RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (Full Version)

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MsRachelxxx -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (4/19/2006 9:28:18 PM)

Mmm, I've had several Masters and Mistress's over the last thirty years. My first Master collared me at age twenty two, in London, England. He was a wealthy man and had another slave (girl) the same age as i, our relationship with Him was to make His home beautiful and to serve His needs, that included displaying and sharing us with His friends. He also took us on great trips to Paris, New York, Miami, Rome and other places, plus our collars were diamond encrusted, LOL he paid for our education in many arts, from music, to culinary, to wine tasting, even flower arranging, we attended great opera and theatre, and my "sister" and i shared each other and our Master. I felt like the most fortunate human in the world. This Master died along with my "sister" in an auto accident, leaving me totaly bereft and in mourning for years untill i came to the USA.

Here i met a wonderful woman who after being my lover, became my Mistress. She introduced me to spirituality and Zen Buddhism for which i am eternaly grateful, even though she caged me for over a month and was quite hard in the beggining, she was completely true to her nature and taught me to be the same.
She was a true gift to me.

i will not go on about the Others, but i can say, each was a unique gift in my developement as a person and a slave, each brought me closer to completion and happiness, to that point of total immersion in my duties that place of acceptance and meditation and of devine love for those served. i cannot imagine being in my position any other way.

Spunkin -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 1:17:51 AM)

hello Mistress" - ive come here to annoy you aswell,, - lol
na, if i didnt keep the courage and faith were oh were would that
shit get me ?
no shit is were.

later then,
miss you,


ORIGINAL: MsDominiquenz

Perfect anything is a dream realone, but I think you know that..
I see it as a matter of fit, and it either works or not.
Its so individual and hard to define for sure, but any relationship needs a symbiotic basis, any selfishness will only destroy what could be.

A sub/slave/bottom/person needs to be valued, not just ripped off.
I wont answer all of your questions..that would have me sitting here with cold coffee and not do any good anyway..but I think empathy is essential.

Be Well.

mons -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 1:55:20 AM)

what do i offer a slaves (me) i believe they, the slave should always be treated with
respect i do not want someone i can walk over or who wants me really walk all over him he is to be a man but inside he is a slave. i offer my love yes we do fall for our slaves i offer protection. the right type of kink and this comes from knowing that person not just for a month but getting to know him inside out, he would be gettng someone who is smart someone who can teach me manythings. but at times things can go not well and i know when to cut the cord and move on. but this such long thing and it leaves so much to write about

Sylverdawn -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 1:58:51 AM)

laughing with Texas Ma'am...thats just too perfect~winks~

MistressSassy66 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 10:32:03 AM)

I am no where near being perfect if I was...the accidental posion ivy incident wouldnt have happened.

All I can offer is who and what I am.It either works or it doesnt with that particular person.What works with some doesnt others.

The only way to be perfect that I can see is maybe if you are really good at reading minds.

I cant answer for all My submissives what they get out of it...But if I were to guess
it would be that they are in a safe comfortable enviroment,free to be who they want.Able to act out some fantasies,finally getting that spanking they have always wanted.Or to be tortured and used as I see fit.

thetammyjo -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 10:36:27 AM)

Deleted -- I did all ready reply to this thread and nothing has changed.

Still not perfect, just TammyJo.

Evanesce -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 10:47:55 AM)

Yup.  There is no such thing as perfect.  But there IS perfect "for me."
I'm not a perfect domme.  I'm not one that all the subs drool over, either.  In fact, very few give me so much as a second look, because I'm not flamboyant, beautiful and exciting.  I'm rather laid back, average and boring, actually.
However, what I offer a sub or slave is this:  Honesty, empathy, understanding, commitment, compassion, freedom to "be", an extreme disliking for head games, and a sadistic side just edgy enough to keep them in line.

MiladyLily -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 11:40:20 AM)

assuming a real 24/7 lifestyle relationship, a financial plan for the future security of the sub/slave should be put into place asap when the relationship is begun.  a sub/slave should not be used up and abandoned if the Dom/me tires of him/her or passes on.  obviously, if people just play together, no such obligation is assumed.

TheDiva -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 12:25:08 PM)

I'm cute and fit. Plus I have a wicked intellect, I'm kinky, and I'm creative. On the other hand, I'm selfish and self-centered at times. I'm very caring, but I like to inflict pain, humiliate, and tease when I'm in the mood. Oh, did I mention that My strapon and I could easily have our own fan club? (How come I can't find an appropriate smiley for that one?)

I don't offer a health plan or retirement options, but child care would not be something that a potential sub/slave would have to worry about-- I don't have minor children. So I'm sure I'm the perfect domme for someone... and I do believe that someone is in his 40s or 50s who is cultured, likes to travel, and loves to be at a beautiful woman's feet.

MistressSassy66 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 5:13:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Evanesce

Yup.  There is no such thing as perfect.  But there IS perfect "for me."
I'm not a perfect domme.  I'm not one that all the subs drool over, either.  In fact, very few give me so much as a second look, because I'm not flamboyant, beautiful and exciting.  I'm rather laid back, average and boring, actually.
However, what I offer a sub or slave is this:  Honesty, empathy, understanding, commitment, compassion, freedom to "be", an extreme disliking for head games, and a sadistic side just edgy enough to keep them in line.

Repeat after Me....Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

W/we have a nickel jar at My house for negative thoughts of what Beauty is or isnt.

Evanesce -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 9:41:03 PM)


Repeat after Me....Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

LOL!  Yes, Ma'am!  [;)] 

W/we have a nickel jar at My house for negative thoughts of what Beauty is or isnt. 

It's a shame we can't hear voice inflection here.  That wasn't negative at all.  Simply stating a fact as I see it.  There is nothing wrong with average.

Sylph -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/3/2006 11:35:37 PM)


LOL> No I am not perfect at all. I happen to be human. What do I have to offer, not many of the things that you listed. I am not taking care of anyone financially, I expect each person to be responsible for their financial stability and their retirement. I do not thing sexual preference absolves you from personal responsibility. I defiantly do not offer a mortgage, car, or a 401k 

BDSM wise, well I am a realist and that will vary according to my energy level secondary to what is happening in my life at the time. If I do not have the mind set to want BDSM, guess what - the subs want of it is not going to change that. I do the same courtesy in not doing BDSM activities when she is not in the mood as well.

Speaking of daily life, micromanagement is NOT my kink, and I refused to with someone who has this need to have their submission validated. I feel the perfect sub is Alfred (the butler in Batman) He defiantly does not wait for orders he* gasps* knows his place and anticipates what is needed. He knows how to make life easier.

Emotional, I feel each person is responsible for their own emotional well being. I am not fixing anyone or making their life perfect. Your personal filters color your perception of life, so there is not way I can give you a perfect one if you are not in a place to accept one.

What do I have to offer the perfect sub- nothing. I believe the perfect sub is as much of a fantasy as the perfect domme.

Funny thing with so little to offer I have little trouble finding compatible partners. I do not count anything under a year in duration a relationship, and I have been in several. My longest lasted 10 years.

Of course this is on page 5, so this post will most likely not be seen.


Edited to add: Just in case you are wondering, the sub I am with now bears very little resemblance to Alfred. She is a headstrong bitchy little thing who does a great impersonation of a medieval washerwoman. Those are a few of her more endearing qualities.

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/4/2006 12:01:24 AM)

Am I the perfect Domme?  For my boy, yes.  For anyone else, probably not.
I dont strive for perfection, never have and dont care to start. If someone doesnt like how I do things, then they can go elsewhere.  I am a flawed person, and im OK with that.


LadyTanya -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/4/2006 8:34:40 AM)

Is there such a thing?  Perfection Hmmm   I don't think so.  We live in an imperfect world.   All relationships including those within this lifestyle are about communication, honesty and compromise.   I may be a good Domme but never perfect.  Perfection is something to strive for but to attain it is something that noone can boast. 

Lady Tanya

MissAbby -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/5/2006 7:21:16 PM)



What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with. 

Mostly becauSe I aM a jeaneus.  I have Great Ksills in Edujducational endeavors.  I can Use them to educate teh slave. 

Also I knoe a lot about spcychological things.  Do you know the Briggs Meyers test???  See, I have already edjuctated you if yo did not know this.  It is a spcyholocigal profile and I can USe this to menatally undersantad the submissive mind.  I am quite Clever ik this way.   


What do you offer a sub that makes you worth their time.  especially those who want slaves, tell us how you take care of them.  what do they get out of it if things go bad 5? 10? 20? years up the road? financial? emotional? physical? retirement? personal?  daily life?

you axe a lot of questions, RealOne.  I plan on Marrying My slave so this will be not onyl financial protection, but also a lifetime of punishment.  Plus Vlad will get a visa so that has got to count for Something. 

"What do they get out of it if things go bad?"  Well, there is no "they" because I am not a polyandry kind Of Girl. 

What does he get out of it if things go bad? 

Finacnially, that depends on How good of A divorce Lawyer he has, I suppose. 

Emotionally, A divorce is suckage so I think that would be difficult on B/both of U/us.  Sloave or not, it would be diffiCult on anyone. 

Physically, he would have been trained to be a sex xlave so he would HOPEfully have listend to My advice and be in beauTiful physical shape. 

Rteirement, he would not have a retirement account... he better have a good lawyer, eh?

Personal, the pseronal fun of being a sumbissive.  Don't you think that is a fun and inTeresting way to live life?  That's what he should get out of it.  But if it is over then it is over... but there would be a personal leraning experience.  Good memmories.

Daily life, well, if things go bad then he would NOt have Me in his daily laife which would make him sad.  I would be sad too to not have Me in My daily life, but thankfuLly that will not happen. 


what are your responsibilities toward your sub/slave? switch if applicable?

Responsibilities of Ownership, of course.  I already Own a dog.  I make shure he is fed, has clean water, trim his nails, cut his fur, give him Medication when he is sick, take him to the vet, make sure his dog tags are up-to-date and take him fof walks.  I think Owning a slave will be similar, expect I hope I don't have to trim his nails and he can do that himself.  Also I would take him to the doctor and not to a vet. 


Every domme will tell us that they will "take care of all our needs"  what do you feel those needs are.   (generically speaking)

I think..... that.... needs are very emotiaonll, intellectual and phsycial.  I am very concerned with the emotioaanl growht of the slave.  he would have a Fantasy Journal to write down his desires-- emotional and scene orientated.  he would have to write in this Journal every week.  Scenes would be important, ov course. 

Intellectual, I would want him to keep up with world events and maybe even read something like The Economist.  Also I have a fondness for theoretical social books like Generations by Strauss and Howe.  he would be brutally forced to read stuff like that.  And dixcuss it. 

Physically, he would be a sex slave so he would have to Train the Body to be sexy. 

Also for emotional-- it is very important for a slave to be in the MIndset of a slave.  I would have to be quite clever and figure out Good Ways to make him be in the slave mindset throughout the day.  This mental development would be fulfilling to explore.  he might have an alter of Respect that he would recite a mantra everyday about how he Is a slave and completely Devoted to Me.  This sychological devleopment is an important need to fulfill.


So now you found the perfect sub as described in the other thread so tell us how you intend to make a perfect life together and what does the sub get out of it.

curiouser and curiouser, eh, RealOne.  My perfect life of being married to the perfect sub would probably mean that I work full time in the bidness world and he works only part-time and trains himself to be sexy and serve Me the rest of the time.  In My fantasy life, he sleeps on the floor and wakes Me up in the morning with a dutiful greeting and a hot latte.  he would make My lunch and maybe even My dinner because I would be working soooo hard.  Then I come home and he draws My bath.  And life is good.


From my experience they typically offer me a nice mortgage bill(my name is not on the deed), car payments (her name her car), insurance bills(both), utility bills(both), all the housework, child care(theirs), finally a little kink with here a spank there a spank once in a while or the other extreme of bdsm obsession that is so caustraphobic, limiting and depressing that i could puke.   

If you don't like it, then it doesn't sound like a match.  Of course, if you like this kind of degrading treatment, then Go for it. 


Is that really what being a sub or slave to someone is all about?  Is that really all that there is out here?

Well, there is always... ummmm... mind control.  Hahahahh.. hmmm...


So dommes, stand up and be counted! 

So bossy, RealOne.  *ahem*  Good think I like to count.  Plus being a jeaneus I can count really high.   


What do you have to offer that perfect sub/slave/it, whatever, that you want to collar?

When I am ready for the Perfect slave, I can offer kinky sex.  And mindgames.  And servile dedication.  And The Economist.  That's plenty of punishment. 

Misstoyou -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/5/2006 8:30:15 PM)

This is definitely one of those days that my lack of perfection is all too apparent to me...

** edited for the typo. *Too* appropriate. [8|]

LadyAlexa -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/6/2006 2:14:32 PM)

Well there goes my cover, it's blown.  I'm not perfect. I don't like drool anyways.  Ah well...guess I'll have to tell amber she's stuck with all the bills and I'll move out  LOL



What is it that makes you the lifestyle domme that so many subs drool to be with. 

What do you offer a sub that makes you worth their time.  especially those who want slaves, tell us how you take care of them.  what do they get out of it if things go bad 5? 10? 20? years up the road? financial? emotional? physical? retirement? personal?  daily life?

what are your responsibilities toward your sub/slave? switch if applicable?

Every domme will tell us that they will "take care of all our needs"  what do you feel those needs are.   (generically speaking)

So now you found the perfect sub as described in the other thread so tell us how you intend to make a perfect life together and what does the sub get out of it.

From my experience they typically offer me a nice mortgage bill(my name is not on the deed), car payments (her name her car), insurance bills(both), utility bills(both), all the housework, child care(theirs), finally a little kink with here a spank there a spank once in a while or the other extreme of bdsm obsession that is so caustraphobic, limiting and depressing that i could puke.   

Is that really what being a sub or slave to someone is all about?  Is that really all that there is out here?

So dommes, stand up and be counted! 

What do you have to offer that perfect sub/slave/it, whatever, that you want to collar?

Spunkin -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/19/2006 9:11:48 PM)

Hello Tammyjo, - I wanted to say your answer to this question is a good one indeed,

No one dominant is perfect like most subs might like to think they are,
and are still human,
My woe for now is im not rich enough for most Mistress's about,
This has me in a real turning point after one year of finally learning the truths of W/why its not as clear cut as it looks, - another is the looks department,, - you no the sexy mind is all im out for etc is what i hear alot state,
When infact we all have psychial attraction 1st, -  Yet i dont rearly see a geourgous Mistress with an over/weight sub and vice versa" !?!  - Unless hes rich of course.
just my opinion matey and no one elses.

from - spunkin.

mnottertail -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/20/2006 5:53:21 AM)

EVERY DOMME, (that's right, I'm shouting) is PERFECT for someone, or two; or three or four...........


Spunkin -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/20/2006 2:04:29 PM)

Ummm, - Gidday there are you really shouting,,!  = W/why is john Warren going to tell me off for ?
You new what i meant though aye, - NO ONE IS PERFECT - no not even i matey,

I made a good point with the rest of my say do you reckon ?
i catch on very quickly sometimes and what i like about this particular site is alot of members are more
truthfull in here than other BD&SM sites.
cherry O"

frm - spunkin.


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

EVERY DOMME, (that's right, I'm shouting) is PERFECT for someone, or two; or three or four...........


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