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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 1:58:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: alien8
By default, a lot of the food sold in the US is way way over-processed.

I think also like for us, eating out is cheap and fresh. Asian food is stir fry fresh veges with fresh stir fry meats and freshly daily boiled broth from fresh fish or pig bones. Whereas eating out in the US, is like fast food which is all processed.

Nothing is processed in our local food here except soy sauce for seasoning if that's considered processed.

Our overweight went up when American fast food invaded our country. I'm thinking like deep fried potatoes, aka fries is unthinkable in chinese food! We always eat boil potatoes in fresh made from scratch pork broth, we never use broth out from a packet. But once we are fed that, we are now addicted ha! All the evil yummy stuffs.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 9/30/2015 1:59:39 AM >

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 4:24:32 AM   

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ORIGINAL: alien8

If you can, I think learning to cook is one of the best things you can do for your health, as well as your palate. It takes time to learn and is more expensive at first, as you need semi-decent cookware and to learn how to buy food and manage your larder. You will go through a lot of frustration on the way, and every so often you end up consigning what you thought was going to be a delicious meal to the trashcan and crying into a bowl of canned soup instead. But as you get better it is super-satisfying and it is much easier to manage your diet when you know what you're eating.

This is so true. When I was a vegan, and now as someone who eats a mostly Paleo diet, I was and am forced to learn to cook. As a vegetarian and as someone eating the standard American diet, it was too easy to resort to pre-packaged, processed foods. I used to joke that I could eat Twinkies and Coca-Cola and still be a vegetarian, but technically, it was true. Keeping up with preparing and cooking whole foods on a regular basis is so much more satisfying, now, than grabbing a mocha and egg sandwich from Starbucks ever used to be.

I do miss the convenience factor, though. There are times at the end of the day when I'm too tired to cook and I wind up eating some bacon and avocado for dinner. I still haven't gotten the whole idea of prepping foods ahead of time down. But if a person can do that, that too will go a long way to helping someone eat healthier - to have those good foods available when all you really want to do is order a pizza.

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 4:48:41 AM   

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We run a restaurant. I can cook and bake, really well. It's shitty to feel shitty about something you are passionate about and good at.

I eat relatively low carb. And yes the scale is moving in the right direction. Now I just want to kill myself because I've given up things I'm really passionate about.

And thyroid sufferers also have to watch other things, like goitergens. Almonds, peanuts, kale, spinach, strawberries.

I am to the point where I would be really happy if I didn't eat.
I hate making decisions.
I hate that I don't bake anymore.
I hate that I feel bad thinking about pizza.

I hate it all now. It's really not a way to live either.

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 5:16:49 AM   

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And thyroid sufferers also have to watch other things, like goitergens. Almonds, peanuts, kale, spinach, strawberries.

Wow! You can't even eat healthy things? That's is tough!

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 5:56:28 AM   

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Shifty, I totally understand. For a very long time, I really fought this way of eating. I cried, more than I care to admit. I felt cheated, and I felt like I was really missing out on the good stuff of life. It doesn't really get much better than warm, filling, comfort food on a cold day in New England. I cried because I felt like I wouldn't have all of these wonderful recipes and traditions to pass on. And that holidays wouldn't be the same.

All I can say is that the more I did it, the easier it became. I am truly amazed that now I can sit among a group of people who are all eating pasta or bread and I genuinely don't mind that my dish doesn't include them.

What also helped me was reading everything I could and watching everything I could about why those foods are bad for me. The continual reinforcement and increasing knowledge eventually sunk in.

You have the added stress of working in a food environment that probably has you preparing foods that you shouldn't be eating. Here's a question - not knowing your exact business, so I might be off base, here - could you start to develop recipes that are low-carb to serve alongside your regular dishes? If you start to develop the habit of working on these new, delicious recipes, could they be a source of joy, pride, and perhaps income? (If you were to advertise that you were catering to the low-carb crowd?)

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 8:52:49 AM   

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All I can say is that the more I did it, the easier it became. I am truly amazed that now I can sit among a group of people who are all eating pasta or bread and I genuinely don't mind that my dish doesn't include them.

The turning point for me was:

Even though I was eating reduced carb, I was still eating low carb wheat products (tortillas, breads, pastas). After coming out of my medical issue last April, I stopped eating those items in an effort to remove processed foods from our diets. In June, we did a charity ride. It was my first long ride on my new, heavier motorcycle which hadn't been adjusted to fit me yet. I felt like I had wrestled that bike through the entire ride by the time we got back to the start point. Well, the lunch they were providing was Hodad's Hamburgers (They're famous in San Diego).

I looked at those burgers and said, "I've expended SO much energy wrestling that bike on this ride, that I'm sure eating the bun will be fine. It's just one thing". Within 30 minutes of eating that bun, I started getting a headache. Two hours later I was having some rather severe issues with my digestive tract. That's when it dawned on my that wheat was NOT my friend.

I deliberately tested it about a week later, same reaction. So, it's a lot easier to say no because I know I'll pay the price if I do.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 9:00:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar



My view is that if I couldn't grow it in my backyard and prepare it in my kitchen, we don't eat it.

We essentially live on well marbled protein, eggs, green veggies, legumes and a small amount of dairy.

That's totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!

What about chocolate?

dark chocolate with sea salt is an essential nutrient.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 9:12:41 AM   

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I dont like most grains... bread or rice, it leaves a powdery texture in my mouth (rubs tongue against roof of mouth in psychosomatic bread delusion) I do like rice noodles and steamed pork buns and spring roll wraps(non fried kind)... those are about the only bready things I like, my fridge currently has chicken, pumpkin seeds, hummus, broccoli, lettuce , tomatoes, and sandwich meat in it. I tend to wrap my food in lettuce....I think tortillas, pita, pizza crust are just about the grossest foods in the world other than swordfish.... so never had an issue avoiding carbs.... other than one summer where my diet was entirely rhubarb pie

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 10:35:32 AM   

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@kailiko (on my phone)

I bring in a lot of my own stuff.
My endo is fortunately a wonderful doctor with lots of advice.
The nature of my business is breakfast.

I don't personally feel better off grains entirely. In fact last time I tried it, I didn't have the energy to make it through the work day. People can tell me six ways to Sunday this isn't true, but having experienced fatigue like that, I choose to ocassionally have unprocessed homemade bread, brown rice, quinoa, polenta, etc.

I just am not giving up the restaurant to be thin? That's totally crazy to me? I'd rather be fat and happy for my whole life rather than thin and in misery. That's just what it's come down to. With weight watchers and my fitness pal I've lost a good amount of weight this year (8 lbs) I'm sure I could lose more if I had the will power to cut out grains and eat paleo. I just have to accept that choice. Which is hard, and kinda stupid of me, and I understand that.

(in reply to DerangedUnit)
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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 10:46:32 AM   

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Steel Cut Oatmeal is another good choice if you're going to do grains.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 11:31:13 AM   

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I do miss the convenience factor, though. There are times at the end of the day when I'm too tired to cook and I wind up eating some bacon and avocado for dinner. I still haven't gotten the whole idea of prepping foods ahead of time down. But if a person can do that, that too will go a long way to helping someone eat healthier - to have those good foods available when all you really want to do is order a pizza.

I heavily got into Once a Month Cooking because of that. Infrequently (I don't do it every month, I do it depending on our need) I spend an entire day, or half a day cooking stuff that freezes easily, and make huge batches of that at a time.

Then the rest of the time, every time I'm too tired or busy to cook from scratch, all I've got to do is pull something out of the freezer and heat it up. I do a lot of casseroles and "ready to go in the crockpot" meals too, but the thing that ends up being used most heavily here are single portion, already cooked, microwave ready meals.

My husband often has them for lunch (he works from home) and they're awesome for the kids for lunch on the weekends as well. Currently I'm remodeling out Master suit, and I've been spending days carefully cutting out the grout between the antique marble tiles we have, so I can reuse them in the other bathroom... I don't have time or energy to cook, and so everything we've been eating for about a week now is prepared freezer food. All Paleo, and all home made.

Normally I cook more than I've been doing lately, but even then, having freezer meals as a backup for when stuff falls apart is amazing.


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

(in reply to Kaliko)
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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 11:44:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: shiftyw

I don't personally feel better off grains entirely. In fact last time I tried it, I didn't have the energy to make it through the work day. People can tell me six ways to Sunday this isn't true, but having experienced fatigue like that, I choose to ocassionally have unprocessed homemade bread, brown rice, quinoa, polenta, etc.

Some people tolerate stuff better than others. I can tolerate dairy just fine, my husband -to his surprise- found that eating just a little throws his digestive system off completely.

I know this thread has been focusing a lot on blasting carbs, and bitching about grains, but when I advice people to switch diets, I actually almost never advice them to cut them out completely.

Instead of focusing on eliminating stuff from your diet, focus on adding in high nutrient dense foods.
By high nutrient dense foods, I means foods that have a lot of nutrients in them per calorie they have.
So fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, fish, seafood, nuts, berries.

Eat more of those.

It doesn't matter really in what combination or which category of those you pick, just try eating more of them than you currently are, and historically have. Try to make it so that you eat about 80%-90% of being full on any given meal, from those categories.
And then, if you're still hungry, and you feel like you want grains, or potatoes, or rice, or desert, or a processed snack, or whatever it is that you think you shouldn't be eating but really want to eat anyways, by all means, go ahead and eat it and don't worry about it.

If you manage to eat 80% of your diet from high nutrient dense foods, you'll be off a lot better than before, and the extra stuff won't hurt you.
One of the primary issues with grain is that they're so high in calories and so very filling in the moment (though they later cause blood sugar crashes) that when we eat them, we tend to eat them INSTEAD of eating high nutrient dense foods. Because we eat them instead of other foods, we end up with deficiencies, because for every hundred calories in grains we eat, we get only a small fraction of the nutrients we would have gotten from eating a hundred calories in fruits, vegetables, or meats instead. We need to get all of the nutrients we need from the food we eat in a day, and filling up on carbs prevents us from doing that. High carb diets can cause you to starve on a micro-nutrient level, while eating an excess in calories every day. That in turn, makes you more hungry, and creates a vicious circle of overeating on foods that don't give you the nutrients you need.
If you stop eating carbs instead of other foods, and instead use them to complement other food for their taste and the pleasure they offer you in eating them, you'll be a long long long way there.

Some of this stuff requires you reprogramming the way we've been taught to think about carbs.
For example:
- When making a sandwich, it's better to have one sandwich/burger and load it up heavier with all the toppings you like, and eat it with a side of the toppings if you want more of those, than to have to split the toppings over two sandwiches. Don't feel obligated to have more bread when you really want more burger/cold cuts.
- Don't serve sandwiches/burgers with a carb side, like fries or chips, pick a salad, or pickles, or onion rings/sweet potato fires (if you must go fried) instead.
- When eating spaghetti and meatballs, add in more meatballs, and less pasta.
- Same for chicken alfredo, more chicken/sauce, less pasta.
- When you're eating dishes with rice, serve a smaller portion of rice, and don't feel obligated to eat it all. Just use whatever rice you like to enhance the dish.

And so on...
The typical American diet has ratios in their head of "this meal goes with this much bread/rice/pasta/fries". Challenge those believes and load up heavier on the other stuff instead.

< Message edited by UllrsIshtar -- 9/30/2015 12:15:55 PM >


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 5:11:59 PM   

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From: The Shire
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^ that is really good advice. Thank you.

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 5:28:44 PM   

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Yup, by just dropping white potatoes and switching rice and pasta to be the side dish, you can put a big dent in your carb consumption. And remember you could just about eat 10 cups of green veggies to get to 100g carbs.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 6:09:23 PM   

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Yup, by just dropping white potatoes and switching rice and pasta to be the side dish, you can put a big dent in your carb consumption. And remember you could just about eat 10 cups of green veggies to get to 100g carbs.

Exactly. I grew up with my mom cooking what American's would call a "mid-western diet". A cooked vegetable, a type of meat, and plain boiled potatoes.

A new world opened up for me when I realized that I didn't have to serve potatoes with every meal. I could throw steak or porkchops on the grill and some vegetable sates, maybe a side salad, and that's it... absolutely no need to serve potatoes with it.
I could have a vegetable omelet and bacon for breakfast, and no need for the obligatory two slices of buttered toast "cause that's what you're supposed to have with that type of breakfast". I just have a bigger omelet instead.

I'm by no means carb/grain free. Unlike OsideGirl, I don't end up feeling sick from the occasional high carb cheat.

But I turned my headspace around to only eating grains and carbs when I really want them because they enhance the meal for me, like in sushi rolls, or a nice hamburger from time to time, or (good fresh, not that make at home out of a plastic bag crap) ramen noodles from a place that knows what they're doing. But even then I only eat as much carb as I need to enhance the dish. And I don't feel bad for leaving the rest.

< Message edited by UllrsIshtar -- 9/30/2015 6:33:56 PM >


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 6:22:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
Instead of focusing on eliminating stuff from your diet, focus on adding in high nutrient dense foods.
By high nutrient dense foods, I means foods that have a lot of nutrients in them per calorie they have.
So fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, fish, seafood, nuts, berries.

Eat more of those.

It doesn't matter really in what combination or which category of those you pick, just try eating more of them than you currently are, and historically have. Try to make it so that you eat about 80%-90% of being full on any given meal, from those categories.
And then, if you're still hungry, and you feel like you want grains, or potatoes, or rice, or desert, or a processed snack, or whatever it is that you think you shouldn't be eating but really want to eat anyways, by all means, go ahead and eat it and don't worry about it.

I have actually been doing this for a few years already. I mean, my regular each meal always involve, fresh chicken, fresh fish, steam egg, either broccoli or spinach, 3 spoonful of rice. I'm a big eater. My breakfast is always chicken, anchovies, cabbage, sunny side up egg and 3 spoonful of rice. And I always eat freshly cooked food from scratch with no preservative. I do basically eat like this for all 3 meals, pretty standard, I love chicken, so chicken is often in all my 3 meals. And I love dark green coloured vegetables so I always have spinach or broccoli and some other local dark green leafies.

But it really doesn't do anything for weight loss at all for me. I have only gained weight and not lost weight. Considering I exercise hard too. My fitness level is where doing a full marathon is nothing to me. I wouldn't say I am fast, but I can do it without any aches and pain the following day, I did 3 marathons races in 3 consecutive weeks once but I didn't even hurt or ache. So my dream of those marathon runners sickly skinny body still isn't happening for me. I think the other issue is, is the sugar part. Fruits doesn't satisfy me for sugar replacement, and I need cakes or bubble tea or chocolate, sweet milk chocolate, after. Sugar craving is like even freaking harder than carb cravings!

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 6:28:14 PM   

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Sugar craving is like even freaking harder than carb cravings!

Sugar cravings are exactly the same as carb cravings.

The first thing your body does with carbs after you eat them is convert them to sugar.


From what you described, your diet seems very low on fat to me. I kicked sugar cravings by eating more fat. Avoid processed vegetable oils though. My current diet is about 30% protein, 20% or less in carbs and the rest in fat in calorie division.

< Message edited by UllrsIshtar -- 9/30/2015 6:30:50 PM >


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 137
RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 6:45:17 PM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
From what you described, your diet seems very low on fat to me. I kicked sugar cravings by eating more fat. Avoid processed vegetable oils though. My current diet is about 30% protein, 20% or less in carbs and the rest in fat in calorie division.

I think our food is often stir fry with corn oil or soya oil. So hard to avoid. Think that would cause problems for my goal?

As all my food is either deep fried or stir fry, so that was the fat in my diet. I also eat alot of pork belly regularly, and there is alot of fat in that.

The other thing is, Asian bodies are naturally less muscled and more fat than a Caucasian body too. Not sure if increasing fat is right for us. Like even though an Asian woman can look thinner but if ya do body fat analysis, her fat content inside is alot higher than a bigger regular Caucasian woman. My body fat percentage at the moment is a horrendous 36%.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 9/30/2015 6:52:45 PM >

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 9/30/2015 7:12:57 PM   

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The other thing is, Asian bodies are naturally less muscled and more fat than a Caucasian body too. Not sure if increasing fat is right for us. Like even though an Asian woman can look thinner but if ya do body fat analysis, her fat content inside is alot higher than a bigger regular Caucasian woman. My body fat percentage at the moment is a horrendous 36%.

It's an absolute myth that eating more fat makes you fatter than eating the same amount of calories in other foods.

In order for your body to turn fat in your diet into stored fat, it needs to make a complicated conversion in the liver to basically turn it into triglycerides, before it can use or store it. The only place where your body can store fat you eat directly is in the liver itself, and that storage is very limited. The conversion alone (before storage or using it for other stuff) uses about just under a third of the calories that are in the fat to begin with.
Dietary fat is the most difficult thing for body to store. Protein and carbs both store much easier.

I don't know why you're not loosing weight though. I know a bunch of stuff about diets, but I'm not a dietitian, and even if I was, it would be hard to give constructive medical advice based on a snapshot of your diet over the internet. Sorry.

< Message edited by UllrsIshtar -- 9/30/2015 7:15:55 PM >


I can be your whore
I am the dirt you created
I am your sinner
And your whore
But let me tell you something baby
You love me for everything you hate me for

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RE: Healthy Submissives - 10/12/2015 2:16:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

It's an absolute myth that eating more fat makes you fatter than eating the same amount of calories in other foods.

In order for your body to turn fat in your diet into stored fat, it needs to make a complicated conversion in the liver to basically turn it into triglycerides, before it can use or store it. The only place where your body can store fat you eat directly is in the liver itself, and that storage is very limited. The conversion alone (before storage or using it for other stuff) uses about just under a third of the calories that are in the fat to begin with.
Dietary fat is the most difficult thing for body to store. Protein and carbs both store much easier.

I don't know why you're not loosing weight though. I know a bunch of stuff about diets, but I'm not a dietitian, and even if I was, it would be hard to give constructive medical advice based on a snapshot of your diet over the internet. Sorry.

I'm glad you brought up the liver. My husband weighs in at 75kg. He looks slim and fit but he's fat on the inside because he has something called 'nonealcoholic fatty liver disease'. Up until last year he always drank a pint of concentrated orange juice a day and he regularly ate processed food that contained fructose. When he eventually fell ill and was admitted into hospital, they discovered that only a small percentage of his liver is still working. He has a much higher risk of organ failure, especially the liver, kidneys and heart and he may well need a liver transplant. He's been told by his hepatologist that he's seeing an alarming amount of people with this disease, including children and even babies. He calls it 'The modern killer disease'

The only organ in the body that can process fructose is the liver and the liver uses fructose to create fat in a process called lipogenesis. Give the liver enough fructose, and tiny fat droplets begin to accumulate in the liver cells.

I'm now on a sugar free journey with him. We have absolutely no 'added' sugar to our diets and all fruit juice is made fresh at home.
What's interesting is, since we cut added sugar out of our diets, we lost our food cravings and on the few occasions we have slipped and given in to a sweet treat, we find it so powerfully sweet that its unpalatable.

Fats are fine providing they are good fats. Sugar or should I say, the type of sugar we eat is the problem.


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