RE: Gamer subs! (Full Version)

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AquaticSub -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/19/2007 4:16:45 PM)



Neverwinter Nights for the win, lol. I'm sorry it burned out a bit for you. Maybe a break from it was good, or maybe it is time to just move on. But it is a fun game to pass the time.

Aquatic- If it weren't for Titan panel and Thottbot, I wouldn't have so many characters, but I love them all. Is that a Ren Faire pic?

Actually it's an outfit I wore to a local BDSM event. It's a kinky version of the dress worn by Sleeping Beauty in the Disney movie. *Grins* However it was made up of separate pieces, a gauze overskirt, a cotton underskirt, a bodice and then the top. At the event I removed the underskirt so you could see my legs. Now I use the underskirt as a regular skirt at ren fairs. That paired with a homemade blouse and a red bodice and viola! Instant peasent! *Grins*

AquaticSub -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/19/2007 4:21:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: shadevarr


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

So, a question I'd like to pose entirely for the discussion factor because... well... I'll enjoy it. *grins*

If you are a gamer geek sub/slave, does your master/dom want the loot from your kills? More importantly, does your master get the loot from your kills?

Do you kill steal from him? Does he from you? If the answer to either of these questions was yes then: Bad bad gamer! No kill stealing! No pocky for you!

And perhaps most importantly... have you ever accidentally killed your owner due to friendly fire?

These are the questions that haunt us at night.

Ok not really. I'm just being a goof.
 Loot, nah unless your willing to trade at which point it is up to degotiation. Kill stealing off your Dom....hmm...I think that will entail 72 hours off the computer as pennance.

Valyraen's response (He's busy gaming): No, thank you. I would rather not deal with the barrage of high-pitched, whining, affection-starved subbly attention that the computer receives in my place.

Aqua says: I would never, ever, ever beg Valyraen when he's busy for kisses. Ever. Really. I swear.

Ok maybe sometimes... [:)]

xethnkitten -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/19/2007 4:36:41 PM)

My Master, Xeth, and I aren't full time D/s.  He got me into rpging/gaming.  We met at a LARP @ NCSU.  He has GM'd a few games at our place and I have killed a few of his NPCs.  He's so proud of me.  lol

ScreamerGirl -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/19/2007 5:09:38 PM)

*chuckle*  A topic right up my alley.

I'm currently single, but I do have a dom friend that I play WoW with.  He's an orc warrior, I'm a troll priest (both 70) and we rarely play without each other anymore.  I live an hour behind him, so I often farm for him while waiting for him to get online, but we split all our drops down the middle most of the time.  He gets all the blacksmithing stuff, I get all the tailoring stuff *grin*

He was having a conversation on Vent one day with his brother and a couple RL friends (which I missed because I didn't have it on) where someone called him a Priest Pet.  He turned it around and said that if there was a pet in the relationship it was me.  We were all grouped together, and they started hassling him in group and telling him he was in big trouble.  I just laughed and said "If he says I'm the pet, I'm the pet"

Talk about radio silence *grin*

We have a good time together.  We're both single, and it's a fun way to spend time with a friend.  It doesn't hurt that he's a closet dominant.

TheSheepy -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/19/2007 6:16:57 PM)

Contemplating making an outfit like that for Dreamscape... it is pretty much a D&D LARP. And you have to be in costume. Last time, it was cold and raining, and this time it will be hot, but I have no clothing for game in hot weather. That just looks really cute, especially for a caster.
Xethnkitten- Killing their NPC's is priceless, isn't it?[:D]

soulKnife -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/20/2007 6:38:31 AM)

if you're going back to muds you should play shattered world we need more players heh

xethnkitten -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/20/2007 12:04:33 PM)

I also kick his ass in DoA!  He loves that fact. me the quiet,shy girl who doesn't hesitate to have my characters assasinate thug w/ ball point pens and use Kasumi to totally throwdown.  lol

AquaticSub -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/20/2007 6:41:48 PM)



Contemplating making an outfit like that for Dreamscape... it is pretty much a D&D LARP. And you have to be in costume. Last time, it was cold and raining, and this time it will be hot, but I have no clothing for game in hot weather. That just looks really cute, especially for a caster.
Xethnkitten- Killing their NPC's is priceless, isn't it?[:D]

I love it when he looks over my computer, sees that my character is in a really tough situation (mutiple creatures trying to eat her) and says "Nice knowin' ya"... a few minutes later I poke his shoulder, grin and go "I'm still alive!" with carcasses all around me.

xethnkitten -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/21/2007 6:41:46 PM)

TheSheepy:  oh yes! most definitely. 

I love playing the quiet ones.  No one expects her to be bad and then *BLAM* someone dies!  lol yummy.

thornhappy -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/21/2007 7:06:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

So, a question I'd like to pose entirely for the discussion factor because... well... I'll enjoy it. *grins*

If you are a gamer geek sub/slave, does your master/dom want the loot from your kills? More importantly, does your master get the loot from your kills?

Do you kill steal from him? Does he from you? If the answer to either of these questions was yes then: Bad bad gamer! No kill stealing! No pocky for you!

And perhaps most importantly... have you ever accidentally killed your owner due to friendly fire?

These are the questions that haunt us at night.

Ok not really. I'm just being a goof.

well, lessee here.  i'm the gamer, but i do Morrowind instead of the MMORPGs.  i play on "off" nights usually, though my dom's laughed at me a few times while watching me frantically staving off a gang of bad guys.  it would be handy to have someone share the loot from time to time... i'd give them the heavy armor!

i tried a star wars multi-player as a single player and was never, ever rated higher than "bantha fodder".  not something most aspire to.

btw, anyone done boffer wars?

xethnkitten -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/21/2007 8:45:02 PM)

my master and I were a part of a SOLAR group for a while.  He wielded a 2 handed great sword (a six silver) while I was an Earth caster.  I had an awesome *pin* spell.  He loved to go roaring into battle, while I got to sit around playing the defenseless woman and then smack em down before they knew what hit em.  I think we still have some leftover spell packets lying around here somewhere. 

We are also avid larpers. that's where we met. (sorta)  I was the newbie  Toreador ghoul ,who the primogen turned prince of the city fell for and turned.  Vampire the Masquerade for those not in the know.  Master was a Malkie who also fell for her and eventually married her.  She was really naive and I never really got to play her stronger side.  pity. I really loved playing her.  We've also done MAGE and Werewolf.

We've run a few tabletops at our place. Done Serenity and FengShui and Aberrant and the newest VtM.

I miss rpging.  Got into SCA for a bit, but had issues w/ the people in the barony we're nearest.  still contemplating trying to find a new friendlier group to interact with.

rmanrr -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 3:22:32 AM)

But what about the Vorpal Rabbit? I could not resist...bad Jarl,...bad Jarl. heh heh

Be Well, Be Careful

Jarl Rmanrr

Llyren -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 3:27:50 AM)

Ooooo... "vorpal rabbit'?!  That's bad on sooo many levels.  Though I wouldn't mind wielding something with sharp, pointy teeth!  However, certain sorts of 'rabbits' remain very unvorpal.  My soft and moist bits do not need to come in contact with anything vorpal. 


rmanrr -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 3:36:58 AM)

ah, sad, another who has no experience with Monty Python.....oh well, it was worth the shot...heh heh

Be Well, Be Careful

Jarl Rmanrr

rmanrr -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 3:40:47 AM)

General Reply, I play online in a MMORPG, in it I run an empire. We duel, fight wars and such, all based on the battle tech universe. There was once a mech in the duelling arenas which everyone tried to kill, Name of the unit---Big Gay Al...thing is, that unit is one of the toughest units in its weight class...heh. It won a lot of game money for Me and for the owner.

Be Well, Be Careful

Jarl Rmanrr

imtempting -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 4:06:59 AM)

Ah what would be the point of playing an online game if you have to have one person getting all the goods and deciding if the other person can get this or that.

What makes a game fun is discovering stuff and earning it.

Llyren -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 4:41:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: rmanrr

ah, sad, another who has no experience with Monty Python...

You should read more carefully.  You completely missed the sharp pointy teeth reference.  I just expanded it to include the original vorpal sword comment, and then stretched it to the point of only needing a mint,, wafer thin... by mentioning rabbit vibrators.  So if you're claiming that I don't know my Python, then your father was a hamster, and your mother smelt of elderberries!

desertdancer -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 9:11:18 AM)

On the off-line gaming, Master and I played American Mcgee's Alice.  We took turns playing the PC ( Alice) and had a blast.  This game is gorgeous.  There are times when steam fills her skirt and she floats about the screen.  I'm a huge Alice fan.

We also played Gothic 3, well he played and I watched and hummed the theme music over and over while I stitched.  I loved gothic.  I really enjoyed the free will our PC had and how our choices changed the game and what the NPC's were doing as a result of our choices.

We also struggled through NWN2 (Never winter Nights)  oooh I HATED this game, which is sad, because I so adored the first and met Master through playin' it. I was so excited for this game, I counted days 'till it's release, but it so sucked...  The story line was crap, the music was bad and yeah it just sucked.  I hope the on-line will be the mean time I may just replay Alice, wow what an amazing game.


whipofdoom -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 1:43:34 PM)

You reminded me of one of my very first D&D characters. His name was 'Roach Klip". He was the party's token elf. He wore studded patten leather armor, and for weapons he used whips ans chains. Oh, that was so long ago. That was my only attempt to bring my lifestyle into game. I say keep your stuff. Unless you work as a party. Then who ever can use it best for the good of the party should have it.

TheSheepy -> RE: Gamer subs! (3/22/2007 5:45:22 PM)

I currently have a human ranger with two handed weapons and a Wood Elf ranger with bow spec. Two separate D&D games. The human is blase' and runs solo, the Elf is quiet but often travels in a group and gets everyone into very interesting situations. I like my elf better, but that is a better game by far.

Xethnkitten- What state? I live in the atrocity of the Gulf Coast, but did a SOLAR event in Mississippi once. Five hours was simply too far to drive for me to get back for work. *pouts* They should start one here.  Funny, though- my Dom and i met at VTM! W/we were both malkies, and still have those characters, causing chaos in the city! LARP is fun... 'nuff said.

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