RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (Full Version)

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Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict

Zimmerman will be acquited, and justice will have been served
  34% (12)
Zimmerman will be aquitted, but justice will not have been served.
  17% (6)
Zimmerman will be rightfully convicted.
  14% (5)
Zimmerman will be wrongfully convicted.
  2% (1)
I can't predict the verdict, but I feel Zimmerman is innocent.
  14% (5)
I can't predict the verdict, but I feel Zimmerman is guilty
  17% (6)

Total Votes : 35
(last vote on : 7/4/2013 5:06:15 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


BitYakin -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:11:57 AM)








ORIGINAL: DarqueMirror


I mean the girlfriend who came across as sympathetic to the jury and made O'Mara look mean. Keep in mind this is not a bench trial but one in front of a jury. Defense lawyers who beat up witnesses the way O'Mara did have to find a way to appear to not be an SoB or the jury will ignore pretty much anything he has to say. So far O'Mara's attempt with the knock joke seems to be less than successful.

Also keep in mind the last witnesses the jury will hear are the prosecution's rebuttal witnesses and the last argument they will hear is the prosecutor and if he is any good at all his closing will be "Zimmerman lied about this, Zimmerman lied about that and Zimmerman lied about this other thing" and that will certainly be a major component in deliberations.

Intriguing. What you saw as a sympathetic witness, the rest of the country saw as at best, an idiot and at worst, an outright liar.

No, That is what most white people who have no contact with blacks who speak in dialect thought. The rest of us saw a pretty average, if not too bright, girl.

BS, my next door neighbor is a black man, he hold BBQ's often with his black friends and I attend often... I can state flatly that the type of speech she discribed is NOT AVERAGE. my neighbor would just as soon bite his tongue off as speak like that.
the things she said and said he said is the verbage of common gutter trash regardless of race!

PS, no I do not live in the SUBURBS, I live deep in the inner city where you'd expect more of such behaior to exist!
also I am a plumber and I deal with black people almost every single day, and in some pretty rough areas too!

St. Louis must be an odd city. here I hear black dialect all the time. I heard it growing up in Atlanta and heard it in D.C. when I lived there.

so you think its ODD, that black people can speak like civilized educated normal people?

and to what do you artibute this oddity?

BTW, I hear people talk like that here too, but its not exclusive to blacks, I'd say more exclusive to gutter trash than race

I could put you on the phone with plenty of white people, who with your preconcieved notion of what black people speak like you'd probably assume were black

DomKen -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:24:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Powergamz1

How about answering the question, instead of changing the subject and running away?

Exactly what is the name, and or cite for the US Supreme Court ruling that supports your assertion that a defendant must disprove even the wildest allegations or speculation, including media hype and gossip, *in addition* to the fear for their life standard? That if they make the tiniest mistake on anything, ever, then the jury can ignore even proven facts?
Because last time I checked, such speculation had to pass rather stringent tests.

The jury should be specifically informed that they may give whatever weight to each witness' testimony they choose. And yes if a witness or defendant is shown to lie about anything juries often ignore that witness and convict those defendants. That is one reason why defense lawyers are always so emphatic about not talking to the police.

However the reasonable man standard is very clear. It is not what that person thought or felt. It is only would a reasonable man from that same community have thought or felt the same way.

DomKen -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:29:38 AM)





St. Louis must be an odd city. here I hear black dialect all the time. I heard it growing up in Atlanta and heard it in D.C. when I lived there.

so you think its ODD, that black people can speak like civilized educated normal people?

and to what do you artibute this oddity?

BTW, I hear people talk like that here too, but its not exclusive to blacks, I'd say more exclusive to gutter trash than race

I could put you on the phone with plenty of white people, who with your preconcieved notion of what black people speak like you'd probably assume were black

That's a nice strawman you erected. did you have fun tearing it down?

The girl's speaks in what is commonly called black dialect. I made no claims about all black people or anything of the like. You claimed you didn't hear dialect in St. Louis, which I find impossible having been there, so I made fun of your silly claim.

BTW just because a person speaks dialect that does not make them "gutter trash" it just means that is how they learned to speak or is the language used by their peer group. It is doubtful that you speak exactly proper English with your peers either you just don't think of it as dialect.

tazzygirl -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:40:35 AM)


I can imagine how many would freak had someone spoken Gullah

truckinslave -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:50:16 AM)


but the attack had to be such that the reasonable man would have feared imminent death or great bodily harm and the ME destroyed that.

Destroyed if far too strong a word; damaged, perhaps.
Which is why he needs to show not just equally qualified opinions that contradict the ME, but also results that contradict her.
It is my opinion- and I certainly think it's the opinion of most women- that being beaten in a "ground and pound" is in itself life- and GBI- threatening, even without Martin going for the gun and making a verbal threat to kill GZ. Experts that contradict the ME will buttress those opinions and give them something to hang their hat on.
And those experts- and those cases- are easily found.

truckinslave -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:52:33 AM)

FB, can you show one case, anywhere in the USA, where following someone for 100 feet or so has been considered to have "provoked an attack"?

truckinslave -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 10:57:46 AM)


his credibility is definitely in question.

The credibility of every witness is always in question. People believe some people and not others. Human nature at work.
Z's inconsistencies have been pooh-poohed by the cops.
His willingness to answer questions the night of the incident, and his volunteering to do a walk-through the next day speak volumes about his credibility.
Look at the guy. Does he look smart enough, does he seem an actor skilled enough, to make all this up?
I don't think so.
GZ as criminal mastermind does not compute.

BitYakin -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 11:05:52 AM)







St. Louis must be an odd city. here I hear black dialect all the time. I heard it growing up in Atlanta and heard it in D.C. when I lived there.

so you think its ODD, that black people can speak like civilized educated normal people?

and to what do you artibute this oddity?

BTW, I hear people talk like that here too, but its not exclusive to blacks, I'd say more exclusive to gutter trash than race

I could put you on the phone with plenty of white people, who with your preconcieved notion of what black people speak like you'd probably assume were black

That's a nice strawman you erected. did you have fun tearing it down?

The girl's speaks in what is commonly called black dialect. I made no claims about all black people or anything of the like. You claimed you didn't hear dialect in St. Louis, which I find impossible having been there, so I made fun of your silly claim.

BTW just because a person speaks dialect that does not make them "gutter trash" it just means that is how they learned to speak or is the language used by their peer group. It is doubtful that you speak exactly proper English with your peers either you just don't think of it as dialect.

"I made no claims about all black people or anything of the like"

"white people who have no contact with blacks"

you did at the very least IMPLY it was a BLACK thing...

and I made no claim I do not hear dialects, I did however say that dialect is not exclusive to blacks, but more to "gutter trash"

I suppose part of it is how you define "community" too

if you define it as a peer group and not geographical location then you have a point

but I promise you we could go to any community, take two children, next door neighbors in fact, going to the same school, who will speak entierly differant, one child hangs out with the "EGGHEADS" the other hangs out with the "THUGS" while a third may hang out with the "JOCKS" all three will speak differantly and it has absolutley NOTHING to do with race!

igor2003 -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 11:15:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: truckinslave


his credibility is definitely in question.

The credibility of every witness is always in question. People believe some people and not others. Human nature at work.
Z's inconsistencies have been pooh-poohed by the cops.
His willingness to answer questions the night of the incident, and his volunteering to do a walk-through the next day speak volumes about his credibility.
Look at the guy. Does he look smart enough, does he seem an actor skilled enough, to make all this up?
I don't think so.
GZ as criminal mastermind does not compute.

No, he doesn't seem smart enough. That's why his story kept changing. For instance, in his first statement to Singleton, as well as to others he said Martin sucker punched him and he fell down IMMEDIATELY on his back and Martin jumped on and started wailing on him. The next day at the walk through he realized that Martin's body was some 40 - 45 feet away from where he said he was "attacked" and his story changed to...oh...well...maybe he stumbled around for a while before falling. Bullshit. That's only one of many examples.

SilverBoat -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 11:27:31 AM)

FR ...

... At this point, I expect aquittal, or a hung jury, in large part because of incompetent prosecution attorneys. Their failure to object at critical points of testimony, such as the badgering of Martin's phone contact, the professor instructing on legal definitions, etc, might well be pivotal lapses. The judge should have dumped the whole mess for mistrial already.

... The defense, expectedly, is trying to exclude consideration of Zimmerman's actions prior to the first moment of physical contact with Martin. They see that as framing the issue in a way that puts Martin attacking and overcoming Zimmerman, and Zimmerman firing in 'self-defense', with the previous minutes of Zimmerman pursuing Martin discounted as relevant to the shooting.

... The prosecution, in a broader framing of events, include consideration of Zimmerman's pursuit of Martin for several minutes despite being advised otherwise by police dispatch, while Martin was running away. The critical point in that, as any reasonable person would concede, is whether Zimmerman's actions amount to inciting the physical altercation with Martin. And the further point, of whether Zimmerman's (as he claims) getting the worst of a fight he started (as he claims he didn't), justifies his killing Martin in a struggle over the weapon.

... Of interest, the defense succeeded in badgering the not-so-bright phone contact, and managed to inject some ostenible uncertainty, along with the legal 'instruction' (which the judge should have halted). On the prosecution side, testimony so far has established some patterns of calculated lying by Zimmerman, (such as his denying knowledge of self-defense law on which the professor gave him an "A").

... Frankly, if Zimmerman isn't convicted of at least manslaughter, justice won't have been served, and he really should get at least 2nd-degree murder. He armed himself with a concealed weapon, and chased down an unknown person he'd profiled by race and appearance. The person (Martin) asks why Zimmerman is following him, and (at least so far) Zimmerman has never claimed to avoid or attempt to avoid escalating further confrontation.

... We'll probably never know the whole truth about the final moments of Martin's life, as it's obvious that Zimmerman has hedged or outright lied with intent to frame himself within the legalese of 'self-defense' ...


DomKen -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 12:00:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: truckinslave


his credibility is definitely in question.

The credibility of every witness is always in question. People believe some people and not others. Human nature at work.
Z's inconsistencies have been pooh-poohed by the cops.
His willingness to answer questions the night of the incident, and his volunteering to do a walk-through the next day speak volumes about his credibility.
Look at the guy. Does he look smart enough, does he seem an actor skilled enough, to make all this up?
I don't think so.
GZ as criminal mastermind does not compute.

That's why the Hannity interview was such a bad idea. He lied right there on tape and it was trivial for the prosecution to establish that fact. That puts his inconsistencies in his statements in a whole new light. If he doesn't testify, and I'd bet he won't, then the prosecutor can hammer on that point and the jury will sit there and wonder why he didn't testify if he really had nothing to hide.

As to the criminal mastermind, consider the case the prosecution built, it is established fact that Zimmerman was very familiar with the Florida self defense and SYG laws. No one saw the altercation begin, Zimmerman's statements are not consistent with the evidence. Zimmerman's injuries are a couple of scratches and a bloody nose (which the ME says could have come from one punch and a single strike of his head on the concrete). That's building a picture that maybe Zimmerman over reacted and shot Martin or got mad when he got knocked down and shot him and then fit his story to the law he knows very well.

tj444 -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 12:30:49 PM)


As to the criminal mastermind, consider the case the prosecution built, it is established fact that Zimmerman was very familiar with the Florida self defense and SYG laws. No one saw the altercation begin, Zimmerman's statements are not consistent with the evidence. Zimmerman's injuries are a couple of scratches and a bloody nose (which the ME says could have come from one punch and a single strike of his head on the concrete). That's building a picture that maybe Zimmerman over reacted and shot Martin or got mad when he got knocked down and shot him and then fit his story to the law he knows very well.

exactly.. seeing Zimmy smirking and slyly smiling as he barefaced lied to Hanity about never hearing about the SYG law.. that was very telling, imo.. and some of the stuff Zimmy claims Martin said.. like lines from a bad Clint Eastwood movie.. just not believeable or credible.. imo..

BamaD -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 12:57:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

A polite society doesnt act or react with violence? Just proving your statement wrong. Historically, wife beating, duels, rape were all a part of "polite society" unless you want to try and dismiss those as "something of the past". But I would hope you would not be that silly.

And all are illegal.

BamaD -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 1:02:20 PM)

He won't because that doesn't change the reasonable man standard. You have to keep in mind Zimmerman cannot claim self defense because the attack could have caused death (he could have died simply from the fall, if he did fall) but the attack had to be such that the reasonable man would have feared imminent death or great bodily harm and the ME destroyed that.

So the fact that he could have died from the fall and by extension any following blow means he had no reasonable fear of injury?

Raiikun -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 1:24:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: igor2003


ORIGINAL: truckinslave


his credibility is definitely in question.

The credibility of every witness is always in question. People believe some people and not others. Human nature at work.
Z's inconsistencies have been pooh-poohed by the cops.
His willingness to answer questions the night of the incident, and his volunteering to do a walk-through the next day speak volumes about his credibility.
Look at the guy. Does he look smart enough, does he seem an actor skilled enough, to make all this up?
I don't think so.
GZ as criminal mastermind does not compute.

No, he doesn't seem smart enough. That's why his story kept changing. For instance, in his first statement to Singleton, as well as to others he said Martin sucker punched him and he fell down IMMEDIATELY on his back and Martin jumped on and started wailing on him. The next day at the walk through he realized that Martin's body was some 40 - 45 feet away from where he said he was "attacked" and his story changed to...oh...well...maybe he stumbled around for a while before falling. Bullshit. That's only one of many examples.

He had never said he landed on his back at the same spot he was hit though. And it's also silly to expect perfect recall of the seconds immediately following a hit like that.

Serino and Singleton both said variations like that were insignificant and normal, and that if those variations didn't exist they would find the story more suspect.

BamaD -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 1:26:58 PM)

Serino and Singleton both said variations like that were insignificant and normal, and that if those variations didn't exist they would find the story more suspect.


tazzygirl -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 1:33:29 PM)




ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

A polite society doesnt act or react with violence? Just proving your statement wrong. Historically, wife beating, duels, rape were all a part of "polite society" unless you want to try and dismiss those as "something of the past". But I would hope you would not be that silly.

And all are illegal.

Now they are illegal... at the time, not so much.

DomKen -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 1:47:38 PM)



He won't because that doesn't change the reasonable man standard. You have to keep in mind Zimmerman cannot claim self defense because the attack could have caused death (he could have died simply from the fall, if he did fall) but the attack had to be such that the reasonable man would have feared imminent death or great bodily harm and the ME destroyed that.

So the fact that he could have died from the fall and by extension any following blow means he had no reasonable fear of injury?

Do you not understand the reasonable man standard? In this case the facts show that Zimmerman got punched in the nose, someone wound up on the ground and his head hit the concrete once just hard enough to break skin. No reasonable person would fear imminent death or great bodily harm from that.

That's why he had to claim, in the later versions of his tale, that Martin said he was going to kill him and tried to take his gun. And now that the jury knows he tried to conceal the fact that he was intimately familiar with Florida's laws on the matter it looks more and more like he lied about every detail of the encounter.

If he is convicted it will probably be because he lied during the Hannity interview.

BamaD -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 2:11:54 PM)





He won't because that doesn't change the reasonable man standard. You have to keep in mind Zimmerman cannot claim self defense because the attack could have caused death (he could have died simply from the fall, if he did fall) but the attack had to be such that the reasonable man would have feared imminent death or great bodily harm and the ME destroyed that.

So the fact that he could have died from the fall and by extension any following blow means he had no reasonable fear of injury?

Do you not understand the reasonable man standard? In this case the facts show that Zimmerman got punched in the nose, someone wound up on the ground and his head hit the concrete once just hard enough to break skin. No reasonable person would fear imminent death or great bodily harm from that.

That's why he had to claim, in the later versions of his tale, that Martin said he was going to kill him and tried to take his gun. And now that the jury knows he tried to conceal the fact that he was intimately familiar with Florida's laws on the matter it looks more and more like he lied about every detail of the encounter.

If he is convicted it will probably be because he lied during the Hannity interview.

First off he didn't know the extent of his injuries.
Second even if his head was not on concrete he didn't know that.
Third and reasonable person at the time would see things different than a Monday morning quarterback.
He wasn't under oath on Hannity.
The prosecution has proven that Martin racially profiled Zimmerman, not the other way around.
No reasonable person could deny that Martin started the violence.
Prosecution has even demonstrated that Martin initiated contact.
Prosecution has demonstrated that Zimmerman was glad to hear (though it later turned out to be false) that there was a video of the incident.
Your criteria totally eliminates self defense as a plea.

tj444 -> RE: Zimmerman Con't / Predict the Verdict (7/4/2013 2:24:23 PM)


In this case the facts show that Zimmerman got punched in the nose, someone wound up on the ground and his head hit the concrete once just hard enough to break skin. No reasonable person would fear imminent death or great bodily harm from that.

I actually question if Zimmy's head hit any concrete at all, he imo just hit the ground and maybe something hard there like pebbles or gravel in the grass caused the scratches.. given that Zimmy pushed Martin off and given the direction of Martins body, Zimmy's head was IMO some distance from the sidewalk.. it just sounds "better" for Zimmy to say his head was hitting concrete.. so I dont believe his statement on that either.. JMO

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