S&M "subspace" (Full Version)

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beenwhipped -> S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 6:54:00 PM)

I started a thread on another forum about "subspace" i was curious about the feelings about it here on CM

1 What does it mean to you?
I found that others will call it something else, some describe it as floaty when others call it a hypersensitive state.
2 do you or your sub enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?
I found alot of people are scared of the thought of "losing control" especialy during S&M
3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?
you dont have to answer this one if you try to avoid the state
4 Can you communicate through it?

I will answer my own questions to get the ball rolling, and besides i cant expect you to share if i refuse.

1 I personaly do not like the label subspace but i cannot thing of a better term. to me it is a hyper sensitive state but all things outside of me, my dom/me and the instoments being used on me fade and have no meaning to me. I even forget how to breathe.
2 I love it. Call it a rush, call it a high, or negitives like disasociation. It does not matter. I will go there as often as i can.
3. A good flogging will generaly have me there inside of 5 minutes, and a prolonged beating will have me floating in and out, gawd i love it.
4 Language is compleatly forgotten for me. and forget the standard Green-yellow-red safety words. I can squeeze out some hand signals but that takes alot of concentration.

Thanks in advance for responces

sharainks -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 7:29:10 PM)

For me it is both a floaty somewhat disconnected feeling while at the same time being more than ordinarily aware of my partner and what he is doing to me. Its like the rest of the world goes away and its only the two of us.  Part of what makes subspace wonderful for me is that almost symbiotic connection.  Both are feeding off the other's emotions and sensations.  There is no "loss of control" thing there for me, simply a letting go and giving myself over to him and it.

It takes that connection to get me there.  It takes a consistent rhythmic repetition if its a flogging thats getting me there.  Probably the quickest route for me is needles.  It seems that the breaking of the skin brings out the endorphins very quickly.  I also find needles much milder than many other things that get me into subspace. 

Like you I'm somewhat short of language skills in subspace and would prefer not to talk at all.  Afterwards its very similar to coming out of a meditative state.  You ease slowly back into the real world. 

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 8:03:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: beenwhipped
1 What does it mean to you?

An altered state of consciousness, occuring when one is in a bottoming position

2 do you or your sub enjoy it?

Usually, sometimes subspace can go bad.

 do you fight to stay out of that state?

No, if a top wants to keep the other out of subspace, it's really not hard

I found alot of people are scared of the thought of "losing control" especialy during S&M

We are control freaks and subspace can be overwhelming.

3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?


4 Can you communicate through it?


How quick do you go into subspace?

Was this subspace?




Subspace can you control it?


Not talking subspace...or sub drop...so what is it?

Subspace or just fantasy land?

Subspace safe?

Subspace or subdrop anyone?

Subspace? (2)

A thing called subspace

Lashra -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 8:10:07 PM)

I've never personally been in *subspace*, however I can relate to you what my sub has said to me about it.

1. A disassociated state where he feels safe, secure and yet flying at the speed of sound, then sometimes just floating. He says he can hear my voice and it sounds like an angel[:D] but what I say doesnt always get processed. Honestly thats what he said. I have to be careful with him as he has a tendancy to get dizzy while in subspace and there have been times I've had to help him to the bed to laydown. I can tell when he hits this dizziness and even though he begs me not to stop, I do until it subsides. He's to big for me to pickup should he hit the floor, so I try to avoid that.
2. I am glad that he can go there and I enjoy putting him there, it means to me, that I've done my job.
3. For him to go into deep subspace he needs humilation and a good hard flogging mingled with  caning. Yes he's quite the pain lover.
4. I can talk perfectly well[:)] but he usually babbles or is silent. When I want him to move I usually tell him come here slut, grab some hair and he moves with me, otherwise he would just stand there trying to grasp what I had said to him. His body seems slow and heavy to react to movement commands, so I usually let him enjoy it for a while before I bring him down a bit to move on.


ownedgirlie -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 9:26:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: beenwhipped

1 What does it mean to you?
I found that others will call it something else, some describe it as floaty when others call it a hypersensitive state.

It depends.  Sometimes I am floaty.  Sometimes spacy or high, sometimes I soar like a kite, sometimes I venture deep within myself, to my very core.  Sometimes it makes me so joyous I can't stop laughing.  Sometimes it is so intense I can't stop crying.


2 do you or your sub enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?
I found alot of people are scared of the thought of "losing control" especialy during S&M

Quite the opposite.  I am reluctant to come out when he calls me out.  Of course I do come out when called but if it were up to me, I would live there :)

As for losing control - he is already in control, so I have no control to be lost.  It is the best feeling in the world.


3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?
you dont have to answer this one if you try to avoid the state

It varies.  Utually a strong orgasm or holding a hard edge for a prolonged period.  Sometimes a flogging or a belting, or a face smacking, or other activities.


4 Can you communicate through it?

Usually, although sometimes with some effort.  Sometimes I think I am communicating only to be told I'm slurring words incomprehensibly.

BitaTruble -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/27/2006 10:26:43 PM)


1 What does it mean to you?
I found that others will call it something else, some describe it as floaty when others call it a hypersensitive state.

The endorphins have kicked into hyper-drive and I'm both disconnected and at one with the entire universe. Pretty awesome stuff.


2 do you or your sub enjoy it?

Yep, yep. My very favorite state of nonexistence.


do you fight to stay out of that state?

Oh no, but Himself won't always let me go there.


3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?

Pain. It's the only way for me and at this point, it needs to be fairly intense and prolonged pain, which is why Himself won't always let me go there.


4 Can you communicate through it?

Doubtful, but I don't recall ever trying either. I think it would be distracting and if Himself gets me to that state, he's done so on purpose and at that point, most verbalization between us has stopped anyway.


soldierfunuk -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/28/2006 1:55:31 AM)

1 Subspace to me is when I am totally unaware of my surroundings, it does'nt always happen during a scene, but when it does it is a big room of nothingness that is empty yet holds me in, I can't escape it and don't want to.  It is echoey, but safe and warm.

2 I can't speak for Mistress but I do enjoy subspace, I just don't enjoy leaving it.  I do not fight to stay out of that state even though I know its going to be horrid coming out of it.  I trust Mistress Angel 100% so I give myself to her and am not afraid of "losing control", I know she will look after me
3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there? - I don't know, its differrent every time, I think its just a combination of relaxing, giving myself and giving 100% to Mistress and ............, I just don't know.

4 Can you communicate through it? NO, I have to be told when to eat, drink and pee, half the time I struggle to talk.  I normally sleep straight afterwards and will go into a sort of semi shock state.  I need lots of cuddles and love and will on occassion just burst into tears, then after a drink and some fruit I will go the opposite and be hyperactive and not sleep that night.  The next day I will be very low and grumpy and will cry at the drop of a hat.

beenwhipped -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/28/2006 2:24:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

How quick do you go into subspace?

Was this subspace?




Subspace can you control it?


Not talking subspace...or sub drop...so what is it?

Subspace or just fantasy land?

Subspace safe?

Subspace or subdrop anyone?

Subspace? (2)

A thing called subspace

where where those when i was looking yesterday? lol ill read them tonight when i have time there is work to be done (ugh)

firstsub -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/28/2006 6:29:09 AM)

Well i certainly can't bring any new information to subspace.  It's exactly what everone before me has said.  Like soldier i get a lot of the after shocks, that's what i call it, lol...sleeping, crying needing to be held.  As others mentioned it's a very intense experience between my Master and me, it's like there is nothing and no one else in the universe.  Needles are the quickest way for me too....

Aneirin -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/28/2006 10:37:05 AM)

I have had limited experience of subspace,but when I was there,I found my senses heightened,in particular,my hearing,the silence was deafening,and every sound ear shattering.Yes,I would say I like it,a total departure from the real world,somewhere I would like to visit again,perhaps often with one I trust.

MIslostsoul -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/29/2006 9:53:58 AM)

1 What does it mean to you?
The ultimate in release and surrender
2 do you or your sub enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?
Enjoy is an understatement I live for it and I only get to have it when he is in a very generous mood. [&:]
3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?
Any type of Sensation play including and not limited to a wartenberg wheel, being bitten, knife play, ect.
4 Can you communicate through it?
Depends on the extent of the play

A nasty comment was made in regards to my father once by a male sub who didn't know me once and all i could do was growl thank God for me being so deep that i couldn't move so sometime it is good to be there otherwise i think i would have ripped his throat out.

hizgeorgiapeach -> RE: S&M "subspace" (7/29/2006 1:20:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: beenwhipped
1 What does it mean to you?

A biochemical high produced by endorphin and seratonin overload.


2 do you enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?

No, I don't enjoy being sufficiently high to be a space cadet. I generally fight to stay out of this condition except at Very low levels.  I never did particularly enjoy the sensation of being high.  I do not Fear it - and I really don't understand those who seem to equate a lack of enjoyment in something to automatically Fearing that thing.  Fear is by no means the only negative motivator in life.  I do, however, enjoy the very low levels - for a few days afterwards I don't suffer from the chronic pain that I normally experience, since my adrenal system has been kicked into "overdrive" by a session.


3 What does it take for you to get there?

It takes extremes of pain over a prolonged period to get into a sufficient "high" for me to be considered a space cadet.  I don't get there easily even when I'm not specifically Avoiding getting there - my adrenal system  doesn't function normally due to chronic illness.  It takes some fairly harsh circumstances to bring it up to over production (especially enough ovver production to make me spacey high) and there's to great a risk of physical damage occuring in the attempt to get there.

4 Can you communicate through it?

Yes, I can.  Even the rare occassions when I've been pushed sufficiently to be spacey high, I've been able to communicate coherantly.  It has never put me to sleep, and I pretty much detest being even Touched when I'm on an endorphine high. Dear ghods don't attempt to cuddle me up - you're likely to find yourself snarled at and told to simply leave me be, because once the endorphins and seratonin are to that point, everything is over sensatised.  Just hand me a glass of water, a blanket, a lit cigarette, and leave me to my own devices until I'm ready to be Social again.

MichMasochist -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/1/2006 4:57:20 PM)

Subspace love it, and there isn't anything more to add.

Is the loss of control scary? Yes, but then that is what S&M is about.  Atleast one aspect there of.  When I surrender myself to a dominating woman it is her that I want to take, and have, that power over me.  As for speaking it simply isn't possible which does tend to make it necessary for the woman to woman-handle, lead about by the hair or other part of the male anatomy, to get  me to  move were she wants me.


ORIGINAL: beenwhipped

I started a thread on another forum about "subspace" i was curious about the feelings about it here on CM

1 What does it mean to you?
I found that others will call it something else, some describe it as floaty when others call it a hypersensitive state.
2 do you or your sub enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?
I found alot of people are scared of the thought of "losing control" especialy during S&M
3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?
you dont have to answer this one if you try to avoid the state
4 Can you communicate through it?

I will answer my own questions to get the ball rolling, and besides i cant expect you to share if i refuse.

1 I personaly do not like the label subspace but i cannot thing of a better term. to me it is a hyper sensitive state but all things outside of me, my dom/me and the instoments being used on me fade and have no meaning to me. I even forget how to breathe.
2 I love it. Call it a rush, call it a high, or negitives like disasociation. It does not matter. I will go there as often as i can.
3. A good flogging will generaly have me there inside of 5 minutes, and a prolonged beating will have me floating in and out, gawd i love it.
4 Language is compleatly forgotten for me. and forget the standard Green-yellow-red safety words. I can squeeze out some hand signals but that takes alot of concentration.

Thanks in advance for responces

velvetears -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/1/2006 5:37:42 PM)


Takes a lot of trust, intense pain, steady rythmic strokes (of my fav implement)  and i am gone.  i cannot speak, can be spoken to as long as i am not required to answer.  It feel like i am floating, very euphoric.  Problem is, unless i am with a very responsible dom who knows when to stop it could be dangerous, because i doubt i would use a safeword.  i have had my ex stop, felt disappointed, but very grateful the next day when i could barely walk lol. 

Interesting side note - when i first started with my ex pain was simply pain and i didn't like it much. He loved that i would "suffer for him" so to speak, which i did. But eventually that changed and i began craving the pain he would administer.  He'd go at it and i would be in heaven. Once he realized i was "enjoying" it so much he'd do things so i would not get into subspace. Him being the sadist he was he wanted me in pain and "suffering" 

How many of you sadists out there can relate to this?  How many of you subs/slaves have had this experience as well. 

BenignPlague -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/1/2006 5:58:44 PM)

To me, the idea of a subspace or topspace and so on is the mystic's approach to D/s.  It seems to border too much on a religious experience for my liking.

Whiterabbit0117 -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/3/2006 10:23:58 PM)

Ok, when you are in subspace what do you want?  More of what got you there?  A lighter touch to keep you there?  Just let me float? or ???

Especially with someone I don't know well, I frequently don't know how to steer the trip once they check out and go unresponsive.  Usually I'll switch to the tactile toys, the scratchy vampire mit,  the rabbit fur, or both.

leakylee -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/3/2006 10:43:58 PM)

I call it going down. That is what it feels like to me. Like I am floating off into lala land. The very very first time I ever really scened, gotta love that wax, I was goneeeee. I had no idea where I was. Thank God I had someone that I knew, cared about and trusted utterly and completely.

I totally enjoy it. I dont go into it as easily now, but putting knives or needles into my skin. Vroom, I am off like a rocket. Communication is limited at best. Safe words are useless. Even after I come out my brain still doesnt fx well. It is a nice place to be..


MistressMollie -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/5/2006 9:29:23 AM)

First lets see what the..."true definition" of subspace is as related to wikipedia:
During the scene, the intense experiences of both pain and pleasure trigger a sympathetic nervous system response, which causes a release of epinephrine from the suprarenal glands, as well as a dump of endorphins and enkephalins. These natural chemicals, part of the fight or flight response produce the same effect as a morphine-like drug, increasing the pain tolerance of the submissive as the scene becomes more intense. Producing a sort of trance-like state due to the increase of hormones and chemicals, the submissive starts to feel out-of-body, detached from reality, and as the high comes down, and the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, a deep exhaustion, as well as incoherence. Many submissives once reaching a height of subspace will lose all sensation of pain, as any stimuli causes the period to prolong.
That is how it is described.  To Me, though having had subs float for what seems like hours, and having have felt it Myself, I can tell you its an awesome experience.  When one starts to 'zoom' all time seems to stop.  They can be going through a scene for what seems like moments to the sub in all reality its hours.   It is a comfortable feeling.  One like youd feel if you were just waking from your bed..all cozy in the covers.  I had one sub explain actual dreams that happened to him while he zoomed.  He told Me that the dreams were awesome in themselves because he was the most comfortable he had ever been.  ( he was laying on My hard floor, on a blanket.  For him to state how comfortable he was..he had to be zoomin lol )
I have takin My nails and dragged it along his arms to pull him out of deep sub space.  When one is in it, their flesh is hyperosensitive.  Which means the slightest touch sends the to places they nearly can not stand. 
When a sub is completely out, try as they might...they couldnt communicate a full sentence to save their life.  Their body is flying, as is their memory of how to talk.   Their words are often slurred. 
Sometimes subspace can go so deep that nausia even happens.   Each rush of endorphens, sending you zooming even higher. 
Now, lets not forget about Dom/Me space.  That is a space that the Dominant goes through while scening the sub.  One that seems to give them energy, and helps them scene.  It is a high in its self, but doesnt last as long as sub space.  Subspace is much more heard of.  Not many speak of Dom/Me space.  When going through Dom/Me space theres no fear of going completely out.  Theres a drive, to push that slave past the point of no return.  Watching him/her, taking each swat of what ever instrument your using, therefore fueling the drive even harder.

juliaoceania -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/5/2006 10:20:47 AM)

1 What does it mean to you?
Subspace is a biochemical reaction that takes place in varying degrees within my body. Like any other biochemical state it affects me differently at different times. It depends on my mood, on other things going on with my physically. It depends on how many endorphins are running through my brain. It means no more or no less to me than any other state of being. I will say that is does have an affect on my interactions with my Daddy, and it does create intimacy to go to that place.

 do you or your sub enjoy it? do you fight to stay out of that state?

I do not fight to go there or not go there, it is all in what my Dominant wants from me at the time. I am wary of becoming "addicted" to the state of being in subspace and do not want that to be the primary motivation for being a submissive. I do not want to become demanding of my Dom to put me into that place. I  enjoy it very much, perhaps too much? I do not fear losing control. It is a gift my Daddy gives me to put me into that place.

3 What does it take for you or your sub to get there?

It depends on the level of subspace on what it takes to put me there. I can go slightly there just by having my hair pulled while he stares into my eyes. It just depends. It is variable as the feeling of subspace itself is.

4 Can you communicate through it?
There was only one occasion that I was almost unable to communicate, I had to call my safeword because although I wanted very much to go over the edge I was also nauseous and fearful of sicking up all over the floor, it was pleasurable, but I fell very fast and it made me sick in my tummy.

beenwhipped -> RE: S&M "subspace" (8/5/2006 1:46:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressMollie

.they couldnt communicate a full sentence to save their life. 
my last trip into subspace, my dom had found a spot that he LOVED to hit even through the subspace i could not take the strikes there anymore. the safeword "red" did not exist for me. i fought my way up to speek. the only word that would exit my mouth was exactly what i thought "move" i more groaned it but he heard me, his reaction was swift, harsh and wonderful

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