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Joined: 3/9/2015 Status: offline
Wow. That's like 15 years of free gubmint. Nah. There is a budget every year. Mandated by the Constitution. We spend lots of money. It's an insane number that is just out there. Trillions? Idk. It's a lot. Do we get mad at the total number? Or mad about any of it wasted? Iconsider myself to be fiscally conservative. We shouldn't spend more than we take in. Now, we can discuss how to bring in more, or ways to spend less. We should. Congress should. But reality kicks in and there has to be a budget or the government shuts down, and we have to have a budget that gets approved by both houses of Congress, then gets signed by the President. So reality. Dems have the White House and the Senate. GOP has the House. At best, I think the budget can be reigned in at last year's level, with some monetary priorities shifting. I don't think a balanced budget is possible in this political environment. And if that is the goal of even one GOP House member, we're screwed.