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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/9/2023 7:51:33 PM   

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RASHEED WALTERS: China Builds The New World Order With Biden Asleep At The Wheel

China is rapidly growing economically, militarily, and influentially, and none of this is good for the United States. Since diplomatic ties with China were officially established in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter, each president has done a fair job (some better than others) of keeping China in check on the international stage, despite China’s growth. All with the exception of President Joe Biden, who has allowed China to lead a global coalition and a new world order against the United States of America, which has fulfilled our worst fears.

China is endeavoring to attain the top position and relegate the United States to second place as the world’s preeminent superpower. Understanding the historical context of the United States’ ascent to the position of the world’s preeminent superpower, as well as China’s emergence as a global power through globalism and benevolent intentions, is crucial to comprehending the genuine danger that China’s recent actions pose to the United States under the inattentive leadership of President Biden.

In 1898, the United States emerged from isolation to become a world superpower. This was because of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Spanish-American War, gave Cuba its independence, and also ceded important Spanish possessions to the United States — notably Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the small island of Guam. The Imperial British Empire was the most powerful and dominant superpower until the end of World War 2. The fall of Britain officially solidified the United States of America as the official dominating superpower of the world.

The United States has had that exclusive prerogative for a century. The Soviet Union, one of the most significant adversaries to this prerogative, collapsed in 1991. China, a considerably more advanced adversary than the Soviet Union, has become the new threat to American global dominance.

While the United States did not rely on the Soviet Union for traded commodities, it now relies on China, heavily. China didn’t get to the position of the world’s second-most powerful nation all by itself.

The United States liberated numerous European nations from the Nazis, most notably France and Italy. However, the United States liberated China and the rest of Asia by defeating Imperial Japan in World War 2. This fact is largely forgotten.

In 1979, President Jimmy Carter granted China full diplomatic recognition. In 2000, President Bill Clinton (D) signed the U.S.-China Relations Act that granted China entry into the World Trade Organization with most favorable nation status, a bill that was sent to Clinton’s desk by a Globalist Republican congress.

The U.S.-China Relations Act destroyed American manufacturing and resulted in the loss of over 3.7 million U.S. jobs. Good intentions and globalism created the Frankenstein known as China.

The Biden Administration’s America Last foreign policy, humiliating exit from Afghanistan, lack of global influence, and war in Ukraine was the spark China needed to take its next, decisive chess move in its quest for world domination. Russia, isolated due to U.S. sanctions, became an attractive unification partner for China to fill the voids left by the Americans. Foreign policy common sense mandates that the United States must prevent any union between China and Russia. In his farewell to Russian President Vladimir Putin, during the conclusion of a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin last week, Xi said “right now there are changes the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years — and we are the ones driving these changes together,” to which Putin replied: “I agree.”


This is the same revisionist nonsense anyone could see on Fox News any time.

1. China is not our friend
2. Any success China has in undermining the US is Biden's fault

I love this one:
The Biden Administration’s America Last foreign policy, humiliating exit from Afghanistan, lack of global influence, and war in Ukraine was the spark China needed to take its next, decisive chess move in its quest for world domination.

OK. Here is a quiz for Rasheed..
Who definitively committed to militarily defending Taiwan against China?
A. Biden
B. Trump

Who built or is building 4 new military bases in the Philippines to defend Taiwan against China?
A. Biden
B. Trump

Who worked with Congress to develop, and pass and who SIGNED legislation to and is currently funding the building of electric battery factories in the US?
A. Biden
B. Trump

If you answered "A" to tall of the above, you are correct.
As for Afganistan, that would be the Trump-Biden humiliating exit from Afghanistan

More quiz question for Rasheed

Who signed the DOHA agreement with the Taliban, excluding Afghanistan's OWN givernment, letting 4,000 Taliban out of prison, coimmitting a massive withdrawl of US troops with a DEFINED date, leaaaving 2500 US troops in country surrounded by 80,000 Taliban?
A. Biden
B. Trump

If you chose "B", you are correct.

OK... The "Global Influence" section
Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?
A. Biden
B. Trump
"A" is correct.

Who relaxed the sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Crimea and then said "Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian."
A. Biden
B. Trump
"B" is correct

Who appeased XI after COVID came out, and praised China's openness and transparency?
A. Biden
B. Trump
"B" is correct

If you got the quiz correct, you would know that the tremendous weakness and appeasement of the Trump administration sparked China's aggression, not the Biden administration.

Maybe a learning opportunity for Rasheed :)

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 4:05:08 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



This is the same revisionist nonsense anyone could see on Fox News any time.

1. China is not our friend
2. Any success China has in undermining the US is Biden's fault

I love this one:
The Biden Administration’s America Last foreign policy, humiliating exit from Afghanistan, lack of global influence, and war in Ukraine was the spark China needed to take its next, decisive chess move in its quest for world domination.

OK. Here is a quiz for Rasheed..
Who definitively committed to militarily defending Taiwan against China?
A. Biden
B. Trump

Who built or is building 4 new military bases in the Philippines to defend Taiwan against China?
A. Biden
B. Trump

Who worked with Congress to develop, and pass and who SIGNED legislation to and is currently funding the building of electric battery factories in the US?
A. Biden
B. Trump

If you answered "A" to tall of the above, you are correct.
As for Afganistan, that would be the Trump-Biden humiliating exit from Afghanistan

More quiz question for Rasheed

Who signed the DOHA agreement with the Taliban, excluding Afghanistan's OWN givernment, letting 4,000 Taliban out of prison, coimmitting a massive withdrawl of US troops with a DEFINED date, leaaaving 2500 US troops in country surrounded by 80,000 Taliban?
A. Biden
B. Trump

If you chose "B", you are correct.

OK... The "Global Influence" section
Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?
A. Biden
B. Trump
"A" is correct.

Who relaxed the sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Crimea and then said "Crimea is part of Russia because everyone there speaks Russian."
A. Biden
B. Trump
"B" is correct

Who appeased XI after COVID came out, and praised China's openness and transparency?
A. Biden
B. Trump
"B" is correct

If you got the quiz correct, you would know that the tremendous weakness and appeasement of the Trump administration sparked China's aggression, not the Biden administration.

Maybe a learning opportunity for Rasheed :)

I think Rasheed would have failed this quiz. Otherwise this drivel would not appear in the Daily Caller.

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
Profile   Post #: 102
RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 4:59:06 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

1. China is not our friend

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" "They're not bad folks, folks!!!" - Joe Biden, aka "The Big Guy" @10%

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 4/12/2023 5:01:17 AM >


Thought Criminal

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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:11:07 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

1. China is not our friend

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" "They're not bad folks, folks!!!" - Joe Biden, aka "The Big Guy" @10%

LOL... A 4 year old link, which does not match any of the real actions on the ground that Biden is taking NOW

1. Factories in the US
2. Tax incentives to buy American
3. Military commitment to Taiwan
4. New military bases in the Phillipines

Nice try though

< Message edited by MasterJaguar01 -- 4/12/2023 5:12:14 AM >

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:13:35 AM   

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You are so ridiculous, with your clown suit and your cult chants

I don't have time to rub your nose in all that poo but here's this:


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?

Biden has denied, slow-walked arms to Kyiv

Macron's Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing


Thought Criminal

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:19:23 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

LOL... A 4 year old link, which does not match any of the real actions on the ground that Biden is taking NOW

You can attack the source (four years isn't forever) but the substance is far beyond you

Joe Biden's handlers are deliberately crashing and burning America. You point to a factory here, lip service there... But on the ground, our allies are going to China for real leadership (see my Macron link above). You pretend that Afghanistan was President Trump's disaster because you are an indoctrinated cult member, but out here in the real world the truth isn't so kind to old Joe


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(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:23:48 AM   

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Put your "Rah rah rah" cult chants aside for a moment, and step into the real world for a quick dose of reality

Public Sees America's Future in Decline on Many Fronts
Pew Research Center › ... › Politics & Policy
Mar 21, 2019 — When Americans peer 30 years into the future, they see a country in decline economically, politically and on the world stage.


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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:29:37 AM   

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That's also a four-year-old link, before much of your BLM and ANTIFA destruction. Before birthing people, before China Joe green lighting Putin's invasion into Ukraine


Biden's 'minor incursion' remark was more than just a gaffe. ...
Washington Post › 2022/01/20 › bide...
Jan 20, 2022 — Nothing better demonstrates that than his statement that the United States might tolerate a Russian “minor incursion” into Ukraine.


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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:30:13 AM   

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You are so ridiculous, with your clown suit and your cult chants

I don't have time to rub your nose in all that poo but here's this:


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?

Biden has denied, slow-walked arms to Kyiv

Macron's Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing

Do you realize that neither of these links have anything to do with what you quoted me as saying?

Biden slow walked arms and Macron making comments about Taiwan...

I am going to guess the answer to that question is NO

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:35:41 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



You are so ridiculous, with your clown suit and your cult chants

I don't have time to rub your nose in all that poo but here's this:


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?

Biden has denied, slow-walked arms to Kyiv

Macron's Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing

Do you realize that neither of these links have anything to do with what you quoted me as saying?

Biden slow walked arms and Macron making comments about Taiwan...

I am going to guess the answer to that question is NO

They do, take your cult blinders off.

Biden hasn't rallied our allies, he has RATTLED them.

His handler's latest masterpiece? They're demanding that journalists stop reporting the news


Thought Criminal

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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 5:52:59 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



You are so ridiculous, with your clown suit and your cult chants

I don't have time to rub your nose in all that poo but here's this:


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01Who got all of NATO AND non-nato Euro countries to join and support Ukraine in a conflict against Russia?

Biden has denied, slow-walked arms to Kyiv

Macron's Taiwan comments anger allies, delight Beijing

Do you realize that neither of these links have anything to do with what you quoted me as saying?

Biden slow walked arms and Macron making comments about Taiwan...

I am going to guess the answer to that question is NO

They do, take your cult blinders off.

Biden hasn't rallied our allies, he has RATTLED them.

His handler's latest masterpiece? They're demanding that journalists stop reporting the news

More nonsense. The Macron comments are about Taiwan, not about Ukraine. My comment was about Ukraine.

Yes it is true, Macron wants to get every last dollar out of his trade with China, and doesn't want to get involved in a conflict over Taiwan.
That was 100% true under Trump as well. This has NOTHING to do with Biden.

All you do is parrot the same nonsense you hear from your elitist masters on right wing media. I hear the same thing from my mother every day. She got brainwashed just like you.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 6:02:39 AM   

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"China was our FRIEND four years ago!!!!" - said no serious person ever

Xi is Putin's ally, and France is on their side now along with the Saudis and several other former allies, all thanks to lying two faced ignorant "Democrats" <spit>


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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 6:27:12 AM   

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"China was our FRIEND four years ago!!!!" - said no serious person ever

Xi is Putin's ally, and France is on their side now along with the Saudis and several other former allies, all thanks to lying two faced ignorant "Democrats" <spit>

That is toooo funny...

Xi, Putin, and MBS are all on Trump's appeasement list. Oh and let's not forget Kim Jong Un!
He lowers the American flag to them.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

'Top of the line': Trump praises 'brilliant' Xi, Kim Jong-Un, Putin

The examples of Trump denegrating thee US and bowing to Putin are endless, but this one is one of tthe worsr, besides Helsinki... Trump's reaction to Putin's wholesale assination of political opponents. See below

Trump defends Putin: ‘You think our country’s so innocent?’

OK... Now to MBS (after he murdered a NY Times columnist by brutally beating him to death and having his body chopped up in pieces), whose family were US citizens living in the US.

Trump praises Saudi crown prince, ignores questions on Khashoggi killing

This is why this America-hating traitor and his America last policies needs to be as far from the WHite House as possible.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/12/2023 3:48:09 PM   

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10% for the big guy

Never forget - this story broke before Biden was installed, but the FBI covered it up. The only reason we're learning these details now is that "Democrats" <spit> lost the House

Cathay Bank Releases Records Showing Millions in Transactions Between Hunter Biden and Chinese Firms

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 4/12/2023 3:55:51 PM >


Thought Criminal

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 6:41:22 AM   

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10% for the big guy

Never forget - this story broke before Biden was installed, but the FBI covered it up. The only reason we're learning these details now is that "Democrats" <spit> lost the House

Cathay Bank Releases Records Showing Millions in Transactions Between Hunter Biden and Chinese Firms

Good-for-nothing drug addled son. No business experience.

Raking in mountains of Chinese Communist Party cash, raking in laundered American cash from Ukraine

"Democrats" / FBI - "Nothing to see here."


Thought Criminal

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 9:02:17 AM   

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Biden confuses All Blacks rugby team with brutal police force


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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 11:26:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

1. China is not our friend

"China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!" "They're not bad folks, folks!!!" - Joe Biden, aka "The Big Guy" @10%

And here I thought the soviets were going to bury us...and they didn't. SO now China is going to eat our lunch, that nice big lunch the US put on its credit card ? [capitalists are loath to pay for anything]

But I think I have figured it out. Knowing full well that the capitalist is a natural born fascist and will in fact bring on the NWO of capitalist fascism so these guys are telling us that it will be China's fault.

Strangely, it will be. That's because for 30 years the western capitalist has very much admired Chinese fascism and feel [it] to be the role model for western fascism. So China and the US will be full partners in the coming worldwide capitalist fascism.

Success in the US at least partially yet successfully blamed on China, will inspire US capitulation. Fear does work in such wonderful ways.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 4:34:26 PM   

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Ex-Obama staffer blows whistle on Biden 'kickback scheme' after Hunter joined Burisma: 'Malfeasance in office'

Former White House stenographer pushes to testify under oath in Hunter Biden grand jury case after sending tip to FBI


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(in reply to RealDominantLover)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 4:41:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: RealDominantLover

And here I thought the soviets were going to bury us...and they didn't.

Rah Rah Reagan

Sucks ass that Biden's the exact opposite of Reagan


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(in reply to RealDominantLover)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 4/13/2023 7:49:24 PM   

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10% for the big guy

Never forget - this story broke before Biden was installed, but the FBI covered it up. The only reason we're learning these details now is that "Democrats" <spit> lost the House

Cathay Bank Releases Records Showing Millions in Transactions Between Hunter Biden and Chinese Firms

Good-for-nothing drug addled son. No business experience.

Raking in mountains of Chinese Communist Party cash, raking in laundered American cash from Ukraine

"Democrats" / FBI - "Nothing to see here."

He is a crack addict that was good at naking $$$ off of his last name. So??????

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