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RE: No Speaker today? - 1/28/2023 10:41:52 PM   

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Two people I care nothing about in a video I don't care to watch. Even if they're wrestling in pudding. Maybe especially then.

The truth? McCarthy gave up concessions to be Speaker that likely cost the GOP a lot moving forward. They look like complete buffoons now. And if they go after the Biden's, and can't produce solid evidence of a crime, they'll look worse. McCarthy's Speakership is also very frail, as he could be tossed on his ass whenever. You may see them as features, but some of us view the things as disasters waiting to happen.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 5/30/2023 12:01:50 PM   

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Oh it was so much fun the first time, they wanna do it again already!

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RE: No Speaker today? - 5/31/2023 4:38:37 AM   

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Oh it was so much fun the first time, they wanna do it again already!

I don't think anything will come of this. Just a lot of bluster for the base.

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Profile   Post #: 63
RE: No Speaker today? - 10/4/2023 12:15:29 AM   

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Well, that was ignorant. McCarthy was ousted as Speaker today. The Republicans don't have an obvious successor ready to go, so voting will probably start next week.

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking on the stopgap funding bill. Which is probably what the primary objective is here anyway.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/4/2023 1:33:13 PM   

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The bright side is you now know how many nuts there are. Only 8? I expected to to see MJT on that list. any reason I didnt?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/5/2023 8:16:22 PM   

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She hasn't really given a reason that I know of. She has said that she understands Gaetz's frustrations, but wouldn't vote McCaerhy out.

She probably just didn't want to vote the same way as AOC.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/6/2023 3:44:25 PM   

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I will pick a few holes in that.
I see you now have no house speaker? Amazing your thread is valid today.

Do you know how we pick ours?

What did you think of McCarthy?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/7/2023 1:56:37 PM   

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I think McCarthy had an impossible task, getting the GOP House to be functional. There are those in the House that don't want a functional government, or at least not the one we have.

I don't upquite understand the Dems not backing him though. It's entirely possible we may get someone worse. One of the names I keep seeing is Jim Jordan, who would definitely be worse.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/8/2023 8:28:36 AM   

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It also crossed my mind why they did not back him.

Even though the effort to oust McCarthy was instigated by Republicans, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries urged House Democrats to join them in voting against the Speaker. In a statement released before the vote, Jeffries explained his reasoning, saying McCarthy had brought this on himself by using his short tenure as Speaker to cater to extremists in his party. He pointed to the chaotic 15 rounds of voting that the House endured back in January to pick McCarthy as Speaker, a process in which McCarthy made concessions to far-right Republicans, including allowing any one member to force a motion to vacate.

Oddly McCarthy was unwilling to make concessions to the Democrats. And, if I remember correctly, muppet McCarthy put some of those MAGA crazies on committees.

Our speaker is allegedly impartial. Anyone can be nominated no matter who is in power. And so should yours but you have that curious thing where they are second in the pecking order for potus.

How many rounds this time?
The Democrats also benefit from making the Republican shambles look like the headless crazed clowns they are.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/14/2023 6:22:19 AM   

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I'm slightly terrified that by not keeping McCarthy safe, the Dems have left the seat open for someone far worse - namely, Jim Jordan. If Jordan gets to be Speaker, the House moves further to the right, and to the questionable, if not criminal,

This is gonna suck.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/14/2023 8:34:31 AM   

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What are Jim Jordan and Austin Scott like - better asked as how mad or not barking mad enough? I knew little about McCarthy. I paid a-little attention when slugger McCarthy gloriously triumphed at round 15 when he folded like a cheap suit. Also, remember he let some of those nutters on committees.

They really went after crack addict Hunter Biden and impeachment for Senile Joe Biden with fabricated hearsay and lies. I would class that as witch hunt in the league of Salem. Fucking madness it really is. If the House accomplished any more business, or actual business, I am none of the wiser?

You are being far too rational as realistically the Democrats, even a token 6, shouldn't vote for that complete shambles.
Another point - how long does it take to select a speaker and to vote for said speaker?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/16/2023 6:56:54 AM   

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Jim Jordan is one of those nutters that wants to impeach Biden. He was at Ohio State when the wrestling team was having sexual abuse issues. A few wrestlers even claim he knew about it. There are other investigations on him as well.

I haven't heard of the other guy, so I'm guessing he's less of a nutter?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/16/2023 10:30:15 AM   

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If I get bored I will occasionally look up an American politician, especially if your crowd are going at it hammer and tongs. Which seems to be the case since the accession of the Orange Despot. I am actually surprised we haven't seen civil war. Sad but true, I count what happened on January 6th as civil war. If he gets back in it will be the end of Democracy as you know it.

What does the House actually do? I could look that up but lets see if we can get some more users back here talking

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/16/2023 12:54:22 PM   

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The House doesn't do much of anything lately. Investigations & impeachments. But it supposed to be our lower chamber of parliament, responsible for passing laws to keep the country going, including passing a budget to keep the government going.

There are some seriously outspoken House members that Garner far too much media coverage. But most of this coverage has to do with personality instead of policy. Admittedly, they do say some rather stupid things. It's hard to make sense out of a party that supports Israel while talking about Jewish space lasers.

Really, I don't think we have to wait until next November to see if democracy will continue. I think we'll get an answer possibly this week.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/16/2023 3:32:05 PM   

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Are you saying the House is like my Parliament? That I can understand.

House is 2 years.
Senate is 6 years.
Potus is 4 years.

All are staggered or is it just the Senate?

For the love of God don't ask me what the House of Lords is.

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Profile   Post #: 75
RE: No Speaker today? - 10/18/2023 12:20:19 PM   

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I was bored last night so I looked up Jim Jordan.

1. Jim Jordan has still not acknowledged loser Trump's 2020 election hammering to Joe Biden. Not only is Jim Jordan treasonous weasel he does not even believe in electoral democracy, the very same democracy who elected him. that make sense to any of you?

2. Jordan has a mega-lengthy list of controversial positions. Here’s one to jog your memory — Jordan and then Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) convinced Trump to plunge the federal government into the longest shutdown in history in 2018. And they got nothing for it. again make sense and speaker at that

I take it that is the sane shit? Please mull your time over my first two points.

What was the wrestle thing about or should I pitch that one to the papal lot?

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/19/2023 3:54:57 PM   

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I forget the exact details, it's been a while. Sone wrestlers said their coach sexually abused them and Jordan knew it was happening. I think he was a coach or something then too?

Anyway, he's gonna try again for the speaker vote. Not sure anybody that voted against him before is gonna change their votes though. One Representative says she's had death threats since the vote, another says his district had robocalls urging voters to convince him to vote for Jordan...

< Message edited by JVoV -- 10/19/2023 4:40:09 PM >

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/19/2023 4:00:42 PM   

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‘I’ve had 4 death threats’ over speaker vote, Rep. Ken Buck says and the rest of the naysayers, and their families and friends.

Unhinged America Democracy at its finest as the extreme GOP go about their version of democracy to pick an election denier as their leader of the House.

I used to think Russia was bad.

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RE: No Speaker today? - 10/19/2023 4:41:38 PM   

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Everybody likes democracy as long as they get what they want.

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Profile   Post #: 79
RE: No Speaker today? - 10/20/2023 8:44:49 AM   

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I think I am beginning to understand American Democracy:

1. If you win an election then you are elected makes sense that part
2. If you are elected and lose your next election then it was fixed by the cheating democrats, hence times are for insurrection, treason, January 6th, death threats, dismantle democracy, and all that. rule two obviously only applies to Republicans.
3. POTUS - you can be hammered in both elections yet win one of them and lose one of them a little confusing but I grasp how that one works

House Speaker - you can be ousted by one lunatic and have an even worse lunatic take his place. Note that McCarthy did his 15 rounds in a day or 2 unlike the mental coward Jim Jordan.

I think you should vote for Hakeem Jeffries. He is only 4 votes short, I think. A House Speaker should act with impartiality and they need not be a House Member either, I believe. It is clear to me the Republican House speakers cannot act with impartiality and are unfit for purpose let alone as Speaker or a House Member.

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