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Joined: 12/10/2016 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: JVoV And again, you fail to respond and make any attempt at discussion. Too busy "pwning teh libs" and doing your usual drive-by FR article posting. Yeah, you hate the environment. Maybe you should read (or watch) The Lorax. It's Dr Seuss, but before he got all censored and stuff. Released in 1971, so older than me. The book is suggested for a 2nd to 4th grade reading level, so if you get stuck on a word, just sound it out. You have to make it personal because you have no real arguments. In the REAL world, no one hates the environment, that's your cult mindwash barking at shadows. Petroleum is 100% natural, and (combined with capitalism) is the sole reason hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of abject poverty all over the globe. I challenge you to stop using everything made possible with fossil fuels right now, this very minute Go live in self righteousness in a cave somewhere eating bark and grass Compare fossil fuel recovery operations to your vast open pit child slave labor mining operations in Africa, your huge Chinese slave farms producing your solar panels, the gargantuan tracts of land and sea covered with wind and solar farms, and the FACT that every "green" gadget is made possible in one way or another through the use of mind-boggling quantities of petroleum products And the fact that it is not cost efficient to "go green" and that governments everywhere are taking gobs of cash from citizen taxpayers to support / subsidize the crony capitalist gazillionaires who are exploiting this scam to the fullest, this massive money laundering kickback operation They are telling you with straight faces that if you eat bugs you can change the weather, and you gladly go along with everything they preach while bathing in the luxury of oil
Thought Criminal