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RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 5:16:46 PM   

Posts: 3923
Joined: 3/27/2005
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texas has a law that allows a baby to be dropped off at any firestation, no questions asked...with absolutely no reprecussions to the mother

it was passed after so many babies were found both dead and alive in trash cans and many cases infanticide....


One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. ~Albert Schweitzer

(in reply to laurell3)
Profile   Post #: 441
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 6:32:30 PM   

Posts: 2822
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From: Arizona
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ORIGINAL: MySweetSubmssive

I'd like to take this conversation in a different direction if people are amenable.  One of the things I am most interested in in this discussion is to understand someone who has a very different point of view that I do.  I find that people on each side tend to take polarized stances to ... to buttress themself against the opposing opinions(?).  So that no doubts can arise about the rightness of our own opinion?  And when we do this, the ambiguity and the gray area gets erased, and something is lost.  I'm not interested in changing the viewpoint of someone who holds the other opinion -- that is not my purpose here.  Some of our language in this conversation has made people more intrenched in their positions rather than increasing understanding.  I am intereted in putting down the intellectual weapons to attempt to know the other person's viewpoint better, with curiosity and compassion.

Alright, I'll give it a shot.


For example, I believe that abortions should be availble to women, and that it should be her choice in any term of pregnancy.  This is my stance because I fear that if we put a limit on some abortions that the political right will use this as a wedge to then roll back the choice to have other, earlier abortions.  I do think that there is an aliveness to a fertilized egg.  I know that there's a heart beating at 6 weeks, and there is a recognizable body.  My questions for myself is "When does this become a human, a person?"  That has something to do with viability (21-24 weeks), but it also has to do with a more perplexing question, "When does the soul enter into the body?"  And this is a hard one to get at.  So it's all life for me, just somewhere along the line the quality of it (I won't say the value) changes.

And I do not.  Human conception is human life.  Admittedly this is My opinion.  But it stands, and it is not going to change.  A woman's uterus is the miraculous environment that allows life to grow to independant viability.  Just because it is not independantly (outside of the womb) viable on its own from day one, does not mean it is not human life.  And I consider that precious in any form.  My opinion also is that the soul is already present from the moment of conception.  But I believe in God and a divine plan, and this is My fervent opinion and it will not change.  In most instances, by the time a woman realizes she is pregnant, the heart has already started beating.  The brain is already developing.  There is already scientific evidence that nerves are forming and pain can be felt.  *Shrug*  I can't get around it. 


Earlier today I was talking to friend who really hates abortion.  He says that pro-choice people can come across as very cold-hearted.  This seemed ironic to me as usually left-wing people are pejoratively referred to as "bleeding hearts."  It's a liability!  And in this instance, we are cold. 

Okay, I go!  *Smile*  I see "bleeding hearts" as those who need to show compassion in selfish ways.  Maybe that is wrong,. and I am sure I will get completely slammed, but I see this as guilt and selfishness.  It is a way to make the person feel better about themselves.  Very few people actually do good deeds without needing to talk about them, push others into doing the same and standing on some sort of soap box.  True compassion happens quietly.  The people who will march and scream about a woman's right to choose are, often, the same people who will be holding the cande light vigil at the serial murderer's execution.  I read earlier in this thread that those who are pro-life are often pro-capital punishment, so I wanted to point out that it works both ways.  Yes, I do consider it "cold" in a sense, because what I really see in the justification for abortion is a selfishness and an excuse to avoid the responsiiblity and the accountability for a previous decision. Now I want to make clear that as I read this thread I was alternately nauseated, sad, angry, frustrated and even had a few tears.  But even the heart-rending stories (and they were heartrending for Me) still had other options.  I do not call women who elect to have abortions murderers.  But I see too much ignoring of the plain fact that it is legalized killing.  And I think that is what shocks Me more than anything else about this sensitive subject.  It is certainly what can cause Me to perceive these decisions as "cold".  Cold might even be too harsh...but it is, as statistics show, too easily justified.   It is selfish, in most instances.  It is much easier to terminate an unwanted pregnacy (legally) than it is to make a decision to end your unborn child's life.   
In the case of rape and incest, this is a small (1%?...) percentage of what is happening every day, there is the option of the morning after pill.  As said also, unfortunately, the case of the rape or the incest never goes away.   The results (9 months?) can be given up for adoption if pregnancy does occur.  My heart breaks for these instances.  It is horrible.  For those that say that going through a pregnancy exacerbates the mental anguish...yes, I am sure it does.  In the olden days (ha-ha) therapeutic abortions were  available.  They can remain available in these instances.  And in answer to the argument that children are being born to crack addicted, uncaring and incapable mothers....yup they are!  And they will continue to be!  And those mothers can be prosecuted for using drugs and endangering the fetus during pregnancy.  Why is it that they can be held accountable for using drugs during pregnancy, but it is okay if they become pregnant and then get a free abortion with My tax dollars?  See?  Better to legally kill the unborn child than subject it to the horrors of drug addiction in the womb?  So the baby is alive and important and has rights in that case?  This sort of reasoning makes no sense to Me! 
Another argument is the adoption system.  Well, how did we get into such a damn mess anyway?  Parents who refuse to accept responsibility, who use drugs, abandon their children, and then they are put into a foster care system wherein it becomes almost impossible to legally sever the natural parent's rights and give them to a family who desperately wants to have children and can't do so on their own.  Instead we have a society full of people who are getting ripped off by lawyers and "pregnant" single woman who aren't pregnant aat all, and there is never any baby.  Or they are adopting children (often illegal adoptions) for thousands and thousands of dollars from foreign countries.  In the meantime our own social system is breaking under the expense of foster care, too often with lousy foster parents who are just in it for the money.    The result of all this mess is that those regular (not wealthy) people who just want to adopt a child can't, because there aren't any to adopt in our own country, or they can't afford to foot the bill to adopt from a foreign country or through a "private" agency.    *Sigh* 


Alan told me that he makes decisions on this issue with his heart.  I thought, "My god, you think I don't!?!"  With abortion, and the value of life, quality of life is important.  This issue gets brushed aside as "convenience," but having an abortion because you are looking at the quality of life that you can offer a child seems very heart-driven.  It's very sane.  And it's very ... bare-bones unromantic.  I see a newly conceived person/fetus/being as a potential.  I don't see it as the same as a person.  And sometimes you feel it is necessary to say no to that.  Is it a loss?  For me, yes.  However, I don't think we only have one shot at life.  I think that we have experiences to learn from them.  Call it karma, if you will.  And so, in very simplified terms, I see an abortion not as murder, but as a delayed choice. 

This speaks to My opinion that it is too easy to justify.  If it is legal, then it must be alright.  Well, as was pointed out, slavery was legal once upon a time...but now it is seen as immoral.  I consider a choice to electively abort to be an immoral decision.  If someone I knew was trying to make the choice I would do My best to offer every alternative and support I could to prevent it.  I would not drive her to the clinic.  I would hold her and cry with her afterward.  I would not judge or refuse to be her friend.  But it would break My heart when there are so many other options.  It is not a delayed choice.  The choice was already made when the sexual act occurred.   It is a second choice to make your life more convenient, because there is a quick and easy fix for the "problem".  And this "opinion" of Mine is borne out every time I read that a woman should not have to go through the 9 months of inconvenience if she has the right to choose to end it.    For Me that is one of the lousiest arguments I ever reead for a right to abort.  And I see it over and over and over....
I would also like to address the comments regarding  special needs or "imperfect" babies.  Just because we have a way of finding out does not mean that we should now have the choice of terminating the pregnancy with the justification that it speaks to the child's quality of life.  We are, once again speaking to the quality of our own lives.  That child might enrich your life in ways that you never dreamed possible.  If you want to refer to "karma", then it is not up to you to decide how that "karma" comes back to you.  Perhaps there is a reason!  What is next?  Not a boy?...abort (yes, there are cases of this, and nothing can be done to stop it).  It is a never ending spiral of medical knowledge which then gives us choices to be more and more selective.  Eugenics anyone? 
I do not believe in taking things medically to the nth degree.  I believe in letting "nature" or "God", if you prefer, take it's course.  This does not mean that you ignore appendicitis.  We are fortunate in this day to have medical knowledge.  But it also does not mean that we allow the medical profession to play God.  For some reason they seem to feel it is a challenge to keep people alive, at any cost and in any way possible.  Or it is helpful to society to find bio-markers which will improve the quality of life for the general population. So we are either aborting the imperfect or inconvenient babies with the excuse that it will be too difficult for them (when in reality it is just a selfish move on our own part)This, in turn, has infected the people, and we all immediately look for anything that will defy that natural course of events.  The next step is weeding out all the undesireable genetic traits by killing off or sterilizing anyone who might create a genetically undesireable child.  We are all so damned skewed in our views anymore!   


I hope this has not seemed like utter blather.  I just wanted to offer my point of view in a less guarded way.  I'd love to hear similarly from people who identify as pro-life about why they think and feel the way they do, and where they feel conflicted or ambigous about their stance.
Thank you,

I often hear thar "the rights of some people end when they infringe upon the rights of others." (Hence, I cannot light up a cigarette anytime and anywhere I damn well please)  To My mind, the only way one can justify abortion is by standing on the principle that it is not life. Therefore they are not infringing on another's right to life.  It doesn't work for Me, and I am not conflicted or ambiguous on any of this. 
In the end, I do not agree that the "government (nanny state) should be legislating any of this.  It should not be legal or illegal.  Because making it "legal" gives permission.  And that is all most people need to justify anything, moral or not.  It is a personal choice.  Just don't use My tax dollars to support what I feel is an immoral decision, and keep it personal.  I have a real problem with that.  Somehow I feel like that is infringing on My rights. 
I am more concerned over the fact that society in general does not consider this to be any big deal.  I would rather see it become the exception that is available but only used with discretion and sadness in extreme cases, rather than the rule, because it is no big deal.
And, no matter what people try to say, I do see the general attitude of "no big deal".  That's would be the nauseating part.
And now I have blathered on for a whole book here.  To those of you who got bored, I apologize. 
Thank you!


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to MySweetSubmssive)
Profile   Post #: 442
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 6:51:47 PM   

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and a good thing that they did; abortion and infanticide are not one in the same. it pains me to think that people are harming and killing perfectly viable, living, breathing, beautiful babies when there are so many options that DONT involve them being left in a trash can.

personally, i would never have a child right now...if i got pregnant(somehow, through my birth control and condoms...though that IS possible) i would have an abortion. why? because im a student, and i could never give that child the life that they deserve. when i have children, and that is a when because i want a big family, i will be sure to have a good career, and preferably be married to someone who has the same. i would never have more children than i thought my family could support monetarily.

if i got pregnant now and kept the baby, odds are i would have to choose between the baby and school, and neither is very appealing. choosing the baby would mean a potential life time of struggling with money (and believe me, it will be a not sure if anyone brought this up recently, but do you people realize how much children cost? even diapers, clothes and formula, those things that babies need to be happy and healthy are more exensive than god. it takes, on average, about 200.000 dollars to raise a child to adulthood, and thats without anything extra and know..those cool gadgets that you just know theyre going to want and taht you will want to give to them). if i choose school, then i would either have to give up my baby, or i would never see them. since i doubt my parents would like to be full time babysitters, paying for the baby AND my school, then adoption would be my only choice and that is an even bigger problem.

lets discuss the quality of life that some of these foster children have. a good majority never find a good home, many grow up without knowing love and abused, some get adopted or put into a foster family that uses them for the money they bring in or as a slave. its horrifying, what could happen to my potential baby, and above all else..NOONE, and i repeat NOONE could take better care of, or raise my child better than i could. its like having a favorite toy as a kid..noone could ever treat it as well as you could, and you dreaded letting even your best friend play with it because you just KNEW they were going to be rough. its the same concept for me with children...only i could ever do a good job raising them(and even if i didnt, at least it would be all on me, and i couldnt blaim myself for not being there). i would simply rather them just not come into this world than deal with all of that, because i know that if i became pregnant, i would be in love from the first flutter in my tummy, and thats heartbreaking and traumatic when you have to choose, for both of your sakes, to give the baby up.

lets fast foreward though, to me being out of school and starting to make my own money, maybe living on my own if i decide not to move back in with my parents for a year to collect a fund. if i got pregnant, would i keep the baby? unless something drastic was keeping me from it, you bet your ass. i could deal with being a young mother if only i could support that child as well as i want to(expensive baby clothes in every color, baby ugg boots, and every stuffed toy their little heart could ever want included!...if i cant them those not having a baby)

to me, its a blessing to be able to chose when i have my children, and to rectify a mistake i might have on the way(because no form of birth control is ever completely foulproof, unless you use multiple kinds, all at once, every single time you kiss......because as im sure most adults would say, no sex is just not an option)

(in reply to chellekitty)
Profile   Post #: 443
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 6:59:35 PM   

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its easy to say all that having never been in that postion...

after 4 rapes and whoring myself...if i had been pregnant...i would not have blamed the baby for what those men did...and if God choose to give me that responsibility...i would not have spit in God's face by aborting the baby...MY PERSONAL BELIEFS...if i could not take care of the baby after it was born i would give it up for adoption, as much as it would tear me apart...i am not that selfish...


One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. ~Albert Schweitzer

(in reply to JackM1)
Profile   Post #: 444
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:05:15 PM   

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abortion is not an entirely selfish act. a god or goddess has nothing to do with this choice...that why we get the power of personal choice. as human beings. however the case of two zygot cells joining together is suddenly life is bullshit...becuse then every woman who wastes a cycle or egg during their period is now a murderer. and every man who's not used his share of sperm for the day is now a murderer. I mean really what's the difference between one cell and two? hell now that we're talking about controliling women's hoice why don't we get a hold of a man's choice at were he puts his nuts? oh maybe manditory pregnancies will make people feel better! wait....our bodies are our own right? I mean we get to choose to smoke and drink and even have sex or drive and shit right? so who the fuck is anybody else to choose what the hell else I do with my own body? get fuckin real people...this whole "hman from conception" thing is bullshit and you know it. 

(in reply to chellekitty)
Profile   Post #: 445
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:21:55 PM   

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I'm definitely not going to read the billion of pages already posted.  Forgive me if I repeat something already said.  Just wanted to reply to a few things in your post.


ORIGINAL: MissMagnolia

I'll get the water pump ready for the flames.

Abortion is a very difficult thing for a woman to choose. Some people seem to think it is the "easy way out". There is nothing easy about making such a decision and it is not taken lightly. It is heartbreaking, soul destroying and often sets up a guilt complex for the rest of the womans life.

I agree.  And it confuses me how some people can opt for an abortion.  Not in a moral high ground sense, but because it honestly seems like a completely detrimental horrible thing to do to yourself.


Obviously there are some very good reasons for abortion, as mentioned already, rape/extreme youth of the mother/incest/etc. Using an abortion as a form of post coital contraception is not a good reason.

Why is it not a good reason?  I guess that the factors in the decision do not change with whatever justification is used.  The aborted fetus of a rape victim is the same thing as the aborted fetus of someone who had a one night stand.


Having said all that, who here has not made a sad mistake that altered their life? People DO sometimes get so carried away whilst having sex that reason can disappear for a while, the condom isn't used or the pill wasn't taken. I guess it all depends on the position and maturity of the mother (and the father, if he is involved). For example, a 13 year old crack user who lives on the streets is hardly going to manage to be a good mother. A middle class woman who works in a call centre, is perfectly healthy, has no mental health problems, is financially secure and able to take care of a baby might be seen as a capable mother and an abortion refused. It's so subjective, I don't know how anyone can make a call on who needs an abortion and who doesn't.

I don't think anyone should be able to make the call.  I would rather side with caution and make abortion illegal.  Again, I don't think it's a question of 'Why are you doing this?' so much as a question of 'Who are we doing this to?'   If we're doing it to a fetus, cool.  But what if we are doing it to something that is very much human and alive?  I just can't be okay with chancing something so important like that.  It would be like the death penalty for the wrong suspect.  I don't believe in the death penality.  Not every case can be thoroughly proven enough to make me comfortable watching another person die.


Backyard abortionists have killed and permanantly damaged thousands of women and girls. If the choice of safe, legal abortion is taken away, the medical system will bear the brunt of caring for those dying within hours from blood loss, or the care of those women who have been badly damaged internally (and mentally), and require remedial surgery, ongoing care and counselling. I can't see anyone voting for that possibility. I hope I never see it.

Women should be educated about backyard abortionists.  They should have been educated about them when abortion was still illegal.  Although I think that backyard abortions have been sensationalized and used to back up political agenda.


I do think more education on the subject of safe sex, and the ready availability of contraceptives, is the better way to go. Having condoms readily available isn't going to solve the problem, but it will help not only with unwanted pregnancy, but also disease.

I think teaching our children to make good choices will go a lot further than just putting condoms in their hands.


"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy. "
--Henry A. Kissinger

(in reply to MissMagnolia)
Profile   Post #: 446
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:29:25 PM   

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From: Arizona
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Ya know, jen I always kinda liked you and your honesty, but the vitriol of this response, which I am assuming is regarding My stated "opinion" (philosophy/faith belief)that I consider conception to be life from the get go surprises Me.  I was responding to another poster who seemed sincerely interested in the other point of view, and I did my best to give that.  In fact, it was a specific topic/question that was addressed in the post to which I responded.  You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but to call Mine "bullshit" is just not very nice.  Tsk...tsk...  Feel better?
By the way, the people I know never knew that they were pregnant until they were much further along than those 2 little zygotes.  Ah, the wonders of those early pregnancy tests!  I forgot about them...that would make it much easier to get to those "cells" before they become something more troubling. 


They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
B Franklin
Don't blame Me ~ I didn't vote for either of them
The Hidden Kingdom

(in reply to BoiJen)
Profile   Post #: 447
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:41:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: chellekitty

its easy to say all that having never been in that postion...

after 4 rapes and whoring myself...if i had been pregnant...i would not have blamed the baby for what those men did...and if God choose to give me that responsibility...i would not have spit in God's face by aborting the baby...MY PERSONAL BELIEFS...if i could not take care of the baby after it was born i would give it up for adoption, as much as it would tear me apart...i am not that selfish...

while its not the same, before i went on birth control i did have a pregnancy scare. even though i was sure i wasnt, my bf at the time was convinced i was(this was before i was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian, which explained away the missed periods) and we had a very serious discussion before i took the test about what we would do if it was positive. i told him that unless there was a way to transfer it to his body, i would have an abortion, because it would not be fair to any involved, baby included, to go through that. its not about being selfish, its about making a decision as an adult, about what is best for you and the potential life. its not fair that i would have been ridiculed until my ears fell off during school, its not fair that my ex would have had to change his school choice to stay with me(because i knew he would ask me to marry him, to which i would have said no), its not fair that if i kept the baby i might never be in a position, career wise and emotionaly, to give them the best of the best of both myself and physical possessions, and while its not fair to the baby that i wouldnt have given them a chance to live, it would be even more unfair, to me, to put them in a position, innocent as they are, where they are doomed to be miserable....either with me, trying to get by as a single mom going to school, or in the system which is notorious for letting kids slip between the cracks.

(in reply to chellekitty)
Profile   Post #: 448
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:45:41 PM   

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I asked her because she said she was ignoring the murder aspect.

To me, it is not murder.  I do not equate abortion with murder.

Whatever you chose to call it; "murder" is simply my choice of words.  Regardless of agreement on it, my question is how could you ignore the life being terminated?

(in reply to KatyLied)
Profile   Post #: 449
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:50:15 PM   

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you cant ignore it, but sometimes you need to justify your actions in ways that are very abstract to lessen the guilt just enough to be able to do it. most women who get abortions are not cold blooded, jaded killers...they are average women making a hard, often traumatic choice, that, even though they know it needs to be done, is still hard enough where they need some sort of reasoning to go along with it other than "well its for the best".

is it really any easier giving up a baby for adoption? at least this way, there is no cute, pudgy face to look at, and no tiny hands to reach out to you.

(in reply to CuriousLord)
Profile   Post #: 450
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:50:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy

ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

A miscarriage, domi, is a shame.  A lot of people do die that way in the very first stages of life.

A lot of old people- even more than miscarriages- die to also natural causes before age 80.  I'm not so sure that this fact means that it's okay to go to a nursing home and kill the people older than 80 as they walk past the front lobby.

Poor analogy...First off, we are stretching that life begins right at the moment of conception ....Hence, an abortion is murder. ...So I'm throwing you a bone here....Now obviously some of those lives that are aborted would end up in miscarriages....Still, many four year olds that are killed by there parents might be a day away from dying in their sandbox.....So they are all murders...And hence these selfish bitches all be murderers!!!....But the real concern should be that many women that "SUFFER" a miscarriage are in fact guilty of manslaughter....I'm serious!!! Not fuckin' around here! If we investigate the death of a twelve year old then we have to investigate every single miscarriage to determine if the woman was complicit to the act of the child dying....The child was obviously in her care at the time of the death....Now some deaths are obviously going to be attributed to "natural causes" ....I have the feeling more children die from murderous mothers via miscarriages than probably all of the abortions combined.........However, there are going to be a SHITLOAD of deaths that will be medically proven to have been caused by the direct actions of the mother...These motherfuckers must be found and prosecuted under the full measure of the law....Plus, let us not forget about the "lezzin' out" factor once they are incarcerated....Very cool shit!

What say you man?

Ah, I think I misunderstood you!  I thought your argument was, "Pre-born die due to miscarriages anyway, so their lives are worthless anyhow."  Hah, I'm sorry.

No, actually, I agree with you.  If the life's going to end shortly soon, though prolonging it will come at a notable determent to the living, in this type of case, I'd be for it. I agree abortion has its time and place.

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 451
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:51:08 PM   

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As insistent as you sometimes are on terminology, CL, I would suggest using the word "killing" instead.

The word "murder" means "unlawful killing", so it's a strictly defined subset of "killing", and one that does not apply.



"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to CuriousLord)
Profile   Post #: 452
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:56:29 PM   

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most women who get abortions are not cold blooded, jaded killers...they are average women making a hard, often traumatic choice, that, even though they know it needs to be done, is still hard enough where they need some sort of reasoning to go along with it other than "well its for the best".

Not to derail things with a secondary issue, but most murderers are not cold blooded, jaded killers either. They're average people making a hard, often traumatic choice, that they see as being necessary, or even for the best. The distinction lies in the status of the life form being killed and the legality of the act, just like with euthanasia, executions, self defense, and so forth.


is it really any easier giving up a baby for adoption?

The important things in life are never easy. Unless it's hard enough to cross the line into self defense, the life of the unborn child should probably be considered, and being given up for adoption is not the same as being killed. And bear in mind that the statistics show quite clearly that the most common reason for elective abortions is convenience, pure and simple.



"If God saw what any of us did that night, he didn't seem to mind.
From then on I knew: God doesn't make the world this way.
We do.
" -- Rorschack, Watchmen.

(in reply to JackM1)
Profile   Post #: 453
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 7:59:17 PM   

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abortion is not an entirely selfish act. a god or goddess has nothing to do with this choice...that why we get the power of personal choice. as human beings. however the case of two zygot cells joining together is suddenly life is bullshit...becuse then every woman who wastes a cycle or egg during their period is now a murderer. and every man who's not used his share of sperm for the day is now a murderer. I mean really what's the difference between one cell and two? hell now that we're talking about controliling women's hoice why don't we get a hold of a man's choice at were he puts his nuts? oh maybe manditory pregnancies will make people feel better! wait....our bodies are our own right? I mean we get to choose to smoke and drink and even have sex or drive and shit right? so who the fuck is anybody else to choose what the hell else I do with my own body? get fuckin real people...this whole "hman from conception" thing is bullshit and you know it. 

Those are reactionary thoughts, not logical thoughts.  People feel like their rights are being threatened and they freak out.  This isn't a debate about women's rights.  This is a debate about the right to life and when lumps of tissue suspiciously similar to real human beings should be protected by that right.

I am not so egotistical as to think that I can decide when life begins.

Let me put it this way...Did your mom have the right to abort you?  How would you feel if she had?


"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy. "
--Henry A. Kissinger

(in reply to BoiJen)
Profile   Post #: 454
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:00:38 PM   

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it would be even more unfair, to me, to put them in a position, innocent as they are, where they are doomed to be miserable....either with me, trying to get by as a single mom going to school

hey there.  just wanted to say that i am a single mother and i am going to school.  its very difficult but my daughter gets all the love she needs (and more) from myself and the many people around her who care for her dearly.  she's definitely not doomed to be miserable just because i am a single mother and going to school. she's as happy as can be! :)

that being said, i am pro choice and i think that in your statement you were probably just refering to your specific situation.  i of course respect your decision, and any woman's decision.

(in reply to JackM1)
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RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:02:03 PM   

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Let me put it this way...Did your mom have the right to abort you?  How would you feel if she had?

These incendiary questions seem unlikely to introduce more "logical thoughts" into the discussion.


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it's never enough to keep up.


(in reply to junecleaver)
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RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:04:34 PM   

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you cant ignore it, but sometimes you need to justify your actions in ways that are very abstract to lessen the guilt just enough to be able to do it. most women who get abortions are not cold blooded, jaded killers...they are average women making a hard, often traumatic choice, that, even though they know it needs to be done, is still hard enough where they need some sort of reasoning to go along with it other than "well its for the best".

is it really any easier giving up a baby for adoption? at least this way, there is no cute, pudgy face to look at, and no tiny hands to reach out to you.

Yeah.  I guess.. well, you know how there's serial killers?  How they go around, killing for the sheer pleasure of it, taking delight in the pain and suffering of others?  I know they exist, but they're not typical murders, to me.. they're exceptionally malicious cases.

I think a lot of murders are for a reason.  Pretty often (normally?) to get out of a jam.  (I'm not sure if it's the largest reason, as revenge-based murders probably give it some stiff competition.)  Something that they just can't take.  Someone that's causing them problems.  Someone that's abusing them, threatening them or their interests, etc.  I rather doubt most murders actually take delight in the sheer act of killing.

So, in a way, they're normally in a position that isn't completely malicious.  Sometimes, I imagine, murders are conducted solely out of one's own personal interests without even caring for the victim.  In many more cases, I imagine that the murderers are rather sympathetic and mournful for their victims, even if TV shows try to dehumanize such individuals.

I've been calling abortionists murderers.  A term which a moderator sees fit to censor.  So, fine.  A rose by any other name, I suppose.

I do wonder if anyone's quite understood the point beyond the indignate hormonal display that's been so displayed here.  Does one not understand that a murder is not necessarily acting out of maliciousness, nor hatred?  That people kill for other, generally selfish, reasons?

It's an odd position for some women.  They'd stand to lose so much with a socially justifiable way out.  All they have to do is keep that thought of what this easy way actually entails out of their mind well enough that this decision's worthwhile.

I'm glad you brought it up.  I guess people do see murderers as cold-blooded, malicious individuals.  Maybe this common sterotype is the reason so many people've been upset with my choice of words.

(in reply to JackM1)
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RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:07:59 PM   

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As insistent as you sometimes are on terminology, CL, I would suggest using the word "killing" instead.

The word "murder" means "unlawful killing", so it's a strictly defined subset of "killing", and one that does not apply.

I think that's something entirely beyond me.  Earnestly, too.

I can't feel confined by laws, nor rules.  I just see what people decide to do, and these rules as justifcation for it.  Regardless, though, my point's just that.. to me, legality is arbitrary; it hasn't the same effect on many of the ways I think.  It is a good point, though.

Kind of funny to think that it's probably murder in some parts of the world, but not in others?  In some time periods, but not in others?

(in reply to Aswad)
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RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:14:07 PM   

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When you can discuss things in the proper way without the use of inflamatory statments such as "abortion is murder" then perhaps people will start to listen to what you have to say.

It's quite alright.  If people are so fickle as to deviate from reason at the outrage of a couple of words meant without malice, I suppose it's just best that they don't speak to me anyhow.

You can block me, at your soonest convinence.  No offense will be taken; and, please, trust I'm sincere in this.  I hope people come here to learn and enjoy their time; when this isn't the case, there's an easy way to fix that, you know?  Not everyone in the world has to particularly care for everyone, so if you don't happen to particularly care for me, it's quite alright.

(in reply to susie)
Profile   Post #: 459
RE: Abortion - 10/9/2007 8:15:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: dcnovice


Let me put it this way...Did your mom have the right to abort you?  How would you feel if she had?

These incendiary questions seem unlikely to introduce more "logical thoughts" into the discussion.

I guess empathy isn't logical.


"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy. "
--Henry A. Kissinger

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