RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (Full Version)

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mons -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (8/28/2006 1:51:49 AM)

greetings realone
here is the question for you what makes you the perfect submissive or slave? what do you have that will make a domme choose you above all others? do you act a way that is pleasing to a domme are you service ready?
i am asking this qquestion of you to see what you have. i think to ask a domme this is ok but now it is your turn we all have something to gave to one another but what makes you so special to ask this?
i have saw in many submissve profile not here some though but in many places they think they are the best and have a appoarch like they are kings and we should bow to this submissive who is all that and a bag of chips? are you one of this slaves who is a know it all and have the oral techs like you done it forever so tell me what you have?

Spunkin -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/21/2006 8:56:02 PM)

are these your rules ? or rules this person and SUBMISSIVE must follow for your standerds ?
This judgeing by TEXT alone is utter bullshit mate,
simply because someone states they are a mistress or master does not mean W/we as submissive or switch need to get on or hands and knees everytime we see one, nothing is set as concrete rules to follow like you point out here Mistress,  and for saftety reasons this applys also, too many players not into the D/s relations will and DO try to use there titles to get what they want from unsuspecting new to the scene and life style submissives like i myself cottoned onto a while back.
im sure those rules apply to me also, but i must no the person and no there the real deal you understand. !?
Thanx for yours time.
frm - the spkn.

ORIGINAL: GlamourDomme

Of course, I am the perfect "Domme".  Notice how I initial-capped the word "Domme".

It seems that you are approaching your quest from the wrong direction!  From your initial post, you show that you are not really submissive by presenting your requests as demands and you completely lack proper D/s etiquette.  How can you possibly find the type of relationship you claim you are looking for if you put yourself out into the Community as just the opposite of what you seek?  That just makes what is already difficult nearly impossible!  In whatever you do, you have to always remember what your goal is and act in ways that support you achieving it. 

Here is something that will be useful to you:
How To Approach A Mistress .  A good start is for a sub to learn how to present her/himself in a way worthy of  receiving attention from Dommes.  you really will get more with honey than with vinegar.

As for your original post, Personally I do not offer to "take care of your needs".  It is a submissive's job to take care of Mine.  What the sub receives from Me is specific to the particular submissive and something that is discovered through proper service to Me and after the sub has proven her/his worth.  This works for ME and Mine; it may not be what works for anyone else.

subfever -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/21/2006 10:35:04 PM)

When you say "perfect" Domme, you are most likely referring to the context of "perfect to be in a relationship with."

Successful relationships have always been about the 3 C's, and always will be.

Chemistry, compatibility, and communication will determine how close to perfection any two people will get within their relationship... regardless of whether the relationship is vanilla, kink, straight, gay, etc.

The primary challenge here is that we all have our individual perceptions of what constitutes good: chemistry, compatibility, and communication. 

Also, our perceptions of "perfect" in this context often becomes a moving target as we evolve and grow over the years.

How many of us could honestly say that our idealized, "perfect" mate of 20 or 30 years past would still be our conception of a perfect mate today?   

Zinja2007 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/22/2006 6:45:24 AM)



One of the many things that I have to offer that perfect sub I want to collar is:

...the wisdom not to take too seriously the occasional flippant, sarcastic post. 

You know, like this one.


[;)]rite on!

Zinja2007 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/22/2006 6:48:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: MstrssPassion



Based on this paragraph alone it would seem that you harbor a great deal of bitterness from poor choices that YOU made. Your choice to involve yourself with manipulative gold-digger types has tainted your view to the point that you are unable to conceive that many people can & have blissful existence within their D/s, M/s or BDSM relationships.  


Zinja2007 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/22/2006 6:49:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: FLsubmalecd

To your thread question realone.
I can only tell you that the perfect Domme is the one that is perfect for me. She wil not be perfect for you or anyone else. We are all so different that it makes this thing you ask about impossiible to answer. So ask yourself, "what is the perfect Domme for me"? It won't be the one that is perfect for me, just perfect for you.
For me, it all starts with love. Without love I can not and will not give my total submision. They say that submision is a gift to give to your Domme. I agree! But her domination of me is also a gift she gives back. Like it has already been said here. It's a two way street. I have to love her and respect her first. She has to love and respect me second. Without those two ingredients,, there is no relationship. As far as the house, the car and the cost of living goes, I would surely let her control that. She will have my money to help us live in the way she sees fit. But I was not born yesterday, she will not have everything in her name to leave me out in the cold when and if the relationship fails. That part of the relationship is no different then any vanilla relationship. Only a fool would let a Domme or anyone for that matter have that much control as to cause you to have nothing in the end.
Be wise enough to know the heart and soul of that Domme before you give her that much control. Beyond that, it comes down to trust. Trust but with eyes wide open.
I know for me, it may take forever to find my perfect Domme. I will not setle for less. But before and above all, she has to earn my submission by first showing me that she has a heart and soul and is human. She has to want and need love along with the D/s or she is not perfect for me.     


mam -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/24/2006 8:28:03 AM)

Afraid you are going to be put on the street with only the clothes on your back?
sorry, to hear a male complain about what women have endured for millennia is simply outstanding!!!! (In fact, in most of the vanillia world women still do!)
Hows this? I promise not to trip my subs walker with my cane. (Yes, I do think that far ahead.)

mam -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/24/2006 8:37:27 AM)

one more thing, Why haven't you posted this little questionaire for the "Ask a Master" forum?
Or is it only women who you are afraid will take your money and material wealth, and abuse you?


Zinja2007 -> RE: Are you the PERFECT domme? (9/25/2006 10:05:44 AM)

Realone comes off bitter and resentful in his inquiry becuz in reality HE DOES NOT FEEL WORTHY  of a dominate woman and of women in general.  He's been  REJECTED somewhere along the way.   He asks what makes us so perfect but he really is asking is:  "Why am I so unworthy of your time and attention?"  Inside he really knows no one is perfect but in order to avoid responsibility for his own social shortcomings,  he has point fingers and make us imperfect so he can level himself up.  He can't understand why he can't get anywhere with the objects of his desire......and unfortunately, until he puts one tenth of the energy spent on downing others on himself, he never will get it.

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