RE: Extreme captive play (Full Version)

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wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 9:55:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: proudsub

Love the fantasy but too much risk for me to make reality.  If you do it Loki, i will pray you don't get arrested and that no one gets hurt.

Proudsub, Loki isn't going to hurt anyone. He doesn't have to worry about being arrested. This is fantasy. I only lament that some of you don't get it.

Celeste got it. So did benji. I just don't know where the rest of you lost your sense of play here.

JohnWarren -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 9:57:06 PM)

You might want to try it for shorter periods, maybe weekends, and then move up to things like a week.

I've done long kidnapping scenes and they can be a real heavy consumer of both energy and creativity.  It sounds hot at first but moving beyond a day or two can create a lot of problems. 

Better to have a shorter period where you can "stick it out" to the end rather than getting the feeling of letdown when both of you finally decide "this just ain't working any more."

Voice of experience, believe me

skinnykitten -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 9:58:01 PM)

Captive play is so hot...  *sigh*   A girl can only hope...  Seriously, though, it is a problematic fantasy for reasons mentioned above...  There are ways to get around almost anything, though - good luck with it  : )  We're looking to do the same, but only short term, say 3 days to a week.  The outer world intrudes.  We're thinkng of having him only speak German or Russian, both of which I don't understand, just to add to the sense of my being out of my element, and to engender a lack of familiarity between us...  He's also thinking that he might restrict my food intake to add to the control dynamic.  FUN!

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:10:55 PM)

I adore captive scenes. It has all my favorite elements incorporated into one intense scenario.  Primal, bondage, intense psychological torture, sadomasochism to the nth degree ... gawds, I love it! Himself and I have only had opportunities for this over extended weekends. Never for long term, but as a fantasy, it is HOT, HOT, HOT. Hmm.. Memorial Day.. three day weekend.. hmmm...

So, to answer the original OP.. um, yeah. It's ok. I guess. ;)


Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:13:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: JohnWarren

You might want to try it for shorter periods, maybe weekends, and then move up to things like a week.

I've done long kidnapping scenes and they can be a real heavy consumer of both energy and creativity.  It sounds hot at first but moving beyond a day or two can create a lot of problems. 

Better to have a shorter period where you can "stick it out" to the end rather than getting the feeling of letdown when both of you finally decide "this just ain't working any more."

Voice of experience, believe me

I’m game for about as long as the captive can stand it. I do have every intention of locking up the captive and living day to day, much like a slave capture scene. I wont cater to her attention. She would only get what I wanted to give her, as a true captive would get. I do have the luxury of living in a forest to add to the atmosphere. Your point of starting small is well received. Of course I was discussing this with a very extreme girl that lives for such a plight.

Thank you

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:15:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: skinnykitten

Captive play is so hot...  *sigh*   A girl can only hope...  Seriously, though, it is a problematic fantasy for reasons mentioned above...  There are ways to get around almost anything, though - good luck with it  : )  We're looking to do the same, but only short term, say 3 days to a week.  The outer world intrudes.  We're thinkng of having him only speak German or Russian, both of which I don't understand, just to add to the sense of my being out of my element, and to engender a lack of familiarity between us...  He's also thinking that he might restrict my food intake to add to the control dynamic.  FUN!

Cool! Any way you can make it work will be great. I hope it is the awesome experience you anticipate.

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:17:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

I adore captive scenes. It has all my favorite elements incorporated into one intense scenario.  Primal, bondage, intense psychological torture, sadomasochism to the nth degree ... gawds, I love it! Himself and I have only had opportunities for this over extended weekends. Never for long term, but as a fantasy, it is HOT, HOT, HOT. Hmm.. Memorial Day.. three day weekend.. hmmm...

So, to answer the original OP.. um, yeah. It's ok. I guess. ;)


Whoot! As usual, Celeste, you impress me. You know what this is and it's play (for the most part). Very hot. [8D]

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:18:54 PM)

Well shucks Celeste, if you were closer I would lend you my back yard. 40-acre forest should make for a good scene.

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:23:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld

Well shucks Celeste, if you were closer I would lend you my back yard. 40-acre forest should make for a good scene.

Ooo.. trees.. that adds another whole dimension! We've not yet had an opportunity to have a captive or take down scene in the great outdoors.. ::Utah then MN weather and living in the City rather prevents such activity:: I am sooooo there! lol 40 acres.. more than enough room.. more than enough. ;)


proudsub -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:27:22 PM)


Proudsub, Loki isn't going to hurt anyone. He doesn't have to worry about being arrested. This is fantasy. I only lament that some of you don't get it.

Sorry, i guess i don't "get it". It sounded to me like he wants to set up such a scene, not just play it out in his mind.[:o]

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:38:18 PM)

If you can get a vacation with your Master in common, I will gladly turn you loose and even supply you with camping equipment. I am near Tulsa, but not that near. It is about a 30 min. drive.

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 10:45:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

Ooo.. trees.. that adds another whole dimension! We've not yet had an opportunity to have a captive or take down scene in the great outdoors.. ::Utah then MN weather and living in the City rather prevents such activity:: I am sooooo there! lol 40 acres.. more than enough room.. more than enough. ;)


Trees make good hiding places, Celeste. Specially for slaves that are running nekkid and trying to hid from a whip. It was all good until my last owner's neighbors heard us squealing. Then the spotlights the neighbors were shining just got annoying.

It's not easy for two grown nekkid women to hide behind a tree while a man is standing there with a whip. LMAO.

Dustyn -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:00:39 PM)

Was lead to believe that the OP was looking for input as to the viability of such a scene and to see how people would react... no mention, as far as I could tell, was made to imply that this was just a flight of fancy...

I really need to look into those mind reading courses... *sigh*

- Dustyn

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:07:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld

I would be very interested in the community’s thoughts, fantasies, and experiences with it.

Rumtiger -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:10:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wulfchyld
The captive must fight 100% with the capture, even after abduction. You are to indulge your survival instincts and do what you would naturally do.

You will fight every transition, from cage to chains et al, with every primal instinct you have, you are fighting for survival and for escape.

You must understand that the only limits are the ones I have.  You are the victim and subject to whatever I do to you. Sex is pure slave rape unless you have truly been broken and submit.

These are the parts that I feel sets this scenario apart, and where my sense of "play" goes, can the person in question really be expected to resist and fight back? Can they do thier part in playing the target? Fighting back in my opinion is what would make the game worth playing, making it so that there actually really is a chance of them making through and for lack of a better word "defeating" thier captors. It's alot to ask, particularly of people who are so used to submitting. But without this aspect, without them really giving thier all against you...I dunno, it just would look...and excuse me for using this word, typical. A more..standard scene..granted a little more extreme then a bedroom but you get my drift.

BitaTruble -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:11:41 PM)

Himself couldn't possibly disappear for three months off the face of the Earth, but as a scene, it doesn't have to be a fantasy, it's just probably not very viable. As I said, Himself and I do this very thing for 2 or 3 days at a time and it's certainly doable. It is extraordinarily draining, physically, emotionally and psychologically ... that's why I like it.. because even though it is so draining, it's exhilarating at the same time. Very few things compare to the freedom I've experienced while held captive. And Loki said in the beginning that it can end with a word, so I don't think he is advocating anything that isn't what all parties agree to and desire. He's not saying it's a life sentence, he's saying a specific amount of time which is mutable with an end word if it's too intense.


misfire -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:14:00 PM)

Mmm.. captive play.
I mean, uh.. I am shocked and appalled that.. uh.. that someone would consider such a.. um.. a degrading thing.. or.. something.

*fans self*
*furtively bookmarks thread*

It'd be really nice if it were feasible, but at this point in my life, it's really not.
Hm.  Sir and I are planning our honeymoon in the Adirondacks.. ;)  At the very least, I'll have to share this thread with him.

mugwump -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:14:37 PM)

I kind of think the intention of the OP is to gauge other people's reaction, or at least get their input... but Loki seems to be a big boy (you know what i mean!!) and, i'm guessing, understands that this fantasy - whether it hits reality or not - is something that has to be played out within certain sensible and sensitive 'real world' constraints.
That said I'm just wondering whether there's any space left by Wythchy and Bita cos this one makes me squirm. Mmmmmmm.[:)]

*edited cos, for some reason *whistles and looks about for someone to blame!*, my mind wasn't entirely focussed on spelling when i was reading the thread!

wytchywoman -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:16:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

Himself couldn't possibly disappear for three months off the face of the Earth, but as a scene, it doesn't have to be a fantasy, it's just probably not very viable. As I said, Himself and I do this very thing for 2 or 3 days at a time and it's certainly doable. It is extraordinarily draining, physically, emotionally and psychologically ... that's why I like it.. because even though it is so draining, it's exhilarating at the same time. Very few things compare to the freedom I've experienced while held captive. And Loki said in the beginning that it can end with a word, so I don't think he is advocating anything that isn't what all parties agree to and desire. He's not saying it's a life sentence, he's saying a specific amount of time which is mutable with an end word if it's too intense.


Bingo! That's all it takes if a captive no longer wants to "play". The best I see it is that some of us are very turned on by this while others get squicked. Some people scream "foul" while the rest of just want more and more.

Wulfchyld -> RE: Extreme captive play (5/3/2006 11:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rumtiger

Fighting back in my opinion is what would make the game worth playing, making it so that there actually really is a chance of them making through and for lack of a better word "defeating" thier captors.

Excellent post. There is a thread on Primal play that wytchy posted earlier in this thread. If you have a look at that, I think you will find a lot more play you could sink your teeth into, so to speak.

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