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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/2/2023 11:51:16 PM   

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Wait, you're against crony capitalism? It's not the crony part, since you're totally ok with Jared & Ivanka working in the White House and all that.
It can't be the capitalism part, since that would make you a commie, which you claim to despise so much.

Oh, I guess you think someone unqualified for a position is anyone you don't like? As opposed to someone that doesn't actually have the education, experience, training, etc for the job.

You are just all kinds of full of shit, huh?

You have no idea what words mean, so you pretend all these things.

I know words. I have the best words.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/3/2023 1:49:37 PM   

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At least this time there couldn't possibly have been any damage dome

Video - Biden Hits Head Exiting Marine One

Looks like a walking corpse


Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/3/2023 3:15:47 PM   

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Yeah, short people don't have that problem. President Biden is 6 foot even, about 3 inches shorter than me. I tend to duck when there's a ceiling fan in somebody's house. Luckily my ceilings are fairly high, so I don't have that problem at home. I did have to have my kitchen custom designed for my height though.

Going to the grocery store is fun. I don't mind handing little old ladies stuff off the top shelf, because they're usually in my way of a lower shelf, so I can just ask them to hand me whatever it is. Seems fair.

It's always fun to laugh at someone else's misfortune, as long as they're ok. But we should all remember that Kamala is next in line, so don't laugh to much.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/3/2023 9:32:06 PM   

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"Democrats" despise the poor.


Biden admin issues drilling ban near Indigenous site despite tribes saying it would increase poverty

Members of Navajo Nation opposed this ban, saying it would hurt them financially.


Thought Criminal

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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/4/2023 12:27:29 AM   

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And again, you fail to respond and make any attempt at discussion. Too busy "pwning teh libs" and doing your usual drive-by FR article posting.

Yeah, you hate the environment. Maybe you should read (or watch) The Lorax. It's Dr Seuss, but before he got all censored and stuff. Released in 1971, so older than me. The book is suggested for a 2nd to 4th grade reading level, so if you get stuck on a word, just sound it out.

< Message edited by JVoV -- 6/4/2023 12:29:00 AM >

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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/4/2023 6:44:39 AM   

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And again, you fail to respond and make any attempt at discussion. Too busy "pwning teh libs" and doing your usual drive-by FR article posting.

Yeah, you hate the environment. Maybe you should read (or watch) The Lorax. It's Dr Seuss, but before he got all censored and stuff. Released in 1971, so older than me. The book is suggested for a 2nd to 4th grade reading level, so if you get stuck on a word, just sound it out.

You have to make it personal because you have no real arguments. In the REAL world, no one hates the environment, that's your cult mindwash barking at shadows. Petroleum is 100% natural, and (combined with capitalism) is the sole reason hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of abject poverty all over the globe.

I challenge you to stop using everything made possible with fossil fuels right now, this very minute

Go live in self righteousness in a cave somewhere eating bark and grass

Compare fossil fuel recovery operations to your vast open pit child slave labor mining operations in Africa, your huge Chinese slave farms producing your solar panels, the gargantuan tracts of land and sea covered with wind and solar farms, and the FACT that every "green" gadget is made possible in one way or another through the use of mind-boggling quantities of petroleum products

And the fact that it is not cost efficient to "go green" and that governments everywhere are taking gobs of cash from citizen taxpayers to support / subsidize the crony capitalist gazillionaires who are exploiting this scam to the fullest, this massive money laundering kickback operation

They are telling you with straight faces that if you eat bugs you can change the weather, and you gladly go along with everything they preach while bathing in the luxury of oil


Thought Criminal

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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/4/2023 7:00:37 AM   

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Wind and solar don't always work, because of things like night and calm weather

So the energy they produce has to be stored

We're talking, batteries in your cars, batteries to charge your car batteries, batteries to charge train batteries, batteries to charge the batteries that melt the steel required to produce your espresso machine... Batteries to pump the water you drink, batteries to pump your sewage... Batteries to run every thing on Earth. Heat and cool schools, shopping centers, homes and factories...

How much lithium and other "green" toxins do you want in your environment exactly


Thought Criminal

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/4/2023 10:26:04 AM   

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At least this time there couldn't possibly have been any damage dome

Video - Biden Hits Head Exiting Marine One

Looks like a walking corpse

A BAD case of BDS :(

(in reply to BoscoX)
Profile   Post #: 228
RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/4/2023 11:40:22 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

A BAD case of BDS :(

President Ford was perhaps the healthiest, most physically fit president we have ever had - an all American Michigan State football star. He tripped on a flight of stairs one time and it cost him the presidency

President Trump walked slowly and carefully down a wet slick ramp once. CNN played the footage on a loop, and "Democrats" were screaming about invoking the 25th amendment.

But you have your delusions to live out, don't let the facts interrupt you. Have it your way - your Alzheimer's klutz daddy is perfect in every way

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 6/4/2023 11:50:02 AM >


Thought Criminal

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/5/2023 6:14:47 AM   

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Yeah, that whole pardoning Nixon thing had nothing to do with anyone's decision to vote for Carter. It was that damn gravity!

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/5/2023 7:09:31 AM   

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Yeah, that whole pardoning Nixon thing had nothing to do with anyone's decision to vote for Carter. It was that damn gravity!

Oftentimes after voting in a "Democrat" as president for whatever reason, or when a "Democrat" manages to steal an election? There is almost instant regret:

American voters gave President Reagan a massive 49-state landslide

Arizona County Sees 377% Surge in Human Smuggling, 610% Hike in Fentanyl Under Biden


Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/5/2023 9:52:25 AM   

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You criticize Reagan, but continue to spout his achievements like they're your own. That's some damn fine hypocrisy there.

Percents don't mean much, unless they do. A 7000% increase could still be a very small amount. Like a multivitamin label telling you how much Vitamin C it has. What are the absolute numbers?

Sometimes, the president and their policies can be directly responsible for things, and sometimes there are so many other factors to consider.

If a county has an increase in any illegal drug, it seems that the policies of that county need to change. Criminals probably targeted that county because of its inefficiency.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/6/2023 6:40:30 AM   

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You criticize Reagan

Are you insane or just stupid


Thought Criminal

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Profile   Post #: 233
RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/6/2023 4:15:22 PM   

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I suppose you're denying any criticism of Ronnie? You now think he was perfect in every way, huh?

It wasn't so long ago that you were howling about Ronnie being all big government. In my opinion, the size of government isn't an issue; the effectiveness of that size is what's important.

Long lines at the Social Security office or the DMV are just stupid, they need to hire more people and schedule appropriately. In many ways, our government needs to work more like actual businesses should (but don't always). The term "big government" is meaningless; it's a dog whistle for cutting taxes. I'm more concerned about the efficiency of the government, whatever size it may be.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: FINALLY - Someone in charge who know what he's doing! - 6/10/2023 8:08:34 AM   

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I suppose you're denying any criticism of Ronnie? You now think he was perfect in every way, huh?

It wasn't so long ago that you were howling about Ronnie being all big government. In my opinion, the size of government isn't an issue; the effectiveness of that size is what's important.

Honestly, I don't recall BoscoX ever being critical of Ronnie. Can you find a post on here that illustrates that?

I would say, even Ronnie, as corrupt and full of shit as he was, would be disgusted by the even more corrupt and radical state of the Republican party today.

I mean, you even have people like Alberto Gonzalez and Karl Rove as the voices of reason today. Just when you think, the most corrupt liars to ever serve in office cannot be out corrupted and could not have their dishonesty matched, these very same people are the voices of reason against today's Repuiblicans.

Look at Bill Barr and Chris Christie. Two completely lying fat fucks who are FINALLY doing the right thing.

And BTW: I think JFK would be equally as disgusted with the Democrats with the infiltration of gender and race ideology into politics.. (As well as the horrible border policy and electing incompetent prosecutors who allow crime to run rampant)

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