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RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 9:50:19 AM   

Posts: 6041
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That does make sense to me.  The one time I had to put a cap on what I considered my rude response was when someone said something that implied I said something bad about my former dominant.  LOL Holeysmokes I was angry!  Few things make me mad, but anyone suggesting I don't still have feelings for the man make me smoke.  After my anger was vented (as politely as I could in lieu of my anger), I had to not look at anything else that poster said. I may explode occasionally, but I don't see the need to continue the battle here on this venue.  I do find that rude.

ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

I do tend to agree with you Missokyst, which is why I asked the question in the first place.  I was interested in the answers from a mixed bag of people.
In answer to your question - I do not believe I recieve 'rude' responses on here (CM Forum).  Rude denotes to me, that someone has power over another even if that is to be the person being in some way negative and it affects -for example - me.  As nothing affects me unless I let it, I would have to say I just do not get 'rude' responses(that may sound complete gobbledgook - but it makes sense to me)


pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding ~Gibran, Kahlil

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
― Bob Marley

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 81
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 9:51:08 AM   

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ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: peepeegirl5
In my mind playing out what "mutual respect" means to people on the street is that as two of you approach each other both of you move out of the way so that there won't be a collision.

Is this where respect begins, to move aside ..?

Not literally people on the street Peepee.

But it certainly could be respect for the other person in tandem with respect to where you need to go without injury.

Yes, I took it out of context on purpose to move it from abstraction to body wisdom. I'd hoped to cast light from another perspective to illuminate a more comprehensive and accurate answer to the "what is respect?" question.

Thanks :)

(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
Profile   Post #: 82
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 10:10:26 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MistressKay

too many people confuse respect with manners - there is a difference. Treating people with respect is not the same thing as respecting them.. it's just being polite. Respect grows when people get to know who you really are, when they see values and integrity that they personally hold in high regard. Also keep in mind that you can respect ones skills without respecting them as a person.

As for how long it takes - only time will expose who we really are within and the time it takes will vary depending on our openness and the trusting nature of the other person.

Lady Kay

Hello Kay
you stated it perfectly
Live well


(in reply to MistressKay)
Profile   Post #: 83
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 10:22:10 AM   

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I am required, in both real life and online, to show respect to all, men and women; old and young. It is how I was raised, the military has reinforced this, and Master makes sure that I never forget it.

This is, I believe, where a lot of the confusion on this thread is coming from. What you are doing here is being respectful; a social quality that everyone deserves to be treated decently. Those of you who have said they automatically give respect, are really being respectful. The difference is subtle and profound. (As I was typing this, I see that MistressKay said essentially the same thing).

I am respectful to everyone, but that has nothing to do with whether I respect them or not. In order to gain my respect, it has to be earned on an individual basis. Nobody gets my respect without earning it, but I am willing to be respectful to everyone unless or until they show they do not deserve it.

One of the comments I think amusing is the old saw "People earn respect by their words matching their actions". That sounds good, but think about that for a minute. Someone who is a complete a*hole is matching their words with their actions, but they sure don't deserve respect. Having actions match words is not a very good a qualifier if you think about it.

What is respect? Having esteem for the worth or excellence of a person, or a personal quality or ability.

How does one earn respect? You earn respect first by respecting yourself. Having that sense of self worth as a human being, with all your strengths and weaknesses. You earn respect secondly by accepting the worth of others as a human being, along with all their strengths and weaknesses.

So how does one lose respect? By consistently determining someone else's worth by an arbitrary, predetermined set of values. If you are not a god fearing christian conservative, for example, you don't deserve respect. Conversely, by being a god fearing christian conservative, you don't deserve respect.

One also loses respect if they are extremely self-centered, selfish, rude, biased, bigoted; think they are better than others just because, who lack respect for others; you get the idea.

Namaste, Sir Dominic


You teach best what you have lived.

(in reply to jauntyone)
Profile   Post #: 84
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 10:34:18 AM   

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"Which always brings up the question of whether a slave is simply like everyone else who chooses their limits and restrictions, but simply finds the perfect fit and doesn't need to express them actively? "
I've often thought this true myself.  And true of myself.  It's a little more complicated than simply finding a perfect fit, more like becoming a perfect fit for each other...but close enough.   When it gets right down to it, whatever we call ourselves, we are all free agents. What binds me to Sir is my own loyalty and ethics, based on a decision I made, which in turn was based on my perception of his qualities as a human being. Anyone who's basing their relationship on anything else, might want to check and see if they have funds to cover their reality check.

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 85
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 10:34:21 AM   

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From: Anchorage Alaska
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Greetings Master Dominic
you are correct; I admit that I also lumped respect in with what would be considered common courtesy.
I wish you well

(in reply to SirDominic)
Profile   Post #: 86
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 11:08:12 AM   

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"I think it is less about a person "earning" my respect so much as my recognizing qualities in them I value. "

Yes, I think the granting or withholding of respect for another reveals at least as much about the resprecter as the respectee.

(in reply to Faramir)
Profile   Post #: 87
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 11:18:46 AM   

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~fast reply ~
I am courteous and polite to all. I do not confuse this with respect though. I do believe that respect itself must be earned. ( just to clarify, I define respect as an outward showing of admiration to one's morals or ethics; just a personal preference and definition ) A person can expect politeness from me, but not respect.



(in reply to lovewithoutfear)
Profile   Post #: 88
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 11:22:00 AM   

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I respect everyone until they do some thing to lose my trust and respect ,thats the way my momma taught me,thats the way it should be...bounty


US going to hell in a hand basket/

(in reply to jessk)
Profile   Post #: 89
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 11:26:06 AM   

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Honestly everyone opinion on this will differ. 

I hear the same words you do daily and I question it as well, the best thing that you can do is ask the one who is speaking with you about this what their opinions because what one of us may say may be completely different than what the one you are speaking with might believe.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 90
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 12:31:05 PM   

Posts: 12952
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Just wanted to post a quick response to CuriousLord who holds the belief...

Respect is a relatively tangible effect of submission.

This is obviously the belief of someone who does not understand the meaning of the word or the dynamic which must be in place to require an act of submission.

We banter over the meaning of such words as respect, showing respect and the word "kindness."

If I am sitting on a train and there is an elderly person who is standing....I probably would give up my seat....So what just transpired?  I didn't give up my seat out of respect...I don't know this particular individual...They could be a pedophile for all I know....It certainly wasn't an act of submission because there is no dynamic present that would justify this logic....Meaning I didn't yield to the power or the authority of another...I simply chose to give this person my seat out of an act of kindness....If by giving up my seat was in any way shape or form an act of submission than the argument would have to be made that by staying seated I would have been showing an act of domination....And again since the elderly person has no knowledge of me or my intent and since there is no dynamic between us...It would not be logical for this person to begin to reach this conclusion.

This is the first definition of the word "submit:" give over or yield to the power or authority of another.

What your argument lacks is the establishment of the dynamic necessary for there to be submission.

If you are going to respond back please refrain from doing the math bit...I wil concede that you know more of this topic than myself...Also it doesn't convey domliness.

Eited: cuz i cnat splel.

< Message edited by domiguy -- 5/22/2007 12:54:36 PM >


(in reply to apettiger)
Profile   Post #: 91
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 12:37:28 PM   

Posts: 2809
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From: P'burgh PA
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ORIGINAL: CuriousLord



There's an old saying about asking 100 different people their definition and you'll get 100 different answers. I don't think there is a simple answer to this.

I agree there's no simple answer, and that asking many people may yield many different answers.

Should one inquire about an object on a cordinate grid, one may receive many different answers.  One might say, "It is (2,2)."  Another might say, "It is (1,1)."  Another might say "It is (-1,-1)."  Yet another might say, "I agree with the person who says it's (2,2), only I think it's more (1.9,1.9)."  A brighter mind might say, "It is at least line segment from (-1,-1) to (2,2)."  One with a great view might say, "It is the line y=x."  I would argue all but the last were only incorrent through omission.  I would further argue more inclusive answers are more accurate.

It is with this arguement in mind I would encourage one to seek global answers- functions, as opposed to their instances.

Ironically enough, I write this to you as, to some degree (not to imply a lesser or greater magnitude), I respect your intelligence.  By this, I mean to say, I concede to your intelligence in some instance.  The particular instance is your ability to understand and comprehend.  I need not act to spoon feed you a concept like I might others.  I concede to your intelligence to do this- to interept it on its own.  In this particular instance, convinence is one reason for this concession.

This concession, its nature, is what I would argue to be a universal nature of respect.

Being mathematicians, I am sure you are aware- though I state for the sake of others- that any function, in order to be global, must contain all components.  If I am to claim that my definition is global, and make an arguement to it to a general audience, I must demonstrate how various extremes fall within it, should I hope my arguement to be successful.

Therefore, I will define "respect" as I have above.


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord
"Respect, proper, is to what degree, in what manner, and to what ends one might yield to another."

Mutual respect.

"Mutual respect" would be the respect shown for one person to another, and returned, for typical social interaction.  (This is more of a reference to the idea than a definition of it.)  I chose to lead with this example as both participants are equal, and my hint as respect being submissive may conflict with the prejustice against submission being displayed by those outside of generally submissive roles.

I'm quite fond of my last dorm roommate.  Fellow rarely said a word.  I didn't know his first name after two months of living with him.  Most days, we said nothing at all.  Stoic silence.

Yet, in the evenings, when one of us would turn in, yet the other was typing on a laptop or something else, he would, upon observing the other laying down in bed, pick up his laptop and go to the living room without a word.  It worked both ways.  This was a display of mutual respect.

In moving to the living one, one inconvinced himself for the other.  He displayed submission towards the other.  This was something of a mutual contract- hence its adoption.

In this case, the mutual respect between my former roommate and I refers to the willingness to concede minor acts for the significant betterment of the other- such as, allowing the other to sleep.  This falls within the trial definition.

Respect for a superior

This may be seen as coming in two varities.

The first of which is respect for a leader's command.  One submits to the rule or guidance of a leader- such as an order from a superior officer in the military or an order from a parent in one's childhood, or a boss's work order in the business place. 

(Actually, my time just got cut short, so I'm not explaining this one or the rest as well as I'd have liked to.  Just quick notes for consideration.)

The second is the respect for a leader's authority beyond that typically required- such as seeking out the leader's guidance, yielding to his guidelines, to some degree.

Respect for a subordinate

This is the respect a teacher might have for a student, a parent for a child, a boss for an employee, etc.  While carrying general authority, this authority is not absolute.  The will of the superior must yield to the will of the submissive in areas.

Such as, a teacher might wish to fondle a female student's breasts.  However, he respect her not to, or respect the rule against doing so (as a matter of symantics), yielding to either her will not to or the rule not to.  He does so to avoid penalties associated with it.

In ancient history, the Roman Empire was dominant over many lesser states that made it up.  Particularly newly-conquered states.  Such a state would have to pay taxes, or an unconquered counterpart might pay tribute.  Similarly, a shop owner in a bad part of town might pay "protection money" to a local gang or crime organization.  While the Roman Empire, gang, or crime organization may be superior, they often respect their subordinates.  This respect is often in the range of lower magnitude.

Such as, the Roman Empire would respect the subordinate state enough that it does not rebel.  Should it fail to do so, a costly rebelion may have to be put down and the Empire uneased instead of having simply been able to collect tribute money without the need to mobile an army, wasting resources and lives.

Respecting a social construct

One might respect the law.  This respect may be to the extent of respecting the law's power and submitting to not violating it, or at least not to a degree at which one would suffer unjustifiable risk.

One might respect the law in a different way- respecting the law's basis in ideals, submitting to the logic or convictions behind the laws as opposed to simply their power to inflict damage.

Okay, time's up.  Good to see you post again!  Catch you later.

All very good and thoughtful points CuriousLord. No offense taken in the least. My first lines summed it up and you've agreed with that difference of definition being individual. Your definition differs from mine which differs from dark's. All is well and good in that we are all individuals that have the basic given right to think and feel what we wish to believe rather than become agreeable sheep in a herd.

I feel no inate need to defend my opinion since it is exactly that....My opinion. I don't feel the need to argue that it is the right definition, only that it is my definition. Some may agree with it, some may not. Whichever way they go matters little to me. Each is able to draw their own conclusions as an individual as to what their own conclusions are in their definition of respect. While your points are salient, and well thought out, I do appreciate your point of view and accept it as your opinion.

I hope things went well for you on your finals and some of the stress of timelines have now been lifted. Good to see you posting again as well.


Ms Jo

She dealt her pretty words like Blades -
How glittering they shone -
And every One unbared a Nerve
Or wantoned with a Bone -

I want a sensitive man - one who'll cry when I hit him.

(in reply to CuriousLord)
Profile   Post #: 92
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 12:48:53 PM   

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By not defending your opinion...Isn't that an act of submission in itself???...I knew it!!!! You will "bow down" beeyatch and accept the Domidong...Anywhoo, you would look so dang adorable on your knees and your nose in my navel.

As has been pointed out in a previous thread where someone lost their marbles...This is intended to be funny.


(in reply to SDFemDom4cuck)
Profile   Post #: 93
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 3:57:11 PM   

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One of the comments I think amusing is the old saw "People earn respect by their words matching their actions". That sounds good, but think about that for a minute. Someone who is a complete a*hole is matching their words with their actions, but they sure don't deserve respect. Having actions match words is not a very good a qualifier if you think about it.    

Strange as it may sound, I do have a modicum of respect for the consistency of word and deed of the assholes of the world.  I may not agree with their POV or the way they express it, I may avoid their company, but I can admire the fact that their actions and words are the same across the board.  I find that much easier to deal with than someone who alters their stance based on whichever way the wind happens to blow that day. 

< Message edited by catize -- 5/22/2007 3:58:37 PM >


"Power is real. But it's a lot less real if it's not perceived as power."
Robert Parker, Stranger in Paradise

(in reply to SirDominic)
Profile   Post #: 94
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 4:09:01 PM   

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In terms of  the difference between "respect" (personal admiration) vs "respectful" (social politeness), what is the quality of "respect..? Is it an emotional response or a rational choice? 

(in reply to catize)
Profile   Post #: 95
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 4:16:32 PM   

Posts: 2809
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From: P'burgh PA
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ORIGINAL: domiguy

By not defending your opinion...Isn't that an act of submission in itself???...I knew it!!!! You will "bow down" beeyatch and accept the Domidong...Anywhoo, you would look so dang adorable on your knees and your nose in my navel.

As has been pointed out in a previous thread where someone lost their marbles...This is intended to be funny.

Or in not feeling the need to defend my opinion I am exerting My Dominance. Awww, aren't you sweet. I am adorable aren't I?
you just keep that little visual in your brain Domi...because it won't ever be one you see in person. I mean that with the utmost of "respect" pumpkin blossom.

It's okay sweetums, I know you're heartbroken. There, there. Here let me wipe away that tear gathering at the corner of your eye. Now don't you think you would be more comfortable on your knees pleading your case? That's better, now what were you saying about my nose and your navel? oooh by the way, as long as you're down there gathering your thoughts, why don't we put that tongue of yours to good work shall we? That's a good domiguy.

May I give you a bit of advice? A whisper is far more lethal than any shout.

You know I lurves ya! All in good fun.


Ms Jo

She dealt her pretty words like Blades -
How glittering they shone -
And every One unbared a Nerve
Or wantoned with a Bone -

I want a sensitive man - one who'll cry when I hit him.

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 96
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 4:38:30 PM   

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In terms of  the difference between "respect" (personal admiration) vs "respectful" (social politeness), what is the quality of "respect..? Is it an emotional response or a rational choice? 

I am not sure that I understand your question.  Are you asking if I place a different value on the two definitions? 
As for the second part, rational or not, I believe both are a choice.


"Power is real. But it's a lot less real if it's not perceived as power."
Robert Parker, Stranger in Paradise

(in reply to SirKitty)
Profile   Post #: 97
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 6:24:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy

Just wanted to post a quick response to CuriousLord who holds the belief...

Respect is a relatively tangible effect of submission.

This is obviously the belief of someone who does not understand the meaning of the word or the dynamic which must be in place to require an act of submission.

We banter over the meaning of such words as respect, showing respect and the word "kindness."

If I am sitting on a train and there is an elderly person who is standing....I probably would give up my seat....So what just transpired?  I didn't give up my seat out of respect...I don't know this particular individual...They could be a pedophile for all I know....It certainly wasn't an act of submission because there is no dynamic present that would justify this logic....Meaning I didn't yield to the power or the authority of another...I simply chose to give this person my seat out of an act of kindness....If by giving up my seat was in any way shape or form an act of submission than the argument would have to be made that by staying seated I would have been showing an act of domination....And again since the elderly person has no knowledge of me or my intent and since there is no dynamic between us...It would not be logical for this person to begin to reach this conclusion.

This is the first definition of the word "submit:" give over or yield to the power or authority of another.

What your argument lacks is the establishment of the dynamic necessary for there to be submission.

If you are going to respond back please refrain from doing the math bit...I wil concede that you know more of this topic than myself...Also it doesn't convey domliness.

Eited: cuz i cnat splel.

Now that I have more time to post...

There is other examples as to how this belief or theory doesnt match up to everyday scenarios that transpire in everyday life.

For example, how many people hate their boss? Have a complete lack of respect for him as an individual and his overall qualities and standards?

Yet...amazingly...we continue to submit to his authority in the dynamic that makes up our professional relationships. Our adherence to this authority has absolutely nothing to do with respect, but rather a need to keep our jobs.

We can show him respect, but at best this is simply pissing down his back and telling him its rain. Pretending to respect him out of a need to keep our jobs isnt the same as actually respecting him.

The same goes for the police. We pretend to have a degree of respect and show a degree of courtesy when face to face, but when he goes back to his car to write the ticket, how many people have been cursing him under his breath because hes an asshole?

Yet...despite this clear lack of respect, our submission to his authority hasnt changed...because its tangible to our need to stay out of jail and not tangible to actual respect in anyway whatsoever.

The notion that the more dominant and more power one has, the less respect he has to show comes off to me as very foolish and arrogant.

History and philosophy shows us in many cases that the wisest and most successful leaders, bosses, authority figures, and even *gasps* Masters are the ones who possess and show a degree of respect for those that follow him.

The old saying of "One has to show respect to earn respect" has a lot of wisdom to it.

At the best, respect is compoment in submission, but not connected in the "logical model" that has been drawn up here.

And as far as this scenario you say you observed...


An approximation of a supremely dominant position occurs in some instances I've observed where a slave is submissive to the point that she is utterly disconcerned with anything but serving her Master.  The Master need not respect her as she would serve to the best of her ability, regardless.

I personally dont see anything supremely dominant about it, but rather someone who has managed to create such a co dependent situation and removed so much of the slave's self esteem and self worth that she would continue to remain in the relationship regardless of whether he or not he maintained respect towards her that was anything more than what he would show a pile of shit.

The concept of "Supreme dominants dont have to show any respect" is one that fits tyranically gods and kings. .

If thats the goal of your "Mastery", have at it, but I personally find the notion to be despicable.


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 98
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 7:17:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

This is a statement used over and over again.  And I have just read through two recent threads where people make this announcement.
My question is - how does a person earn respect?  Length of time - how long does it take?  What does a person have to do?  And are we entitled to be rude until 'respect' is earned.
What actually is 'respect'?
Peace and Rapture

Dark, this is a good topic.... recently I wrote in my bog (nother site), it was a rant in reaction to a friend of mine and some of the emails I get and how I was treated prior to Sir (Dec 2006).
I wrote  ~~
Ya know.... I KNOW what a genuine dom is and many of you on here are genuine doms in WI but the profiles you put up... sheeeeesh

want a fuck toy
want a slut to satisfy me
want a slave to meet my needs

and the nakie pic of your dick ~~~ WTF!! a genuine woman has no idea what YOUR dick might look like?
Why the hell is it any different than any other dick?
Take it from a cumslutcockwhore...they all look the same and what distinquishes them is how you respect it, respect yourself, respect the potential sub and how the hell you use it....on only those that REALLY are into you and you into them.

I know a really nice guy who really wants a great loving find the love of his life, one who is a closet slut and submissive only to him... but what does he put on his profile?
"I'll make you drool fuck slut!"
Come on Joey who do you expect to find with that shit? DEFINATELY NOT the love of your life in a submissive woman.... and you say you just wont play causually...ya right !
At least you didnt post your dick pic. Smart, a woman might faint!


There are wonderful women out there who want Dominant guys who know how to control themselves and ONLY their girls yet are respectful and have incredible intregrity.

NOT like that bloke in Waukesha, an "attorney" who thought giving his full identity to a woman he was gonna meet meant repercussions later,BUT NO RESPECT for her safety. That is a predator dom in my opinion and I told her so.

Some of you REALLY aught to think with your head and not with your dick ..... D/s IS NOTabout is about integrity and honor,not just how well you can spank (my ma used a belt REALLY well!)or your use of slave~slut~fuckslut~ fucktoy~ whore or even bitch....

That is PURE kink and fetish.... and yes ALT has plenty of men and women who are ONLY interested in kink and fetish...prey upon them not women who want honor, integrity and a Dominant.

Save the name humiliation until you find one who DESERVES the discriminating would ya?

Yes you are an idiot if your profile shows and demonstrates absotuley NOTHING that shows/deominstrates integrity and honor.

Mood...irritated with assholes who call themselves dom yet have absolutely no honor and integrity.

The answer I received was typical in my own opinion...
she wrote ~~ integrity? honor? very funny.
My response, in my blog... goes toward your question Dark ~~

YES!! Integrity and Honor

Let me tell you MY opinion of someone
1.) who has no respect for integrity and honor
2.) scoffs at integrty and honor
3.) thinks integrity and honor is for weaklings
4.) mocks integrty and honor

They are without integrty and honor and stay the fuck away from them!!

Esp if their profile looks somethink like......

My name is a warning.I am who I am.I like what I like.I command you obey.I will take from you,and give you nothing.Your moans,your screams,your tears and your pain will nourish me.This is not a gothic fantasy,I have no heart,no compassion.I am,COME TO ME.
Looking for: a true masochist.unquestioning obedience.
I think about ALT lifestyle: Prefer not to say
Role: Prefer not to say
Level of Experience: One to five years
Dress: Prefer not to say
Social Orientation : Extreme Liberal
Safe Sex: Yes
Demeanor: Assertive
(44 years old)
Lives in: doesn't concern you, Oregon
Travels to: around
Height: Prefer not to say

Makes me think the person putting up the profile is a predatory demon aka evil spirit (supposedly a female) who warms you they will descend upon you and have sexual intercourse while you sleep.

How full of honor and integrity is that?

As to "unquestioning obedience" ~~
Real Dom/mes know they can not demand blind faith. Leave blind faith for your religion.

What is integrity anyway?
A noun, not sarcastic drival !
It is a human being who has steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
Has a state of being unimpaired; soundness.
Has the quality or condition of being whole or undivided; that of completeness within themselves.

What is honor anyway?
A noun, not sarcastic drival !
It is a human being who has principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.
Who has a code of integrity, dignity, and pride.
Someone who is held in esteem and resepcted for their own personal code of values and ethics.

Ok men and women and girls and boys....
BEWARE there are assholes who scoff, mock and spew venom because they know they have no honor or integrtity and prey upon the vulnerable.

Gotta hand it to Wikipedia !! Great resource.Thats just my bog...nothing more and yes MHO.


With grace and gratitude, I am owned.
A Man who always seeks to be the best He can be for you
is the only Man truly worthy of being called Sir.

(in reply to darkinshadows)
Profile   Post #: 99
RE: "Earn Respect" - 5/22/2007 8:10:33 PM   

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Joined: 4/3/2007
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An approximation of a supremely dominant position occurs in some instances I've observed where a slave is submissive to the point that she is utterly disconcerned with anything but serving her Master.  The Master need not respect her as she would serve to the best of her ability, regardless.

I personally dont see anything supremely dominant about it, but rather someone who has managed to create such a co dependent situation and removed so much of the slave's self esteem and self worth that she would continue to remain in the relationship regardless of whether he or not he maintained respect towards her that was anything more than what he would show a pile of shit.

The concept of "Supreme dominants dont have to show any respect" is one that fits tyranically gods and kings. .

If thats the goal of your "Mastery", have at it, but I personally find the notion to be despicable.

I think I've pointed out before.. more dominant doesn't mean better.

A tyrant of an omnipotent God is supremely dominant.  That doesn't mean I aspire to it.. I'm not sure where you got such a strange notion from.

(in reply to MadRabbit)
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