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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent to monogamy?

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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/14/2006 12:24:00 PM   

Posts: 2988
Joined: 11/14/2005
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People can get tested for HIV every 6 months, but unless they have abstained from unprotected sex (including oral) for 6 months before the test is taken, the results may be inaccurate. Someone said the risk of passing HIV through oral sex is minimal, but I can't see how. A person's gums can bleed from tooth brushing. The HIV virus is present in seminal fluid and many Masters expect their slaves to swallow. I would think that a great many new HIV infections have occured from unprotected oral sex.

(in reply to impishlilhellcat)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 7:34:25 PM   

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I read your profile. ONLY  guys who are balding or have thin hair are faithful. ALL males with full heads of hair are lotharios. *smiles*

(in reply to defiantbadgirl)
Profile   Post #: 22
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 7:51:26 PM   

Posts: 521
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ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl
People can get tested for HIV every 6 months, but unless they have abstained from unprotected sex (including oral) for 6 months before the test is taken, the results may be inaccurate. Someone said the risk of passing HIV through oral sex is minimal, but I can't see how. A person's gums can bleed from tooth brushing. The HIV virus is present in seminal fluid and many Masters expect their slaves to swallow. I would think that a great many new HIV infections have occured from unprotected oral sex.

There is something in saliva which seems to inhibit the passing of aids orally.  At this time, in the whole history of the AIDS epidemic, the CDC (Center of Disease Control, in Atlanta) has not one documented case of AIDS being spread by oral sex either way.  I would bet you would win the lottery or get hit by a meteorite before you catch aids from a blowjob.


You never know your limits, until you push them
If slavery is a gift, the Africans were pretty fucking generous in the 1700 and 1800s, weren't they?

(in reply to defiantbadgirl)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 7:58:39 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ArchangelMichael
If that's all I thought about, I'd still be with my psycho ex because the sex was good, but not much else was.

Psycho Ex?!?  Could we have been married to the same woman ..."The Evil One"?  LOL!
(Before I get hate GIRLFRIEND coined that name because of the messages left on my voicemail by my ex-wife.  I just enjoy the benefit of seeing it in print.)


You never know your limits, until you push them
If slavery is a gift, the Africans were pretty fucking generous in the 1700 and 1800s, weren't they?

(in reply to ArchangelMichael)
Profile   Post #: 24
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 8:01:00 PM   

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As man have already said, if you are going by here online and chatrooms that is what you are going to find, a good amount of the men that go to chat room even venilla ones as you put it are going because they are seeking sex its just how adult rooms online are(I know this is a gross generalisation but in my experiance this is how it is). I sugest make freinds in real life not online.


Please take care of your toys treat them with Love and respect, For broken toys are no fun at all!


(in reply to impishlilhellcat)
Profile   Post #: 25
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 8:03:53 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Invictus754


ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl
People can get tested for HIV every 6 months, but unless they have abstained from unprotected sex (including oral) for 6 months before the test is taken, the results may be inaccurate. Someone said the risk of passing HIV through oral sex is minimal, but I can't see how. A person's gums can bleed from tooth brushing. The HIV virus is present in seminal fluid and many Masters expect their slaves to swallow. I would think that a great many new HIV infections have occured from unprotected oral sex.

There is something in saliva which seems to inhibit the passing of aids orally.  At this time, in the whole history of the AIDS epidemic, the CDC (Center of Disease Control, in Atlanta) has not one documented case of AIDS being spread by oral sex either way.  I would bet you would win the lottery or get hit by a meteorite before you catch aids from a blowjob.

respectfully Sir I would like to say that I dont beleave this to be true. While what you say may hold true for the resipiant of the blowjob the giver is at signifacently higher risk if the resipiant has the virus. Any exchange of fluids poses the risk of passing it.


Please take care of your toys treat them with Love and respect, For broken toys are no fun at all!


(in reply to Invictus754)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 8:13:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: BrokenDoll
respectfully Sir I would like to say that I dont beleave this to be true. While what you say may hold true for the resipiant of the blowjob the giver is at signifacently higher risk if the resipiant has the virus. Any exchange of fluids poses the risk of passing it.

I went to the CDC page to gather proof of my claim; I found that I am spouting old information.  I stand corrected, and offer my humble apologies. :)

However, using my home state of NC as an example, there are only 10,891 cases of AIDS reported in NC for men.  From an approximate population of 8.3 million, that is a 0.13% (13 hundredths of a percent or 13 times out of 10,000) that a woman will find a man with AIDS.  And, if she only engages in oral sex, then there is only an 8% chance she will contact AIDS from the encounter - which makes it .0104% - 104 times out of one million - chance of getting AIDS.  So, it is true the odds are better than winning the lottery, but the odds are certainly against you getting it.  There are only 3187 reported cases in NC for women, so men have a much smaller chance of catching it...assuming they are heterosexual.  So choose your state wisely.

< Message edited by Invictus754 -- 8/17/2006 8:32:25 PM >


You never know your limits, until you push them
If slavery is a gift, the Africans were pretty fucking generous in the 1700 and 1800s, weren't they?

(in reply to BrokenDoll)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 10:03:12 PM   

Posts: 50
Joined: 2/26/2004
From: Lancaster, California
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Hi there,

While some folks here know me from another site, many probably don't. Pardon me if this comes off as a bit snooty.. but the topic is near and dear to my heart (I do HIV Outreach).

I also was a collared submissive for about five years.

There is was a part of my contract that stated I would not be asked to do anything that would put me in any permanent harm. I would count HIV risk as permanent harm.

Submissives are asked to submit to their Masters.. but not so much as to forego personal health and loss of life.

It is my belief that a Master/Dominant is in all ways ultimately responsible for their submissive. Break the toy.. you pay to fix the toy. You can't fix the toy? You had best be able to compensate that toy for the rest of their life. This goes for long term partners AND casual play partners. If the Top damages the bottom... the Top is responsible. That is my belief.

As for HIV risk reduction techniques.

Oral sex has a lower transmission rate than vaginal or anal sex. For those who are unwilling to use barrier protection, we do suggest oral sex as an alternative method. Much like condoms.. it isn't 100%, but it does lower the risk to some degree.

Women are being diagnosed HIV+ at an alarming rate. So much so that even the funding is moving away from the MSM (men who have sex with men) and going towards Women at sexual risk.

These stats are four years old! Can you imagine what the actual numbers are today? We won't know until 2010... sorry folks.

HIV/AIDS Among Women ( great website with daily updates)
April 2006
Early in the epidemic, HIV infection and AIDS were diagnosed for relatively few women and female adolescents (in this fact sheet, referred to as women).Today, women account for more than one quarter of all new HIV/AIDS diagnoses.  Women of color are especially affected by HIV infection and AIDS. In 2002 (the most recent year for which data are available), HIV infection was

  • the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25-34 years

  • the 3rd leading cause of death for African American women aged 35-44 years

  • the 4th leading cause of death for African American women aged 45-54 years and for Hispanic women aged 35-44.

In the same year, HIV infection was the 5th leading cause of death among all women aged 35-44 years and the 6th leading cause of death among all women aged 25-34 years. The only diseases causing more deaths of women were cancer and heart disease.

HIV/AIDS in 2004

  • Data from 35 areas with confidential name-based HIV reporting indicate that an estimated 10,410 women were given a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. (my comment : 35 states reporting... out of 50 ... California was NOT one of the name-based reporting states)

  • Heterosexual contact was the source of 78% of these new infections.

  • Women accounted for 27% of the estimated 38,730 diagnoses of HIV/AIDS.

  • Of the 123,405 women living with HIV/AIDS, 64% were African American, 19% were white, 15% were Hispanic, less than 1% were Asians and Pacific Islanders, and less than 1% were American Indians and Alaska Natives.

  • Of the HIV/AIDS diagnoses for women during 2001-2004, an estimated 15% were for women aged 13-24 years.

  • According to a recent CDC study of more than 19,500 patients with HIV in 10 US cities, women were less likely than men to receive prescriptions for the most effective treatments for HIV infection.

(in reply to Invictus754)
Profile   Post #: 28
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 10:11:12 PM   

Posts: 50
Joined: 2/26/2004
From: Lancaster, California
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ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl

People can get tested for HIV every 6 months, but unless they have abstained from unprotected sex (including oral) for 6 months before the test is taken, the results may be inaccurate. Someone said the risk of passing HIV through oral sex is minimal, but I can't see how. A person's gums can bleed from tooth brushing. The HIV virus is present in seminal fluid and many Masters expect their slaves to swallow. I would think that a great many new HIV infections have occured from unprotected oral sex.

Sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on the transmission of the virus. The risk is lower.. not eliminated during oral sex. You are absolutely right that the virus is in semen.

It is also found in blood, vaginal fluids, pre-cum, and breast milk. is the best site for up to date info.

(in reply to defiantbadgirl)
Profile   Post #: 29
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 10:15:03 PM   

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Do you have any statistics on transmission specifically through oral sex? From what I understand, saliva is a very low risk body fluid for transmitting HIV or AIDS,  but semen and blood are both high risk.

(in reply to WildnWicked)
Profile   Post #: 30
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 10:32:22 PM   

Posts: 384
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From: Las Vegas
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Remember, though, even if the risk of AIDS is low enough for you to feel comfortable with (!), you can catch a whole host of other nasty, although treatable, diseases, even from oral.  Gonorrhea in the throat, clap in your eye, warts, herpes - and for most of these, you will never notice the symptoms until it is too late.  Cervical cancer has direct links to genital warts, which have direct correlation with men with multiple sex partners (current or past).  So, either long term mutually faithful monogamy (or faithful polygamy) is the only truly "safe" way, but condoms are a heck of a lot better than bareback if your dom has any level of concern for your safety and well-being.  And if he doesn't care about that - why are you with him? 


Love is patient, love is kind. I am neither. Get over it.

(in reply to defiantbadgirl)
Profile   Post #: 31
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/17/2006 11:25:20 PM   

Posts: 50
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From: Lancaster, California
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Saliva is a zero risk body fluid. That whole bucket full of saliva is a myth (and really gross if you think about it).

Blood in the saliva is what makes it dangerous.

Another risk reduction technique I tell folks is NOT to brush their teeth any time prior to engaging in oral sex.

The studies that have been done on the risk factor vary. Some rank it as high as 9% and some as low as 2%. You are dealing with the honesty of the people involved in the study.

The question you have to ask yourself is "Is this moment of my life worth the pain and harship I might  have to endure for the rest of my years?"

HIV is no longer a death sentence. It is viewed as a chronic illness much like diabetes. The sooner someone knows their status, the better off they are.

(in reply to Bluebird)
Profile   Post #: 32
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 3:53:53 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Invictus754


ORIGINAL: BrokenDoll
respectfully Sir I would like to say that I dont beleave this to be true. While what you say may hold true for the resipiant of the blowjob the giver is at signifacently higher risk if the resipiant has the virus. Any exchange of fluids poses the risk of passing it.

I went to the CDC page to gather proof of my claim; I found that I am spouting old information.  I stand corrected, and offer my humble apologies. :)

However, using my home state of NC as an example, there are only 10,891 cases of AIDS reported in NC for men.  From an approximate population of 8.3 million, that is a 0.13% (13 hundredths of a percent or 13 times out of 10,000) that a woman will find a man with AIDS.  And, if she only engages in oral sex, then there is only an 8% chance she will contact AIDS from the encounter - which makes it .0104% - 104 times out of one million - chance of getting AIDS.  So, it is true the odds are better than winning the lottery, but the odds are certainly against you getting it.  There are only 3187 reported cases in NC for women, so men have a much smaller chance of catching it...assuming they are heterosexual.  So choose your state wisely.

Not  a Problem Sir I didnt mean to be disrespectfull in corecting you or anything but i guess since Im a product of very resent health education  my info would be more current(I only graduated high school 4 years ago so my high school health aducation is very resent) I guess this is one instence were beeing younger worked to my advantage.

edited to add:
Also haveing grown up on Long Island I lived in a hot bed for aids... I think it is currently the densest population of aids pacients in America or something like that (meaning most persent per population) 

< Message edited by BrokenDoll -- 8/18/2006 3:57:03 AM >


Please take care of your toys treat them with Love and respect, For broken toys are no fun at all!


(in reply to Invictus754)
Profile   Post #: 33
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 4:01:26 AM   

Posts: 189
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Why in the world would men risk AIDS than consent to celibacy?

Anyhow, to vaguely glance at the discussion currently going on... HIV can, -potentially- be transmitted via oral sex, but the (small) chances of it being passed on at all are further reduced by the fact that it's harder to pass on viruses like that through oral sex. Oral is the least risky, followed by vaginal. Anal's the most risky.

Of course, there's all those other wonderful diseases, some of which can't even be stopped by condoms (HPV, Herpes), so it's not really HIV you need to be terribly worried about (though considering it's a death sentence, it wouldn't hurt to be worried anyway.)

What's this have to do with switches again?



(in reply to BrokenDoll)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 9:22:39 AM   

Posts: 50
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From: Lancaster, California
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Hey there Molecular..

Long time no see.. you still posting over at the other site? (I haven't posted there in ages)


We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.-- Marilyn Manson

(in reply to Moleculor)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 5:25:45 PM   

Posts: 2156
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Hey there WildnWicked and Moleculor...

Nice to see you both again.  I have not been on the other site much either.  Thanks for all the info. too!

Have a great weekend...



=It's not my fault that when I was a baby I was dropped in a box of Glitter & I have been shinin' ever since=

�*:-.,_,.-:* � �*:-.,_,.-:* � �*:-.,_,.-:* � �*:-.,_,-:* �

(in reply to WildnWicked)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 11:22:49 PM   

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Let's go back to the simplicities of nature.

The male sex of most living species have sex on there mind. Why? Because it's how we pass on our genes for reproduction. Just on the genetic/instinct level alone, males naturaly want to pass on there genes as much as possible. Because the need to populate for a race to survive, nature has made our bodies to want sex and feel pleasuring sensation from it. The need to populate plus good feeling outways the thoughts or worries of STDs. After all,  no one lives forever. So why care how you die. The need/genetic desire is to keep on populating while you can.

< Message edited by FangsNfeet -- 8/18/2006 11:47:41 PM >


I'm Godzilla and you're Japan

(in reply to defiantbadgirl)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/18/2006 11:56:44 PM   

Posts: 9930
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why are you posting this in the switches forum?

Ummmm, gee Stacy, I don't know, maybe because she's a switch?


Big man! Pig Man!
Ha Ha...Charade you are!

Why do they leave out the letter b on "Garage Sale" signs?

CM's #1 All-Time Also-Ran

(in reply to StacyCat)
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RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/19/2006 12:36:30 AM   

Posts: 106
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Arpig Sir this is off topic but I love the new photo very hansom

edited to add the Sir sorry I forgot it Arpig Sir

< Message edited by BrokenDoll -- 8/19/2006 12:55:00 AM >


Please take care of your toys treat them with Love and respect, For broken toys are no fun at all!


(in reply to Arpig)
Profile   Post #: 39
RE: Why would men rather risk getting AIDS than consent... - 8/19/2006 8:29:45 AM   

Posts: 9930
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From: Increasingly further from reality
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Thank you. And I give you carte blanche to go off topic to tell me I am handsome any time you feel the need


Big man! Pig Man!
Ha Ha...Charade you are!

Why do they leave out the letter b on "Garage Sale" signs?

CM's #1 All-Time Also-Ran

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