Posts: 50
Joined: 2/26/2004 From: Lancaster, California Status: offline
Hi there, While some folks here know me from another site, many probably don't. Pardon me if this comes off as a bit snooty.. but the topic is near and dear to my heart (I do HIV Outreach). I also was a collared submissive for about five years. There is was a part of my contract that stated I would not be asked to do anything that would put me in any permanent harm. I would count HIV risk as permanent harm. Submissives are asked to submit to their Masters.. but not so much as to forego personal health and loss of life. It is my belief that a Master/Dominant is in all ways ultimately responsible for their submissive. Break the toy.. you pay to fix the toy. You can't fix the toy? You had best be able to compensate that toy for the rest of their life. This goes for long term partners AND casual play partners. If the Top damages the bottom... the Top is responsible. That is my belief. As for HIV risk reduction techniques. Oral sex has a lower transmission rate than vaginal or anal sex. For those who are unwilling to use barrier protection, we do suggest oral sex as an alternative method. Much like condoms.. it isn't 100%, but it does lower the risk to some degree. Women are being diagnosed HIV+ at an alarming rate. So much so that even the funding is moving away from the MSM (men who have sex with men) and going towards Women at sexual risk. These stats are four years old! Can you imagine what the actual numbers are today? We won't know until 2010... sorry folks. HIV/AIDS Among Women (http://www.thebody.com/cdc/women_prevalence.html great website with daily updates) April 2006 Early in the epidemic, HIV infection and AIDS were diagnosed for relatively few women and female adolescents (in this fact sheet, referred to as women).Today, women account for more than one quarter of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses. Women of color are especially affected by HIV infection and AIDS. In 2002 (the most recent year for which data are available), HIV infection was - the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25-34 years
- the 3rd leading cause of death for African American women aged 35-44 years
- the 4th leading cause of death for African American women aged 45-54 years and for Hispanic women aged 35-44.
In the same year, HIV infection was the 5th leading cause of death among all women aged 35-44 years and the 6th leading cause of death among all women aged 25-34 years. The only diseases causing more deaths of women were cancer and heart disease. Statistics HIV/AIDS in 2004 - Data from 35 areas with confidential name-based HIV reporting indicate that an estimated 10,410 women were given a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. (my comment : 35 states reporting... out of 50 ... California was NOT one of the name-based reporting states)
- Heterosexual contact was the source of 78% of these new infections.
- Women accounted for 27% of the estimated 38,730 diagnoses of HIV/AIDS.
- Of the 123,405 women living with HIV/AIDS, 64% were African American, 19% were white, 15% were Hispanic, less than 1% were Asians and Pacific Islanders, and less than 1% were American Indians and Alaska Natives.
- Of the HIV/AIDS diagnoses for women during 2001-2004, an estimated 15% were for women aged 13-24 years.
- According to a recent CDC study of more than 19,500 patients with HIV in 10 US cities, women were less likely than men to receive prescriptions for the most effective treatments for HIV infection.