RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (Full Version)

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AAkasha -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/10/2006 10:56:50 PM)



What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with. 

What do you offer a sub that makes you worth their time.  especially those who want slaves, tell us how you take care of them.  what do they get out of it if things go bad 5? 10? 20? years up the road? financial? emotional? physical? retirement? personal?  daily life?

what are your responsibilities toward your sub/slave? switch if applicable?

Every domme will tell us that they will "take care of all our needs"  what do you feel those needs are.   (generically speaking)

So now you found the perfect sub as described in the other thread so tell us how you intend to make a perfect life together and what does the sub get out of it.

From my experience they typically offer me a nice mortgage bill(my name is not on the deed), car payments (her name her car), insurance bills(both), utility bills(both), all the housework, child care(theirs), finally a little kink with here a spank there a spank once in a while or the other extreme of bdsm obsession that is so caustraphobic, limiting and depressing that i could puke.   

Is that really what being a sub or slave to someone is all about?  Is that really all that there is out here?

So dommes, stand up and be counted! 

What do you have to offer that perfect sub/slave/it, whatever, that you want to collar?

If you are continually finding yourself attracting the types of femdoms that want to take advantage of you and demand your assets "in exchange" for domination, you need to take a look at what it is you are projecting about yourself and why these femdoms are so interested in you.

Could it be your expectations for the jollies/kicks you get are so high that a woman feels she needs to get something substantial in return?

Or, more realistically, is it that femdoms who know they can lock-in a "fantasy driven" sub find you to be ripe for picking?

A money-hungry femdom who wants to run your house and take your cash wouldn't waste time pursuing you if she didn't think you you'd bite.  The fact that you keep coming in contact with these types tells me that you are easy prey. 


Real0ne -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/10/2006 11:13:57 PM)





What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with. 

What do you offer a sub that makes you worth their time.  especially those who want slaves, tell us how you take care of them.  what do they get out of it if things go bad 5? 10? 20? years up the road? financial? emotional? physical? retirement? personal?  daily life?

what are your responsibilities toward your sub/slave? switch if applicable?

Every domme will tell us that they will "take care of all our needs"  what do you feel those needs are.   (generically speaking)

So now you found the perfect sub as described in the other thread so tell us how you intend to make a perfect life together and what does the sub get out of it.

From my experience they typically offer me a nice mortgage bill(my name is not on the deed), car payments (her name her car), insurance bills(both), utility bills(both), all the housework, child care(theirs), finally a little kink with here a spank there a spank once in a while or the other extreme of bdsm obsession that is so caustraphobic, limiting and depressing that i could puke.   

Is that really what being a sub or slave to someone is all about?  Is that really all that there is out here?

So dommes, stand up and be counted! 

What do you have to offer that perfect sub/slave/it, whatever, that you want to collar?

If you are continually finding yourself attracting the types of femdoms that want to take advantage of you and demand your assets "in exchange" for domination, you need to take a look at what it is you are projecting about yourself and why these femdoms are so interested in you.

Could it be your expectations for the jollies/kicks you get are so high that a woman feels she needs to get something substantial in return?

Or, more realistically, is it that femdoms who know they can lock-in a "fantasy driven" sub find you to be ripe for picking?

A money-hungry femdom who wants to run your house and take your cash wouldn't waste time pursuing you if she didn't think you you'd bite.  The fact that you keep coming in contact with these types tells me that you are easy prey. 


thats not the way it works for the most part.  remember there is zippo on my profile to attract anyone.  occasionally dommes still approach me but not to much since i removed everything so that is not the problem as far as my experience is concerned.

i write profiles where the domme appears to match my needs.  if there is anything what so ever that hints that this kind of attitude exists,  i do not write. 

However this all comes out in the course of getting to know them.  Its unavoidable when its not in print and its usually presented in the sweetest ways like they are doing me a wonderful favor.  no i am not a do me lol

TeeGO -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/11/2006 1:10:46 PM)





I'll not argue that point either.

TeeGo, since you and I have never had the occasion to visit via email, I'd like to say that I admire your posts and enjoy reading your threads. Always.

Texas Maam

Thank you Ma'am.  Or should that be TexasMaam, or maybe TexasMaam Ma'am, or Ma'am TexasMaam Ma'am, or...

MizSuz -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/11/2006 6:20:45 PM)



What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with.

You answered your question - "lifestyle domme" is all that's needed to have people drool to be with you.  



What do you offer a sub that makes you worth their time. 

I don't claim to offer anything.  I can, however, be a pretty fierce friend.  I can create a safe place for a myriad assortment of experiences.  I draw upon years of experience, study and practice in a pretty wide selection of disciplines.  I hear things like "I learned so much" and "I never knew that about myself" and "OMG how did you do that and can you do it again?!?" a lot.  If in an intimate relationship I always give honesty, I never consider or offer monogamy (although I might expect it).  I am ferociously independent and don't like to smother or be smothered.  I'm intuitive and compassionate but usually deliver it with an iron glove. 



...especially those who want slaves, tell us how you take care of them.  what do they get out of it if things go bad 5? 10? 20? years up the road? financial? emotional? physical? retirement? personal?  daily life?

They'll have whatever they made out of it, the same as if they'd never met me.  Got a goal?  Then tell me about it, let me watch you achieve it, share it with me, ask me for opinions and advice.  I'll be your greatest fan, but you'll still have to meet your destiny for yourself, just like me. 



what are your responsibilities toward your sub/slave? switch if applicable?

That depends on the relationship and what we've worked out.  I don't do BDSM by cookie cutter, so I can't answer this generally.



Every domme will tell us that they will "take care of all our needs"  what do you feel those needs are.   (generically speaking)

I'm a mother of a grown child and I can guarantee you that I have never told anyone that I would take care of all their needs.  It's not even on my radar.



So now you found the perfect sub as described in the other thread so tell us how you intend to make a perfect life together and what does the sub get out of it.

I make my own perfect life, people who float into it figure out the way they fit and then decide whether it's for them or not.  Maybe it's not for them, or maybe it is for them but only for a time.  It's all good.  The sub will get out of it whatever he chooses to walk away with, just like me.  What does the sub want to get out of it?  Have they talked to me about it and worked out a plan of action?  What are they going to do to achieve their goals? 



From my experience they typically offer me a nice mortgage bill(my name is not on the deed), car payments (her name her car), insurance bills(both), utility bills(both), all the housework, child care(theirs), finally a little kink with here a spank there a spank once in a while or the other extreme of bdsm obsession that is so caustraphobic, limiting and depressing that i could puke.  

Sounds to me like your picker is broken.



Is that really what being a sub or slave to someone is all about?  Is that really all that there is out here?

No, that's not all there is out there - but there is a lot of it out there.  I always wonder about the kind of person who finds themself with someone like that and then bemoans it.  How did (generic) you get there?  What can you do to assure that going forward you make a better match?  In situations like those mentioned the only power you have is over yourself so it would seem that owning your own responsibility in the situation would be the first step in figuring out how to assure you don't end up there again.  Pissing and moaning about how ill you've been treated is probably only effective as catharsis but isn't likely to further an exploration in personal responsibility, so it could be considered counter productive to the effort of learning how to not let it happen again. 

As to the original question:

"Are you the PERFECT domme?"

Well, yes, I am - to some.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/11/2006 8:33:33 PM)

Me, Perfect Domme?  Not even close...
I am perfectly awesome though when I connect with the right personality and mix of chemistry, understanding, passion and compassion.
I offer kindness, consideration, empathy, generosity, a mean spanking, a harsh whipping (still working on my aim, lol), etc.etc....  I'm very bad or very good depending on who's assessing. [8D]  M

GoddessDustyGold -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/12/2006 11:56:05 AM)

Welcome back, Diva!  **Blows a kiss to M**
I am not perfect...I am Mary Poppins, so I am only "Practically perfect in every way!"  The good news is that a boy will always get the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.  *Smile*
I don't care about being perfect and I do not seek perfection.  I look for those who are on the same page. 

MichMasochist -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/13/2006 5:56:22 PM)


I think that is what ninety eight percent want. Maybe that's why ninety six percent become disenchanted.

Targa911 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/13/2006 6:26:58 PM)

[:)]Well some might say yes.Some might say yes years later though when they reap the harvest of good teaching.It is as they say a two way street and one 's view can and does change from time to time..I feel if you are not finding a good Dom you need to be pro-active.Good Doms do not have to recruit they are sought out..Subs read the bio's and understand good Doms do not have to chase if they do they might not be good..Remember supply and demand it seems there are more Subs looking for good Doms than there are.

.Good luck and be safe

SweetPosession -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/14/2006 12:12:37 AM)

I'm not perfect. None of the Dommes you will ever meet are perfect, and if they claim to be there's something wrong. We all have our talents and experiences to offer, and the situation you've described seems... less than ideal. Some Dommes demand control of their submissives' finances, and if that works for the sub, more power to Her (no pun intended). I think that kind of exchange should be clearly agreed upon.

Misstoyou -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/14/2006 11:51:58 AM)

"Are you the PERFECT domme?"

Darn! I just wanted to say "Yes!" with a laughing face ([:D]), but everybody is giving thoughtful answers!

BitaTruble -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/14/2006 5:08:09 PM)


RealOne, if you're having a bitotrouble finding a good Domme, you might want to re-read Mistress Lorelei's post, above, because that's exactly how your original post came across to Me, as well.

Hey! Don't involve me in this mess. I suck as a Domme! ::laughs::


TeeGO -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 6:13:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


RealOne, if you're having a bitotrouble finding a good Domme, you might want to re-read Mistress Lorelei's post, above, because that's exactly how your original post came across to Me, as well.

Hey! Don't involve me in this mess. I suck as a Domme! ::laughs::


I think that makes you pretty unique as most Domme's don't suck. Puh-duh-Bum-Crissshh

MistressLorelei -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 7:32:30 AM)




ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


RealOne, if you're having a bitotrouble finding a good Domme, you might want to re-read Mistress Lorelei's post, above, because that's exactly how your original post came across to Me, as well.

Hey! Don't involve me in this mess. I suck as a Domme! ::laughs::


I think that makes you pretty unique as most Domme's don't suck. Puh-duh-Bum-Crissshh

Most of us may not suck, but we have this amazing ability to train others to suck.  Funny how that works....

Misstoyou -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 8:22:02 AM)



I think that makes you pretty unique as most Domme's don't suck. Puh-duh-Bum-Crissshh

I'm glad you qualified that ... [8D]

TeeGO -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 9:41:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressLorelei




ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


RealOne, if you're having a bitotrouble finding a good Domme, you might want to re-read Mistress Lorelei's post, above, because that's exactly how your original post came across to Me, as well.

Hey! Don't involve me in this mess. I suck as a Domme! ::laughs::


I think that makes you pretty unique as most Domme's don't suck. Puh-duh-Bum-Crissshh

Most of us may not suck, but we have this amazing ability to train others to suck.  Funny how that works....

You just can't resist can you....everywhere I turn...bunch of evil sadistic women I'll tell ya.

Contesaluv -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 3:05:40 PM)

Wow!  This is an existential question if I've ever heard one.  PERFECT!  I think we all know there is not set definition for being a perfect Domme.  The journey is toward what some might call perfection but it's a mask. Perfection eludes us until the end.  After that, who knows?

HayaSierra -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/15/2006 6:14:43 PM)


I am far from the perfect Domme, that is for sure -- because each person is different, and I am not afraid to admit that I am definitely NOT the perfect Domme for most submissives. 

As for why those who are with me are with me, and why I have the effect on them that I do is because I happen to provide what they are seeking and hitting the proverbial nail on the head with them and am often the only one that seems to understand what they really are looking for.

As for long term plans, yes I have been given serious thought and effort towards the future of those who are with me now and who stay with me. Especially things that deal with long term issues such as older age, dynamics shifting, investments, inproving of skills, health, and much more. I'm a complete person, and while I may not provide all resources for those I own personally, and while not all of them will be available right away I am not the type to leave a slave with a morgage, car payments or anything like that. If they remain, I would invest in them -- make them happier as I can manage. Increase their knowledge. Etc. This is because the better they are, and the better their situations are and their outlooks on life, the more worth they carry for me. In fact for me, and in my cultural beliefs, I have nothing against a slave of mine becoming well-to-do or successful in something, say Inventing or to learn another trade such as Carpentry or to kick a bad habit such as smoking -- because when one gets down to it, one who is fully trained and firmly mine is an extension of my will and anything they achieve as individuals better my entire household and thus reflects good upon me as the Owner. 
And should they wish to leave, they would leave with experience, a clearer understanding of who they are as a person and hopefully a better personal situation then when they came to me.  

As for what makes the difference to me and why I am confident in those I bring to me, I don't just rush to move someone in with me. I make sure by as many means as I can that indeed what I am offering and specializing in is indeed what will meet or exceed their needs. In fact, I've even let people try it out -- and get information about things before going any further. Online training. Then there is required visitation.

As for the amount of control I require -- I also gradually build it up. Start with a little, go from there. Accountability for actions before progress to change those I don't like. From 6 sodas a day to one when given as a reward over a period of months or weeks. Trust in letting me view something, before rushing to interfere with something. For example -- I might make one that is mine show me that they trust me without making them go through horrible things. This way I can get an idea for feelings and barriers to my control. See what is harder to let go of then not. For example -- one who for instance tells me in January that he would never go with another male without being forced may tell me in June that while he still would not like to be with a male, he accepts that this would not be his choice to make but mine and fully understands his place. While I may never make him be with a male (it does not float my boat), knowing about such changes in perception show me that indeed things are going in the right direction. 

By the end of it the result is what I want though -- the person is mine.  Mind. Body. Possessions. Heart. Just a basic form of control and ownership. Really :).

Haya Sierra ---  

LuvSponge -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/16/2006 10:16:04 AM)


As to the original question:

"Are you the PERFECT domme?"

Well, yes, I am - to some.


(She is [8D])

StrictWhip -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/19/2006 4:44:55 PM)

What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with. 

I really am only in possession of one thing, that I know of, that would make any sub drool over me and that would have to be my Ass.  Everything else is far from perfect.  As the subs who have served me, all I have to offer is my best effort to make the relationship work and be fulfilling for both of us.  I do not require anyone to provide monetary support or gifts to me.  Just an earnest effort to please. 

AcademyForSlaves -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/19/2006 5:16:54 PM)

A real slave that wants real slavery knows his only purpose in life is to obey, serve, and please his Mistress. he's not selfish or demanding, doesn't manipulate or top from the bottom, and he doesn't use a Mistress to get his fetish. he serves Her in what ever way She wants or needs.

That's real slavery.

Training will teach him this fact.

Academy Mistress

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