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Joined: 8/7/2007 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: LadyPact quote:
ORIGINAL: WinsomeDefiance I admit I colored the tips of my hair with Cherry Kool Aid. I admit I'm enjoying the look, I even added a peek on my profile. I admit at 52, I should probably feel silly but nope. I admit, I don't think you should feel silly at all. I was just having this same conversation with the gal who does my nails the day before yesterday. I have this semi-habit of grabbing one of the magazines off of the rack to flip through during the mani/pedi business, and after I'd read the article that had interested me in the issue in the first place, I was checking out the rest. I forget the name of the product that had the full page ad, but it was a great photo shoot. Fantastic way to make a person's hair look unique and a fun way to express personal style. I'm thinking of doing it, myself. Of course, there are only certain options I'm considering. My hair isn't "naturally auburn," so there is that to take into account. I'm thinking, for myself, that a deep purple or maybe a burgundy would be the ticket. You wouldn't mind if I had a look at yours, would you Win? The Kool-Aide thing worked, huh? How inventive! The Kookaid worked great. it lasts about 2 - 3 weeks. You just boil 2 cups of water, add 2 packs of Kookaid and dip your hair in it while still hot (as you can stand it without scalding yourself). Then dry. If you wash your hair in cool water, the color lasts longer.