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RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 9:47:08 AM   

Posts: 8998
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ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

I've found very few people who call themselves submissive are really submissive in any other way than through sexual fantasy and in this field they explicitly state what they expect and what their boundaries are which isn't really submissive. It basically comes down in reality to screening a so called Dom for their pleasure and I've never come across a submissive who in reality would give up a career for serving a Dom though I've often heard people saying they would. In the world of kink there are very few genuine kinksters and a lot of fantasists. So many people talk the talk but very few walk the walk.

Because of the world I move in I mix constantly with career women who see sexual submission as an apparent antidote to their careers which require them to be dominant. They actually call themselves submissive which to me it isn't and if a man indulges them he is merely acting out a role of being Dominant while really just giving sexual service.

My point. Giving up a career is a symbolic as well as a concrete act.

What a load of crap. Another person with the "not a true sub" bullshit mentality.
How others define their submission and how their partners define their dynamic provides a wide range of colors, as opposed to black and white.

Sounds like you are stuck in a fantasy ideal world.

Apparently to you, submission means one thing, one way. But we live on planet earth where there are many options, not on planet meatcleaver thank god.

< Message edited by sexyred1 -- 12/19/2007 9:48:59 AM >

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 101
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 10:35:14 AM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

In the short term, I have financial obligations that require me to continue working. In the long term, I would be willing to pause or give up a career for the right woman, however, with caveats.

I don't think I could do nothing but stay at home and do menial chores. I have an advanced degree, am working toward another, and I require a great deal of intellectual stimulation. I also feel the need to do some good for the world, and I'm not talking about volunteer work that just about anybody could do, but using my intellectual and professional skills to help identify and solve problems. I'd feel like a traitor to the human race to have such abilities and not attempt to use them in some way for the greater good.

If those issues could be resolved, I'd be willing to give up a career, relocate, you name it.

There's a misconception that staying at home means just menial chores.  It's funny, that original post was a year and a half ago.  My husband was and still is a 'stay at home husband' and I haven't change my view points on it.  His time is extremely full with the activities related to running the household and keeping things smooth, and it's not just about chores - it's everything from the mail to the social calendar to shopping and home improvements, taking care of animals and cars, and also supporting me from an administrative standpoint in my career. I'm a workaholic so I need that kind of support system - he is basically an executive assistant at the same time. He manages my travel schedule, upgrades my gadgets, screens my calls, and does research and some writing for me. 

The biggest thing, though, is that by having one person manage the household domestic duties full time (without working), you free up your already limited quality time.  Our weekends are now our weekends -- not us running around catching up on chores as a couple.  We can have a sit down dinner every night, one that he prepared started in the afternoon, if we want.  The quality time we spend together is so much better.  That's important to be, because I have an unpredictable and unforgiving sex/kink drive, and when I work hard, I want to play hard - even if that means 48 hours he will be incapacitated.  Imagine if the chores were too piled up to free up that time?  I wouldn't be a happy camper.

He volunteers part time as his schedule allows.  He keeps himself very educated and up to speed as it relates to his background and career, so he's not slacking in his skills.  Recently he started moving a hobby of his to part time work (for very little money, he just wants the experience) and even though it's only 12 hours a week, it put a visible ripple in our day-to-day life and I nearly nixed it.  He enjoys it, though, so we made some adjustments, but we both know he won't be working part time permanently, because I have a "busy season" in my career and he'll have to go back to being available 24/7.


Sounds like a good arrangement.

Just so you understand, I wasn't assuming or implying that stay at home means just menial chores. I was merely stating that if that's what a domme required of me, I wouldn't do it.

On the other hand, "...everything from the mail to the social calendar to shopping and home improvements, taking care of animals and cars, and also supporting me from an administrative standpoint in my career" qualifies as menial to me. So does "basically an executive assistant ... manages my travel schedule, ... screens my calls ...". I'm not denigrating these activities, or saying that they are easy or unimportant, but only saying that they would not be intellectually stimulating to me, and seem menial to me. If my life was filled with nothing but that, I'd be very bored.

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 102
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 11:26:08 AM   

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Yeah I definitely couldn't do it either.  It would make for one unhappy submissive if I didn't have more purpose in life other than my partner.  That's not to say it shouldn't work for others, but for me, the lack of challenge/intellectual stimulation/purpose would make me unhappy.


I cannot be defined by moments in my life, but must be considered for by the entirety of my existence.

When you fail to consider that I am the best judge for what is right for me, all of your opinions become suspect to me.

(in reply to hardbodysub)
Profile   Post #: 103
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 11:42:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

On the other hand, "...everything from the mail to the social calendar to shopping and home improvements, taking care of animals and cars, and also supporting me from an administrative standpoint in my career" qualifies as menial to me. So does "basically an executive assistant ... manages my travel schedule, ... screens my calls ...". I'm not denigrating these activities, or saying that they are easy or unimportant, but only saying that they would not be intellectually stimulating to me, and seem menial to me. If my life was filled with nothing but that, I'd be very bored.

It's boring because you can't imagine taking advantage of it.  My husband reads 2 - 3 books a week on topics ranging from philosophy to history, religion or politics; he exercises more than most men his age because he has a flexible schedule and can mountain bike, road bike or play hockey; he volunteers between 2 - 12 hours a week for a charitable organization we both support.   If you had a completely open schedule and one where you had the freedom to choose the enrichment that fulfills you, wouldn't you take advantage of that?  Eventually he may go back to college and get an additional degree.  These are options that are open to him because he isn't chained to a desk at a corporation.  Intellectual stimulation and growth can be found anywhere you choose to look, if you make an effort.  The only thing he cannot attain is social acceptance from peers in a group/work setting that you get from climbing a corporate ladder or playing politics in a job.  I have plenty of that and don't think it provides any kind of unique perspective or experience.



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(in reply to hardbodysub)
Profile   Post #: 104
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 1:14:27 PM   

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(fast reply)
I thought i had already posted on this thread but didn't see it.
Back when we were first married i was offered a very good coaching position at a prestigious Div. I university and Hubby didn't want me working weekends so i didn't take it.  I was just being a "good wife" and doing what He wanted but looking back on it, yes i did give up a career for Him as a submissive.



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

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(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 1:43:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

On the other hand, "...everything from the mail to the social calendar to shopping and home improvements, taking care of animals and cars, and also supporting me from an administrative standpoint in my career" qualifies as menial to me. So does "basically an executive assistant ... manages my travel schedule, ... screens my calls ...". I'm not denigrating these activities, or saying that they are easy or unimportant, but only saying that they would not be intellectually stimulating to me, and seem menial to me. If my life was filled with nothing but that, I'd be very bored.

It's boring because you can't imagine taking advantage of it.  My husband reads 2 - 3 books a week on topics ranging from philosophy to history, religion or politics; he exercises more than most men his age because he has a flexible schedule and can mountain bike, road bike or play hockey; he volunteers between 2 - 12 hours a week for a charitable organization we both support.   If you had a completely open schedule and one where you had the freedom to choose the enrichment that fulfills you, wouldn't you take advantage of that?  Eventually he may go back to college and get an additional degree.  These are options that are open to him because he isn't chained to a desk at a corporation.  Intellectual stimulation and growth can be found anywhere you choose to look, if you make an effort.  The only thing he cannot attain is social acceptance from peers in a group/work setting that you get from climbing a corporate ladder or playing politics in a job.  I have plenty of that and don't think it provides any kind of unique perspective or experience.


I was gonna edit a portion of an earlier post you made Akasha, but this sums it up just as well.

To me, that sounds like a dream life. That sounds perfect.

As a writer, I view myself primarily as a form of artist. It's what I'm good at, it's what I'm passionate about, and it can make quite a good bit of money. Not having to have a "real" job, so to speak, sounds like a boon to that.

I've always seen myself being the domestic one in a relationship. I'm just used to cooking and cleaning and doing laundry and such, in fact I like a lot of those things. Being able to do that without a full-time career would mean even more time to research and write.

I don't know if it's a perfect translation (I'd still like some kind of income to support my hobbies), but damn...Not having to work a job I hate and probably wouldn't be good at, being able to support my partner domestically and financially, (column publishing and similar writing gigs can get some nice bank), and have quality time for myself and to spend together.

Yeah. Sign me the hell up.


Do what now?

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-Mal Reynolds

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 106
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 6:28:56 PM   

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Like Im really going to give up a job with fabulous benefits, a complete lack of cerebral fortitude required, which allows me to work whenever I feel like it, for anybody.

I have the Dom dream job.  It is a job I can mold to fit any reality.

Im not about to give this up for anybody, sub or Dom.



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David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

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(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
Profile   Post #: 107
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/19/2007 8:12:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: hardbodysub

On the other hand, "...everything from the mail to the social calendar to shopping and home improvements, taking care of animals and cars, and also supporting me from an administrative standpoint in my career" qualifies as menial to me. So does "basically an executive assistant ... manages my travel schedule, ... screens my calls ...". I'm not denigrating these activities, or saying that they are easy or unimportant, but only saying that they would not be intellectually stimulating to me, and seem menial to me. If my life was filled with nothing but that, I'd be very bored.

It's boring because you can't imagine taking advantage of it.  My husband reads 2 - 3 books a week on topics ranging from philosophy to history, religion or politics; he exercises more than most men his age because he has a flexible schedule and can mountain bike, road bike or play hockey; he volunteers between 2 - 12 hours a week for a charitable organization we both support.   If you had a completely open schedule and one where you had the freedom to choose the enrichment that fulfills you, wouldn't you take advantage of that?  Eventually he may go back to college and get an additional degree.  These are options that are open to him because he isn't chained to a desk at a corporation.  Intellectual stimulation and growth can be found anywhere you choose to look, if you make an effort.  The only thing he cannot attain is social acceptance from peers in a group/work setting that you get from climbing a corporate ladder or playing politics in a job.  I have plenty of that and don't think it provides any kind of unique perspective or experience.


Your posts are usually very logical and get right to the heart of the matter, so I was surprised that your response seems to argue against something that I never said or implied. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

My comment about boredom was not directed at your arrangement. All I said was that I considered certain activities to be menial, and (quoted directly from my post, emphasis added) "IF MY LIFE WAS FILLED WITH NOTHING BUT THAT, I'd be very bored." What your husband does with his spare time is irrelevant to my comment.

Since the quote above was prefaced by statements that what you have "sounds like a good arrangement," and "I wasn't assuming or implying that stay at home means JUST menial chores. I was merely stating that if that's what a domme required of me, I wouldn't do it", I thought it would be understood that I wasn't calling your arrangement boring. I guess I was wrong.

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 108
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/21/2007 5:48:25 PM   

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Wow. CM and the wonderful people here - never cease to amaze me.  Just love it!

I was brought up very old fashioned. Be respectful to men, cook, clean - even be sexy!

I did all this ( still just can't help it)  and have always had a career.

A long time ago, in a long term relationship - I was going to marry a man who was much older, financially successful (a lawyer). He was the boss. Looking back - I was a slave.

I worked, had a BA. I had wanted to go on and pursue a graduate degree. He forbid it.
Yep. I was to work (I was a professional but underpaid) then have children, his schedule.
He had a political agenda.

It didn't work out. I'll never regret that. But, you know - I never did go on and get that Ph.D.
(Psy. D)

I'm not really sorry ( especially with the recent threads by grad. students in agony ;) )

I could still go. But - hell - I'm a slave type- and yes - I'd give it up,  again,  for my Dominant!

  I don't get bored home, though. 
I have many productive interests and always, always keep busy! 


(in reply to hardbodysub)
Profile   Post #: 109
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/21/2007 6:10:05 PM   

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Quick answer... Yes, in a heartbeat.

Longer answer: As long as my not working was not a burden on my owner, I would not work.  I'm curretnly in the process of finding a job so that I can be with my owner 24/7, no matter what sacrifice, carreer-wise, it's going to mean.

As for being less manly because of not working, or being bored, heck no.  I would be able to do things that would improve my owner's life.  Such as, explore carpentry, learn how to massage, landscaping, metalworking, leatherworking, cooking, etc etc.  And yes, I know you can make a living at those things too (and, possibly, that may be what I end up doing).  Aside from that, upkeep on a house takes a lot of hard work, there is nothing effeminate about that (unless you do it in heels I suppose, and not that there is anything wrong with that). 

Not having a professional job would mean that all of the 'chores' would be taken care of in the evenings and days when she was not working, which would mean that I would be available to her if she wanted me for anything, instead of needing things to get taken care of first. (yes yes I ~am~ at her beck and call, but eventually she simply has to allow time for housework to get done.)

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/21/2007 10:17:52 PM   

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I guess I will throw in my two cents, I could not throw away my vocation for anything... it chose me, I did not choose it. I feel I have a purpose and my life has purpose. Luckily for me there is no choice such as this, but if there ever came a choice I know what choice I would have to make. I am pretty flexible in how I can approach my work though... lucky me.


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(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 1:10:49 AM   

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From: Tallahassee, FL, USA
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greetings akasha,

i would give up my academic career and potentiality of getting a job in that field for my master, and if i were ever in a relationship with another master, there's the possibility that i could develop that level of submission to someone else where i would be willing to do that. however, i generally seek partners who are comfortable with my goals - my master has been supportive of what i am doing from the get go - so the willingness to do that would have to develop out of a later stage in the relationship, because my love of what i do is a compatibility thing for me in the beginning.

that said, i LOVE what i do and i am so happy to have the opportunity to make it into a career...i would still study and write about it even if i weren't planning to do it for a job, but i can't imagine wanting to do anything else as a career day in and day out. so it is important to me - not so much that i HAVE a job or that i have "earning potential," but that i am able to do what i love (and getting paid for it is a nice bonus). so it fits into my priorities a little different than for those who may just do their job because it's their job.

if he wanted me to be a stay at home submissive long-term, as i've said, i'd be perfectly willing. i would not worry too much about earning potential - i already have many marketable skills for better-paying jobs, and even if that doesn't work out, i do enjoy some "menial" jobs like food-service, so working my way back into a career wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world for me. the marketable skills i do have are things i tend to do as hobbies as well so i don't worry too much about losing those skills. i think i would worry about feeling inadequate or slackerish - i've always felt that i need to work AND take care of the house AND go to school AND do everything else - but my need to do everything all the time and have the whole world on my shoulders is something i'm trying to let go of, so i think that would help with the worries over my self-esteem possibly suffering.



a'ishah (the artist formerly known as annabelle)
i have the kind of beauty that moves...

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 112
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 7:41:36 AM   

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This is a bit tongue in cheek, but not really.

I was once offered this wonderful opportunity. I responded with:

"I'd love to take you up on your offer. To do this means I'm going to need insurance, both medical and life in my name, premiums paid and a legally binding contract saying that you'll continue to do so with no claim on any assets that I might bequeathe to my children in the event of my death. The medical insurance will have to be a traditional plan, not those cheesy cost more than they cover ones.

I'll need a retirement account with the amount deposited on a monthly basis to be the equivalent to the amount that my employer currently contributes plus the amount that I deposit as well.

I'll need a new car that won't fall apart and a contractually guaranteed plan of repairs being taken care of - at least to the time of your death.

The vacations I currently pay for will be your responsibility. My children's education will be your responsibility - to the same degree that I would otherwise spend if I were still employed.

I will need my name on the deed to your home, with all other owners' names and subsequent beneficiaries omitted - except yours of course. I know you understand this need of mine because you surely won't want me to be left homeless should anything happen to you.

And since we all know how relationships seem to falter so soon these days, I'm going to need bi-weekly deposits to an account in my name equal to my net pay, because again, if anything happens to us, I'm not going to be left penniless for the privilege of being your submissive/slave for as long as you see fit. I, of course would agree to that but I will also need to be assured of not being an old woman with nowhere to go, no money to get there and no work experience to speak of trying to make ends meet or living in a box somewhere."

For some reason, the person who was suggesting this arrangement to me declined to pursue things any further. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

You see, I was in a marriage for 18 years - much of that time, I didn't work outside of the home because we had a child who was disabled and every time I'd go back to work, she'd get sick, have to be hospitalized and I'd eventually have to quit working or be fired for not being dependable enough to be there.

I've been divorced now for 10 years and I still look back and see that time as the singularly most important work I've ever done. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...

except for one thing

I'm not in my late 20s and 30s anymore. I've learned what it means to be on your own - both the good and bad points. These days, I'm concerned more with what's going to happen to me once I reach retirement age than I am in the raising of small children. AND I've gone through a divorce, so my experience is nothing lasts forever - even if I think it might.


Unless someone offers some guarantees as to how I'll be taken cared for - yes, monetarily - if he goes away, either through us separating or him passing away, and puts those guarantees in writing...

There's absolutely no way I'm no longer working.

If my first responsibility is to keep myself safe and healthy, then that means physically and mentally as well as every other way as well. This means I'm never going to run the risk of not having a roof over my head, be able to care for my disabled daughter, put food on the table on my own, and some day, retiring rather than working till I drop.

I love my job. I do. But I have also loved being at home and taking care of the people in my life much more. I love to fantasize about having that opportunity once again, but that's all it is - a fantasy.

Unless I win the lotto - and that's an even bigger fantasy.


< Message edited by julietsierra -- 12/22/2007 7:54:25 AM >

(in reply to hisannabelle)
Profile   Post #: 113
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 2:41:09 PM   

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Financial stability should be always one of the crucial points in peoples life.

< Message edited by petpete -- 12/22/2007 2:43:59 PM >


Chief: Max, you realize you'll be facing every kind of danger imaginable.
Max: And loving it!

(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
Profile   Post #: 114
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 2:58:31 PM   

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This is aimed toward male subs (as they are often seen as the breadwinners) but I'm interested to hear what female subs say as well.

Are you willing to give up (or pause) your career in order to be in a service position full time? If so, are you worried about your earning potential should you ever have to return to work? Do you worry about not being able to accumulate skills in your field?

Do you worry about feeling any lack of self worth if your duties are strictly related to homemaking, housecleaning, or taking care of errands (again -- aimed toward men: Do you feel emasculated when your male friends have jobs/careers and you do not?How do you address that)?

For sub men that have a career/job right now, would you be willing to give it up -- for good -- in order to be a stay at home submissive for the long term? Would you be bored?


my response is this.  It wouldn't be possible,  I have a retirement to think about as well as child support.  Way too much at stake and its not 24/7 for me.  Besides, most of my relationships I've had the woman I was with also worked, sometimes making much more, but I still have a responsibility to make a better home and life for whomever I am with.  Even though I have a submissive part of me and the right woman could probably own me, I still would share responsibilities.  Why would I put all the burden of supporting a household on the person i would worship and want to give pleasure?  I woild want to make her life better and easier?

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 115
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 3:22:43 PM   

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i honestly dont know for sure i would never give up my job, but i really think anyone who saw the joy i get from my work and was the one for me wouldnt want me to give it up.  i have the greatest job in the world, and i think it makes me a better person with a much better attitude towards life.

plus i stayed home for several years when my son was little, and i gotta say, even though i was busy most of the time, in many ways it drove me totally insane.....

so my final answer is....maybe, maybe not

how is that for decisive?


it aint no good til it hurts just a little bit....jimmy somerville

in those moments of solitude, does everyone sometimes think they are insane? or is it just me?

(in reply to KnOcala)
Profile   Post #: 116
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/22/2007 10:09:14 PM   

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Would you give up your career for submission?

Sure... if she were as sexy as a Victoria's Secret model, a multi-millionaire, and willing to enhance my financial security...

(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 117
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/23/2007 2:05:44 AM   

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Forsaking my career to dedicate myself to fulltime service to Master would be a dream come true. However, I have already forsaken everything to be his fulltime slave and property. Yes, I work. Yes, I have friends. Yes, I have family. Yes, I have hobbies.

These are healthy things for me to have and Master chooses for me to be healthy and practice good emotional health. I work outside of the home as well. Master is the final authority on where I am employed, how long I am employed, and when I am allowed to work. He is the final authority of over any promotion I may be offered as well.

I view everything that I do as a service unto him.


(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
Profile   Post #: 118
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/23/2007 3:38:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: cloudboy



Are you willing to give up (or pause) your career in order to be in a service position full time?

The last thing 99 out of 100 women want is a man who serves but doesn't earn. In the FEMDOM universe I've witnessed here, the sub would be sent to work, his money banked in the Domme's account, and once home he'd be put into domestic service. I will quote Sarah Miller from THE BITCH IN THE HOUSE here:

"There are few things that make a man less attractive to women than financial instability. We can deal with men in therapy, we can deal with men crying, but I don’t think gender equality will ever reach the point where we can deal with men broke. I realize that they don’t want us to be broke, either, but when it comes to money, their desire, their requirements, are just not on the same scale as ours. Women might lose credibility as people when we are struggling financially, but it doesn’t interfere with our identity as women. It does not make us less sexually attractive. When the situation is reversed – when the man is the one struggling – this in not the case. One of the many lessons I learned in my relationship with Mike is that I will never, ever go out with a man who isn't naturally adept at making a decent living. I don’t care if I sound chauvinistic and retro --- I might even think that of myself from time to time. But I will never change the way I feel about this."


If so, are you worried about your earning potential should you ever have to return to work? Do you worry about not being able to accumulate skills in your field?

Do you worry about feeling any lack of self worth if your duties are strictly related to homemaking, housecleaning, or taking care of errands (again -- aimed toward men: Do you feel emasculated when your male friends have jobs/careers and you do not?How do you address that)?

This question is ludicrous, because it assumes any man would actually face this situation. Women who can carry a man rarely elect to do so b/c they view such a dynamic as "leeching" and / or "mooching." Usually high earning women have an even higher income cut for the man they might choose to date than the avg woman. I would imagine this even more true of a high earning dominant woman.


For sub men that have a career/job right now, would you be willing to give it up -- for good -- in order to be a stay at home submissive for the long term? Would you be bored?


Yes: I have copied all of the above into my reply as I agree whole heartedly.
I am a submissive to men. Only last night interestingly I had a conversation with a Dom who questioned my abilities to be submissive 24/7 because I am financially independant and love my work (all three careers). I explained that I am sexually submissive and explained what that meant.
And furthermore (here we go flame me, Prinny makes it personal again)...I have lectured in a turtle neck sweater to hide the bite marks, stood on my feet when the bites and bruises along my legs hardly enabled me to do so, written with a broken wrist and yes enjoyed the after burn and the drop whilst working. It would never have occurred to me that I was not 24/7 just because I was highly successful as an intellectual and breadwinner. Indeed the relationship dynamic demanded it.
Each dynamic is different but for me once a Dominant gets over his/her insecurities about me being dynamite the better the power exchange when they light my fuse.

ed. to say: call it post modernist feminist submisson or radical submission if you need to give a label. How can I be a submnissive without a Dominant cracking his whip? Both literal and metaphorical. I have always assumed I  would be put out to work in order to support the household. That is what I have always done and always thought of as service.

< Message edited by Prinsexx -- 12/23/2007 4:01:23 AM >

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 119
RE: Would you give up your career for submission? - 12/26/2007 11:13:05 AM   

Posts: 428
Joined: 3/12/2005
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I totally agree with the concept of the quoted response.  There are some things that I would suggest are up to negotiation or not applicable because I do not live in the US but ... overall, I agree that a slave needs to be taken care of financially both in the relationship and should something happen to terminate the relationship. 

It strikes me as shortsighted that the person who was so interested in taking you as their slave decided against it because the truth of ownership proved to be more than he bargained for.  Being a Dominant does not only mean that you get to be in charge of another person but it also means that you need to take responsibility for that other person. 

That responsibility it what makes me aspire to more than I am in hopes of deserving someone's absolute submission to my will.  Strange that other folks don't see it that way - lol

Best of luck,


ORIGINAL: julietsierra

This is a bit tongue in cheek, but not really.

I was once offered this wonderful opportunity. I responded with:

"I'd love to take you up on your offer. To do this means I'm going to need insurance, both medical and life in my name, premiums paid and a legally binding contract saying that you'll continue to do so with no claim on any assets that I might bequeathe to my children in the event of my death. The medical insurance will have to be a traditional plan, not those cheesy cost more than they cover ones.

I'll need a retirement account with the amount deposited on a monthly basis to be the equivalent to the amount that my employer currently contributes plus the amount that I deposit as well.

I'll need a new car that won't fall apart and a contractually guaranteed plan of repairs being taken care of - at least to the time of your death.

The vacations I currently pay for will be your responsibility. My children's education will be your responsibility - to the same degree that I would otherwise spend if I were still employed.

I will need my name on the deed to your home, with all other owners' names and subsequent beneficiaries omitted - except yours of course. I know you understand this need of mine because you surely won't want me to be left homeless should anything happen to you.

And since we all know how relationships seem to falter so soon these days, I'm going to need bi-weekly deposits to an account in my name equal to my net pay, because again, if anything happens to us, I'm not going to be left penniless for the privilege of being your submissive/slave for as long as you see fit. I, of course would agree to that but I will also need to be assured of not being an old woman with nowhere to go, no money to get there and no work experience to speak of trying to make ends meet or living in a box somewhere."

For some reason, the person who was suggesting this arrangement to me declined to pursue things any further. Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

You see, I was in a marriage for 18 years - much of that time, I didn't work outside of the home because we had a child who was disabled and every time I'd go back to work, she'd get sick, have to be hospitalized and I'd eventually have to quit working or be fired for not being dependable enough to be there.

I've been divorced now for 10 years and I still look back and see that time as the singularly most important work I've ever done. I'd do it again in a heartbeat...

except for one thing

I'm not in my late 20s and 30s anymore. I've learned what it means to be on your own - both the good and bad points. These days, I'm concerned more with what's going to happen to me once I reach retirement age than I am in the raising of small children. AND I've gone through a divorce, so my experience is nothing lasts forever - even if I think it might.


Unless someone offers some guarantees as to how I'll be taken cared for - yes, monetarily - if he goes away, either through us separating or him passing away, and puts those guarantees in writing...

There's absolutely no way I'm no longer working.

If my first responsibility is to keep myself safe and healthy, then that means physically and mentally as well as every other way as well. This means I'm never going to run the risk of not having a roof over my head, be able to care for my disabled daughter, put food on the table on my own, and some day, retiring rather than working till I drop.

I love my job. I do. But I have also loved being at home and taking care of the people in my life much more. I love to fantasize about having that opportunity once again, but that's all it is - a fantasy.

Unless I win the lotto - and that's an even bigger fantasy.


(in reply to julietsierra)
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