Posts: 10
Joined: 2/11/2008 Status: offline
Hi everyone, I happened to see this post and thought I'd add my strange view. I do agree that a vanilla woman not interested in D/s dynamics wouldn't know one end of a male chastity belt to the other-god help that man! But I was thinking that it could be viewed as a female submissive act-perhaps a man in general likes to build anticipation (nearly typed erection), be teased a bit, denied a little = more powerful orgasm. Why would any woman not want to do that for their man? Isn't that just human sexual nature to be teased and denied. Am sure some sub women have done a strip tease, maybe a tad of a softer act than that of keyholding-similar principle, maybe? Also if a man asked to experience that, would you turn them down? Just like when you ask for what you want to enjoy? Surely its more about the mind set, and the way a couple communicate. Of course there is always a switch...but then a vanilla woman wouldn't be any the wiser on what that meant. (Please don't rant or rave at me, just my crazy thinking, perhaps I am wrong!)