Menstrual cycle…. (Full Version)

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Master96 -> Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:18:31 PM)

Greetings everyone,

To submissive/slave females and Dommes; how does it affect you through BDSM lifestyle?


SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:31:08 PM)

Well, in the past I can say that for about five days during the month, I was

1) Feeling fat, bloated and unattractive.
2) Teary-eyed, and ready to cry over almost anything.
3) Hungry for carbohydrates (cookies, chips, dinner rolls, pasta, etc).
4) Tired and needing a nap sometimes, when I didn't usually the rest of the month.
5) Much more sensitive to feeling pain than usual (especially my breasts and thighs).
6) Sometimes kind of short-tempered. past Dominant basically left me alone during "that time of the month". He did not call and invite me over - it was just "one of those things" that was "understood" between us. He did not have masochistic tendencies at all, apparently. LOL!


- Susan

thetammyjo -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:33:39 PM)

Day two of my period is the worst -- the most pain and I feel sick to my stomach. Mostly I want to be cuddled but a few days before it I'm very horny.

During my period my slave loves to use my vibrator on me because the orgasm helps with my cramps. It took him years to convince me it was ok and not icky. Or in his words "It comes from you; how can it be anything but beautiful, Mistress."

I did tell you all that Fox is a really wonderful man, right?

LadyHugs -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:34:53 PM)

Dear Master96, Ladies and Gentlemen;

I'll first say it is a bloody topic indeed! [Chuckles] --

In all seriousness, it depends on the women on the cycle.  In my younger experiences in the scene, a female slave did not have the luxury of tampons or pads.  So, everything slave was natural.  The practice of sitting on a butt rag --the term of which goes back 'on the rag' as not to soil the furniture in the swinging community that was merged with BDSM sex and swinging at the time, were told to bring their own towels so nobody's furniture had menstrual fluids and or orgasm and or other body functional issues applied to the furniture.

Some women bleed more than others.  Some women have short cycles and or long, with everything in between.  Some are extremely irregular so, like Pearl Habor, we get sneak attacks suddenly, when it comes to menstration.

How it effects the 'play' can vary.  If you wish to play around the genitals, it is a good idea to pad the area and or tampon the area, cover with suran wrap and or cling wrap and enjoy the toys on top of the barriers.  Otherwise, use items that can be washed in a dish washer and or sterilized in a medical device, designed to sterilize.

Being mindful that the chemicals in women's body, scent, emotional and mental realms are changed, that in turn will effect the whole tone of the scene.  Women are all different on how these 'cycles' go.  Talking to them is so important.  It has always been considered a 'dirty' topic that proper ladies don't talk about for generations.  I cannot tell you how much it means to submissive/slave women to feel sexy, wanted and held during these periods. (No pun intended).  If their body is in agony--the best scene is hugging and loving your slave with tenderness.  Most women I've spoken to, feel that men will abandon them or find them repulsive when on these cycles.  This is the time when women need a Master/Mistress the most.

Respectfully submitted for consideration,
Lady Hugs

SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:35:45 PM)

I have to say that right before, for about 2-3 days, as well as right after, my period, (for maybe 1-2 days) I am usually hornier than all get out, though (especially right before).

The older I've gotten, the more incapacitating my monthly cramps have seemed to become. Nowadays, I lay in bed for at least a few hours during the day with a heating pad, they are so bad I can hardly move, even though I take Midol, Ibubrofen, etc. It sucks. But - in a few years, I won't need to concern myself with that anymore, because I will reach menopause (thank God)!  I am not particularly a wimp, either. It's just really bad pain.

**I agree with LadyHugs. It would have been nice for me if my Dominant had wanted to hold and cuddle me, and if I could have fallen asleep in his arms during a nap, but I did understand why he wanted not to be there (I could get kinda grouchy and weepy, and I whined a lot about my cramps). But geez - I just seem to get God-awful cramps and not much seems to relieve them except the unconsciousness of sleeping.

- Susan

Merritt27 -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:36:03 PM)

Other than fluctuating from a little weepy to a little bitchy during that time....everything else stays the same.  Luckily, I have a Daddy that is to say the least understanding and patient. 

SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:40:46 PM)

I agree that orgasms can help with cramps. That is something to remember - I know tammyjo and I are probably not alone thinking that.

- Susan

LaTigresse -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:54:25 PM)

How I am totally depends on the month. My body varies completely from month to month. Sometimes I don't even get a warning sign and other times I am purely evil and need to go into hybernation. I also have experienced a new addition to the PMS ammunition, terrible headaches......just peachy! Yes, the carb craving can be totally wicked! And yes sometimes before and after I want to attack every fair maiden and even the occasion cute guy. It is also just about the only time you will ever get tears out of me and I sometimes just want some really nice hugs and snuggling. Aren't hormones just grand?!?!

And thank you Lady Hugs for the laughter, I especially loved the Pearl Harbour reference!

SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 12:58:29 PM)

I love your tag-line, LaTigresse. LOL!  [:D]

- Susan

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:02:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Master96
To submissive/slave females and Dommes; how does it affect you through BDSM lifestyle?
With myself, the effect is that I need him around more for the same reasons ladies have mentioned above...  I'm a little more intense/sensitive, needing more patience and care from him, and I'm also a little hornier right before and about day 2 into my menses, so that having a boy who thinks like TammyJo's Fox

"It comes from you; how can it be anything but beautiful, Mistress."
Would be a great blessing.    M

ArtimisBlack -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:03:07 PM)

I'm a victim of the prior horniness too. I guess it's just our body’s way of telling us to go procreate as we are likely most fertile a few days before the red friend knocks on our door....

LaTigresse -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:04:29 PM)

Thank you Susan, this very subject inspired it![:D]

SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:04:51 PM)

More like the red enemy. I cannot wait to go through menopause and have this monthly battle for my emotional stability and physical over-sensitivity be over - for good.

I like your new pic, Artimis.

- Susan

Littlepita -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:07:56 PM)

My PMS and period vary from month to month. Sometimes I get horrible cramps and become very moody and other times it's barely noticeable.

My Dom keeps track of when I'm about to start. He knows that when I become moodier than normal it's that time of month and he treats me accordingly. He doesn't make excuses for bad behaviour, but he does allow me some room to bitch if I need to. He is very patient and loving to me, which helps deflect most of the symptoms. He also gives terrific back massages.

Of course, there is that need I have for chocolate and my need to lose weight too. He doesn't seem to think, like I do, that chocolate calories don't count if I'm PMSing. [:D]

LaTigresse -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:18:25 PM)

Chocolate is the 5th major food group, necessary to sustaining life. The most important food on the food pyramid. Don't let anyone tell you differently......they are just trying to con you out of your share of the chocolate![:D]

Lashra -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:25:37 PM)

Horniness before, during and after. PMS, cramps, back ache, emotional rollercoaster, I demand to be cuddled and waited on more so then usual and my sub happily complies. he like Tammyjo's slave fox, made me realise that orgasms makes the cramps subside and improves my emotional health as well. he doesn't care about the icky factor either at all.

You can  never have too much chocolate and the calories are *love* calories....well it sounded good to me[;)]


LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:26:03 PM)

I think for the majority of females in the world, if any adjustments need to be made, they can be made unobtrusively, taking a few pills, taking a longer shower, exercising a bit more, etc and require absolutely no change in day-to-day workings. It might be helpful to make your partner aware of your cycle so they can at least understand any crimps that come up, but I don't think it should be cause for any disruption or special accommodations.

For the FEW percentage who experience actual crippling emotional/physical effects from it, obviously it should be handled as any illness or dysfunction should.

To add:
I do get a bit annoyed when women spend so much time complaining and wasting energy about their cycle.  I wish more would celebrate it.  While there is a small percentage of women for whom menstruation IS an ordeal and difficult for them, I think the majority of problems are blown far out of proportion.
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PMS from hell?
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How do you like your dom/master treating you on your period?

LaTigresse -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:28:59 PM)

Ohhhhhhhhh LA, when I find more pros than cons.......then I will be celebrating!

SusanofO -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 1:41:07 PM)

I understand what LA said (I do), but my cramps really are a complete _itch - and I think I am in the minority (perhaps).

I really do celebrate the fact we females can have babies, etc.- I think that is a wondrous gift - except I am not having any children (I already know that about myself, at my age it's out of the question - at least to me it is). I have toyed w/the idea of having a Hysterectomy, just to rid myself of my cycle, except I've read that can screw up one's body even worse, so am not going there.

I am thinking of trying that new drug called Seasonale, that makes one cycle something like 4 times a year, vs. every month. I've heard it can be a Godsend for people like me.

- Susan

MasterRobsalayna -> RE: Menstrual cycle…. (7/26/2006 3:17:56 PM)

Hello Susan and everyone - Seasonale is awesome.  alayna is on the first go round and other than some breakthrough bleeding it hasn't been too bad.  The breakthrough bleeding is common for the first year and can vary from light discharge to a full blown period.  alayna has noticed the skin is a bit oiler (hey, keeps wrinkles away!) and the moods are a bit more pronounced, but that is all supposed to even out.  alayna has not experienced a first period on this pill yet (end of August) but hears it can be a bear.  We'll see.  alayna does see the benefit of having 4 periods a year and hopes to stay on it for a few more years till alayna's body "should" start peri-menapause and then will discuss options with the doctor.

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