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RE: There isn't such a thing as 'races' in humanity. - 8/10/2007 11:08:22 AM   

Posts: 4011
Joined: 6/16/2006
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ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

ORIGINAL: kittinSol

ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave
I wish you lovey doveys would love and dove somewhere else. Try the chat rooms or private mail or something. Thats what I wish

If you don't like to watch us lovey dove, go and be sad elsewhere. Why don't you?!

This is one of the reasons men dont want women in their clubs. We like to have a good argument/discussion about sport or women or politics, not watch people billing and cooing.Wrong place "me gal" lol

Are you seriously saying you would prefer to discuss politics or sports rather than do the horizontal bop with someone who looks like her????? 
Well deep down inside where it really counts I guess I am just a very shallow person.

Its the verbal sugar posted here that's too sweet for me.
Horizontal Tango sounds better. lol

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 581
RE: There isn't such a thing as 'races' in humanity. - 8/10/2007 3:26:01 PM   

Posts: 54
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ORIGINAL: seeksfemslave

lucern: refering to your post 540
last paragraph first. I said racism not race.

As for paragraph 1 once again I am in mind boggle territory. My original point was that social cultural physical intellectual indicators have all been interpreted  to mean that racial divisions exist within the human species by definition.
If those characteristics that we see in say Afro Caribbeans are defined as being racial identifiers then that definition cannot be refuted by recognising that the genotype of this group is similar to that of another group defined as being of another  race with different identifiers
That argument transcends PC thinking and is logically true,

Whether that definition was enthusiasticaly subscribed to by those that made it simply because it supported their own sense of self worth or prejudice again is irrelevant.

Your posts are seemingly so calm and yet so opaque it worries me that I may well be not understanding what you are trying to say.

Know that I'm trying Seeks, and that I find your posts as bewildering in their brevity as you find mine opaque.

Racism vs Race.  *nods*.  For me, this doesn't change anything.  How one can have racial practices (speech, ideas, etc) without a concept of race?

I'll try to clarify, but this medium does not promote understanding in some cases.  You're right when you note that race has been defined by those varied indicators.  My point was, however, opposite of yours - probably due to a difference in scale.  When you take 1000's of concepts of race from around the world, they do not form some coherent backbone of a global racial definition.  Quite the opposite - it highlights their artificial construction while raising it an an issue that needs to be observed, because it is so  prevalent.

In regards to your logical statement, let me try to break it down.
1) If those characteristics that we see in say Afro Caribbeans are defined as being racial identifiers
2) then that definition cannot be refuted by recognising that the genotype of this group is similar to that of another group defined as being of another  race with different identifiers

In this statement I see both face validity and the potential for misunderstanding - particularly with the first part.  Who has done the defining?  What kind of agreement exists about the definitions of characteristics?  Are we going on popular understandings or those of the expert variety?  There are a lot of conditionals here, from which I think much of our mutual confusion lies.  The validity of this statement depends almost entirely on how one imagines the process of the definition of race - how it gets defined.  In any case, you're right that the precept statement cannot be refuted by physical sciences unless race is being defined exclusively based on physical characteristics, or if the conception of race was raised to the level of objectivity rather than subjectivity.  Nor can such statements as in #1 refute the findings of the physical sciences.  Physical sciences have no way to deal with the subjects of social science - if they did we wouldn't have to differentiate between the two.  The only refutation you'll find of physical science in the social constructions of race is that the physical sciences do not have a whole answer.  Nobody does.  Anyone claiming to have a whole answer hasn't thought about it enough.  Physical scientific methods cannot easily test social variables in meaningful ways.  That's why race in society is the domain of the social sciences, but until I know more about what your big ideas actually are, all I can offer are generalizations.  I assure you, generalizations are not my favored tools.  Lay bare your fullest view of race and I will offer as neutral and clear criticism as I can.  That's the only way we're going to reach any understanding. 

It's worth noting that the opposition between social and physical sciences is pretty much moot.  There is occasional toe-stepping, but none of that lasts.  The physical anthropologists in my department do not come after the social anthropologists studying race, even if it may have happened on this board.  Anthropologists in the US have been traditionally trained to do both and more (archaeology, linguistic anthropology).  With a bit of understanding of each, the conflict just isn't there.  In the effort to understand the realities of race in mankind, the physical scientists have pretty much done their work already.  It's been good and necessary work, too.  It was, however, vastly simpler than the rest of the work that needs to be done to answer this question. 

(in reply to seeksfemslave)
Profile   Post #: 582
RE: There isn't such a thing as 'races' in humanity. - 8/11/2007 8:14:17 AM   

Posts: 9383
Joined: 4/26/2004
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ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

If only we could clone a Neanderthal, have him fuck some brave woman, and see whether she conceives...

Are you suggesting that longshoremen seek partners off the docks?



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

(in reply to Lordandmaster)
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RE: There isn't such a thing as 'races' in humanity. - 8/8/2023 10:50:12 PM   

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I'm very sorry to interrupt, or even to put my 2 cents in, but in my opinion it's the people who are so concerned, and talk about such subjects ad nauseum who actually promulgate the very acts which they vilify. Maybe if we weren't all so eager to point the finger at racism, and racial conflict, we wouldn't perpetuate the existence of either. Hate breeds hate, and probably to a greater degree, racial hatred breeds racial hatred. We are all human beings and as such we possess fallibility. When we are constantly inundated by stories of someone's perception of a racial incident (or opined incident) it incites feelings of indignance, anger, jealousy, victimization, and yes intolerance. Though so often this intolerance is not held against another race, but against our own because so many feel they have transcended any notion of race they see those who have not risen to their level of self-aggrandizement as a lesser, unenlightened human. None of us has been spared at least one example of misplaced accusation where an innocent act (perhaps ill-conceived) was universally condemned when presented, or in the light in which it was presented. Not until a public apology, or explanation was made, were we able to give pause and consider it rationally. We have become so hypersensitive over racism that without even realizing we're doing so, we diligently seek out anything that could possibly be construed as racist. Our misguided efforts to eradicate racism is doing nothing more than ensuring the concepts endure indefinitely. Possibly if the very words would cease being used, the blame game would slow down, and in years to come finally screech to a grinding halt. Once we stop hearing none other than our very own president using such terms as systemic racism, and white privilege, and black lives matter and any other term that causes emotion whatsoever, this too shall pass

(in reply to domiguy)
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