RE: Strategies (Full Version)

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seasnail -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:35:35 PM)

please i'm new here i was not sendibng my post to lillybopeep please excuse me i'm very sorry i was trying to show how unaffective the OP was.

now i see that this other person here is having an arguement with himself. what has happened to this two?

Again i am very sorry


NocturnalStalker -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:35:54 PM)

I never whine.

gungadin09 -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:42:52 PM)

Fine. You're one of the last honest honest men there is. SO CALL ME ON MY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


NocturnalStalker -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:44:44 PM)

Don't you raise your textual tone with me.

gungadin09 -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:46:04 PM)

Again, disappointed.


NocturnalStalker -> RE: Strategies (10/16/2011 11:49:05 PM)

Good.  I'm glad.  Everybody goes home unhappy.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 12:29:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: seasnail

please i'm new here i was not sendibng my post to lillybopeep please excuse me i'm very sorry i was trying to show how unaffective the OP was.

now i see that this other person here is having an arguement with himself. what has happened to this two?

Again i am very sorry


That's funny seasnail!! (not that I dislike NS, but that was REALLY funny!)

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:58:58 AM)

What makes me laugh, NS is that right now you are doing just what you came here to scold others for doing and you are doing a much more spectacular job of it I might add. I don't dislike anyone here and I don't like to engage in bashing (though I am sure I have done it in the past, I do try not too) but really? Pot meet kettle now everyone can get off their soap boxes k?

Ailey, keepin the peace!

xxblushesxx -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 2:04:13 AM)

I like being up on my soap box; it keeps those pesky domly types from nibbling on my toes!

AdorkableAiley -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 2:05:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: xxblushesxx

I like being up on my soap box; it keeps those pesky domly types from nibbling on my toes!

But then they look up your skirt!

xxblushesxx -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 2:11:01 AM)

I don't worry about them peeking at my underwear! I don't wear any!! Easy peesy! [:-][;)][:D]

NocturnalStalker -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 3:10:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: AdorkableAiley

What makes me laugh, NS is that right now you are doing just what you came here to scold others for doing and you are doing a much more spectacular job of it I might add. I don't dislike anyone here and I don't like to engage in bashing (though I am sure I have done it in the past, I do try not too) but really? Pot meet kettle now everyone can get off their soap boxes k?

Ailey, keepin the peace!

In case you haven't been keeping up, this topic is pretty much at a loss as soon as the creator himself said he was moving on from it.  I'm looking around and I don't recall seeing me participating in what drove the whole derailment to that point. 

This is the issue I have with most people here: you don't live and let die.  I know this guy has created other topics and I don't know how they went down, but because he rubbed some the wrong way this means he is not applicable for serious response/discussion?  The sad state is that you have to run through some "caste" system on here and build up an e-reputation in order to ask some questions. 

Take me for example, the topics I have started in General BDSM have not been in danger of any derailment from the topic and were informative.  That was helpful and good, I liked that.  What I didn't like is having to spend a week arguing in a topic that exceeded well over ten pages and started a small explosion just to get that type of discussion going.

The OP was well-worded and nicely presented.  But oh fuck, he wanted a male dominant perspective on "Ask A Master" without knowing that the Spice Girls would come and rend and tear his topic apart. 

I won't even bother going into how when you offend certain members of this clique they somehow can mysteriously summon a moderator. 

LadyPact -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 3:53:56 AM)

Addressing the topic first.

The fact that you even had the time to type this up says to Me that you are attempting to take too much of a technical approach.  It's a cookie cutter approach for individuals, which may or may not lead to success.  Since I don't know your success rate, I can't say much about that.  If you're doing better than 10% response from first contacts, that's better than average.  If it's less than that, you may want to revamp.

That takes Me all the way through section 4.  Your profile strategy is fine and there's nothing in one through three that's disputable because those are your preferences.  (That's the basis on which you should be getting that 10% response rate because I'm basing it on *first* contact, where you send an email and get a reply.)

It's section five that is probably greatly reducing your *continued* contact.  Most chicks on this site aren't jumping on cam for somebody from one or two emails.  If you're having any success using this method, I'd actually be surprised.  It sounds like that "prove that you're real or you'll be reported as fake" crap that floats around the boards.  Ask yourself a serious question.  Is this really working for you?

Which leads Me to section six.  How many fem subs have you really gotten this far?  You may be out.  That doesn't mean everyone is and most folks aren't giving their home address over the internet.  It's a stupid thing for them to do, so don't count on it happening. 

On your additional follow up, I think Xi did a great job explaining how this place works.  Even if you primarily want responses from other male Dominants, that doesn't mean that other people can't answer the thread.  You wrote the topic, but as soon as you hit enter and put it on the boards, it is then up for discussion.  Other people may have interest in responding to it or reading it for their own purposes.  They aren't supposed to start another topic on the same subject to get other opinions.  (Read the forum guidelines for that reference.)  You may want to limit your information to one category, but the people who will read it from now until as long as it's available in the archives might not. 

Had you really wanted to discuss this, you could have just as easily addressed the other male Dominants who answered the thread and ignored the other responses.  It's unfortunate that you have such a hide fetish because there were contributions here.  Unlike NS, I've seen your track record, OP, and you're not much one to actually want to discuss points of view if they disagree with yours.   If you had, you might have improved your strategy.  I mean, to date, yours hasn't worked or you wouldn't still be "looking".

Edited to remove some content that was from another thread.

kalikshama -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:28:53 PM)

Hi SeaSnail,

Welcome to the forums. Glad you cleared up that you had replied to the wrong person - I was confused.

FYI, you can edit your post for up to an hour. If I had made your error, I would have edited my post to read NVM (nevermind) then reposted it to the right person.



kalikshama -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:34:14 PM)

To all you male doms thinking femsubs should have stayed out of this discussion - at least 6 of us had the same feedback - the requirement to immediately cam was a real turn-off and potential deal breaker. Don't you think this was valuable feedback for the OP?

GreedyTop -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:39:37 PM)

it seems that the OP and NS dont think so, kali..

kalikshama -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:47:11 PM)

Awareness, too...I just don't understand that...

They are all smarter than this twit: , but have the same adversion to female feedback.

xxblushesxx -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 1:49:52 PM)

Now you girls are just being silly. Any real dom knows that a subby who really wants to please will jump on cam at the snap of a domly man's fingers. It's a good thing I didn't have a cam before I met HM, I woulda been too tired to meet him irl!

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Strategies (10/17/2011 2:04:49 PM)

Here's a switch (I can't help myself sometimes, okay?)

Many subs feel that "testing" a sub via automatic cam is as bad as "testing" a dom -- you know, all that bullshit that has you whining about "topping from the bottom?"

Just saying.

Sure, having been on both sides, both sides (dom and sub)  want some idea that the person they are conversing with online is "real" and "true."

There is nothing new in this. But ah, you really don't need to test, if someone is off the red flags will really scream at you, just pay some serious attention up front (Don't think with your cock or your cunt).

And if they want what you's so obvious.

Now, this has been my experience, YMMV.

Endivius -> DIE THREAD DIE (10/17/2011 3:20:12 PM)

Let this pointless thread die. Op has no interest in the feed back of the community (he never has) and the thread has turned into a clusterfuck.


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