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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/8/2023 9:55:21 AM   

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Fast reply -

As if anyone needs proof that leftists should never be allowed anywhere near power - not only did their wildly partisan hack witch hunt show trial fiasco coven publish the private tax info of their top political opponent, they also published the social security numbers of other political opponents


Kristi Noem demands answers after US Government leaks social security numbers of her and family
The letter from Noem's lawyers demands an answer by Jan. 13

Except this was a mistake made by the GPO, the Government Publishing Office. There is no evidence of their party affiliation. Most likely holdover from the Trump administration.


< Message edited by MasterJaguar01 -- 1/8/2023 9:57:21 AM >

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/8/2023 10:05:40 AM   

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The IRS is required to audit a President each year. That has been their self-imposed regulation since 1977, and neither party has taken issue with it until now. Then again, we've never had a president with so much (to hide) until Trump.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/8/2023 12:30:45 PM   

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The IRS is required to audit a President each year. That has been their self-imposed regulation since 1977, and neither party has taken issue with it until now. Then again, we've never had a president with so much (to hide) until Trump.

Just a note. He flat out lied dozens of times. Claiming he was under audit.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/8/2023 1:06:16 PM   

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'He' being Trump? It's a believable lie though. Everybody hates the IRS. And we would hope they'd have audited someone at that tax bracket. It would also be hard to disprove. And even if it was disproven, Trump could easily say he was told by one of his nameless people that he was.

< Message edited by JVoV -- 1/8/2023 1:09:26 PM >

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/9/2023 2:33:23 PM   

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McCarthy finally

McCarthy's victory in the 15th ballot ended the deepest congressional dysfunction in over 160 years. But it sharply illustrated the difficulties he will face in leading a narrow and deeply polarized majority.

So finally, we have a Speaker. Let the chaos commence!

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 8:44:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Fast reply -

As if anyone needs proof that leftists should never be allowed anywhere near power - not only did their wildly partisan hack witch hunt show trial fiasco coven publish the private tax info of their top political opponent, they also published the social security numbers of other political opponents


Kristi Noem demands answers after US Government leaks social security numbers of her and family
The letter from Noem's lawyers demands an answer by Jan. 13

Except this was a mistake made by the GPO, the Government Publishing Office. There is no evidence of their party affiliation. Most likely holdover from the Trump administration.


Sure it was. And we believe you, too.


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 8:49:15 AM   

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McCarthy finally

McCarthy's victory in the 15th ballot ended the deepest congressional dysfunction in over 160 years. But it sharply illustrated the difficulties he will face in leading a narrow and deeply polarized majority.

So finally, we have a Speaker. Let the chaos commence!

Miss mindless communists marching in lockstep with your vile insider trading queen much


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 1:44:27 PM   

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Not exactly. I just dont like the idea that a single member od the House can derail budget negotiations at the last minute. It's bad enough that they cant get the budget done on time when a songle party runs both the House and Senate.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 3:55:32 PM   

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FR -

Oooh!!! Oooh!!! OOoh!!! Let's all jump for joy now!!!!

The people's business is underway!!!

Impeachment Articles Filed Against Failed DHS Secretary Mayorkas

McCarthy to Remove Schiff, Omar, and Swalwell From Congressional Committees

Lauren Boebert Celebrates GOP's First Bill Slashing Funding for the IRS

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 1/10/2023 4:00:15 PM >


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 4:01:43 PM   

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Not exactly. I just dont like the idea that a single member od the House can derail budget negotiations at the last minute. It's bad enough that they cant get the budget done on time when a songle party runs both the House and Senate.


There are no budget negotiations

We haven't had a budget since around 2008


Thought Criminal

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/10/2023 5:16:05 PM   

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Wow. That's like 15 years of free gubmint.

Nah. There is a budget every year. Mandated by the Constitution. We spend lots of money. It's an insane number that is just out there. Trillions? Idk. It's a lot. Do we get mad at the total number? Or mad about any of it wasted?

Iconsider myself to be fiscally conservative. We shouldn't spend more than we take in. Now, we can discuss how to bring in more, or ways to spend less. We should. Congress should. But reality kicks in and there has to be a budget or the government shuts down, and we have to have a budget that gets approved by both houses of Congress, then gets signed by the President.

So reality. Dems have the White House and the Senate. GOP has the House. At best, I think the budget can be reigned in at last year's level, with some monetary priorities shifting. I don't think a balanced budget is possible in this political environment. And if that is the goal of even one GOP House member, we're screwed.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 7:24:23 AM   

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Oooh!!! Oooh!!! OOoh!!! Let's all jump for joy now!!!!

The people's business is underway!!!

Lauren Boebert Celebrates GOP's First Bill Slashing Funding for the IRS

Yes the people's business! Jump for joy! Now we get to wait longer for our tax refunds! Yay!

Staffing shortages at the IRS

Thanks GOP! Lauren can do a victory dance!

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 7:48:59 AM   

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No real connection there, MJ. The dates are too far off.

Somehow I doubt Boebert's bill will pass even the House. But the agency doesn't need to be politicized. Everybody hates them equally.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 7:59:28 AM   

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No real connection there, MJ. The dates are too far off.

Somehow I doubt Boebert's bill will pass even the House. But the agency doesn't need to be politicized. Everybody hates them equally.

They are absolutely connected and directly related. The IIRS remains short staffed TODAY.



National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins stressed in her 2022 Objectives Report to Congress that workforce instability has been ongoing. “The size of the IRS workforce has declined significantly since FY 2010,” wrote Collins. “During this decline, the IRS has been unable to keep pace with its projected hiring, causing positions that help carry out its crucial mission of tax administration to go unfilled.” She added that each year, about 5,600 IRS employees leave for the private sector or another job.

“If the IRS does not make significant changes, these staffing shortages will compound and pose significant threats to the U.S. Treasury and indirectly harm taxpayer services and voluntary compliance,” said Collins.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 10:01:43 AM   

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Businesses of all sorts have been complaining of a worker shortage. The IRS is no different. But Boebert's bill, introduced in 2023, has no impact on worker shortages in 2022, aside from the continuous and unnecessary politicization of the agency.

Of course, I never said Boebert actually looked at the agency's books at all, before 'writing' her bill. Or that it was anything more than an attempt to OWN THE LIBS. Or that it made any sense at all.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 10:40:55 AM   

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Businesses of all sorts have been complaining of a worker shortage. The IRS is no different. But Boebert's bill, introduced in 2023, has no impact on worker shortages in 2022, aside from the continuous and unnecessary politicization of the agency.

<face palm>

True. But completely irrelevant.

It has a huge impact on IRS staff shortages in 2023, which have been going on since before 2022.

Also equally as irrelevant to my post is whether or not it passes the House or the Senate.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 2:49:25 PM   

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The only thing relevant is owning the libs. If the Communist Democrats want it, it must be bad. Cuz freedom!!!!!

Meanwhile, Dems want a functional government. Healthcare. Education. Housing. Civil rights.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 5:20:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Businesses of all sorts have been complaining of a worker shortage. The IRS is no different. But Boebert's bill, introduced in 2023, has no impact on worker shortages in 2022, aside from the continuous and unnecessary politicization of the agency.

<face palm>

True. But completely irrelevant.

It has a huge impact on IRS staff shortages in 2023, which have been going on since before 2022.

Also equally as irrelevant to my post is whether or not it passes the House or the Senate.

Just a couple notes...

1. Bobert is celebrating it. It is not her bill.
2. It has already passed the House.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/18/2023 9:12:24 PM   

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Does Janet Yellen ever show up with good news? We have only a few hours left to raise the debt ceiling now, as we are estimated to hit it today. Even though Congress passed funding for stuff already.

So I'm betting the IRS gets sacrificed in order to get a deal. Dems may get half of what they wanted. May get no more than we have now. The budget may freeze spending at 2022 levels. Or it may actually get cut.

Either way, this is gonna suck.

Edited to add: I was uncertain, so I had write in quotations. And honestly, I didn't care enough to read the article again.
And I'm not surprised that a conservative bill was passed by a conservative majority. We may actually see more of that in this term.

< Message edited by JVoV -- 1/18/2023 9:16:50 PM >

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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/28/2023 5:26:38 PM   

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Video - Geraldo Rivera has his ass handed to him by Matt Gaetz regarding the contest for Speaker. What was accomplished...


Thought Criminal

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