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No Speaker today? - 1/3/2023 5:06:27 PM   

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Well, the GOP spent day one pf their turn controlling the House by not electing a Speaker of the House. Of course, that has to be done before they can do any legislating. Ugh. What a mess.
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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/3/2023 8:30:35 PM   

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Republicans Gather In Congress To Vote On Who Will Fail The Voters This Time

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Republicans in Congress are gathering to vote for their preferred politician who will let the voters down over the next two years.

"This is an honorable tradition, where we come together as team players to choose the one man who will most effectively preserve our power while doing the opposite of everything we promised our voters and spending trillions of dollars," said Rep. Dan Crenshaw. "Anyone who opposes our pick is anti-American!"

At publishing time, Republicans had considered just electing a Democrat Speaker of the House since there isn't much difference anyway.



Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/3/2023 10:00:24 PM   

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So by not electing a Speaker, the entire dysfunctional GOP can fail us equally. Good plan.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 6:18:16 AM   

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So by not electing a Speaker, the entire dysfunctional GOP can fail us equally. Good plan.

That post is literally parody from the Babylon Bee, but go on preaching brother Cletus

Today's mindless leftists have been raised to religiously believe that the American system shall march in lockstep with their corporate uniparty masters - and that's not healthy

This is not dysfunction

It's called debating leadership choices, and it's how our system was designed to work.


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 6:37:02 AM   

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It has been 2 months since the election. That is plenty of time to get all the wheeling and dealing done. This is the first time in a century a Speaker of the House wasn't elected on the first ballot.

100 years since we've seen this happen. That is dysfunction. It was then. It is now

< Message edited by JVoV -- 1/4/2023 6:43:47 AM >

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 7:16:43 AM   

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It has been 2 months since the election. That is plenty of time to get all the wheeling and dealing done. This is the first time in a century a Speaker of the House wasn't elected on the first ballot.

100 years since we've seen this happen. That is dysfunction. It was then. It is now

Ah, Jeff Bezos' personal rag, WaPo

And... You believe him, when he informs you that it's always better when we as a nation march in brutal lockstep with the Democrat's insider trading elitist owners, such as Nancy Pelos...

Got it.


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 7:23:20 AM   

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"OH NO - the ruling class elitists are facing a mutiny!!!"

"QUICK, call in the useful idiots. Call in the FBI. SHUT DOWN THAT DANGEROUS FREE SPEECH!!!!"

"Our Democracy is being threatened"


Conservative revolt against McCarthy poised to spread to others in GOP establishment

Activists also set sights on RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Senate leader Mitch McConnell



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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 7:45:12 AM   

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I just google and post a link. It is a news story, not opinion, so the facts are legit. Of course, you want to attack the source, and not deal with the facts.

And yup, the GOP is a damn mess. And which "conservatives" are revolting?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 8:37:23 AM   

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The public education system is a “damn mess” when rubes really expect Washington power brokers to always get along perfectly, with true representatives of the people in a functioning republic.


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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 10:46:32 AM   

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Right. So it's my expectations in question now. Nevermind the House has managed to elect a Speaker on day one for 100 years in a row. Both parties.

The GOP is being held hostage by some nutjobs. And they brought it on themselves. Is it possible for you to just say "Yeah, Idk. They cray cray"? Cuz they is. Completely cray cray.

Could you possibly be embarrassed by anything your party does anymore? I don't know a Dem that supports their entire agenda. Or has total faith in any of our elected leaders. We just hope for the best.

Is it possible to discuss the issues without attacks? There is very little in political events that is personal to me. Biden. Trump. Nothing they've done can I take credit or blame for, other than maybe a vote.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 6:37:58 PM   

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Oh look. Day two. No Speaker. New members of the House can't even be sworn in yet.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 7:53:43 PM   

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Leftist trash is proud of keeping Pelosi in power right

Showed us how it's done right


Confronting Pelosi on insider trading


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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 8:04:26 PM   

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Burning Pelosi at the stake still wouldn't give us a Speaker of the House. But obfuscate some more.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/4/2023 8:17:17 PM   

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Burning Pelosi at the stake still wouldn't give us a Speaker of the House. But obfuscate some more.

You are too stupid to understand the point. Do you even realize how stupid you are?

You Nancy people are in no position to lecture and preach to anyone about how to choose a House speaker

Get it yet (I doubt it)


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 1:37:33 AM   

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I get that Nancy has nothing to do with the GOP's impotence and dysfunction in the matter. And I get that you would rather bash Dems instead of admitting your own party may have some flaws. We wouldn't blame you personally for that, you know. It's not your fault your party's been taken hostage by the lunatics. Sometimes, people just be cray cray.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 7:29:59 AM   

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This is not dysfunction
It's called debating leadership choices, and it's how our system was designed to work.

I would have to vehemently disagree with you on this. This is absolutely NOT how the system was designed to work. You are conflating voting with debating.

The time to debate passed months ago after the Novemeber midterms.

As an executive in the corporate world, I have deadlines all the time. Often, I need to coordinate and collect information and input from a variety of sources in order to make an informed decision by the deadline. Often, my deicision results in a VOTE on the executive committee ON the deadline day.

This is how responsible adults work. This is how leaders work.

The House Republicans are not responsible adults, and they sure as hell are not leaders.

They behave like bratty children.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 7:43:57 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

They behave like bratty children.

Were you automatically anointed without debate like your glorious queen


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 12:15:59 PM   

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What debate was required? Pelosi was chosen by the Democratic Caucus to be Speaker, and there was a vote, which Pelosi won on the first day of that new Congress.

Now the Freedumb Caucus wants McCarthy to agree to only one member of the House calling for his removal to require a vote. So who is in that Freedom Caucus? Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjory Taylor-Green... Well, by all means put those 3 in charge. We should have mandatory concealed carry of our underage Jewish space lasers.

Matt Gaetz voted for Trump. In the House Speaker vote. Does he not know how this works? Or is he trying to be difficult?
Lauren Boebert has pledged a no vote for McCarthy.
Oh but Marjorie Taylor Greene supports McCarthy. Why? Cuz Gaetz & Boebert didn't negotiate anything for her. Awww.

Phones exist. Emails. People can be in the same place and talk. Negotiations don't have to be done on the House floor anymore. Only the votes do, or actual debates. Debates, as in the exchange of ideas in order to persuade another.

But I guess this fits in with an obstructionist agenda though. Nothing can be passed by Congress until a Speaker is elected, because the House can't pass or even debate bills without a Speaker.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 12:33:26 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

They behave like bratty children.

Were you automatically anointed without debate like your glorious queen

BoscoX, my good friend... Please read my post for COMPREHENSION this time. I said NOTHING about avoiding debate. I said....

The time to debate passed months ago after the Novemeber midterms.

My point was not that there should be no debate. My point is they knew this deadline was coming, and put their own petty thirst for camera time ahead of debating and making a decision. If they were actually adults capable of governing, they would have had debates privately MONTHS ago, and come to a consensus. That is what leadership is.

As of this writing, we now have NO functioning House of Representatives. It has no speaker, can swear in NO ONE, and can pass ZERO legislation, and is currently being led by the House Clerk.

Thanks to the "leadership" of the Republicans.

The "system" - basically the rules of the House, ASSUMED that responsible adults would occupy these seats and act like leaders.
The system was NOT designed to have missed deadlines and a completely non-functional House.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/5/2023 3:45:47 PM   

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"This is now the longest speaker contest in 164 years." - CNN

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