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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/22/2013 5:22:44 PM   

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This thread sure seems like a waste of time for a person with your empirical views on tarot cards.


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Laughing Dolphin

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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 1:36:07 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I just read in one of my books, discussing the frustrations of asking about situations or events and receiving one or more court cards in the response, the suggestion to remove all court cards from the deck and not to use them for the reading. The author uses one only as a significator. She says the minor and major arcana will give you the precise answer without the frustration of trying to interpret a court card, which she says represent people, where a person doesn't make sense as the answer.

Sure if it works for this author who am I to judge, the occult is very individual after all. Personally though I do not think the court cards only represent people, often they do but that is not their only meaning. For example the King of Pentacles can mean a very grounded, calm older gentleman, a rich man or a provider in some sort. It can also be a indication that one need to see economic advice, it can represent the bank, it can represent male Earth energies and so on. Every card can represent a person and every card can represent something else. Yes usually when I see a court card I think a person is involved, but if a person do not fit with the reply then I will go to other interpretations.


This appeals to me because I have a hell of a time interpreting court cards, and I almost always get more than one in a reading. What do you guys think about that? Do you think we would miss out by leaving the court cards out of the deck?

I would miss out by leaving the court cards out of the deck however if you get better readings by doing so then that might be the right way to do so for you and finding an author who advocated this might have been your intuition leading you to find a solution to your problem. I say go for it, try it out, it is not like the Tarot police is going to arrest you if it do not work out for you and perhaps it will work wonderfully.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 1:42:34 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I recall reading about someone who was proficient at laying the Tarot. Discussing the Tarot with another person, that person claimed that it would make no difference whatsoever if he attributed the opposite meaning to each card. The proficient layer tried it out and concluded that the claim was true.

It is just a bunch of cards with no meaning whatsoever. The meaning is in the person opposite you that you are communicating with by means of the Tarot.

Ok here is the deal, the Tarot itself is just pretty pictures on cardboard, it is your connection to the Energy, to God, your intuition or whatever you want to call it which produces the divination. Now for some they do not even look at card meanings, those little white paper books with card meanings as well as published Tarot books go right in the trash and the Cartomancer only go by what each card make them feel in the moment, others however are very dependent on the card meanings and study them extensively and have to use these card meanings. Now there is no right or wrong way to do it and for me I am a little in the middle here, I do use card meaning but I also go by intuition.

Now also you can divine with anything that can give a random result. If you decide the meaning of smiles and then put little badges with smilies in a bowl and pull out one at random with the intention of divining with it you can do that so yes if a person want to they can completely change or even reverse the Tarot meanings for themselves and get a good result out of it, as long as the Cartomancer in question know what system they are using then all is well.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to Rule)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 2:18:59 AM   

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"I tend to pay attention when Rule speaks" - Aswad

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(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 2:43:36 AM   

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I agree, the court cards are very tricky to learn, & you can't circumvent this by leaving them out. The court cards are an integral part of the Tarot, Just because at this juncture you don't fully understand what the court cards are saying, doesn't mean that they are not trying to convey something to you. Perhaps even answering a question you hadn't thought of asking.

It's well worth spending time with the court cards, getting to know & understand them, even if it means leaving the rest of the deck aside for a while. As Nephandi says court cards are not only individuals, they're advice cards, either offering or urging you to look for advice.

Why has everybody got it in for the court cards ?

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 3:52:07 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I agree and disagree with you. On one hand I do think that the Tarot was designed as a whole and leaving out the court cards will leave it lacking, it will also change it numerologically and change how it fit in with the Tree of Life. Numerologically the Tarot is 77 plus 0 which means itis the pentagram, five plus a circle and the pentagram stands for well so many things but one of the meanings is the four physical elements which is represented in the Tarot and spirit. In many ways the pentagram is a representation of all the first card, the Magician stand for. If we leave out the court cards then we are left with 66 cards which numerologically becomes 3, which is a good number but who lack the connection to the rest of the Tarot that 77 plus 0 got. If you make it 65 plus 0 which is also an option you get 2 which is a number very in tuned with psychic phenomena but still the symbolism get to be very different.

When that is said I also think that reading Tarot cards is very intuitive and personal and as such if a given Cartomancer feel some cards are not right for them to have in the deck then it might be right for them to remove them. I mean like with anything else occult we have to go by what works for us, even if that means doing things a little differently. I do think it is well worth learning to use the court cards, but at the same time if it do not work for a given reader then it just do not work for them and I do not think they have to have them in their decks if they do not want to.

By the way I went ahead and got the Alchemy Gothic Tarot, I do not like that they are just posters thrown onto cards as you say, but I still love Alchemy Gothic so I thought the deck was worth checking out and besides I managed to find it rather cheaply.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 5:23:30 PM   

Posts: 65
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ORIGINAL: nephandi



Now also you can divine with anything that can give a random result. If you decide the meaning of smiles and then put little badges with smilies in a bowl and pull out one at random with the intention of divining with it you can do that so yes if a person want to they can completely change or even reverse the Tarot meanings for themselves and get a good result out of it, as long as the Cartomancer in question know what system they are using then all is well.

I wish you well

WITH that in mind, here's an amazing book on using some unusual things as an oracle.

By Lon Milo DuQuette, he's a genius of describing magical systems with humor and accuracy. Love this book!

Daniel aka Bigsqueezer

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/23/2013 10:22:26 PM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I got that book. I do like it, especially the TV remote divination that was creative, but at the same time I think it was a bit to much of the old and tried and a little to few of new and creative ideas. But I do agree that the book is written well and in a fun way.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

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Profile   Post #: 208
RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/24/2013 9:40:30 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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You know the thing I spoke about a few posts ago about not buying Tarot decks as an impulse buy...well I kind of did it again. I saw The Tarot of the Sweet Twilight and I just could not resist it. I love strange and Gothic decks.

I just wanted to share.

I wish you all well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/24/2013 10:11:29 AM   

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ORIGINAL: nephandi


You know the thing I spoke about a few posts ago about not buying Tarot decks as an impulse buy...well I kind of did it again. I saw The Tarot of the Sweet Twilight and I just could not resist it. I love strange and Gothic decks.

I just wanted to share.

I wish you all well

LOOKS neat! It has light and Dark in some balance. When you say "Gothic" I thought you meant as in The Bohemian Gothic Tarot... the artist made gripping and lurid images, but for any light.

I'm mildly appalled that this deck runs at $500 now. (MY judgement needs to be shared by no ones else... I live in New Mexico - I like light)

It reminded me of the HR Geiger Tarot (not kidding ) I saw in the 1990s but could not find any way to buy it. We joked in house that it was the "Tower Tarot" where every card was some disguised or brazenly displayed bummer about life.

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/24/2013 10:26:22 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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Gothic do not just mean dark. The Bohemian Gothic Tarot is gorgeous though.

I really want the Geiger Tarot I am a fan of his work but I have not got it yet, it is usually rather expensive.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to Bigsqueezer)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/25/2013 4:21:10 AM   

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ORIGINAL: nephandi


Gothic do not just mean dark. The Bohemian Gothic Tarot is gorgeous though.

I really want the Geiger Tarot I am a fan of his work but I have not got it yet, it is usually rather expensive.

I wish you well

Have you seen The Necronomicon Tarot? Based on the writings of H.P Lovecraft. Can't get my head round him so the cards are not helpful to me, but the graphics are superb!

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/25/2013 5:31:42 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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Yeah that deck is on my to buy list. I love HP Lovecraft's world and his mythos.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/25/2013 2:09:04 PM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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I have made another Tarot deck review video on my YouTube page in case anyone is interested.

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/25/2013 4:32:04 PM   

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What I need is a medium to help me find my deck of cards. I know that they are here, just don't know where....


Goddess of Yarn

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(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/26/2013 12:48:57 AM   

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From: Cold and magickal Norway in a town near Bergen!
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Is it your Tarot cards you can not find? One question have you considered if the problem is that whatever you plan to use them for right now might not be right for you at the moment? Perhaps this is not the right time for you to do a divination and the cards will show up when you are ready for them again?

I wish you well


Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Futon torpedoes, make love not war!--Aswad

(in reply to ShaharThorne)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/26/2013 4:24:59 AM   

Posts: 11071
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I got a question that I needed guidance on and I usually use the cards to point me in the right direction.

ETA: I went to my favorite site and it says that change is coming up. I think it might be pertaining to my daughter because I have been concerned about her lately.

< Message edited by ShaharThorne -- 6/26/2013 4:32:40 AM >


Goddess of Yarn

You are making two and a half feet of irresistible, tubular sex! -Lola, Kinky Boots

Founder: Bitch with Tits

Whip me, beat me, make me feel cheap and have great sex

(in reply to nephandi)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/26/2013 5:17:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: nephandi


Yeah that deck is on my to buy list. I love HP Lovecraft's world and his mythos.

I wish you well

Yes Nephandi, I thought you might . I'm going to check out your new review.

Ps. Slightly off topic, what do you think of M.R James? He's one of ours, a Brit, but, quietly creepy!

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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/26/2013 5:21:05 AM   

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ORIGINAL: ShaharThorne

I got a question that I needed guidance on and I usually use the cards to point me in the right direction.

ETA: I went to my favorite site and it says that change is coming up. I think it might be pertaining to my daughter because I have been concerned about her lately.

Hi ShaharThorneIs, it a Tarot site?

(in reply to ShaharThorne)
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RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! - 6/26/2013 5:21:52 AM   

Posts: 11071
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From: Somewhere in TX
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Gary, do you have the site where I can go to purchase the Lovecraft cards? I enjoy the man's writing and a few of us Cthulhu "followers" would not mind having a deck pertaining to the mythos.


Goddess of Yarn

You are making two and a half feet of irresistible, tubular sex! -Lola, Kinky Boots

Founder: Bitch with Tits

Whip me, beat me, make me feel cheap and have great sex

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