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Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 5:32:01 PM   

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I need feedback. I would ask my kinky friends for advice, but since my partner is also friends with almost all of them there does not seem to be a neutral outlet - other than the random wonder of the CM message boards. With that in mind I'm asking under a new profile made just for this occasion. Please let me know what you think.

I am viewing the following situation one way and would like to get opinions from people that might have a more balanced view of the matter.

Preface - my boyfriend/top and I have known each other for two years, been dating nearly a year. His other partner has known us both for about two years and has been seeing him for few months. I don't know if that matters, but I read through the post and figured someone might ask, so I added it.

Two days ago on Saturday night, my boyfriend and I were at a kink event in a city other than our own. We were sharing a hotel room with his other partner, and quite a few of our friends were also at the event. After asking him if he wanted to play, either in the room or in the dungeon at the hotel - or just come down and be with me while I tried out the fire cupping or some other tasty new experience - he declined. One of our female friends had expressed interest (bouncing enthusiasm) at the prospect of topping me (we've played before), and I asked if that would be alright with him. He agreed that would be alright.

Our mutual friend that will be topping me arrived at the hotel room door, and I once again clarify what he is comfortable with me doing for the evening. Can I play with anyone? What is acceptable? I'm asking this again because there are professional riggers downstairs and lots of other people that can do awesome cool things. If I get the opportunity I want to take advantage of it. Do I have blanket permission to play?

He say yes, I have a blanket permission to play with anyone. Off we go to the dungeon!

I have a great time with my friend, aided a few times during the scene by another of our mutual friends (being flogged and shocked at the same time is really cool). Unexpectedly, and awesomely, I have my first ever orgasm from pain (and shoulder pain at that!). Tres cool and completely unexpected. Afterward I get that teeth chattering spacey feeling, quite a lot faster and harder than ever before. At my repeated requests to go see my boyfriend, my friends wrap me in towels and help me to my room. At this point everyone is still happy. They walk me through the door and drop me off, thinking I'll be well taken care of.

I am not received very warmly. It's obvious that I've woken him up and he's grumpy about it. I'm freezing and thirsty and having issues with coordination, so ask for some water. He tells me where it is, but that seems really far away. I lie down in bed and try to get warm by touching him, but my hands are ice cold and he keeps telling me to get them off of him. After repeated requests for water he finally hands me a small glass, in the dark, and I spill it in the bed. I'm profusely apologetic, thinking that I should tell him my hands don't work, but I can't make that come out. He tells me to get a towel and I say I don't know where they are. He then tells me where they are and I sit up in bed, but can't make the mental connections required to get a towel. I tell him I can't do it, and huffily he goes to get one. The bed cleaned up I try to curl up against him again, but am told to get my hands off him since they are cold. There was a request for a cookie in there a few times, but exactly where I'm not sure.

It's at this point where I start to get upset (I was blissed out and insulated before) and plead for him to talk to me, tell me a story, even say the ABC's, just for a few minutes. Somehow I manage to articulate "endorphin reaction - cold, need you to be nice to me RIGHT NOW". Finally I get cuddles and a minute of two of talking. I'm still ragingly thirsty and know I need to eat something, but I give up and drift off to sleep.

This is not the part I'm upset about.

The next afternoon we talk about the incident. HERE is what I am upset about.

In the jumbled and terribly long discussion, he revealed a few things I wasn't aware of the night before. MY impression had been that he was shockingly ignorant, but as we don't play very hard, none of his past partners have played very hard, and I've never had that intense of a reaction before. I figured that he simply needed to be told what it was and how to deal with it next time. He was woken up unexpectedly and didn't understand, that was my impression.


He gave an array of comments ranging from "It's like you went out and got drunk on purpose and then came and woke me up, it's not like you fell down the stairs accidentally", "If you burned your house down deliberately and then came to me and wanted to move into mine, I wouldn't be responsible for you then", and my favorite "I'm not responsible for picking up the pieces of X's mess" (referring to our mutual friend that co-topped me).

I found myself arguing for why he should have given aftercare, telling him that ANY of our friends, or hell, complete strangers at the event, would have stopped what they were doing and assisted me. I explained that it was unexpected, that I'd never had a reaction that intense before, and that I thought having his permission to go play meant he understood I would be coming back several hours later, and that would be LATE. I had to explain that it was very, very common for a bottom to want aftercare from their relationship partner, not necessarily the person that topped them. I even agreed to not play so late ever again, or if I did to go back to our friend's room. I offered to arrange for aftercare with our friends next time, since he found the idea of providing it after a scene with someone else so repugnant.

Now, at that time there was still a day left of the fetish event, and I had a choice. I could do what I felt was appropriate... explain that he wasn't my top, my boyfriend of even my friend if he couldn't be counted on in an unexpected moment of crisis, and ruin the rest of the event for all of us... or fake it.

I faked it.

I lasted all the way through that evening and check out the next day, through the ride home.. and then as I'm getting in my car to drive to my house he asked if I wanted a hug. I wanted no such thing, but with his other partner (she's a friend) in the car, I sucked it up and hugged.

In the last 24 hours since I returned home I've been completely numb. I feel nothing for this man. I also feel nothing for my new kitten, have slept about 16 hours, and am not hungry. I'm impressed with myself because I was able to put on clothes and drive to the bank. I'm in a black pit of nothingness, life has lost all color and interest, and I have no desire for anything. With the 20% of my brain able to function I realize this is endorphin drop and will go away.

Here is my question - Right now I feel like ending the relationship. I feel that so many levels of trust have been violated I will never feel anything for him again. I don't even count him as a friend, because any of my friends would have taken care of me in that situation. He knew where I was going, agreed to my going, and as my lover and supposed friend has a responsibility to deal with things that may arise even if they are inconvenient and make him feel things he would rather not feel. I could easily never speak to him again, and that thought is really "out there" for me. We say "I love you", we've met each other's family, have intertwined lives and a huge group of shared friends... but none of that matters to me at the moment. And that's really weird.

However, I am not making this decision now (even though it would be easy as I feel no attachment at all, no anger, nothing but numbness). I realize that he has issues with other people being more experienced in bdsm activities (he had a 4 year relationship that ended recently (they remain friends) and HER new partner is good with rope, other toys, etc). I realize that this may have also hit on issues of his alcoholic father coming home at 2am every morning and waking everyone in the house up and demanding to be dealt with. Go through that for over a decade and you might have some baggage.

I would like to toss this to the CM boards and get feedback. I've never felt like this before, and the combination of lovely blankness with crushing ennui is not a place to make decisions from, I know. Hopefully I'll get some good (or funny, funny would be good right now) advice over the next few days.

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 5:43:46 PM   

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I'm sure you'll get differing answers, but to me, it sounds simple. You have the answer in your heart already. Go.

If you really no longer love him, no longer feel anything for him, then the reason, the origin of that feeling, matters less than it being so.

I won't get into the right or wrong of his actions or yours, only what I'd do if I ended up with those feelings myself.

(in reply to newprofile2010)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 5:49:45 PM   

Posts: 6062
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From: I miss Shore, New Jersey
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I don't go into subspace and I don't require aftercare, so I'm sure that will affect my viewpoint.
I don't think he was under any obligation to provide you with aftercare.
He wasn't there. He didn't see what you did.
I equate it to you having a big party and then expecting him to come in and clean up the mess.
Sorry...but I would have gotten comfort from those who shared in my experience if I needed it.
My opinion.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 5:51:07 PM   

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Imo it wasn't his responsibility to give you aftercare. It was the responsibility of those you played with.

Why should he take care of it when he didn't create it????

...or learn to give yourself some aftercare.

(in reply to WestBaySlave)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 5:52:55 PM   

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First off, this is only from your POV.  But something's going on inside of him.  It sounds like he'd dissociated himself from you to a degree when you asked permission., and that he hadn't realized you'd be playing so hard. Maybe just a bad mood, or maybe something was bugging him that he hadn't shared.

Was he with his other partner and "occupied" by her when you asked?

Let him know that you're hurt and confused, and then back off - give it a few days.  if he apologizes and explains, cool.  If not, you have some thinking to do, but I suspect you've done most of it already.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:00:32 PM   

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I am with littlewonder up there. It was like your friends took you out on a bender and dropped you off expecting someone else to deal with the mess. Sure I do think he could have been a little warmer, but I am appalled that your "friends" dropped you off so quickly after using you without even thinking about what might happen. What if HE had decided to go out for a while and was not even there?
You may feel cold to him at the moment but don't lay all the blame his way.

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:05:19 PM   

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I've seen endorphin drop in someone at an event who was left unattended and untouched after she'd had an amazing g-spot orgasm for other people's entertainment: I was physically sickened that the two people who'd done all sorts of things to her for the last half-hour just physically dumped her and left her like a shivering, naked, exhausted, dehydrated animal after she'd ejaculated.
I never want to see or hear of that again, so your play-partners missed out on their responsibilities, also.

I'll give your 'top' a bit of mitigating factor for an alcoholic father who would barge home drunk and demanding at 2am, but he's a spoilt and jealous toddler who told you to go off and have a good time and then punish you for it afterwards.
So, two choices: you tell him how important it is for you to have aftercare, he agrees and backs up his words and you forgive him, or leave.

(in reply to Aileen1968)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:11:17 PM   

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Aileen - Now that this has happened, I'll be certain to make other arrangements for aftercare. The odd thing is that he was fine with providing it before, under nearly identical circumstances. I've played with our mutual friend before, at a play party with my boyfriend in the room, and then after the scene been walked over to him on the couch to cuddle under a blanket for a little bit until I got my sea legs back. That was all that was required then, but this time was wildly unexpected. I usually get a bit of a "runner's high", and a little cold, but after a juice and a cookie am good to go in about ten minutes. This was dramatically different. I needed two people to walk me upstairs, and that was neither expected or aimed for. It wasn't even that hard of a scene - no bruises, nada. It surprised me.

I could understand him getting me water and making sure I was warm, then telling me the next day that in the future he would like me to make other arrangements. That would have been fine. But in the moment I didn't have the motor skills to call someone else, so was really dependent upon him. His other partner spoke to me about it the next day and was shocked that he didn't help. Her partner would have in those circumstances, and she seemed really disturbed that he wouldn't just voluntarily get me a blanket and a glass of water.

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:13:43 PM   

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IMO, aftercare should have been part of the negotiations, simply because of the unknown. I'm not picking at you, and I understand where you are mentally and emotionally...been there myself. But over the years I've learned to negotiate ALL aspects of play. If I play with another person, I don't want them doing aftercare if I'm in a relationship. I want MY dom to do it, because for me it is a bonding experience. I've topped others and sometimes I did aftercare, sometimes I didn't, depending on what they want. If I'm single, I negotiate the person topping me to do aftercare.
It's a live and learn experience for you, at this point don't make any rash decisions, give yourself time to breath and get past the worst of the drop you're experiencing. Then I would definately talk to your guy about it, calmly and rationally.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:16:37 PM   

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You said the other time he was in the room.

This time he wasn't.

He felt as if you wanted to run off and play with your friends and ignore  him all evening...and then you come home and he's fast asleep and you wake the man up because your friends couldn't be bothered to help you.

Ya know I've had family pull this crap when they decided to go out and get drunk or high or whatever. I hesitantly helped them, not at all happy about it and made sure they were aware of it the next day since I knew they would not remember it the next day.

If I would have wanted the responsibility I would have gone along in the first place. My not going should have been the first hint that I didn't want to be bothered with the mess.

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:16:52 PM   

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ORIGINAL: newprofile2010
He gave an array of comments ranging from "It's like you went out and got drunk on purpose and then came and woke me up, it's not like you fell down the stairs accidentally", "If you burned your house down deliberately and then came to me and wanted to move into mine, I wouldn't be responsible for you then", and my favorite "I'm not responsible for picking up the pieces of X's mess" (referring to our mutual friend that co-topped me).

Have to agree with him. Responsibility goes both ways.

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:17:22 PM   

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DarkSteven - He does seem to dissociate when he is uncomfortable. He wasn't "occupied" by his other partner when I asked, and the weird thing is this was Standard Procedure for us - I've played with the girl that topped me before, then taken to him for aftercare. It baffled me that is time caused a huge reaction when the other times it hasn't.

I've let him know that I'm hurt and confused. He says he is sorry for my pain, but does not think he did anything wrong. My thoughts wander to things like unexpected food sickness, or a bad reaction to a new eye makeup - if his reaction in an unplanned for, first time situation is to leave me to flounder, what can I really count on him for?

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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:18:59 PM   

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If he really didn't understand what was likely to happen, then you need to decide what to do in the future. Will he, now that he understands, be willing to take care of you afterward or would he prefer you stay with friends who will take care of you? Is he actually jealous that you, like his ex, prefers an experienced partner and if so, then why didn't he talk about it instead of punishing you for being who you are?

But basically, if you stay with him, you might as well agree now not to go to such events again because this will just happen repeatedly. Since in four years he hasn't made any attempt to upgrade his skills in order to satisfy your needs, you have a decision to make. Find someone with whom you share bdsm compatibility or give up bdsm.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:20:05 PM   

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I do not think it was your partner's "job" to give you aftercare. It IS the responsibility of those that you were playing with to make sure that you are okay, AND to check on you the next day! You had to be WALKED upstairs and they ditched you? I would not let anyone out of my care until they were back on this planet (allowing for the bliss-out, of course).

Epic fail on a lot of levels.

Speaking of your partner, well... how hard is it to be a little bit considerate? It's not like you WERE drunk or stoned. You needed help. If you had woken up with a high fever, would he have done the same?

I have never done the subspace thing personally, so I can't speak to how to recover from endorphin plummet, but what you are feeling is not rare. Take your time, and know this will pass. Eat and drink the right things, and don't make any serious decsions.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:20:25 PM   

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I'm actually on both sides of this.  Meaning I don't think either of you are wrong for the way you feel on the matter.

I am a top and I do play casually.  I also tend to play harder than most.  This is one of the reasons that I get asked to play with other people's submissives on occasion.  Those times that I play with someone who I know has a Dominant, I do ask that person who they prefer to give the aftercare.  It's My scene, but that person really does belong to them.  I'm good with either way that they decide.

Truthfully, I think this is something that the two of you should have discussed when you got your open pass to play.  It's just like any other pre-scene negotiation.  You asked about what activities were allowed, but you skipped how aftercare was going to be handled.

While I understand that you wanted your boyfriend to be the one to take care of you, I do see the point that it wasn't his scene.  Would you have expected him to do the cuddling if you just had wild passionate sex with someone else?  Sure, it would be nice, but you put a responsibility on him that he wasn't willing to accept.  It was an expectation that you had, which may have led him to wanting to do it less.

I will also say that, as a top, a "friend" of Mine who just played with someone else that didn't get aftercare from the person they played with, isn't necessarily going to inspire Me to step in for it.  If they are in bad shape, I might, but it isn't just something I'm going to automatically do.  If you have that kind of friendship with the folks you were with that evening, that also might have been an option for you if you had asked them.

If I were you, I would wait a week to make any major decisions on the relationship itself.  After the monumental experience that you had over the weekend, you may not be thinking clearly just yet.  (It is only Tuesday.)  I'd hate to see you make a decision until you know for certain that your head is completely clear.

I do want to wish you the best of luck, however you decide.


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:32:13 PM   

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Tantriqu - My play-partners rubbed my hands and feet, talked with me about how awesome it was, wrapped me in towels to keep me warm and never left my side until I was somewhere they considered "safe". They dropped me off in good faith that my boyfriend would take care of me. If he had not been in the room they would have taken me back to their room(s). I wasn't left like a package on the doorstep, they walked me inside after calling up to make sure he was there.

It was everyone's expectation that I would go upstairs afterwards (everyone but my boyfriend's apparently). Last time we played together I was walked over to my boyfriend and received aftercare. If he'd let me know that he wanted to sleep, or that he wasn't up for it that night, I would have gone to my friend's room and cuddled in a puppy pile.

The weird thing about the apparent jealousy is that he's the one who introduced me to being in a poly relationship, and while he has on 1 (1.5?) other partners I'm not seeing anyone else. The play didn't involve my genitals or breasts, just a good flogging, scratching, pinching, shocking all over my back and ass. It wasn't anything I hadn't done before, other than the brief moments of co-topping (more to provide extra hands, I think) by another mutual friend of ours.

I'm fine with getting aftercare elsewhere. My issue is that I am certain other unexpected, undiscussed things will come up in the future. I would prefer his response be to help out the first time something happens, then we can add new relationship rules as necessary. What if I go bungee jumping for the first time and have a panic attack afterwards? What if we go scuba diving and a shark freaks me out? Will he be there in an unexpected moment of need, or will he respond with irritation to the fact that I am imposing on him? That is the question I really need answered.

(in reply to Tantriqu)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:35:38 PM   

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Either he meets your needs, or he doesn't...What else is there to contemplate?

I have gotten to the point where I am pretty much a hard ass when it comes to meeting my needs. If a man can't after I expressly say what they are, then I need to move on. I would suggest you wait and see how you feel about it in a few days, but other then that, if he doesn't meet your needs, and you know this, well why stay?

Edited to add... this isn't something that would happen to me, I do not play casually, but even if I came back to a hotel room loaded off my ass I would expect my lover to help me. It isn't like I act that way every day... for christ's sake, if I care for someone I am going to be there if they need me

< Message edited by juliaoceania -- 8/10/2010 6:39:53 PM >


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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:39:58 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

I don't go into subspace and I don't require aftercare, so I'm sure that will affect my viewpoint.
I don't think he was under any obligation to provide you with aftercare.
He wasn't there. He didn't see what you did.
I equate it to you having a big party and then expecting him to come in and clean up the mess.
Sorry...but I would have gotten comfort from those who shared in my experience if I needed it.
My opinion.

Sucks, but me too. I feel every fucking lash, cane, whatever. Subspace to me is still a mystery, but anyway....after we have a rough experience ( I don't "play") I never need or want aftercare. It's more like leave me alone to rest and go do your own thing. Oh, you can bring me a drink first though. ;)

So....even if I did want aftercare, he is not the type to give it to me after an event like you described OP. He would have had to be there to see what I experienced, and that is why I only "play" with him. It's not fair to expect him to pick up the pieces that someone else broke. That is for me to do, or the people that I was with. Aileen is right. At least in my mind.


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(in reply to Aileen1968)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:41:57 PM   

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TwistedHeart -

It will be part of the negotiations in the future. I think that because we've all known each other for so long, and have a close and intimate group of friends, that the question of "will your relationship partner be supportive if you have an experience you've never encountered before?" just never crossed our minds. We went with the "He provided aftercare on other occasions, so we don't have to discuss it again".

I really appreciate your response. I'll be giving it a few days and talking with him then. I feel better than I did this afternoon, so hopefully I will be more clear headed tomorrow.

(in reply to TwistedHeart74)
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RE: Grudgingly given aftercare - long post - 8/10/2010 6:42:35 PM   

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Before you went out you failed to communicate exactly what this meant for both of you.

On top of that things happened that neither of you foresaw.

I can understand your feeling hurt. I can understand his point of view.

Neither point of view is wrong.

I am not sure that it is true you don't love him. Right now, it is hard to know how you feel, aside from hurt. Give it a little bit of time before you make that kind of decision. Sub-drop isn't the time to do that.

I am sorry you are hurting.

In the course of relationships the unexpected can happen. How you weather those storms is what all meaninful relationships are tested by.

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