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RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:22:50 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

what we ended up doing was identifying the midpoint of the plank and then moving the body in one direction or the other until the weight on each of the scales was the same. the common point between the midpoint of the plank and where the body touches it is the point in question.

the students knew prior to going in that the center of gravity is the imaginary spot around which our weight is balanced. I had also had given them clues to think about the teetor-totters we play on in parks.

I think the main thing though being---they were frustrated, at least some of them, by being given a problem to solve without directly being shown how or our very specifically not having gone over what was in front of them.

the differences in student desires and teacher approaches are fascinating---and an endless source of contention.

This is the sort of question one would pose in a 6th. grade general science classs.
Jesus you and your socks are phoquing stupid.

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 121
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:23:37 PM   

Posts: 19394
Joined: 8/27/2008
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You are delightful.
Age discrimination is very real, especially in such a competitive market.
200 applicants to 1 job?
Do you think they often select those over 40?

I was just named chief chemist at 55. Know why? The millennial who had the job didn't know how to be on time or stay sober.


Kinkier than a cheap garden hose.

Whoever said "Religion is the opiate of the masses" never heard Right Wing talk radio.

Don't blame me, I voted for Gary Johnson.

(in reply to Marini)
Profile   Post #: 122
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:23:40 PM   

Posts: 6374
Joined: 11/1/2014
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: bounty44

in principal, im in general agreement.

I know on the whole though, students, at least many students of today, would complain vociferously about something like that and unfortunately, the administration would back them up.

once in a lab I gave the students all the apparatus they needed in order to find the answer to a particular question---and wanted them to figure it out based on the tools at hand. eventually they did, but in the meantime there was a lot of angst directed at me with "why don't you teach us??" being first and foremost.

I bet you would have liked it---figuring out center of gravity on a human body with two doctor office scales and a long plank.

Great job.

Piece of cake to solve tho.

Lie the plank so either end rests on the scales. Calibrate to zero.
Lie the person on the plank.
The ratio of weights projected along the plank is the center of gravity of the person.

Uh,god, I hope you two are really young boys masturbating in your mothers basements and neither of you are actually teachers. You are rotting minds with this asswipe. None of your posts have found shit other than the center of the board where weight is equally distributed. You have no fucking clue where the center of gravity on a human is from that. you walk to and stand where the scales read equal, where is that humans center of gravity, describe it anatomically from that please? post #102 is equally as dipshitted, as is your flat-world and other horseshit.

You are detriments to society, and fit to teach nothing.

Your comment proves nothing other than you can neither read nor understand.
I said lay the ends of the plank on the scale, calibrate to zero - lie a human on the plank - and the ratio of the weights projected on the length of the plank will be the center of gravity of the human.

And of course, I'm correct.

and to think its been joether who ive been thinking of and calling "birdbrain" all along as opposed to vile critter parts:

(can the two comrades wear the moniker equally perhaps?)

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 4/17/2016 1:27:57 PM >

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 123
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:26:58 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Lol, I'm in the science field, and compared to many other majors there technically are plenty of jobs. But news flash, every millennial is running into this problem. My ex's brother was an engineer and it took him 2-3 years to find his first engineering gig, and those are jobs that are typically the most abundant. While I agree that some majors have more job opportunities than others, I went into my program expecting there to be more jobs at the end than others, and from what I've heard it's true, there are more jobs in environmental science than other majors. But at the same time, our country hasn't exactly been supporting much in the way of green progress, and as I stated earlier many companies prefer older and more experienced people for the positions. I'll say what I said to the others, spend a day a millennial and you'll be singing a different tune, because you know shit about what we have to go through.

For green jobs look up escrap. For all sorts of engineering stuff you want to look at a site called cr4.

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 124
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:32:11 PM   

Posts: 6374
Joined: 11/1/2014
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ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: bounty44

in principal, im in general agreement.

I know on the whole though, students, at least many students of today, would complain vociferously about something like that and unfortunately, the administration would back them up.

once in a lab I gave the students all the apparatus they needed in order to find the answer to a particular question---and wanted them to figure it out based on the tools at hand. eventually they did, but in the meantime there was a lot of angst directed at me with "why don't you teach us??" being first and foremost.

I bet you would have liked it---figuring out center of gravity on a human body with two doctor office scales and a long plank.

Great job.

Piece of cake to solve tho.

Lie the plank so either end rests on the scales. Calibrate to zero.
Lie the person on the plank.
The ratio of weights projected along the plank is the center of gravity of the person.

Close, but no cigar.
The center of gravity or physical center of any 3 dimensional object (including humans) is a point in 3 dimensions which would commonly be expressed by its x, y and z coordinates.
The above experiment only determines the z coordinate (assuming that z is the vertical axis of the human while standing) of the location of the center of gravity. This gives the location of the plane where the desired answer (a point) is located. Due to the fact that there are an infinite number of points in a plane, the answer is nowhere close to the center of gravity.

Had you been telling them to locate a balance point, you would have been correct.
Unfortunately, you failed 10th grade geometry while attempting to teach physics.

instead of being a pompous and pedantic ass, you could rather have given some grace and understand that we're colloquially referring to the height of the center of gravity, knowing that the actual point would exist internally.

that takes care of your x, y and z axis points.

and no, there is only one point given an entire human body.

"center of gravity:

"imaginary point through which the resultant force of gravity acts on an object; in the point at which the entire weight of the body may be assumed to be concentrated; the point about which the torques created by the weights of each of the body parts balance; the point of balance of the body."

from biomechanics of sport and exercise by peter McGinnis.

"center of gravity:

"a body's center of gravity, or center of mass, is the point around which the body's weight is equally balanced..."

from basic biomechanics by susan hall.

and yeah, I know, as did my students, and I trust phydeaux knows, that the point changes according to posture.

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 4/17/2016 1:57:36 PM >

(in reply to Hillwilliam)
Profile   Post #: 125
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 1:55:54 PM   

Posts: 4828
Joined: 1/4/2004
Status: offline
Well thompson, since you want to be your usual ridiculous self - nowhere in fact did I say one meaurement. Had bounty wished a three d answer it is merely necessary to rotate the person along the axis of choice. Three axis - three measurements. But the method remains the same.

But your quiblle is as usual ridiculous. You may not have noticed - Humans have pretty good bilateral symmetry - unless you're missing a limb? And I'm willing to bet none of those college students were. Anterior/posterior balance is also quite good with an r of .91 for males at .5 and females at .47. In other words, the assumption of "middle" is as valid as any measurement you will make with this setup.

But nice try.

Ninja'd. Bounty said it more elegantly. Cog is expressed in height due to good assumptions on the other two dimensions.

< Message edited by Phydeaux -- 4/17/2016 2:01:05 PM >

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 126
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:16:23 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: bounty44

in principal, im in general agreement.

I know on the whole though, students, at least many students of today, would complain vociferously about something like that and unfortunately, the administration would back them up.

once in a lab I gave the students all the apparatus they needed in order to find the answer to a particular question---and wanted them to figure it out based on the tools at hand. eventually they did, but in the meantime there was a lot of angst directed at me with "why don't you teach us??" being first and foremost.

I bet you would have liked it---figuring out center of gravity on a human body with two doctor office scales and a long plank.

Great job.

Piece of cake to solve tho.

Lie the plank so either end rests on the scales. Calibrate to zero.
Lie the person on the plank.
The ratio of weights projected along the plank is the center of gravity of the person.

Uh,god, I hope you two are really young boys masturbating in your mothers basements and neither of you are actually teachers. You are rotting minds with this asswipe. None of your posts have found shit other than the center of the board where weight is equally distributed. You have no fucking clue where the center of gravity on a human is from that. you walk to and stand where the scales read equal, where is that humans center of gravity, describe it anatomically from that please? post #102 is equally as dipshitted, as is your flat-world and other horseshit.

You are detriments to society, and fit to teach nothing.

Your comment proves nothing other than you can neither read nor understand.
I said lay the ends of the plank on the scale, calibrate to zero - lie a human on the plank - and the ratio of the weights projected on the length of the plank will be the center of gravity of the human.

And of course, I'm correct.

no. you were given nothing to measure the center of the plank, nothing to measure the center of the human. Of course you are incorrect. As Einstein said, when a fool stood up in his class in princeton ( a graduate student, no less) and proceeded to recount his version of what the theory of relativity was to a pretty girl who asked the question. Schlau, aber nicht wahr

Einstein called himself an old geometer and not a physicist. Tools. They are important, and must be accurate, and the more we advance the more we accurize and the more we can exactly measure, you guess at the center of the board. #Epic #Fail, retake physics 00000000000000000000000000001.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 127
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:18:06 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Phydeaux

Well thompson, since you want to be your usual ridiculous self - nowhere in fact did I say one meaurement. Had bounty wished a three d answer it is merely necessary to rotate the person along the axis of choice. Three axis - three measurements. But the method remains the same.

But your quiblle is as usual ridiculous. You may not have noticed - Humans have pretty good bilateral symmetry - unless you're missing a limb? And I'm willing to bet none of those college students were. Anterior/posterior balance is also quite good with an r of .91 for males at .5 and females at .47. In other words, the assumption of "middle" is as valid as any measurement you will make with this setup.

But nice try.

Ninja'd. Bounty said it more elegantly. Cog is expressed in height due to good assumptions on the other two dimensions.

You have no base, it is like a laffer curve, or the equivalent ... maximixe the area under the curve in algebraic form. You have no geometry. #Epic #Fail. go away nutsukers, this is less science than economics, or your global warming denial.

The center of a human beings gravity is the dan tien about thee finger widths below the belly button. The Ancient chinese had better and more accurate measurements than you, because it is all relative (or invariant, a better thing) if you have initial conditions and an invariant.

< Message edited by mnottertail -- 4/17/2016 2:22:18 PM >


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 128
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:34:24 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux

Well thompson, since you want to be your usual ridiculous self - nowhere in fact did I say one meaurement. Had bounty wished a three d answer it is merely necessary to rotate the person along the axis of choice. Three axis - three measurements. But the method remains the same.

But your quiblle is as usual ridiculous. You may not have noticed - Humans have pretty good bilateral symmetry - unless you're missing a limb? And I'm willing to bet none of those college students were. Anterior/posterior balance is also quite good with an r of .91 for males at .5 and females at .47. In other words, the assumption of "middle" is as valid as any measurement you will make with this setup.

But nice try.

Ninja'd. Bounty said it more elegantly. Cog is expressed in height due to good assumptions on the other two dimensions.

Fuckin stupid....just fuckin stupid. Assume that the gravity of earth is 3 x what it is (it is not) and that all true scotsmen play bagpipes (a fallacy that is at the heart of nutsuckers, you are a nutsucker until you are a rino) what is the width and length of our nearest black hole, (you may use distance to the nearest 400000000 light years) and how does it affect our gravity waves?

Three scientists ride the train in the bar car from Glasgow to London.

While still in Scotland the first; an astronomer, seeing a sheep out the window exclaims, "Look, all the sheep in Scotland are black!"

The second, a mathematician, sipping his ice cold Jameson ponders and then adjures,
"There is one sheep in Scotland that is known to be black."

The third, a physicist, puffs rapidly upon his pipe for a moment, exhaling; and with a deep and weary sigh intones, "In Scotland there exists at least one sheep, of which one side appears to be black, when viewed from a moving train, at some distance."

Naifs should not talk, but listen, they should never teach.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 129
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:41:59 PM   

Posts: 1353
Joined: 5/21/2012
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ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Lol, I'm in the science field, and compared to many other majors there technically are plenty of jobs. But news flash, every millennial is running into this problem. My ex's brother was an engineer and it took him 2-3 years to find his first engineering gig, and those are jobs that are typically the most abundant. While I agree that some majors have more job opportunities than others, I went into my program expecting there to be more jobs at the end than others, and from what I've heard it's true, there are more jobs in environmental science than other majors. But at the same time, our country hasn't exactly been supporting much in the way of green progress, and as I stated earlier many companies prefer older and more experienced people for the positions. I'll say what I said to the others, spend a day a millennial and you'll be singing a different tune, because you know shit about what we have to go through.

For green jobs look up escrap. For all sorts of engineering stuff you want to look at a site called cr4.

Thanks for the heads up, are they American based or international?

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 130
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:55:31 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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ORIGINAL: Hillwilliam

I was just named chief chemist at 55. Know why? The millennial who had the job didn't know how to be on time or stay sober.

Dude we all know you sandbaged that poor phoque. You got him drunk and hid his car keys. Shit the things a man will do to move up the lader.
I like your style.Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and enthusiam.

(in reply to Hillwilliam)
Profile   Post #: 131
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 2:58:56 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux

Well thompson, since you want to be your usual ridiculous self - nowhere in fact did I say one meaurement.

Perhaps you should respond to something I actually posted.
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 132
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 3:07:19 PM   

Posts: 23322
Joined: 10/1/2006
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ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Cr4 is an international blog populated by engineers... political shit is not allowed. They discuss problems some irrerevent some quite sophisticated.They are quick to spot engineering students trying to get help with their homework and are brutal to them. My point is that it will expose you to a wide range of international engineering issues and consequently possible job opportunities.
The escrap site deals with solutions to environmental issues and there is a jobs offered section. Both are free to join.

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 133
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 3:47:08 PM   

Posts: 4828
Joined: 1/4/2004
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ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: mnottertail


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux


ORIGINAL: bounty44

in principal, im in general agreement.

I know on the whole though, students, at least many students of today, would complain vociferously about something like that and unfortunately, the administration would back them up.

once in a lab I gave the students all the apparatus they needed in order to find the answer to a particular question---and wanted them to figure it out based on the tools at hand. eventually they did, but in the meantime there was a lot of angst directed at me with "why don't you teach us??" being first and foremost.

I bet you would have liked it---figuring out center of gravity on a human body with two doctor office scales and a long plank.

Great job.

Piece of cake to solve tho.

Lie the plank so either end rests on the scales. Calibrate to zero.
Lie the person on the plank.
The ratio of weights projected along the plank is the center of gravity of the person.

Uh,god, I hope you two are really young boys masturbating in your mothers basements and neither of you are actually teachers. You are rotting minds with this asswipe. None of your posts have found shit other than the center of the board where weight is equally distributed. You have no fucking clue where the center of gravity on a human is from that. you walk to and stand where the scales read equal, where is that humans center of gravity, describe it anatomically from that please? post #102 is equally as dipshitted, as is your flat-world and other horseshit.

You are detriments to society, and fit to teach nothing.

Your comment proves nothing other than you can neither read nor understand.
I said lay the ends of the plank on the scale, calibrate to zero - lie a human on the plank - and the ratio of the weights projected on the length of the plank will be the center of gravity of the human.

And of course, I'm correct.

no. you were given nothing to measure the center of the plank, nothing to measure the center of the human. Of course you are incorrect. As Einstein said, when a fool stood up in his class in princeton ( a graduate student, no less) and proceeded to recount his version of what the theory of relativity was to a pretty girl who asked the question. Schlau, aber nicht wahr

Einstein called himself an old geometer and not a physicist. Tools. They are important, and must be accurate, and the more we advance the more we accurize and the more we can exactly measure, you guess at the center of the board. #Epic #Fail, retake physics 00000000000000000000000000001.

Mnotter - you are factually incorrect, and demonstrating again that you do not understand science.

The center of gravity of the board has absolutely ZERO to do with it. The differential of weight measures the center of gravity along the x dimension, not along the z dimension.

Which I have explained three times now. Whether the board is a millimeter thick or a foot thick would make zero difference, if you follow the procedure I outlined.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 134
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 3:57:47 PM   

Posts: 4828
Joined: 1/4/2004
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ORIGINAL: Tkman117


ORIGINAL: thompsonx

ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Lol, I'm in the science field, and compared to many other majors there technically are plenty of jobs. But news flash, every millennial is running into this problem. My ex's brother was an engineer and it took him 2-3 years to find his first engineering gig, and those are jobs that are typically the most abundant. While I agree that some majors have more job opportunities than others, I went into my program expecting there to be more jobs at the end than others, and from what I've heard it's true, there are more jobs in environmental science than other majors. But at the same time, our country hasn't exactly been supporting much in the way of green progress, and as I stated earlier many companies prefer older and more experienced people for the positions. I'll say what I said to the others, spend a day a millennial and you'll be singing a different tune, because you know shit about what we have to go through.

For green jobs look up escrap. For all sorts of engineering stuff you want to look at a site called cr4.

Thanks for the heads up, are they American based or international?

Why don't you interview at Koch Environmental. 7 open positions for environmental engineers...

< Message edited by Phydeaux -- 4/17/2016 3:58:35 PM >

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 135
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 4:15:08 PM   

Posts: 7574
Joined: 3/7/2010
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ORIGINAL: Tkman117




ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Lol, I'm in the science field, and compared to many other majors there technically are plenty of jobs. But news flash, every millennial is running into this problem. My ex's brother was an engineer and it took him 2-3 years to find his first engineering gig, and those are jobs that are typically the most abundant. While I agree that some majors have more job opportunities than others, I went into my program expecting there to be more jobs at the end than others, and from what I've heard it's true, there are more jobs in environmental science than other majors. But at the same time, our country hasn't exactly been supporting much in the way of green progress, and as I stated earlier many companies prefer older and more experienced people for the positions. I'll say what I said to the others, spend a day a millennial and you'll be singing a different tune, because you know shit about what we have to go through.

What about jobs outside of Canada? some young people have decided to take well paying jobs in Dubia, etc.. not the ideal i guess but if you could do that at least as a (temporary?) expat you wouldnt be paying tax to Canada (wheras American expats are still tied to the IRS no matter where they reside).. If I was a young dude it would be something I would look into, weigh the pros & cons and strongly consider..

I have applied for positions outside of the country, but the thing is that most countries prefer to take natives over foreigners, especially in Europe of Australia. Not to mention if you're talking about applying for environmental job in the middle east or Asia, chances are there won't be many out that way. These are developing countries after all, countries with weaker environmental protections and countries that profit greatly from the oil industry. Since they're developing, they depend on oil to hold up their economy and aren't as able to make changes toward more green technology as it is too expensive for them a good chunk of the time. I'm not saying that there aren't any environmental positions in those countries, but compared to western countries that are trying to move toward greener futures, they're in a much smaller minority in general.

My understanding about the Mid-east is that its new at the environmental stuff.. There is also a recent green city there (Masdar City) but the whole global financial debacle derailed much of the plans, but it shows they are starting to do green stuff there. You ever heard the story of the 2 shoe salesmen?
There is a tale about these two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.
One man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, “Honey, I’m coming back home. There’s no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there’s no one to sell to.” He boards the next flight home.
The second man calls his wife and says, “Honey, you wouldn’t believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!”
I guess it depends on if you consider the glass half empty or half full..

Maybe you should focus on networking like crazy especially with those in your field, the more people you know, the more they talk to you, see you, the better your chances.. You have to stay in front of people so when there is an opportunity they think of you.. even if its just a short contract thing it would give you experience and add to your resume..

So many things can be considered "green" these days,.. so you build a small house using shipping containers... oh, thats being "green".. lol.. so I am not sure what segment(s) of green jobs you are after..


As Anderson Cooper said “If he (Trump) took a dump on his desk, you would defend it”

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 136
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 4:39:30 PM   

Posts: 6374
Joined: 11/1/2014
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ORIGINAL: Phydeaux
Mnotter - you are factually incorrect, and demonstrating again that you do not understand science.

nor that he read (or understood?) the link with the lab on it exactly as I described it, showing exactly what I said we did in lab.

it even had a diagram for goodness sake.

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 4/17/2016 4:40:15 PM >

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 137
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 4:55:14 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux
Mnotter - you are factually incorrect, and demonstrating again that you do not understand science.

nor that he read (or understood?) the link with the lab on it exactly as I described it, showing exactly what I said we did in lab.

it even had a diagram for goodness sake.

those who thought they taught, with that lab, shuoud be jailed as cockgarlers. So, retares cannot define the difference between mass and weight, neither can they define where it lays on the earth under proscribed contitions


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 138
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 5:21:33 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: Phydeaux
Mnotter - you are factually incorrect, and demonstrating again that you do not understand science.

nor that he read (or understood?) the link with the lab on it exactly as I described it, showing exactly what I said we did in lab.

it even had a diagram for goodness sake.

so, you pounded your pud, I guess for you nutsuckers, that is a trilogy, but for most of us, it it is what is written on one side of asswpie before we put it somehwere we dont have to see it again.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 139
RE: Generation Gap - 4/17/2016 5:59:33 PM   

Posts: 60698
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If these nutsuckers are actually teaching your children, get them out of school because neither of these cockgarlgers can find their owm ass with two hands and a flashlight, let alone instruct others.

< Message edited by mnottertail -- 4/17/2016 6:00:23 PM >


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to mnottertail)
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