPLAIN ABOUT GOVERNMENT!   That was the original intent of the APA if you read the congressional record but they use it to come after the people and extort money from them.  Before anyone goes off 1/2 cocked think about that.

DarlingSavage -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:20:19 PM)



cuckyman -> RE: Freedom... (3/12/2010 11:23:49 PM)

Oh but there are sweetpea....they are.... and one need go no further than around the block to find those that enthusiastically agree that one side will prevail, and one will not....we are prepared to pay the price....are you?   All things come at a price....and your ilk is bankrupt in more ways than one.....

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