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RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 12:57:26 PM   

Posts: 24103
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ORIGINAL: SadistDave


Sounds like little Thompsonx has his little knickers in a twist.

Still no links, nothing to support your bullshit, and even your insults are stale. Frankly, posting 7 times kinda smacks of desperation. But then, I suppose since there's no substance to anything you have to say and you are wholly incapable of presenting your case, desperation to appear intelligent is all you have left...

Good luck with that dumbass.


Ya know, there is a reason that I have him on hide. I really do not like discussions with people trying to pretend to be Socrates.


Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

I don’t always wgah’nagl fhtagn. But when I do, I ph’nglui mglw’nafh R’lyeh.

(in reply to SadistDave)
Profile   Post #: 401
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:32:16 PM   

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Ya know, there is a reason that I have him on hide.

So you claim but you always manage to respond to my posts.

I really do not like discussions with people trying to pretend to be Socrates.

You don't like people pointing out your ignorance and inability to think logically.

(in reply to Aylee)
Profile   Post #: 402
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:38:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
I quite agree.

You can discuss it all you like.
The problem is well known.
The problem is.... nobody in this world is going to sit down and say it to their faces.

Why is that?
You have laws and cops to enforce them.

It truly needs to be said and in unambiguous terms: "your basic religious tenet is anathema to world peace and must be changed at it's core".

Should we also say this to christians? It has been shown in this thread that the christian core beliefs are quite similar to your chosen enemy?

If they cannot control their own factions and allow (and even promote) Jihadist teachings, then the rest of the world needs to step in and eradicate all those that are trouble-some.

So no more free speech for those punks right?

This, of course, would lead to a global war of Islamics against everyone else; but I see no other sensible option.

If you took your head out of your ass and opened both eyes there is a posibility that you might. Otherwise you just look like some punk trying to start a war he wont have to bleed in.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 403
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:41:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: SadistDave


Sounds like little Thompsonx has his little knickers in a twist.

Still no links, nothing to support your bullshit,

You really want a link to prove that germany was involved in ww2?

and even your insults are stale.

Strange that you would find a statement of fact to be an insult.

Frankly, posting 7 times kinda smacks of desperation.

Simply an attempt to keep your peurile mind focused on one item at a time.

(in reply to SadistDave)
Profile   Post #: 404
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:42:26 PM   

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It is my opinion that there are many millions of Muslims who would gladly climb on board

The opinion of the sane is that you have your head up your ass as usual.

(in reply to Sanity)
Profile   Post #: 405
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:53:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

Can you explain why their basic teachings are to destroy, kill, and eliminate all infidels??
There are no exceptions in their religion - their holy book spells it out; be one of us or die.

It has been pointed out to you that the christian bible does the same.
Why are you not calling on all sane people to erradicate the christians?

Now take a good look at all the trouble spots around the world....

You will find the capitalist and imperalist that these muslims are attacking

Pretty much the whole of the middle east is an Islamic hot spot.
If they aren't capturing and killing infidels, they're killing other Islamic factions they don't agree with.

It sure is a good thing christians never did that sort of thing or you would look quite the hippocrit.

Across most of Africa, most of the shit is caused by militant Jihadists.

I am unconvinced that the problems in s. africa are caused by militant jihadist..
Then there was that little lash up in lybia where the u.s. created a regieme change like in iraq and afghanistan. If you had been on the rx end of that would you start killing those who were responsible?

Even in India and across into Indonesia, it's the Islamics stirring up the shit one way or the other.
All the European shit is caused by Islamics.

The problems in ukrane are being caused by the islamics?
The problems in spain with the basque are being caused by the islamics?
Is the succession of scotland being caused by the islamics?

This isn't just a tiny handful of people stirring up trouble - it's damned near half the populated world!!

Since they only comprise a quarter of the populated world how is that possible?

And, what's worse, is that it will never stop until they rule the world and with varying degrees of Sharia law.

Perhaps if your cops did their jobs that might not happen.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 406
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 1:56:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

Unfortunately, that seems to be the size of it.

My cousin lives in the south-east of the UK (about 6 miles from me) and serves her 'beat', sometimes on foot, sometimes in a patrol car, in a metropolitan district about 10 miles nearer London. Apparently, they don't like to post officers within their own locality.
Her best mate that she went through 5 years police training with is posted somewhere nearer the south coast and apparently the situation is just as bad down there.
So we aren't talking about a region that is anywhere close to the Midlands of Rotherham or Rochdale.

Every time she discovers some nefarious Muslim injustice, she is told to file a preliminary report and 'forget it' with direct orders not to upset the Muslim boat or pursue the matter further.
Nothing is done about it. Yeah, it really really stinks.
After spending 5 years training and nearly 15 years on the force, she is seriously thinking of giving it up.
It's a job she loves and trained hard for, so her decision will be with a heavy heart.

Your cousin, you say, is a police officer without the ethical courage to do her job. I think she is right she is not cut out to be a real police officer, she should quit.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 407
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:06:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
I dunno what piece of Utopia you're living in Tim, but IS/ISIS/ISAL

whatever they want to call themselves these days,

This shows us all how much respect you have for these people that you don't know shit about.
You have obviously no knowledge about things military.
Ask yourself how this group came into being? How and where were they trained and armed so that they could easily defeat a larger and better trained and equipped army? How is possible that the intelligence agencies of the west knew nothing about them until day before yesterday?

together with various other warring factions like Boko Haram, AQ, the Taliban et al, are causing a lot of trouble for a lot of people across the globe.

Didn't the u.s. arm a.q? Wasnt the taliban the legal government of afghanistan that we overthrew? How many soldier does boko haram claim to have?
Sweet phoquing jeasus I know henny penny said the sky was falling but I did not believe that any one would take a chiken or sanity seriously?

In fact, the only places they haven't caused trouble is in the Americas, Australia, China, and Russia.

Obviously they censor the news on your computer.

Everywhere else on this big lump of land are having Islamic problems of one sort or another.
And if it wasn't for the beheading of the two American journalists, the US would be insular and unconcerned about it.

Would those journalist be less dead if they had been hanged,shot,poisoned?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 408
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:10:05 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
I have many Islamic friends around me.
They don't say boo to goose and generally don't cause trouble.
But... every single one of them would prefer to have everyone as a Muslim - their particular type, obviously.

I have many christian friends around me.
They don't say boo to goose and generally don't cause trouble.
But... every single one of them would prefer to have everyone as a Muslim - their particular type, obviously.

I have met literally hundreds, if not thousands, of Muslims in various places I have lived.
I have often lived in Pakistani/Indian populated areas because the rent was considerably cheaper.

Indians are not typically muslim are they? Wasn't that the reason for the creation of pakistan?

I have not met a single Muslim, not a single one, that does not want me to also be a Muslim.

I have the same problem with christians. Do you think we should kill all of those assholes also?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 409
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:36:14 PM   

Posts: 6845
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I don't see many christian jihadists though, do you?
I don't see many christian war lords beheading people and declaring that christians unite.

I don't see the point of your post thompson.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 410
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:40:33 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

Unfortunately, that seems to be the size of it.

My cousin lives in the south-east of the UK (about 6 miles from me) and serves her 'beat', sometimes on foot, sometimes in a patrol car, in a metropolitan district about 10 miles nearer London. Apparently, they don't like to post officers within their own locality.
Her best mate that she went through 5 years police training with is posted somewhere nearer the south coast and apparently the situation is just as bad down there.
So we aren't talking about a region that is anywhere close to the Midlands of Rotherham or Rochdale.

Every time she discovers some nefarious Muslim injustice, she is told to file a preliminary report and 'forget it' with direct orders not to upset the Muslim boat or pursue the matter further.
Nothing is done about it. Yeah, it really really stinks.
After spending 5 years training and nearly 15 years on the force, she is seriously thinking of giving it up.
It's a job she loves and trained hard for, so her decision will be with a heavy heart.

Your cousin, you say, is a police officer without the ethical courage to do her job. I think she is right she is not cut out to be a real police officer, she should quit.

What would YOU know what it takes to be a WPC in the UK?? Nothing!!

How many lilly-livered police in the US would rather be discharged dishonourably or shut their gob and obey a direct order?
Maybe dissenting officers are rife over there but I'd like to think that most follow the laws and orders from above.

Maan... you have no fucking idea.

< Message edited by freedomdwarf1 -- 9/13/2014 2:42:03 PM >


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 411
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:56:00 PM   

Posts: 1920
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Tommy needs a drum to load his crapper full of BS. I know his game always cuttin and pasting. Shit for brains, too bad the net never gets erased. Always look on the bright side of life. Some evolve, some deteriorate. Thats natural order as it should be. Procreation is not suitable for all.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 412
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 2:59:59 PM   

Posts: 8730
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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

the US and it's people have very little info on what happens beyond your boundaries

Is this plausible?

We, the English, are the governors of knowledge beyond our boundaries and political acumen in the field of international relations?

Whereas they, the Yanks, are taking their first, tentative steps into the unknown, outside world?

Is it even possible considering the Yanks are a country of 350 million people, a comparatively wealthy one at that, who possess the wherewithal to visit foreign lands and buy books?


I have the courage to be a coward - but not beyond my limits.

Sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 413
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 3:04:19 PM   

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(in reply to NorthernGent)
Profile   Post #: 414
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 4:09:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

What would YOU know what it takes to be a WPC in the UK?? Nothing!!

I know what it means to obey an oath taken honestly.

How many lilly-livered police in the US would rather be discharged dishonourably or shut their gob and obey a direct order?

You seem to be at odds with yourself. First you complain that the cops wont enforce the law. Then you claim it is more honorable to abet this behaviour rather than actually fullfill thier oath of service?

Maybe dissenting officers are rife over there but I'd like to think that most follow the laws and orders from above.

As opposed to the laws passed by country which the copper has sworn to uphold. Even if his boss is a pussy

Maan... you have no fucking idea.

I have got the idea that you are as full of shit as a christmas goose. That you are a bigot that would seek to start a war in which you wont shed any blood.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 415
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 4:11:03 PM   

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Tommy needs a drum to load his crapper full of BS. I know his game always cuttin and pasting. Shit for brains, too bad the net never gets erased. Always look on the bright side of life. Some evolve, some deteriorate. Thats natural order as it should be. Procreation is not suitable for all.

You are a punkassmotherfucker without the courage to address me directly.

(in reply to MrBukani)
Profile   Post #: 416
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 4:18:24 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

I don't see many christian jihadists though, do you?

Christians seem to have a pretty full history of warfare. You are pretty young but there is a place called vietnam. Try looking it up and see what the catholics jihadist did. If you read history you will find there is blood enough to go around.

I don't see many christian war lords beheading people and declaring that christians unite.

Morons will see what they wish to see. Is a person less dead from a drone strike?

I don't see the point of your post thompson.

Perhaps you could find an adult to read the big words to you. I am speaking english. Is there another language you would be more comfortable with?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 417
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 4:42:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I think your math skills have atrophied.

I have Muslim friends as well. None of them gives a shit whether I'm a Druid or a Shinto.

As I have said several times on several threads dealing with various topics, the US and it's people have very little info on what happens beyond your boundaries and and awful lot doesn't even make your news unless some mystical political spin can be put on it.

And what have my math skills got to do with the fact that I have not met, or spoken to, a single Muslim person who would prefer that I was also Muslim?
It's a simple fact that I have lived with, and joked about, amongst my Muslim friends for more than several decades.
YMMV - and being in the US might have made you more insular than you think.

Fuck knows where you get your info from FreedomDwarf, because it is skewed beyond belief. You and I both know there is only one reason your cousin cant take her "Story" to the press, and that is that as a serving police officer whe signed the Official Secrets act.

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
Profile   Post #: 418
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 6:30:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Fuck knows where you get your info from FreedomDwarf, because it is skewed beyond belief. You and I both know there is only one reason your cousin cant take her "Story" to the press, and that is that as a serving police officer whe signed the Official Secrets act.

Well shit dude why did you not tell me that signing some peice of paper exempted someone from being an ethical human being.
Didn't she also take an oath to uphold and defend the law? Which one of those takes presidence?

(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 419
RE: Racism and Islamophobia. - 9/13/2014 8:34:24 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ChristheBoy


ORIGINAL: NorthernGent


ORIGINAL: truckinslave

Muslims make religious doctrine (aka hatred of other religions) their raison d'etre.

Do they? Is this on record somewhere?

Yes it is on record. It is in the book that they worship and live their lives by. It is called the koran.

Its also on record in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.

(circa 185-254 CE) to write: "Therefore the blood of Jesus came not only upon those who lived formerly but also upon all subsequent generations of Jews..." The Christian church taught until recently that all Jews -- past, present and future -- are equally responsible for the death of Christ. 2

Yea, I agree that was a pretty shitty thing to say. But the guy said it almost 2000 years ago so I am not sure how it is relevant today.


(Psalms 79:6): "Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy name." This is a call to God to commit genocide against persons of other faiths who are either unfamiliar with Judaism and Christianity, or who have learned and rejected these religions.

(Exodus 22:20): "He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed."

And so it goes on.

All of the churches I have gone to have followed the new testament, not the old. That is looked at more as a history lesson. Personally I prefer it that way, other's mileage may vary.


"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum" .. Albert

This here is the boi formerly known as orfunboi

(in reply to MariaB)
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