RE: Deleted unread (Full Version)

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Lucylastic -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:59:18 AM)


On the one hand, I admire women who realize that, by causing my message to get a status of "deleted unread", they very well know how to hurt my feelings.

I have never had the intention of hurting anyones feelings by deleting the mail I get, if I did, I would respond to the mail in the negative and it wouldnt be pretty.
Ive been here ten years, I simply do it for convenience.
I signed nothing saying I had to respond to mail, nicely or otherwise.
I signed nothing that says I have to answer my phone.
Anyone who expects something in return without me knowing of them is HIS overexpectation, nothing to do with me.
That being said, I do respond to most of my mails, but lately Ive had more cut n paste mails that show they didnt even read my profile. from male dominants and subs.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:30:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


On the one hand, I admire women who realize that, by causing my message to get a status of "deleted unread", they very well know how to hurt my feelings.

I have never had the intention of hurting anyones feelings by deleting the mail I get, if I did, I would respond to the mail in the negative and it wouldnt be pretty.
Ive been here ten years, I simply do it for convenience.
I signed nothing saying I had to respond to mail, nicely or otherwise.
I signed nothing that says I have to answer my phone.
Anyone who expects something in return without me knowing of them is HIS overexpectation, nothing to do with me.
That being said, I do respond to most of my mails, but lately Ive had more cut n paste mails that show they didnt even read my profile. from male dominants and subs.

And we come right back to that CJTC thang 3:)

Lucylastic -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:32:42 AM)

CJTC? sorry having a mush day

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:38:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I signed nothing saying I had to respond to mail, nicely or otherwise.


Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:39:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

CJTC? sorry having a mush day

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt.

Come on, babe, get with the program xoxoxo

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:42:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I signed nothing saying I had to respond to mail, nicely or otherwise.


Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

For your own edification you could make you a cute little 20-sumthin female bisexual profile and put up a cute little 20-sumthin pic and just check your mail every day for 10 days... my guess is you'll come back to this thread and say, WTF???? Okay, I get it now.

Jus sayin

Lucylastic -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:44:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

CJTC? sorry having a mush day

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt.

Come on, babe, get with the program xoxoxo
Shitty death sweetie, I forgot all about that....kotc

LadyPact -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:47:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

If you'd like to send me your home address, I'll see if we can send some Jahovah's Witnesses your way.

All day.

Every day.

ExiledTyrant -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:50:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

CJTC? sorry having a mush day

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt.

Come on, babe, get with the program xoxoxo
Shitty death sweetie, I forgot all about that....kotc

[sm=hearts.gif] Happy Mama's day, anyway [sm=waiting.gif]

Lucylastic -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:51:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I signed nothing saying I had to respond to mail, nicely or otherwise.


Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

I notice you didnt mention that I said

That being said, I do respond to most of my mails, but lately Ive had more cut n paste mails that show they didnt even read my profile. from male dominants and subs.

your definition of a personalised message may totally differ from my definition.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:53:42 AM)


If you'd like to send me your home address, I'll see if we can send some Jahovah's Witnesses your way.

All day.

Every day.

They will not come to me, as there is a sticker on my door stating that I spend blood, and they are afraid of my dog. [:)]

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:56:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
your definition of a personalised message may totally differ from my definition.


If, in a message, I show that I have read the full profile and journals of someone, and I explain how I would like to satisfy the specific needs and wants of that person, I feel I am entitled to call my message a personalized one.

TheRomanticDomme -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 8:07:22 AM)

"I explain how I would like to satisfy the specific needs and wants of that person"

You may not want to do that in a first message. I've never seen a first message from you, but if explaining how you want to satisfy her needs includes you being graphic about her body or sexual situations then I'm not surprised you're getting deleted unread.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 8:53:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheRomanticDomme

"I explain how I would like to satisfy the specific needs and wants of that person"

You may not want to do that in a first message. I've never seen a first message from you, but if explaining how you want to satisfy her needs includes you being graphic about her body or sexual situations then I'm not surprised you're getting deleted unread.

I'm sorry to deceive you, but that is really not my style when I explain a woman what I am willing to offer to her.

There are still men like me, who know that a domme is a lady, and who respect ladies, even if they don't respect me.

Shandirra -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 9:28:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst


Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

Okay Mr. Butthurt.... It's been broken down for you, in layman's terms no less. Let me see if employing a different sized font and color will clarify the issue...


Not courtesy, not even to piss on you if you were on fire. Your sense of entitlement is mind boggling. It has nothing to do with values, ethics, morals or any other personality characteristic you care to name. For the most part, it's too time consuming to answer the multitudes of misguided morons that stumble into the bulk mail (or even the inbox). Some people aren't looking for any interaction other than what they receive on the Forums. Some people have the romantic or sexual relationships they desire already and need no more.

Stop thinking the world revolves around you. It doesn't. Get a grip.

Lucylastic -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 9:40:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: ExiledTyrant


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

CJTC? sorry having a mush day

Cock Juggling Thunder Cunt.

Come on, babe, get with the program xoxoxo
Shitty death sweetie, I forgot all about that....kotc
[sm=hearts.gif] Happy Mama's day, anyway [sm=waiting.gif]

my kids are just about to arrive, so thankyou MUAH

LadyPact -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 9:49:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst
They will not come to me, as there is a sticker on my door stating that I spend blood, and they are afraid of my dog. [:)]

OK. That was funny. [:D]

However, an excellent opening.

See my sig line? I consider that to cover the "I've got a dog, so no door to door salesmen, put me on your no call list, and no solicitors" notice. If you should chose to ignore the fact that I state that I don't answer emails here, that's kind of your fault for not listening to me.

ETA - Case in point...

Please do not send me email. That's not going to help the matter. [;)]

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 10:10:20 AM)


Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

And you can blame your fellow men who will follow that "not interested" with a stream of threats and abuse.
And given your over the top reaction to having an email deleted unread I would not be at all surprised if you were among those men.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 10:13:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Shandirra

Okay Mr. Butthurt....

I don't reproach it you at all, but can you imagine that, if an upperclass lady like you makes me ridiculous by insulting me on a public forum, where everyone can see it, it badly hurts and embarrasses me? Do you feel this is what I deserve because it is unpleasant to me when my messages are deleted unread?



Not courtesy, not even to piss on you if you were on fire.

So you would prefer to see me on fire instead of trying to save my life? In my country, if you refuse to help someone who's life is in danger, you go straight in jail.


For the most part, it's too time consuming to answer the multitudes of misguided morons that stumble into the bulk mail (or even the inbox).

It's much more time consuming to write messages, just to see them deleted unread.


Some people aren't looking for any interaction other than what they receive on the Forums. Some people have the romantic or sexual relationships they desire already and need no more.

I only write messages to people who's profile shows that they are looking for someone.


Stop thinking the world revolves around you.

I would have difficult to do so, as I don't think so at all.

angelikaJ -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 10:19:53 AM)

Since you ignored my first attempt, let me see if I can help you a different way:
in this country, we have things called munches which are gatherings of folks who are interested in BDSM.
Perhaps they have such a thing in your country, and if so you could meet actual people.

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