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Joined: 12/2/2006 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: BoscoX quote:
ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01 They behave like bratty children. Were you automatically anointed without debate like your glorious queen BoscoX, my good friend... Please read my post for COMPREHENSION this time. I said NOTHING about avoiding debate. I said.... quote:
The time to debate passed months ago after the Novemeber midterms. My point was not that there should be no debate. My point is they knew this deadline was coming, and put their own petty thirst for camera time ahead of debating and making a decision. If they were actually adults capable of governing, they would have had debates privately MONTHS ago, and come to a consensus. That is what leadership is. As of this writing, we now have NO functioning House of Representatives. It has no speaker, can swear in NO ONE, and can pass ZERO legislation, and is currently being led by the House Clerk. Thanks to the "leadership" of the Republicans. The "system" - basically the rules of the House, ASSUMED that responsible adults would occupy these seats and act like leaders. The system was NOT designed to have missed deadlines and a completely non-functional House.