RE: Mistress is worried (Full Version)

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theRose4U -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:27:11 PM)

nah just an accident waiting to happen and we've apparently got front row seats...who wants popcorn!!

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:29:10 PM)


I know it looks like a mess and we aew both just beginning to find out sides of our true nature, but don't you think you are over reacting. I mean the only thing that can happen is that it will not work out, but we certainly have to give it a shot. I love this woman and that should be enough to make this a success.


LadyHugs -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:30:31 PM)

Dear urantiam, Ladies and Gentlemen;
Lad -- I really do worry about your choices.  I may be from a very old and antique system of doing things but, in my day--slaves pick the Masters and, the Masters/Mistresses had to show their qualifications, not only in anatomy/body education but, also organization, management, skills, ability to support slaves and or household.
I would have to share the concern, that this lady you're about to join up with, sight unseen--has admitted to being a "whore" in the bedroom with admitting to having several dominants paying house calls.  Have you asked for her medical tests (matching with her ID), on STD tests? AIDS, Hepatitus (all of 'em), Herpes?  Virus and infections?  Is she on birth control, taking medications for mood and or emotional issues, does she have a criminal record? 
Last similar case that was like your situation was, a prostitute and under the guise of M/s and or D/s; it really boiled down to "Twats`R`us."
Men knowing the presence of other men, are very territorial.  Weak men, will get hurt period.
There is no mileage on this lady, as being a dominant -- It takes a lot of responsibility to be a dominant and, be responsible for you as well.
How do you know this lady won't switch back to a sex slave?  Are you ready to have male sex? --What if she has you servicing men?
I admit to being old fashioned but, the only bedroom action I will have is with my personal slave--not by a bunch of kinky sex and those who think with their cock and or twat.  Too much sex, too loose to be safe in today's disease infested circles.
I hold you responsible for four new gray hairs urantian.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

ownedgirlie -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:32:15 PM)

Sorry urantiam, that is absolutely not the worst thing that can happen.  Other lives are going to be involved here, and it seems reckless.  To you, "not work out" might be something you sluff off.  To others who open their hearts to submit to someone, could mean disaster.  Dominants who do not take submission seriously should not dominate others.  And if a Dominant took submission seriously, the Dominant would figure him/herself out first, as a person, a Dominant, and one who understands the submissive mind, before ever dreaming of taking on another human being. 

ownedgirlie -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:34:35 PM)



I hold you responsible for four new gray hairs urantian.
Respectfully submitted,
Lady Hugs

You only got four??  [sm=ofcourse.gif]

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:38:39 PM)

Spoken like the true uneducated person he is coming off as.


ORIGINAL: urantiam


I know it looks like a mess and we aew both just beginning to find out sides of our true nature, but don't you think you are over reacting. I mean the only thing that can happen is that it will not work out, but we certainly have to give it a shot. I love this woman and that should be enough to make this a success.


FelinePersuasion -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 10:41:12 PM)

not working out would be the best thing that happend putting it mildly. You don't know her never met. She could of totalyl ied about everything about her, or could have aids. or could be involving you in some unconsentual little rape plan she has once you get there.

yeah not working out would be the mildest of all that could go wrong.

Veryfewcan -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 11:02:44 PM)

This must explain why some people have brains and some don't.

MissDiandSirHugh -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/7/2006 11:27:49 PM)

Our Feelings are not to get to comfortable before the sequal comes on here asking "Are All Doms Fakes and Users"

MistressOfGa -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 12:57:44 AM)

the decision of becoming Mistress Cynthia's property was not mine, but hers. I had to wait to know if she wanted slaves in her life.

Where I come from, the decision as to whether a submissive would like to be mine, is theirs, not mine. I may woo him and try to show him what kind of domina I am and my intentions for him, but ultimately the decision to wear my collar is his. You act as though you have no choice in this. Of course the decision of becoming Mistress Cynthia's property was/is YOURS, not hers.

kneltandtied -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 1:45:39 AM)

Takes a deep breath..looks you in the eyes...WAKE UP..ok? i suggest you read this article about submissive frenzy ..because i have to say you are showing all the symptoms. -
keep safe

bandit25 -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 2:06:14 AM)

I agree with ownedgirlie  It does sound like a mess to me too.

RavenMuse -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 3:01:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam
I know it looks like a mess and we aew both just beginning to find out sides of our true nature, but don't you think you are over reacting. I mean the only thing that can happen is that it will not work out, but we certainly have to give it a shot. I love this woman and that should be enough to make this a success.

Yep it looks like a trainwreck just waiting to happen..... however, such things HAVE turned out well in the past. Not in the majority, from what I've seen but they CAN turn out well, so here's hoping your situation is one of the positive ones.

To answer your origional question. I see no problem with a pet having a pet of her own, so long as you are a well behaved pet. But then I'm poly and therefore have less problem with situations like that than many.

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 6:16:04 AM)

Thank you again for all your advice.

I do not want that kind of negative attitude. I just want advice to make my Mistress happy. I have taken the decision to serve her for the rest of my life and I will not change it. So please, if you can help us fine, if not, than please do not try to break a loving relationship.


crouchingtigress -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 6:50:49 AM)

Let me ask you, would you marry a woman you had not met yet?
If we sound a tad harsh it is because we care, and know personallly how easy it is to make mistakes, this thing we do (bdsm) is a akin to X-tream sports, the challenge, the intensity, the exhillleration is maganafied 5 times but then so is the propensity for a collasassal wipe out.
The way I look at it is like this, you have the rest of your life to serve her, that is prolly 45 years, I would guess, what is a mere 6 months of get to know you time in the scope of all that?
If the idea of snowbarding Mt. Killimagaro for your first time run sounds nutty to you, then you have some understanding as to why your idea sounds nutty to us.
But to answer your querry... you will find that every body can fuck every body, its no big thing as long as each person knows themselves. Where things get sketchy, is when the emotional resolve and identification with your role waffles, ie: thinking you are a sub 3 days before collaring a slave

subrob1967 -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 8:06:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam

Thank you again for all your advice.

I do not want that kind of negative attitude. I just want advice to make my Mistress happy. I have taken the decision to serve her for the rest of my life and I will not change it. So please, if you can help us fine, if not, than please do not try to break a loving relationship.


If your mind is already made up, then why ask for advice in an open fourm?

Raven answered your question, based on his experience, and because you didn't like his answer, you ask him not to give you advice.

Kinda silly to ask a question in an open fourm, and then get pissy about the answers you don't want to read.

From what I'm reading, your Mistress wants a stable of subs, and a Dom. If thats the kind of relationship your both looking for, more power to you.  But becareful what you wish for.

urantiam -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 8:42:01 AM)


Thank you for your reply. All the advice is appreciated, but the original question was, will my presence in the life of my Mistress intefere with her sex life. My Mistress is new to this also and she will always love to be dominated in bed. I will be her slave, therefor, my purpose will be to serve as a domestic. She is attracted by strong alpha males and I am not of them. Yes! She is now considering owning many subs and she will need a master in the bedroom from time to time.. SO! Will a dominant male mind if her house as male servants present.


thetammyjo -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 10:43:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: urantiam


Thank you for your reply. All the advice is appreciated, but the original question was, will my presence in the life of my Mistress intefere with her sex life. My Mistress is new to this also and she will always love to be dominated in bed. I will be her slave, therefor, my purpose will be to serve as a domestic. She is attracted by strong alpha males and I am not of them. Yes! She is now considering owning many subs and she will need a master in the bedroom from time to time.. SO! Will a dominant male mind if her house as male servants present.


This is all a matter of the individuals involved and the way they are introduced and the amount of time taken to introduce them and let them get to know each other.

Will your presence interefer -- maybe or maybe not. See the sentence above.

Will your presence influence -- of course, ever person we interact with influences us to some degree whether we like to admit it or not.

Will your relationship with her change -- of course, we change over time so obviously our relationships will chagne too.

How to make her happy -- that's really between you and her. Over time you will both learn and adapt or move on. More experience will equal better service and better ownership.

TNstepsout -> RE: Mistress is worried (5/8/2006 11:46:22 AM)

Well, based on your post on the switch forum you have found the girl of your dreams. Seems a bit quick to know you love her with all your heart and you have already committed to her "forever" when you just signed up on CM at the end of March, but I guess that's your business.

I don't know if your presence will interfere with her sex life or not. As long as you have a big bed, three should fit just fine!

collarworthy -> In Urantiams defense.......... (5/8/2006 10:23:42 PM)

When my sub Urantiam told me he was posting threads on this site for advice, I was glad to see he had an audience to help answer the questions that plague  him, even tho I knew he was opening himself up to potential ridicule. But Urantiam is a very "by the book" kind of sub; he  lives for the written word; whereas I'm more of a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gal. I learn something new about myself every day, such as the fact that my need to be dominated is purely sexual. In the bedroom, I cry like a kitten and beg to be used; in the business world, I go toe to toe with management and would rather die than be told what to do. let alone get on all fours and accept a whipping for someones personal gratification. . I'm grateful that I made this discovery before it was too late. Therefore, when Urantiam told me he wanted to ask you people online their advice on this subject, I saw no real harm.
But after reading the responses he's gotten, I'm a little disheartened at some of the feedback he's been receiving.  I dont think anyone is intending to hurt his feelings, but I fear they are nonetheless. Urantiam is a very emotional person. He feels things deeply. I dont see what can be gained by poking fun at his genuine quest for advice, and while I thank those who have answered him sincerely, I would suggest that those who have nothing nice to say should say nothing at all. In particular, the concern about us having spent any " real time " together, altho warranted, shouldn't be the main issue here. We have spent hours and hours on the phone, and webcams are a wonderful way to prove whether a person is "real" or not. While I can understand those who question the viability of "love" on his side in such a new relationship, I have to ask:  in a world where people use others as human toilets; where subs / slaves are beaten and tortured in their quest for " happiness";  where people are shoving ponies tails up their butts and allowing themsevles to be branded like cattle to prove their worthiness, how can anyone question whether its possible for a sub to love someone so quickly. I will plead guilty to the fact that this relationship is moving at a fast pace, but that certainly didnt seem to bother any of the potential Doms I spoke to before realizing I wasn't capable of lasting in that arrangement. They had me hogtied and collared after the first five minutes. Suggestions of piercings and whippings and torture...oh my! 
I dont have a Domme bone in my body, and Urantiam is aware of that fact.. I cant even punish my puppy when it pees on the floor. I would be just as happy for him to call me by my given name instead of Mistress, but it makes him happy to address me that way so I dont question it. Urantiams' feelings, altho intense, are stemmed merely from a desire to serve, and mine in return to his, are based on the need to be worshipped and cared for. He has no problem accepting the fact that I still seek dominants for sex, and I have no problem accepting the fact that he isnt capable of fulfilling me in that department.  His relocation here will either work or it wont. But as no children or family are involved in this decision,  neither of us can see where anyone can be hurt if it doesnt work out. And on a site where people hurt people every day, physically AND mentally, how can that be wrong? In closing, I ask that if you have to poke fun at someone, then please,  poke it at me. My skin is much thicker than his, and the only place I can ever be hurt is in the bedroom. Urantiam  is guilty of nothing more than being a complete submissive and seeking someone to serve.  I  only hope Im able to do him justice as his Mistress

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